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The Secrets of the Little Greek Taverna

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This is a cute book, but not particularly deep or memorable to me. I love books set in Greece so I was excited to pick this one up. There's a touch of magical realism which is fun too.

Marjory "Jory" St James travels the world, going where she can be of help and then moving on to the next place. When she feels the island of Naxos calling, she leaves her phone and guidebook behind and heads off. She ends up as the first guest at Cressida's guest house, and maybe the answer to what Cressida needs to pull herself up and out of her grief after the loss of her husband. With the help (and hindrance) of some of the other residents, Jory helps Cressida move towards opening her taverna. And what about the handsome man she meets? Is he the one that might make Jory stay in one place?

I never really warmed to any of the characters, I didn't think they were extremely well developed. There were too many of them, and we brush from one to the next without really knowing the depth of their stories. Honestly, I never really liked Jory either. She seemed way too full of herself and used her "calling" as an excuse to not get too close to anyone for too long. The real reasons behind this were brushed on, but never fully fleshed out.

If you're looking for a light, fun beach read, then this is it. Just don't expect anything particularly deep.

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This was a feel good book set in Greece. Wonderful descriptions of Greek food and travel. A touch of magical realism and a great focus of friendship.

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If you like Chocolát and Like Water for Chocolate, you’ll thoroughly enjoy this debut novel with a vein of magical realism running through it. A few generations back, a group of women in the village of Potamia on the small Greek island of Naxos drank from an elusive spring and magical things began to happen. This is the story of their female descendants.

Although she doesn’t believe in fate, American Marjory (Jory) finds herself in Potamia after a brochure with a beautiful wooden yacht calls to her. There she meets Cressida, a young widow who owns the guesthouse and taverna (that never opened following her husband’s tragic death) who has a gift for imbuing her baked goods with whatever emotion she’s feeling at the time, her older neighbor Mago who sews stunning garments and other pieces based on the color waves that speak to her and guide her hand, the surly, but beautiful Nefeli who has a sixth sense that allows her to anticipate future events (although she’s incapable of seeing the truth in her own marriage), and a bevy of friendly and quirky villagers who add color and a certain mystique. In this story, this group of women, with help from Jory who travels when inspiration strikes and creates a sense of home wherever she lands, form an unexpected friendship and work together to finally open the taverna and guesthouse. And then there’s the mysterious Shane, the handsome, charming American Jory meets and instantly feels a “sizzle” with.

Over the course of one summer, Cressida moves beyond her profound grief, Mago faces her fears and embraces her future, Nefeli reaches her breaking point, and Jory learns the true meaning of home and wrestles with her instinct to leave. Although the closed door romance between Jory and Shane is the primary one, the focus is on the unlikely female friendships and the over-riding sense of “home.” Personally, I would have preferred multiple narrators (Cressida, Jory, and Mago) rather than third person since, many times, the narrative became bogged down with descriptions, but this was a minor flaw in an otherwise delightful, delicious tale.

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We follow Jory to a small Greek village called Patamia where small magic takes place. This was such a fun, cozy travel story. Jory gets a feeling in her gut that tells her to leave and she goes on an adventure. In this adventure she not only makes lasting friends but finds a man with her same need to travel. I loved the relationships that formed and the small village life. The ending tied up everything nicely.
I also really enjoyed the travel guide and places and adventures that the author shared. The recipe at the end was also a fun touch. Overall this was a fun read that I would recommend.

What to expect:
*Found family
*Romance (light)

**Thank you NetGalley, Grand Central Publishing and Erin Palmisano for this arc.

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Reading The Secrets of the Little Greek Taverna makes me think of blue skies and ocean breezes. Jory St. James loves to travel. On a whim, she travels to the Greek Island of Naxos to discover friendships, great food, romance, and a touch of magic. I enjoyed reading this book. Thanks to author Erin Palmisano, Grand Central Publishing, and NetGalley. I received a complimentary copy of this ebook. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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Fun read! It went fairly quickly. Greta storyline about friendship, finding your way and romance. Perfect book to read at the beach, on vacation or just for fun.

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Thank you to Grand Central Publishing and netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion. This book was amazing. It had the perfect mix of globetrotting, magic, friendship and romance. I felt like I was watching a hallmark movies and mystery movie. I was hooked after the first chapter and I became one with the island and the characters. It had all the pieces I love for a cozy book. It wasn't action packed, but the dialog and story telling are top notch. Can't wait to read more of this author. Put this on your TBR, you're welcome.

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I DNF'd this book at 50%.

This book would be a good fit for romance, food, and travel readers.

I could not get stuck into this book. The writing was stilted and dull, and most of the dialogue felt unnatural and didn't flow. The characters all had one main emotion or thought that drove them, and very little else, so it was difficult to connect or care about any of the characters. The main conflicts of the three main characters are resolved halfway through the book. The pacing is so fast, and I wanted more time spent developing the characters' relationships, and personal growth. It feels like big things are happening before you've had a chance to understand the risks, implications or emotions behind them.

My biggest concern with this book is the magical realism element. While the characters all have 'gifts', there is no explanation or exploration of those gifts. You are told what their gift is, but often they don't even know how it works. It didn't feel organic to the story or world, but like something that was shoe-horned in. I would not recommend for readers who are interested in the magical realism genre.

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The writing in this novel is very poor, character development is lacking and the plot is difficult to decipher. The location however is spectacular and described to a T.

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What a sweet book! I would definitely watch a movie made from this book, these characters and watch it whenever I wanted a cozy backdrop. The fact that I could see the movie made from this book speaks volumes to the character development. There are lots of moving parts and people in this book but they come together to create a beautiful found family. Would highly recommend, especially if you love magical respond and/or have wanderlust that needs to be sated now quickly than you can head on your next trip!

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Ms Palmisano must have some magic herself because this book was written so beautifully, capturing locale, food, and emotions perfectly.

An excellent summer read, the descriptions of the island and food alone will have you read to book a ticket to Naxos (it certainly did for me, at any rate!) ❤️

I just fell in love with this during my reading and though I really wanted to find out what happened, I also wanted to read this slowly to savor it.

*for what it’s worth, I’ve always believed that you put your feelings and emotions into whatever you bake or cook.

Foodies and romantics will delight in this one (I’m both and certainly did 😍 ) - I wholeheartedly recommend this debut.

Thank you to Grand Central Publishing and NetGalley for the DRC

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Thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central for the opportunity to read this title.

Marjory St. James never stays in one place for very long. Her newest adventure takes her to the idyllic Greek island of Naxos. While there, she forms friendships with women who've been touched by magic and might even find some of her own.

The book had all the ingredients for a fantastic story, but it fell flat for me. I didn't feel a strong connection with any of the characters. There were many characters involved in the story and I think they all could have used more background and development. I wish more time was given to their magic. Their gifts are discussed but we never learn why they have them or see them put to use in a way that felt plot altering. The love story within the novel also didn't work for me. Their days on the boat weren't given book time and neither were their email exchanges. If that is where their love grew, the readers couldn't witness it. What we did read didn't give deep feelings.

I loved the discussion of Greek dishes and and many quirky aspects of Greek culture. This would make a nice beach read for those looking to escape to the Greek Isles.

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There is something very special about the women of Naxos, a small village in the Greek Isles; they all have very unique gifts.

Jory, raised by her mother and eschewing her father’s wealth, loves to travel and has always found home wherever she goes. Cressida’s plans to open a guest house and taverna on Naxos with her beloved husband are crushed when he dies unexpectedly. She has done nothing to make the dream go forward and now faces financial ruin. When Jory travels to Naxos, her developing friendship with Cress and the other villagers is the catalyst to revive that dream.

What a pleasant surprise reading this book. I chose it solely on the basis of its title; I loved all the alluring little Greek tavernas we ate at when we visited there for a month. Part travelogue, food journey, magic, female bonding, and romance, this story totally charmed me. I am not typically a fan of magical realism, but this tale won me over. All the pleasures of a visit to a Greek Isle are here….the landscape, the history, the wine, the culinary delights, the climate, the beaches. I was enchanted with this very fast read. Foodies and romantics will love it. It is a perfect vacation escape read.

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Magical realism is one of my favorite genres. The women featured in this novel all have gifts – ones that touch on magic but could easily be demonstrated in so-called “real life.” The gifts add dimension to their characters and to the storyline itself. Overall, this charming novel is entertaining and kept me engaged throughout.

Cressida and Leo had a dream – to create the best guest house (boutique hotel) and taverna on the Greek island of Naxos. Tragically, Leo died and three years later his widow is still struggling with her grief and is about to lose the property and their dream. Until…Marjory, aka Jory, St James arrives on the island and serendipitously is guided to the guest house. After a bit of a rocky start, the two women begin to forge a friendship that leads to new possibilities for each of them. Rounding out the cast of characters are several interesting villagers that enhance the appeal of the novel.

This is a refreshing read that blends a bit of romance with the dominant theme of strength fostered by the bonds of female relationships. The descriptions of the food and wine enhance the story and are sure to please “foodie” readers. It is a satisfying read, a great escape to a beautiful island with a feel-good ending.

My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the privilege of reviewing this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This review is being posted immediately to my GoodReads account and will be posted on Amazon upon publication.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central for the opportunity to read The Secrets of the Little Greek Taverna by Erin Palmisano, a delight ful debut novel. I loved this book so much,the characters are people I would love to know, the camaraderie enviable, and the food divine. I hope from more work from the author soon.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

Lovely read. I studied abroad in Greece and this novel made me miss that experience and long to go back and experience the food and culture. The writing was very evocative. Great storytelling.

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Secrets of the Little Greek Taverna is a beautiful story about friendship, healing, and how food made with love can change your life. From the very first moment her main character, Jory stepped off the ferry, Erin Palmisano had me immersed in a little village in the Greek Islands full of stunning scenery and a charming cast of women with extraordinary gifts. By the end of this novel, I couldn’t help but believe in magic.

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