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Pets and the City

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Veterinary memoirs are always a genre that I want to devour when they are available. This type of reading provides medical knowledge and animals in the typical office situation. Pets and the City, a new type of vet memoir, adds a more personalized approach given by author Amy Attas. Going back to a more James Herriot style practice, Dr. Attas provides services for pets in their own home in New York City. She goes wherever and usually whenever she is needed. This system assures the pets are most comfortable and the owners are conveniently visited. Who requests that a vet come to them instead of the “hassle” of going out in the city with their animal? Stars and well to do owners love this set up, as do shut ins and the elderly. This nonfiction starts with Dr. Attas’ training, continuing with the way her practice came to be. The anecdotes are sweet and one of a kind, with descriptions of the owners’ homes giving you a feeling of being there with the vet. This book would be ideal for a nightly short read as the chapters are brief. I would have enjoyed every bit of this book, even if twice the size. Thank you to Netgalley for the chance to read the Earc in return for an honest review.

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Dr. Amy Attas is one of those lucky people who always knew what she wanted to be when she grew up. Not only did Dr. Amy succeed in reaching her dream, she became one of the top veterinarians working in Manhattan, with a rather unique business model: making house calls to pets.

In Pets and the City, Attas shares stories of her life as a vet, from how she got started to how her career took off. Through talent and a lucky break (thanks to Joan Rivers) she became the vet to people from all kinds of backgrounds, but especially the rich and famous.

Told in a straightforward, funny, conversational style, there are plenty of details for readers interested in the day-to-day life of a vet. Many of the chapters contain vignettes that are connected by different themes, and some are difficult to read, although most are success stories, there are some very heartbreaking tales. And some hilarious as well. Attas describes how her personal life changed alongside her practice, and there are plenty of celebrity stories for anyone who would like a glimpse into that part of Manhattan.

This is the kind of book that I had to put down from time to time, in order to tell people about one or another of the unbelievable stories I had just read, and then I would end up going down a rabbit hole, looking up different facts, for example some breed of dog or looking up streets in New York. I truly learned so much about pets and the special place animals have in people’s lives. I found this memoir completely fascinating and I loved being able to experience two worlds unknown to me: that of being a vet and living and working in Manhattan.

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I received at complementary ARC of this book from NetGalley on behalf of the author and the publisher.
This book was a joy to read. Dr Amy obviously has a love for animals and as she details her experiences dealing with the elite and not so elite of NYC she writes about her crazy experiences, including a lot of name dropping of the rich and famous, and she really gets how the human and animal psyche handle day to day situations and illnesses. A good read for anyone who loves animals and enjoys hearing about animal stories and how their humans handle them.

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Dr. Attas is a special person. This book shares stories from Dr. Attas House Call Vet business. Yes, there is high profile celebrity clientele, but in my opinion, it wasn't overdone. She outlines her friendships with Joan Rivers and Billy Joel. She also shares stories of equally (or more) wealthy lesser publicly known clients. This is all besides the point because truly the main stars of the show are the 4 legged friends we meet!

I learned so many things from this book. I never thought of a house call vet let alone half of the illnesses that affect cats and dogs. I'd highly recommend this to any of my animal loving friends.

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Marvelous book for all animal lovers full of heartwarming stories about people and their pets from a very special perspective of a vet with a 30 year practice of making house calls in Manhattan. And seeing pet/person relationships in action across all levels of society validates that pets help people as much as the obverse. Of course,the peek into celebrity pet township satisfies another reason to read this book.

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Truly an outstanding book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced ebook in exchange for my honest review, I can’t wait to buy the physical copy!

The story of a house call vet in NYC, Pets and the City is for anyone who loves animals, peeking behind the curtain into the lives of the rich and famous (and also the not so rich and famous), and learning more about the art of veterinary medicine. It’s more than a spill all, it’s full of tales (and tails!) of what pets teach us about life and made me want to pet my dogs a little more, take them on walks a little longer, and sneak them a few extra (healthy!) snacks.

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I absolutely LOVED this story. I’m never really big into non fiction, However, animals/vet non fiction sign me up asap. It’s always a joy to read positive and enlightening aspects for the vet world as it was my past time life for working as an assistant and I miss it dearly. This I got to sorta see a totally new way for the vet world and honestly a traveling and helpful vet? That sounds it would’ve been such a fun work life.

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Interesting read, but also one of those name dropping books, which slightly turned me off.

When I was a kid I wanted to be a Veterinarian, however, I learned I would have to put animals down and that broke my heart and so I went into business instead.

Getting the insight into a day in the life, and the making of a vet (if you will) was cool, however, it just got to be a bit eh in some parts.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for my E-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book is truly a joy. It’s a memoir of a Manhattan veterinarian who makes house calls as the owner of City Pets, but it’s so much more than that. As a dog lover myself, I can relate to many of the stories she tells. The part about pets with “disabilities” really hit home in quite a magical way. I have two blind dogs myself, and Amy gave me new insight into the minds of the dogs that brings me so much peace I never felt before about the situation. Pets aside, it is also so much fun to get a close and personal glimpse into the lives of the wealthy in New York. Many of the tales are laugh-out-loud funny too. Bonus. Love this book and highly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam’s Sons for the advanced copy.

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This veterinarian who makes house calls will take you all over New York City. She will take you to the finest houses and other places, You will fall in love with each and every animal along the way. What a neat concept of a way to be a veterinarian. Her life is interesting as well and full of surprises. A definite must read.

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The author runs City Pets which was Manhattan's first full-time veterinary house call practice.

This is a fascinating read from start to finish. The stories about the clients seen by the author as well as the backstory on how she got where she is today will pull you in and you will find yourself flipping pages to read more.

I loved the stories about her childhood. Hearing her tell us how her love for dogs developed reminded me so much of how I found my love for them as a kid. It brought such a smile and so many good memories.

Butter and Ellen is a story not to be missed in this book. It was my favorite. That amazing bond from a soul dog is like no other. To have a dog so close to you it is as your hearts beat as one and you are part of each other is an experience I wish every dog lover can have someday.

I love how the author talks about special needs pets. I have a special needs dog myself and it is so wonderful to see someone bringing to light the impressive stories of how incredibly resilient these animals are and how inspiring they continue to be as they navigate life as if there is absolutely nothing wrong.

In this book you will learn about different things that can happen to pets, laugh out loud at some funny stories about pets and their owners and find a fascinating read about the life of a veterinarian who makes house calls to some interesting clients as well as some celebrities.

If you are an animal lover, you will definitely enjoy this book!

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If you’re an animal lover, this book is for you! Dr. Amy Attas shares her experience as a veterinarian in NYC - from growing up & deciding that’s what she wanted to do to her first job to opening her own at-home veterinary care practice. Her stories were not only about the pets, but frequently featured the humans behind the pets (including the rich & famous !!). From hilarious “can you believe this” anecdotes to the heartbreaking side of pet death/illness, Attas holds nothing back in this memoir.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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LOVED this book. Laugh out loud funny at so many moments. Scattered around those heartwarming moments that always tug at my heartstrings. Would absolutely recommend this to others. Thank you Netgalley for this wonderful book!

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Every animal lover will definitely want to read Pets and the City.

This memoir is written by Dr Amy, a vet in NYC who is a concierge vet (comes to the person’s home). The book starts out with her background, her desire to become a vet, and how she got to where she is today. There are funny moments, a few tough ones, and a lot of hard work.

The rest of the memoir is anecdotes about her clients, organized thematically by chapter. So many funny tales, but also heartwarming ones about animals helping people and people doing anything for their pets. And also some crazy stories, celebrity pets, and downright wild scenarios. I also learned quite a bit about vet care by reading this!!

I have five cats. I’ve had dogs. Pets are amazing companions. I just loved this book and the time I got to spend with Dr Amy.

5 stars!!!!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book and provide an honest review. It was a pleasure. All opinions are my own.

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As I child I loved James Herriot's books telling of his life as a veterinarian in rural England in the 1940's and 50's. This book takes a similar look at Attas' life as a veterinarian in urban Manhattan in the 1990's until the present. Attas' gives a humorous look at her clients, both animal and human. If you are a lover of animals and stories about them, then I highly recommend this book.
I received a complementary advanced copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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3.5 stars
There were so interesting stories in Dr. Amy Attas' Pets in the City. However, it was too preachy for my taste. Also, I realize part of the book was billed as getting to "see" the inside lives of the famous owners, but I quickly tired of the name dropping. I was here for the pets and who owned them didn't really matter.
Thank you for the opportunity to read Pets in the City.

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I love reading about niche things, real-life stories that get overlooked or that don't necessarily seem like a story worth sharing. PETS AND THE CITY caught my eye for this very reason - pets in New York City?! Yes please! The book gave a real look into what being a vet is like for the rich and famous, A great, easy read for anyone with a love of animals and funny anecdotes.

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An excellent story of the professional life of an oncall veterinarian in NYC. Dr Amy Attas takes readers on an emotional, yet entertaining and educational journey of her daily life and the job she loves. We meet many pets and the humans who love them, building a connection, one pet lover to another, across the pages. This book hits all the feels, leaving only the knowledge that so many people in your reading circle need to read this one too.

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I’ve thought about this book almost every day since I finished reading it! It was a lovely take on a memoir and it brought me such joy to read. Dr. Amy’s story is exciting and fascinating and you are rooting for her throughout the entire book.

I’d definitely recommend this memoir for anyone who loves animals and also is interested in how life in NYC or as a star who owns a pet works!

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I loved Pets in the City by Dr. Amy Attas. I found this book similar to James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small, but for the modern age. Dr. Amy has been a Veterinarian in NYC for over 30 years. Early in her career she left an office practice and became a house call veterinarian to the rich and famous and ordinary folks as well.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this fun book!
4.5 stars

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