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Heir, Apparently

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Going in, I did not realize that this was a sequel to The Prince and the Apocalypse. Unfortunately, this made it quite difficult for me to fall into this story and understand the background. Despite this, I think that this is a really great YA book that I will definitely point out to my customers at work!

Thank you to NetGalley, Kara McDowell, and St. Martin’s Press for the chance to read and enjoy this advanced copy!

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I was really looking forward to this after the cliffhanger of the first book! I think it was a good ending to the series however it could’ve wrapped up in the first book as well in my opinion.

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Thank you Netgalley, St Martin's Press, and Wednesday Books for inviting me to read and review this book! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Spoiler-free review.

Heir, Apparently is the sequel and conclusion to Wren and Theo's ridiculous love story in The Prince and the Apocalypse.

I'm so, so happy Kara McDowell was able to publish this conclusion because the ending in the first book literally killed me.

I adore Wren and Theo! The humor and their quips is top notch and the silliness of TPATA definitely continues in Heir, Apparently. If I didn't have to sleep and work I would have finished the story in just a few short hours. The pacing and McDowell's writing style is quick and engaging. I did not want to stop reading.

If you loved The Prince and the Apocalypse, you will fall head over heels for Heir, Apparently.

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Silly me for thinking these kids would catch a break after all the stress they were put through in book 1!

I think the scenarios in this book actually stressed me out more than the apocalypse, but despite how ridiculous and anxiety-inducing it was, this was still a fun read! I'm glad I read it immediately after book 1.

There's more of the same zaniness that was in book 1, and I was excited to see where Theo and Wren's story went! I'm very glad this was a duology because I definitely needed some more conclusiveness on their story.

Definitely a page-turner for sure!

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I will not be providing a review for this title in solidarity with the St Martin’s Press boycott until SMP addresses and condemns Islamophobia. SMP must speak up in support of their Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab authors and readers.

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I had been happy to see Wren and Theo back for another adventure. Loved this book and I still want to see more of Wren and Theo!

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This book is apparently a sequel, which I didn't realize until the epilogue haha oh well, but I enjoyed it as a standalone! It's, like, an apocalyptic contemporary YA/New Adult royalty romance, which seems like an odd pairing but it just works. The concept is just so unique that's fun and unlike anything I've read previously. It's a cute read, full of witty language. My only thing, I just would have loved for these characters to be 20- or 30-somethings because I think it would still be a fun concept in an adult romance, but that's just me. Anyways, it fully works here and I really did enjoy this one.

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This book had surprising twists and reality tied into the dreamy theme. I want to be a princess and marry the prince seemed like what I expected to read and I got so much more. Real insight into what it means to care for someone and respect yourself too. I would recommend using this book in a middle school class because our would-be princess decides to respect herself and not get carried away. And the plane crash section was an unusual tool to bring the group into their own thoughts, but it was memorable.

I think you would enjoy this book regardless of your age, but young people finding their way would be led in a good direction.

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thank you to the publishers and netgalley for the ARC of this book. all opinions are my own.

I will post my review once SMP address the insensitive comments made by their employee.

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I have immensely enjoyed this series, It is a perfect "I just want to read a rom-com over the weekend" but you're kind of board with the standard tropes, type book I wasn't sure how this one would fit into the theme of the first one, but it did a really nice job of keeping the action element. I hope there are more in the future!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Wednesday Books for a copy in advance.

Ever accidentally married the King of England on a apocalypse fueled whim and then the world didn't end and you had to have awkward conversations after your plane crashes near a deserted island?

This was ridiculously fun. Everyone had to kind of awkwardly work through the consequences of their actions when the world was certain they were all going to die. Wren has to try to reconcile herself into being a totally normal college student when her very official marriage license looks horribly legitimate. She reunites with Theo to get it figured out and everything goes wrong immediately.

Everyone is stress tested when their plane goes down and the royal family and Wren, her sister, and her best friend are dropped into the middle of nowhere, injured, and without a rescue in sight. Now she has all the face time with her wayward husband that she could dream of and they still aren't on the same page.

Wren and Theo are so good when they aren't around other people. He has duties and giant piles of rules and she doesn't fit into any of them so it's all just hard. I was delighted by this and read it in one sitting. The banter is good and the adventure of trying to survive kept this book skipping along.

This entire series has been a delightful surprise.

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The sequel to The Prince and the Apocalypse released in June. I must say I flew through the first book and loved it. This one not so much.

The book takes place most on a deserted island where the Prince and his family along with Wren and her sister and best friend. It is just one disaster after another.

The first book was a little far-fetched but still fun, this one is even more out there and someone the things just didn’t flow well together.


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I adored the first 3/4, but the last little bit...ehh.
This book started right off with a bang including lots of action and comedy, which is exactly what I came for. It was all completely over-the-top and ridiculous, but that is why I loved it. We got to see a lot more of Theo's family and some more crazy adventures. When I say that I loved it, I mean that I sat down and read and read until a couple of hours had passed and I was 60% done with the book. I just couldn't put it down.
That being said, I was just not pleased with the last little bit of the book. The setting changed back to a more 'normal' environment where Theo and Wren were not together as much. The humor also disappeared here too. It just fell flat, and I will admit that I was not pleased with the decisions that the characters made as well as particular plot points.
Just as with the first book, I would recommend this to older high schoolers/college-age and up.
Overall, I am glad that I read the book and will be eagerly anticipating my preorder in the mail. However, I think that readers could also do just fine only reading the first if there is no burning desire to read Heir, Apparently.

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Thank you to NetGalley, and SMP for giving me a advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I Loved the first book so much so finding out there was a sequel to The Prince and the Apocalypse! I ran so quickly to the SMP email and requested it so quickly! I love these characters so much.
I don't really read many Romances outside of Fantasy, but when I do I usually end up really liking them. It's nice to see more books like this actually getting sequels.

I absolutely love Wren so much and I loved meeting Theo's family especially Victoria! Although the book was very predictable. I still had a good time reading the book and once again Theo and Wren find themselves counting down the days to doom, at least this time it's not a comet coming to wipe out the world. It's a small scale of doom, but still very fun!

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Alright. I love this author and will read literally everything she writes. If there is a book #3? I would GOBBLE that up.

The insanity of a plane crash (which I somehow didn't know was going to be the main plot point of the book?) obviously required some suspension of disbelief, but so did the whole 'met and fell in love with the prince of England when we thought the world was ending' so it tracks (and is SO entertaining).

While the story itself was outrageous, the characters brought it a bit more down to earth with logical issues and questions. the pacing was nice with a bit of time both before and after the main chunk of island struggle and survival.

I would also like to issue a minor spoiler that Comet the dog does not die in the book! There was a touchy moment and I nearly had to stop reading but pushed through and it worked out.

Highly recommend this fun, sweet, SWOONY (my heart was aching at both books I was unwell) duology to romance and YA readers.

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This is perfect for readers looking for light fun reads with over the top dramatic situations. It is of the kind that I will remember for all the drama more than details for sure. Wren thinks she might be married to the king of England and is now in London to deal with the situation. It is an almost hilarious take on what if situations involving the real royal family in the UK so it made it fun to read it. No doubt that it is utterly unbelievable but as YA content that was probably very much intended. But I wished there was some character development for Theo as he was always out of the plot and would suddenly appear and do things that are not expected from him. Read it for all the drama!!

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I was excited to see this sequel, so I'm relieved that it picked up where it left off! Since there is a small time jump between the books, we meet Wren and Theo a few months after the comet.

Similar to the first novel, this one is exaggerated (a aircraft crash?!) But that's precisely why this duology appeals to me. A ton of action, near-death experiences, and impromptu choices make this novel difficult to put down. Sure, there are really implausible incidents, but that's all part of the excitement. Within hours, I finished reading this and I was blown away!

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5 stars

What a wild ride! Who knew this one could be just as life and death as the first? The Prince & the Apocalypse was one of those books from last year that really stuck with me—and this conclusion I’m sure I’ll remember! (And no you don’t have to read the first one—but why wouldn’t you?) I love so many of the characters, even though they aren’t perfect, and would love even more books devoted to their storyline. I’m not a huge fan of on again, off again tropes; but with the plots here it makes sense. Comet is the best boy, and deserves to be king pup.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an advanced copy in order to form an honest opinion.

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This duology is filled with fun twists and disasters that keep you on your toes! The plot description sounds absolutely insane, and it is in the best way! Wren figuring out if she is legally married to the now King of England, and if she even wants to be, is enough to deal with even before their plane goes down and they get stuck on a remote island. The adventures the characters are thrust into are insane but the romance and family intrigue are so sweet! I loved this story and I am so glad I picked it up even with the insane plotline!

Thank you to Netgalley and Wednesday Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review! I can't wait to read whatever Kara McDowell writes next!

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Wren and Theo cannot catch a break! Disaster strikes again and this time their friends and family join in on the survival skills. Loved visiting them again, loved the ending.

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