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The Swans of Harlem

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I really loved this book!! It had so many twists and turns. It kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next!! This was my first book by this Author, and it won’t be the last!! Highly recommended!! You won’t be disappointed!!

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This was such an interesting history and I had heard little about it before. I have actually seen this dance theatre perform before. It was great to find out more about the history. This author does a great job balancing giving the women their individual stories, focusing on the friendship and discussing the history of the dance company. Through so much, the women have maintained and earned a place in history.

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Swans of Harlem is a much needed historical documentation of five of the Black ballerinas who danced for Arthur Mitchell’s all Black company, Dance Theater of Harlem. I grew up in ballet from ages 12-18 and never knew of this history. When I saw this was getting published, I was immediately interested. I’m grateful that the five ballerinas featured in this book were able to tell their stories through Valby to bring attention to this forgotten history. I have an e-arc of the book, so I wonder if the physical copy includes any photographs of the dancers. If not, I would have loved to see inclusion of this. I also listened to the audiobook. It was a nice surprise to have some of the sections towards the end read by the ballerina themselves or their family members. For any fellow dancers out there, I definitely recommend giving this a read.

Thank you to Net Galley for an e-arc of this book. All opinions are my own.

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It was great to get the back story of the five swans of Harlem. This is an important story and a lot of it is based on first hand interviews. The ballerinas even performed for Queen Elizabeth with the Dance Theatre of Harlem. I highly recommend this story for anyone who wants to learn about these dancers who thankfully, are not forgotten..

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Thanks very much to the publisher and author for the eARC copy of The Swans of Harlem. The Swans of Harlem was such a well-written and inspiring true story of a group of accomplished, trailblazing Black dancers whose stories have, until now, remained untold in the modern era (despite their prior fame and prominence in the dance world). I loved this book as an adult who has dabbled in ballet from time to time, but I don't believe you have to be a dancer (or even someone who attends the ballet) to enjoy the dancers' stories.

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The sense of loss in “The Swans of Harlem: is strong. These women — Lydia Abarca, Gayle McKinney-Griffith, Sheila Rohan, Marcia Sells and Karlya Shelton — were robbed of laurels. Abarca’s family was so concerned by her erasure from dance history that they instigated the telling of this story. If it were just a quest for cultural remedy the result might have been nothing published. It shows the ugliness of a segregated art form. The company was so influential that just two years after its 1969 founding, George Balanchine invited his former protégé, Mitchell, to share the stage with City Ballet at Lincoln Center. After that historic performance, members of the Bolshoi would check out the rehearsals to see. “One founding board member said dancers with athleticism and technique and exuberance and freshness as if they needed to prove something.” This was the Swans’ milieu. It’s by getting personal that it becomes real. I will never forget the stories of the “swans of Harlem.” To think that it was forgettable makes me sad. I am so glad that this book was written. It is an important part of American history.

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This book recounts the stories of black ballerinas who seem to be forgotten in history. It starts with Lydia Abarca’s story, who rose to fame as part of the international Dance Theater of Harlem group. Touring with other black men and women, this group toured not only in the U.S. but also internationally.

I really enjoyed learning about this dance group which I knew nothing about. From the obstacles they faced to their triumphs, this was a fascinating read.

Thank you to @netgalley and @pantheonbooks for a #gifted digital review copy of this book

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A vivid and eye-opening account of the first all-black ballet company Dance Theatre of Harlem. This memoir follows the rise and fall of Arthur Mitchell, who formed the company. But the novel is about the lives DTH touched, especially five women ballet dancers who went on to shine the lamp forward for other dancers of color. The story starts with the assassination of Martin Luther King and starts again during Covid, when the five women get back together to tell their story, and this novel is a product of that meeting. DTH began in the ‘60s and moves through the social and cultural upheavals following.
This is a brilliant, inspiring book about sisterhood, about hard work and owning your art, and striving for perfection. It’s filled with laughter and tears, saints and sinners. I wish someone would make a series about these women in those times. This is a story that I couldn’t put down and once I finished it, will never forget it.

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Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC: This was a fascinating account of the ballerinas who were the principal dancers for the Dance Theatre of Harlem and whose account and history was lost. There was so much racism in the classical ballet world and black ballerinas where told they were more welcome in modern dance. Arthur Miller founded the company and gave these ballerinas and education and the opportunities to be principals in the company, but over time, their stories were lost to history. This book remedies that oversight. Even now, they are not mentioned in the long history on the Theatre's website, although there are photos. They were nameless, but not anymore. Recommended.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the advance e Copt of Swans of Harlem by Karen Valby in exchange for an honest review.

I found this book well written and interesting. The book starts by making sure we all know that Misty Copeland was not the first important Black ballerina, and continues to explore the development of Dance Theater of Harlem, the groundbreaking work of Arthur Mitchell and five of the most influential Black dancers of the time. It was moving to see how they supported one another while, like in so many other areas of American art, history and culture, Black dancers were marginalized and ignored. This book sets to right that wrong and bring these artists back into the light where they belong.

Four stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to review this book.

I loved this book. It is steeped in history. I feel like most people familiar with ballet even in a passing way know who Misty Copeland is and realize how whitewashed ballet is as an art form. Knowing that there was an entire history of Black ballerinas that I'd never been aware of was eye opening. Reading the experiences of the swans of Harlem was touching and made me want to know more.

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A history of the Dance Theatre of Harlem and it's founder Arthur Mitchell. There are interviews and recollections with the original members as well as current dancers. It is also the history of Black Americans in ballet. A welcome addition to the ballet memoir library and highly recommended, especially for dancers and dance lovers who have felt disenfranchised with the 'whiteness' of ballet.

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What a phenomenally written book. I was so engrossed and entertained and I learned so much. I knew about Dance Theater of Harlem but I had no idea of the history of the black ballerinas. This is such an important part of not just dance or even arts history, but American history. These stories need to be told, these trailblazers deserve to be recognized and honored. This is such an important book and I’m so glad that it exists. I hope so many people are intrigued by the title and the cover and learn from it.

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4.5 stars (Bumping it up because of the book's importance.)

I both listened to and read along to the narration. When my daughter was young, Misty Copeland was one of her favorite ballet dancers, and she even had a chance to meet her in person. Like most people, we believed that Misty Copeland was the first black woman to knock down walls and make it as a prima ballerina. This book tells a different story, but without taking away from all that Misty Copeland has accomplished. In fact, at the end, these five ballerinas are brought together at an event with Copeland that has them all in tears of gratitude.

This story tells us partly about Arthur Mitchell, the man who founded the Dance Theatre of Harlem (something I had never heard of before), but the focus is on the ballerinas Lydia Albarca, Gayle McKinney-Griffith, Shelia Rohan, Marcia Sells and Karlya Shelton, which is an important distinction. While there was genuine love between Mitchell and the dancers, he had demons of his own, which often led to difficult relationships. The Dance Theatre of Harlem was his one true love, and that's something that was evident from the stories these women now tell. While these five women are not the only incredible dancers that came from Dance Theatre, they were groundbreaking ballerinas who were there at the start, the ones who danced internationally, who danced for the queen and the president, and who later formed the 152nd Street Black Ballet Legacy Council to bring back these stories and preserve them for later generations. The first three women listed above were founding members and Marcia Sells and Karlya Shelton came in the next generation. They came from different backgrounds and different parts of the country, but what they had in common was a strong desire to dance ballet regardless of what society was telling them, that black people could not dance ballet.

Besides telling their stories, they talk about their fellow dancers, including the danseurs, the men who kept them safe on the stage. While there were some issues with jealousy, for the most part, these women talked about how they supported each other over the years, because if they didn't, who would? Some of these women hadn't talked for years, so the frank conversations they had about what they each thought back then was so eye-opening for them and it was also healing. Lydia was Mitchell's muse, but never his prima, because his vision of his company was that there not be primas--they were all dancers on equal footing. Of course, that's not really what happened--he had his favorites, and he took things personally if they didn't fit his mold. As mentioned before, his company was his real love and he protected it to the point of tunnel vision, not letting others more skilled in various aspects of running a company take charge. This was particularly interesting because these women got together decades after that time and were able to see through the lens of history to better understand what it was they had all gone through.

They also talk about the loss of many of their danseurs to the AIDS epidemic and the government's failure to address it quickly enough, as it first showed up among the gay population, and then was much more prevalent in the African American population. Throughout they talk about how the only reason Lydia's grandchildren knew she was such a prominent dancer was because her family had told her over the years. Yet, they knew very little about her life during that time because she didn't talk about it. But they talk about how this history was basically hidden away and forgotten, and even Misty Copeland had never heard of these black ballerinas who danced all over the world, dancing for prominent figures. This is part of what this council wants to change, both through this book and through their organization.

Overall, I found this book compelling, fascinating, angering, and inspiring. I've seen videos of these women talking now (you can check out some interviews, zoom calls, etc., on their website) and they are impressive. I hope their story will inspire generations of young girls to reach for their dreams of dancing.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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"A proper teaching of history seems to be a problem in this country. There's a stubbornness there. Or an unwillingness. There's been so much African American history that's been denied its proper place in the annals of our country. It's really important that while we have the opportunity and a platform, we set the record straight. There have been Black ballerinas for a long time, and the fact of that takes away from no one." -Karlya Shelton

I think that says it all.

A beautiful, necessary book that's worth your time.

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Whatever interesting book about this 5.Young black Cancers who are valerinas. You're all danced for the theater of harlem. . There was a young man who started the company He was very strict With the dancers. They all came from different backgrounds.And they all wanted to dance but the white companies would not Let them dance.. The principal dancer's name was LYDI. A baby ARC She has light Skin and she grease covers of black magazines. She also danced with bob F u s on broadway. That was really interesting.How these different women came from different backgrounds and they all have overcome The difficult obscures. They traveled all over the world. I like when they decided to take their dance Tights and Make them brown to match their skin. Was really interesting, how they had overcome a lot Prejudiced against them.. I'm They have to try so hard because they had to raise money.Especially could because nobody was helping them so they have to get grant As they grew it was really interesting to see how things could change in the world. These women were the forefront to be dancers.
In a white world. I learned a lot about these women. They came from all different backgrounds. Some came from Cleveland some came from Denver, Colorado. I liked how the book was designed as well. Because everybody had IA say in it with their own chapter. So you could see how they interact with this Story. It was very hard when they went down South because they do not like black people.So the whites have problems going to see them. I think the world has changed now. And this is a really positive view to show how people can overcome obstacles when things are thrown in their way.

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The Swans of Harlem tells the little known story off five black ballerinas during the late 60s and 70s. This was still a time where even the thought of a professional black ballet dancer was unheard of. Each one has a different dream - buying a house for their parents, living in NYC as prima ballerinas, and maintaining the grit of living through racism.

Was overall a good book and touched on a subject I have never heard of.

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I do not know much about ballet in general and would have said Misty Copeland was the first known black ballerina. How wrong I would be. The history of the Dance Theatre of Harlem and the founding ballerinas is important for so many to see the determination of young black girls striving to fulfill their dreams. Making their dreams a reality and forming a life long sisterhood under the tutelage of Arthur Mitchell is art history that needed to be told. Thank you to the author and The Swans for sharing their story. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this fascinating book.

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For me this was a beautifully written introduction to the Swans of Harlem (Lydia Abarca, Gayle McKinney-Griffith, Sheila Rohan, Marcia Sells, and Karlya Shelton) and the creation of the Dance Theatre of Harlem founded by Arthur Mitchell.

Like many others, I considered Misty Copeland to be the first black ballerina, but these women were breaking barriers and forging paths even before Copeland was born! It’s sad how there identities and accomplishments have been buried and almost forgotten. In this book, we get first hand accounts from these incredible women.

This is an important of history that everyone should familiarize themselves with. This book is definitely worth reading.

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This was such a poignant book. I had, of course, heard of The Dance Theatre of Harlem, but wasn't aware of its storied history, as well as its ground-breaking rearing of such important women in the dance world. These were stories that needed to be told, and Ms. Valby did so with such grace, honesty, and care. These women are only now realizing the paths they have forged for other black ballerinas. They have moved on from dance to do other things, but remain connected to one another and the dance world. This book ensure their contributions will not be forgotten.
Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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