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The Warm Hands of Ghosts

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What an interesting way to tell a war story. I don’t know if it’s wholly unique but I liked the way this played out and how we were introduced to the horror and fantastical elements. Our main character Laura is back in Canada after being injured as a nurse in Europe. She hasn’t heard from her brother and receives news about him. She doesn’t know if he’s alive or dead but she returns to Europe to find out. At first this was reading as just a historical fiction novel but slowly we see the other elements take shape. I really enjoyed the alternating timelines between Laura and her brother, Freddie. It kept me wanting to read more to see if they ever overlap and find each other. This is a novel about war and how it affects everyone. Soldiers, their loved ones, healthcare workers, etc. the fantastical element adds another layer to the pain and suffering caused by war. I did think this was a bit too long and I wished we had more time with some characters together to allow their connections to develop more on page. Still enjoyed this.

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The Warm Hands of Ghosts is about the Great War and how a combat nurse searches for her brother who she believes died in the trenches despite eerie signs that say otherwise. This book was sadly not one I loved because it was slow, depressing and for me it was hard to read at times. The characters were decent and overall the author wrote this good. I would suggest this historical fiction book to readers so that they may give this one a try to read since I just did not enjoy but other readers have. Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for this book in exchange of my honest review of The Warm Hands of Ghosts.

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The Warm Hands of Ghosts had a totally different vibe than other books that I have read by Arden, but I enjoyed it just the same. The time period is one that I haven’t read much from, but it was really interesting to examine the events of World War I, and the Halifax explosion in a work of fiction. Most books that I have read that choose a World War focus on World War II.

Freddie’s perspective was a lot more gripping at the start than Laura’s, but as the story progressed, both were equally compelling. Freddie’s was a stark examination of war and the bonds that are formed while trying to survive while Laura’s look at her struggles to integrate back into normal life after the events she witnessed. Arden wrote both so beautifully. She captured the internal struggles these characters faced, while balancing the fantastical elements that make her stories so unique.

Thank you to NetGalley, Ballantine/Del Rey, and Katherine Arden for the e-arc of The Warm Hands of Ghosts in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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And with this, Katherine Arden has solidified as an auto-buy author for me.

I’m not usually a historical fiction person and I usually stay away from war books but I of course had to read Arden’s newest book and I am so glad I did. Arden’s writing is so immersive, making you feel things so vividly and deeply. Arden weaves present and past POVs, reality with the fantastical, in a way that was seamless. Arden writes about the dark, harrowing parts of war in a painfully realistic way. The story is heartbreaking but also hopeful. The characters push through to the end, reminding us that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Arden takes great care in writing accurate portrayals of the soldiers, nurses, doctors, families and everyone affected by the real life events that happen in the book. You will feel all the emotions while reading this book which is, simply, a masterpiece.

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This story fell flat for me and i had so many high hopes. The premise sounded amazing and I struggled throughout the entire book. I didn’t connect with the characters and i didn’t feel like they were fleshed out well. The story left several plot holes and overall I hate to say it but I just didn’t enjoy it

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I received a copy of this book from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have read other books from this author and I couldn't wait to get my hands on something new. I went into this story completely blind and I think that did me a disservice.

This was a beautifully written story with complex characters and lots of twists and turns. But it isn't the kind of story I would normally pick up.

I am happy I read this book even if it isn't something I would normally have picked out for myself.

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Oh my God, am I in love with this book, Katherine Arden has outdone herself again in this book that evokes history, magic, mysticism and universal human experiences of love, loss and hope on every single page, Laura, Freddie, Winter, Faland and the entire scape of World War I felt so close as I read on. I felt myself scared in the pillbox, and determined to save lives in the hospital, but most of all, I felt like I knew these characters, like they were real people living and struggling just around the corner. That made me so invested in the story, and kept me going to the satisfying conclusion that whatever I hoped for these characters will come to pass. Plus what an awesome and ironic title!

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Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden is a profoundly moving story of love and loss.

I have read most of Katherine Arden's other works, and I loved this one just as much. It felt dark and gritty, which felt so authentic to experience of the characters going through WWI. I loved the supernatural elements, as well, which also felt so appropriate...I could imagine ghosts floating above decimated battlefields.

Laura Iven, a nurse injured during the course of the war, goes on the search of her brother--an assumed dead soldier. Laura knows Freddie is still alive, and both siblings embark on the journey of a lifetime.

Arden does such a beautiful job with the writing of this novel. The atmosphere was immaculate. I will remember the first scene where we meet Freddie for a long time. It was a gorgeous and gritty depiction of war, and will stay with readers long after they have finished it.

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The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden is a moving work of historical fiction set during the horrors of World War 1. It revolves around the siblings Laura and Freddie Iven, who grapple with the war. Laura, a former member of the Canadian Nursing Force, was forced to retire after sustaining a severe injury in Belgium. Freddie, a private in the Canadian army, embarks on a dangerous mission in The Forbidden Zone to capture Passchendaele Ridge. When Laura receives a box with Freddie's personal effects one day, she can scarcely believe it—his tags and jacket with a German postcard concealed in the lining. So begins the journey of both siblings! Enjoy the speculative and touching elements of this story.

Thank you netgalley for this eARC!

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No longer interested, I don't even know why I'm requesting books with heterosexual couples with a romance subplot - if I have a romance subplot I rarely enjoy straight pairings, I love my queer girlies.

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Arden did a hell of a job bringing World War I to life here. It's gruesome and dark and filled with compelling characters. I loved Laura basically from the jump, and pretty much everyone her storyline acquired was amazing (Jones, in particular, was great as the no-nonsense bringer of hope. Like I got so ridiculously excited when his blood transfusion worked.). Faland's whole bit was also really interesting, although I was less drawn in by Freddie. The early sections of his story (particularly the way they were framed against Laura's) were really great. But the bits where he starts to linger with Faland, and is basically doing nothing, was too Hamlet for me. A lot of hand-wringing, and too little action. Beautifully written, like the rest of the book, but eh. They slowed down what was otherwise a really nicely paced story, and Laura's more action-y sections made them even duller by comparison.

Past that I also could've done without the bombastic chapter titles. From roughly chapter one we already know the characters are seeing this war as a kind of End Times, and the writing of the story itself does enough to convey the attendant bleakness and desperation of that. Adding in the chapter titles felt like gilding the lily.

Other than that though, this is a really engaging read, and I would definitely recommend it.

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Katherine Arden had such a talent for writing descriptive and beautiful stories. The Warm Hands Of Ghosts is no exception!

I was so intrigued by the synopsis and it did not take long for me to get swept away into the story. Her writing is warm and inviting, even when it deals with such heavy topics as war and the devil.

I can’t recommend this enough. My only wish was that we got more in depth with the villain Faland.

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Katherine Arden has once again proven why she is one of my favorite authors (if not my favorite author). This felt like listening to a ghost story around a fire. If one slight sound or crackle of leaves interrupted the tale, it would leave my heart racing and my eyes darting through the darkness. The characters were so compelling, and the relationships that Laura and Freddie build wrenched at my heart. While gruesome and depressing at times, this was so comforting to read. I could imagine myself in every scenario, whether I wanted to or not. No one can write magic like this, and this book has gotten me out of my slump of 3 star reviews.

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As an avid admirer of the Winternight trilogy, with its enchanting ambiance and richly drawn characters, I eagerly awaited Katherine Arden's latest adult novel ever since its announcement. However, upon delving into the initial chapters, I realized the necessity of adjusting my expectations to fully appreciate this new work. While The Warm Hands of Ghosts does contain elements of speculation, it primarily unfolds as a historical narrative set against the backdrop of World War I. It's essential, in my view, not to approach this book anticipating a narrative akin to Vasya's tale. Such parallels are absent. Arden's prose here is characterized by a rawness and directness that, while perfectly suited to the story, is undeniably distinct from her previous style.

Nevertheless, I wholeheartedly recommend delving into this novel.

The Warm Hands of Ghosts possesses a haunting beauty, blending eerie atmospherics with a stark realism that immerses the reader completely. It confronts the horrors of war unflinchingly, at times with graphic detail, yet the infusion of magical elements serves not to diminish the bleakness but to amplify it, rendering the surreal nature of warfare all the more palpable. I found myself deeply invested in the characters, drawn into their plight with a profound sense of empathy. Though the pacing may be leisurely, it never veers into tedium, maintaining a firm grip on my attention throughout.

If I have any critique, it lies in the somewhat tidy resolution at the story's conclusion. Yet, how can I fault an ending that left me feeling so immensely satisfied? Indeed, in the spirit of avoiding hypocrisy, I must acknowledge that any reservations are ultimately overshadowed by my overwhelming contentment. While the romantic subplots may have warranted further development, I found myself rooting for them wholeheartedly—they simply... worked.

This narrative is one that will linger in my thoughts for the foreseeable future. I wholeheartedly recommend it to aficionados of historical fiction.

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The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden is a historical novel with a touch of the supernatural, set against the backdrop of the horrors of World War I. The story follows Laura, a combat nurse who returns home to Halifax, Canada, after being injured. Haunted by the thought of her brother Freddie, who is presumed dead in the trenches, Laura clings to strange messages that seem to suggest he is still alive.


Vivid Portrayal of War: Arden's writing masterfully captures the devastation and desperation of the war. The novel doesn't shy away from the physical and emotional trauma experienced by soldiers and nurses alike.
Unique Blend of Genres: The combination of historical fiction with a touch of the supernatural creates a captivating and suspenseful atmosphere.
Compelling Characters: Laura is a strong and determined protagonist, and the supporting characters are well-developed and memorable.

Pacing: Some readers may find the pacing to be slow at times, especially in the beginning of the novel.
Bleak Setting: The relentless bleakness of the war can be emotionally draining for some readers.

The Warm Hands of Ghosts is a haunting and beautifully written novel that will stay with you long after you finish reading it. It is a powerful testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable hardship.


This novel is perfect for readers who enjoy historical fiction with a touch of the supernatural, or for fans of Katherine Arden's previous work, such as The Bear and the Nightingale trilogy. If you are looking for a light and uplifting read, this may not be the book for you. However, if you are looking for a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant story, The Warm Hands of Ghosts is definitely worth checking out.

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“We were born together, we died together. I cannot live without you.”

I read a lot of historical fiction that circles one of the two world wars. This was such a refreshing story that talks on such heavy topics.
This is Historical Fiction with a gothetic twist.'

This needs to be read by everyone

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Unfortunately the momentum of this story fell short for me. I thought this was an incredibly slow read and I was not interested in Laura’s storyline at all. I felt as if Freddie should’ve been given more focus and I wish the novel had gotten into the more mystical fantasy aspect and characters quicker. This book was a struggle for me to finish and felt like a chore. I had high hopes based on the summary but unfortunately I didn’t feel like the novel lived up to my expectations, despite liking the writing and descriptive parts.

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I requested this ARC on the strength of the author's name as I had really liked her Winternight trilogy. I'll go ahead and say that I would definitely not recommend picking this up just because you liked Arden's previous work as they are very different reads and I don't necessarily think just because you are a fan of one that you would also be a fan of the other. Which unfortunately is about where I fall.

This ending up being a mixed bag for me. I enjoy historical fiction so I enjoyed the WWI setting (well as much as you can say you enjoy a book set in the midst of war). I liked Freddie and Winter's chapters together and found those to be the most compelling of the first half or so of the book as I did not particularly find Laura's character or chapters to be interesting which ended up making this kind of a slog to get through. The ending did pick up for me however and I don't regret sticking with it through the end.

I think this book would work better for readers who are more into themes than I am as this was definitely a theme heavy book and that's just not really my thing. I also think people who like magical realism would like this better than I did.

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I loved Katherine Arden's winter night series, and perhaps the disappointment I feel about this title was that it was nothing at all like her previous works.

The book felt neither quite like adventure, mystery or Gothic enough to be really intriguing. Just grim and slow.

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It's very hard to rate The Warm Hands of Ghosts. How do you give a book about loss, grief and fighting against all odds for your family and it possibly not even being enough a review? This book was not what I was expecting. Like many of us, my exposure to Katherine Arden was through The Winternight Trilogy, and TWHOG could not be more difficult. Where Winternight is fantastical, TWHOG is steeped in realism and grief with some unexpected supernatural elements. You won't be disappointed by picking this up, but you will definitely be sad.

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