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Member Reviews

this was a really well done opening chapter to this series, it had that scifi element in a way that I was looking for. It introduce the concept of the characters and how they interact with this world. I enjoyed everything going on and thought the overall story worked together. I enjoyed the time machine element and thought it worked overall in telling the story. I enjoyed what I read and was glad I read this.

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I didn't feel that Timewrecked was just calling my name ... I felt as though it were SCREAMING my name!

But then I began reading it and I felt as though I had been thrown into an entirely new language. I give the author a lot of credit for managing to keep all of those names, words, and phrases straight. I wish so much I could have done the same.

Many thanks to both #SumaBooks and #NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of Timewrecked.

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Timewrecked is a riveting science fiction adventure that takes readers on a wild ride through time with Elizabeth Sapphire, a 26th-century time traveler stranded in 1909 New York. The plot thickens as she must retrieve her time-traveling U-boat while dodging a sinister time cult and enforcers from her own era. The concept of battling over the fabric of time itself is ingeniously executed, blending historical intrigue with futuristic science. I thoroughly enjoyed the mix of suspense and the rich historical backdrop, which made Sapphire's journey not only thrilling but also visually captivating. This book is a great read for anyone who loves time travel tales with a strong, intelligent protagonist and high stakes

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Strap in, time travel fans, because Timewrecked is the rollercoaster you didn’t know you needed! 🚀 Elizabeth Sapphire? More like Elizabeth ‘save the day’ Sapphire! Stuck in 1909 with just her wits and a cat (yup, a cat!), she’s racing to fix time itself. From dodging creepy cults to finding her futuristic U-boat in old New York—this book’s got more twists than a pretzel. It's all the fun of a history trip without the boring lectures. If you're into adventures that mess with time and mind-bending plots, you've gotta check this out. It's about time you added some thrill to your reading list! 🕒📚💥

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