Cover Image: A Reign of Rose

A Reign of Rose

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Before I start this review off I want to give a massive thank you to Berkley and Netgalley for my arc of the book! Let me tell you when I got that email 3 weeks after finishing A Promise of Peridot I had a massive freak out moment. Thankfully I was at home and no one saw my crazy self. And once I had a chance to calm down and gather my thoughts I immediately jumped into A Reign of Rose. Just a hint this finale does not disappoint. A Reign of Rose comes out on October 8, 2024, so you have plenty of time to start the series if you haven't already done so! So what are you doing already?!?!! Get up and start this series!

So without further ado It is my pleasure to provide an honest review.

First let me tell you how devastated I am that this series is over! I read book 1, A Dawn of Onyx, immediately fell in love and it became one of my top books of 2023. Book 2, A. Promise of Peridot renewed my love for this series and that ending. How dare Kate Golden, how dare ;) I digress, like I said earlier Book 3, A Reign of Rose did not disappoint. I love these characters so much and I’m forever grateful I got to go on this journey with them and it's extremely hard to say goodbye. Even with all that said, I’m happy with how everything wrapped up!

I loved seeing how much each character developed throughout the series. Especially Arwen, seeing her come full circle and really start to value and believe in herself was incredible and inspiring. I also loved seeing Kane's softer, even shadow daddies can be marshmallows. Lastly, I loved the "found family" element to this series. I was routing and equally terrified multiple times throughout this journey for all of our side characters. Especially Mari and Griffin, (PS this is for Kate Golden and Kate Golden only) Pretty pretty please may we have a spin-off of these two characters I will love you forever. I mean we already love but this would just be icing on top.

Again Thank you so much to Berkley and Netgalley for sending me an ARC of A Reign of Rose. Please check out this series, it’s not one to miss!

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I am so sad this series is over! I just love these characters so much that it's hard to say goodbye. That said, I’m happy with how everything wrapped up! Sometimes you don't know what you'll get in a final book of a series, but I'm happy to A Reign of Rose didn't disappoint!

My emotions were all over in this book. My heart was broken for Kane in the beginning of the book when he thought Arwen was dead. We saw a sneak peak of how he was doing at the end of book 2, and book 3 picks up immediately after book 2 ends, so the events of book 2 are still very fresh for him! I felt the hopelessness Arwen felt at points while she was held captive by Lazarus, and I was so curious how everyone would get out of the predicaments they were in.

I loved seeing how much each character had grown from book 1 as well. I did a re-read prior to book 2 coming out, so everything was fresh for me reading this advanced copy, and I loved seeing Arwen really start to value herself, and believe in her strength. We saw Kane's softer side come out as he found someone worth fighting for, and we saw many side characters have their own growth arcs too. I loved the "found family" element to the trilogy too, especially because each of our characters lost someone important to them at some point.

At the end of the book there were still some open questions and plot points that were unresolved/unanswered, which I hope means that we’ll get a spin off for Mari’s (and hopefully Griffin's) story!

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I was so excited for the opportunity to arc read A Reign of Rose. I had just finished the second and NEEDED to know how it ended. Let me tell you it did not disappoint. I often find myself walking away for final books feeling like something’s missing but this book did NOT feel like that. This series as a whole was fantastic and I’m so glad the final book did not disappoint. If you’re on the fence about reading it……………just do it. I promise you will not be disappointed.

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The final installment of the Sacred Stones trilogy! I was so excited to read this after that absolutely insane cliff hanger in book 2. This story started off strong with lots of buildup and intrigue. I love seeing a male main character go absolutely insane with he’s away from his lover. Arwen’s situation had me so stressed out too. Then, towards the middle, my interest started to wane. I wasn’t quite sold on why the story had to keep going and it wasn’t as gripping as the beginning. However, I did really enjoy the ending and I’m glad I finished this series. The side characters definitely added a lot, especially Griffin and Wyn! Overall, this is a good fantasy romance series and I do recommend!

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Will never not be grateful for getting to arc read this entire series. Dawn of onyx altered my brain and I’ve loved these characters since the beginning. Now on to the review of the last one. Phew this book took me a minute to get through, but boy was it jam packed and worth it. I was also in a reading slump when I started this book so I stepped away for a couple weeks and came back then flew right through it. What I loved about this book is the character arcs that happen while they remain themselves if that makes sense. They grow and learn, but are still the characters you fall in love with in book 1, just… more, even side characters. This did well about wrapping up plot points, the main battle wasn’t over and done in a page, and you do lose people you love. It’s very well done. I laughed, I almost cried (a few times… not nice Kate 😢) but I love that it left some things open… so while Kane and Arwens story may be done it doesn’t seem we have to be done with the world which I love!

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This was a perfect conclusion to this trilogy. These books are definitely a cozy comfort read! I feel like most things in this book are 'predictable' in the sense that it follows most story beats.

But that's what makes this book so fun to sit and read, to me at least!

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I love this series! I have it on my staff pick shelf and tell everyone I can about it but I wish it was more well known!

This book wrapped things up perfectly, even though I was not ready for it to end. There is some room left to tell stories about other characters so fingers crossed that happens!

The romance was perfect and as with the other two I had a hard time finding a good place to stop reading to do my ugh responsibilities. Things like cooking meals, going to work (to get money to supply my reading habit) were not as important as the story in this book.

I will insta buy whatever Kate Golden writes, forever.

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UGH THIS SERIES IS LITERALLY FANTASY ROMANCE PERFECTION. Legit the perfect conclusion—I'm going to miss these characters so much. I don't want to give anything away, but I love how this book really honed in on the found family + how the characters are finding joy and humor even with the war brewing and no real allies. It's giving Kingdom of Ash in more ways than one, which I love.

Also Mari and Griffin are just TOO iconic. I really hope this is hinting at a spinoff book for the two. They have the most hilarious conversations.

And like all of the books in this series, A Reign of Rose has the perfect combination of fantasy and romance. From the fantasy side, we have a detailed plot, fully fleshed out world building, kingdom politics, and war. These elements are all written in a digestible way too, which is great for when you're not looking for something dense. And from the romance side, we have slow burn, tension, emotional connection, enemies to lovers (more so in the first two installments), and spice. Let me be the first to say that the spice in this series is FANTASTIC because of the slower burn + the characters' emotional connection. And it's not overdone either.

Also I love when books tie up all loose ends in the last few chapters, but still leave things slightly open-ended. A lot of smaller details didn't go unnoticed, and I love that. Unsurprisingly, I was tearing up during the last 100 or so pages hehe.

Thank you so much to Berkley and Netgalley for sending me an ARC of A Reign of Rose. As always, my reviews are one hundred percent voluntary and all opinions are my own :)

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I have never been more excited to read the final in a trilogy than for this book! While both Kane and Arwen are fighting for revenge and their lives, their relationship builds stronger. A lot of conflict was seen between them in the last book so it was very refreshing to have a chance to see them at peace and happy as they find a way to save eachothers lives. This book was beautifully written as more than just a romance, but a poem of love between two starcrossed characters.

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I absolutely loved this book! It was the perfect ending to a wonderful ride through the world of the sacred stones. It picks up on the second books, A Promise of Peridot, cliffhanger ends. Kane and Arwen are in the middle of the war with Kanes father, fae King Lazarus. Lazarus is determined to repopulate the earth with full blooded fae and Arwen is the only one that he can accomplish that with. She's also the only person who can kill Lazarus. Kane will go to the ends of the earth to find her again or find a way to kill his father himself and take her place in the prophecy. Through perseverance and some help from both old and new friends we see this story through. There is some spice also.

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What a truly epic conclusion! Although I am hoping for a spinoff on Mari!!!
I loved the found family trope, the beautiful female friendships, and I love love Kane. What a beautiful relationship Arwen and Kane had. They loved each other so fiercely and truly just wanted the other to be alive and happy. I loved every bit of this book. From start to finish, it was action-packed. Thanks to Net Galley for the ARC. I loved this series! Highly recommend

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This was a really solid finale to this series! I really liked how the story wrapped up (I could see a subsequent book/novella about side characters too) and how things tied together. I did feel like the pacing fluctuated a little, but even the slower bits were fairly brief. There was definitely a LOT packed into this story but I think that made sense given the way book 2 left the characters. It's hard to write this without spoiling, but I really liked the characters and the world building! Would definitely read more from this author and will recommend the series to my romantasy loving friends.

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This was the perfect ending to this series. There was heartache, action, love, friendship. I just loved it all. It was all written well and made sense. This book flowed very nicely for a wrapping up of the series. With that being said, I still need more. There is still so much to explore and discover in this world. I would love a continuation with Mari and Griffin. I'm sad nothing really happened much with them but it makes sense given how stubborn they both are. Mari was a real front runner in this last book and I'm here for it! I need more witchy content.

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I loved this series with my whole heart and what an excellent ending for the Sacred Stones Triology! The action? The plot? The spice? Perfect! It’s now been bumped to one of my favorite fantasy romance series. Kane and Arwen, I love their relationship and the way he’d do anything for her. I really enjoyed how she tied in information from the first book not many authors do that, but she does so perfectly.

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What an absolute roller coaster! I knew from the first book that I was going to love this series, and after finishing the final book, I can confidently say that my prediction was correct.

This was such an amazing debut romantasy. It had all of the elements needed to make an amazing series: strong plot, great and dynamic characters, romance, magic and high stakes.

This book began almost where the second book left off. Kane was in deep grief thinking that Arwen was dead, meanwhile she was being help captive by his father instead. it was gut wrenching to read the situtaion from Kane's perspective and see how bleak his outlook on life was without Arwen. meanwhile, I was left screaming at my book to not give up hope because she was alive. I am so grateful that these two were not kept from each other too long because I do not know if my heart could have taken a prolonged and depressing absence.

Kane is the ultimate simp in this series, and it is so fun to watch him fall more and more in love the longer the book went one. Seeing his growth throughout the series from someone who refused to let people in to promising to protect Arwen at all costs was so beautiful. Arwen in this book truly came into her own. Her own journey in the previous two books was fraught with always feeling like she had to carry the burden of everyone and not knowing who she was. With Kane by her side, they each were able to achieve their true potential.

Do not even get me started on the spice, because it was spicing in this book. I really appreciate how the author gives us both characters perspectives when it comes to intimate moments and does not relegate these scenes to only one chapter. There is no closed door spice in her books which I am so thankful for.

The plot was fast paced and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. I found it near impossible to put this book down as I needed to know that everyone would be alright. A few tears of course were shed. The battle was not too drawn out or too short, and it was the perfect mix of action and plot with the characters.

A book is not great without great side characters though, which we have in abundance here. I was living for the "will they, won't they" relationship between Griffin and Mari. I need there to be a spin off with these two where they finally pull their heads out of the sand and give into their undeniable tension. I also loved the new characters we met such as Hart. He was definitely fun and I hope we get to see him on the throne with his forced marriage possibly in the future.

The book ended with an HEA, but still left room for so much more of this world and characters to explore. I hope that one day those stories will be told.

Overall, I now have a new romantasy trilogy that I will be obsessing over and recommending to anyone looking for a new series to start. The ending of the series was great and I could not have asked for more. I also really appreciated that "mates" were not a thing. it seems that every book involving fae eventually means that the two characters must be mates, but in this series Arwen and Kane simply fell in love naturally.

Thank you to Berkley publishing and author Kate Golden for a digital arc of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review,

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A Reign of Rose is the epic conclusion to a fantastic trilogy!!

Picking up where we left off at the end of A Promise of Peridot, without giving spoilers, everything is not going well for Arwen and Kane🫠 I will say it gets better, and then worse😅 I enjoyed every moment of the emotional roller coaster that was this masterpiece!

The story was beautifully written and the plot twists kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time!! I could never guess what was going to happen next! This action packed romantasy has become one of my favorite reads!

Mental health is mentioned a lot in this series. And the way anxiety is described is spot on. I felt so seen💗

This whole series is an immediate must read!

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What a finale! There is something very easy about Golden’s writing that makes the book flow easily and makes for a great reading experience. I loved the world that Golden has created here. The climax was astounding and I loved how these characters finally got to have their very own version of happy-ever-after.

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This was such a strong conclusion to the Sacred Stones trilogy. It worked with everything that I enjoyed from the other books and enjoyed how good everything worked with the series. The characters were everything that I wanted and was engaged with their story. I enjoyed how good Kate Golden’s writing was and can’t wait to read what comes next.

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We start our finale in absolute chaos- no one knows Arwen’s real fate, she’s trapped holding out hope (which is her jam) for a rescue, and we’re down a witch and two major allies. My heart hurt for Kane more than anyone this round.

Without spoilers I love how everything comes together, and am VERY intrigued by Alexsander and his people. Possible new series?? Maybe a Hart novella?

The headers have some things away for me early on but it was a journey seeing it all come to pass AND I still need more. Mari and Griffin? Amelia’s reign? End of Rose?? Give me all the Alexsander as I’m 1000% picturing Alexander Skarsgard.

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4.5 🌟🥹 An excellent conclusion to the Sacred Stones trilogy!!!! Ugh I love this series with my whole heart. This book was action packed from start to finish, constantly keeping me on the edge of my seat. The plot was so stressful but so fun. I couldn’t put this book down.

I love every single character in this series (not looking at you, Lazarus), especially Kane. Ugh my MAN!!! The way he loves Arwen and would do anything for her melts me every time. And Arwen’s character growth from book one???? Amazing. I love the found family vibes, the magic system, the female friendships, and obviously the romance. The ending broke and healed my heart at the same time and I’m sad it’s all over 🥹

One of my favorite fantasy/romantasy series ever. Highly highly recommend 🫶🏼

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