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The Summer Pact

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In their senior year, four friends who have been very close throughout their college years, face a horrible tragedy—(spoiler alert and/or sensitivity warning) one of them commits suicide. The three remaining friends make a pact to be there for each other in the darkest days. They agree that if one of them contacts the others in a difficult time, each will make a way to be there to walk alongside their suffering friend.

Here's what worked for me: I like the set-up and the author’s exploration of what makes for a good friend. The group dynamics was interesting too. Giffin deftly distinguished the characters and showed how they responded differently to each other when all together and one-on-one. I also liked getting to go to Capri! It’s now on my travel bucket list.

But here’s what didn’t work: I never really connected with any of the characters. One seemed a little wooden, one was too self-absorbed to be likeable, and one’s story arc didn’t seem believable. I’ll leave you to decide who is who if you read it.

The themes of friendship, loyalty, dysfunctional families, finding yourself, and love are all there, but this wasn’t the summer read I was hoping for.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance reading copy.

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Three best friends lost their fourth to tragedy. They made a pact to always be there for each other no matter what. This comes in the wake of one of them finding out her fiancée cheated on her. Their bond grew even stronger and it shows the power of friendship and healing. I really enjoyed the ease of the writing and the different POVs from each character. The setting is beautiful and given in vivid detail. If you enjoy a well written, at times sad story, then I recommend this book.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book before it’s released ❤️

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It's been a minute since I've read Emily Giffin. The Summer Pact starts with a gut punch right off the bat, but tragedy bonds three friends for better or worse. Trigger warning: a lot of talk of suicide and depression.

The story is told from the perspective of three friends, and it's truly enjoyable to follow their journeys throughout the book. Each character is able to have their own story arcs, while living the adventure of a lifetime. Highly recommend for the dreamers, those who wonder what would happen if you just picked up and followed your dreams. Read in less than 24 hours. My only criticism is that it ended a bit too quickly and it felt a little rushed.

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Thank you so much for the ARC! I really enjoyed this book and could not put it down, I had to see what happened. The start took place at my alma mater, UVA, so of course that was interesting to me, seeing what things matched up with my memories. But once that was over, I wondered if I would still be interested. I was! The author did a good job of making me really care about each of the three friends, they did not seem too 'template.' Yes, the catalyst of the cheating incident is pretty common but guess what, it keeps happening in real life and people keep having strong feelings about it, so it makes sense to keep writing about it. And it is very well written here, you really feel that you are going through it with the character. The thing that made me the most sad was they way Hannah's mother treated her, and there was no resolution, but that is probably true to life. Granted, that is only a small part of the book. This book was really good and I could even see a sequel!

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I will always read anything by Emily Giffin and this one did not disappoint! After the death of a close friend, the remaining trio make a pact to always support one another and decide to go on a trip in honor of her memory, which also happened to be a similar trip to the one that had originally planned for after graduation, prior to the tragedy.

This was such a sweet story about love, friendship, and the power of human connection. While some of the romance felt a bit forced and inauthentic (honestly, the story would have been just as great without it!), the writing shined through to highlight the major theme of platonic relationships. While I wasn't a fan of the whole "failing relationship leads to independence" trope, I really enjoyed the dynamic between Hannah, Lainey, and Tyson. Thank you for the ARC!

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In her latest offering, Emily Giffin, known for her compelling storytelling, presents readers with a narrative that, while well-written, falls short of expectations for several reasons. The novel, featuring three distinct points of view, lacks sufficient differentiation among the characters' voices, causing confusion for readers. Furthermore, the portrayal of the characters, who exhibit immaturity and boundary-crossing behavior, undermines the intended depiction of a supportive friendship, with one character, Lainey, proving particularly grating. Additionally, the epilogue delivers an excessive amount of information, disrupting the pacing of the narrative. The romantic plotlines feel belated and lack authenticity, detracting from the overall engagement. Moreover, the inclusion of numerous tangential discussions, particularly those of a political nature, detracts from the central plot, proving more distracting than enriching. Finally, the antagonists appear flat and lacking depth, further diminishing the narrative's impact. While Giffin's previous works have garnered praise, this novel ultimately fails to meet expectations, leaving readers disappointed. Nonetheless, one can hope for improvement in her future endeavors. Acknowledgments to NetGalley for providing an advanced copy of the book.

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The Summer Pact opened with a storyline that drew me in. I was excited to read on and discover what happened to the characters. And then it happened. One of the main female characters found out her fiance was cheating on her. I almost threw my Kindle across the room. I was this close to marking it “did not finish” and moving on to another book.

I’m glad I decided to keep reading, although I still hate that the catalyst for growth was because of cheating. I’m very much over female main characters finding happiness or changing because their significant other was cheating.

The events of the book start when the three main characters, Lainey, Tyson, and Hannah, are in college and fast-forward to their early thirties. The point of view shifts between each of the three, but it is easy to follow and interesting to see the same events through different eyes. The characters each have great arcs throughout and change over the course of the story. I also enjoyed the dynamics between the three of them. I wish there had been more to show the dynamic between Tyson and Hannah. It was there but didn’t feel as fleshed out as Lainey and Hannah or Lainey and Tyson.

The book was easy to read and understand. The sentences flowed well, and the dialogue was relatable. Giffin also did a great job setting the scene and describing the various settings. I could picture them in my mind and could see this making a cute movie.

Overall, I enjoyed this book, and it probably would have had five stars if cheating hadn’t been involved. For me, it’s become a lazy plot point to spur a woman to “find herself”! I would have preferred that Hannah’s jumping-off point have something to do with her relationship with her mother instead. It would have been something different and more intriguing.

The plot around death and grief was well-written and made me reflect. Each character reacted differently, making for an interesting read. Much of the storyline also revolved around family and what that means, blood and found. I really feel these plotlines were stronger and more relatable than the cheating.

If you enjoy found family and friends who will be there for you no matter what, The Summer Pact may be for you.

Thank you, Netgalley and Random House Publishing, for the advanced copy. In June, I will post a copy of this review on my website, Runs On Espresso.

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This book is a bit of a jumbled mess. Did I read it quickly? Yes. Did I thoroughly enjoy it? No.
Three college friends make a pact following a tragedy and in their early thirties, find themselves together again. The decisions made by the characters were reckless and unrealistic and really made the characters seem shallow. There was so much going on in this book that it was hard to decide what the main storyline was. The ending was wrapped up very quickly and much to story book perfect for the content of the book.
Ultimately this book read like a debut novel and just really lacked a solid storyline and enjoyable characters. If you love Emily Giffin, you will be probably be disappointed. It is an easy read and maybe if you are ten years younger than myself, you will relate to the characters more.

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I loved the first 65% of this and read the entire book in a matter of hours. It’s a beautiful portrayal of friendship with each point of view being fairly distinct. Hannah, Lainey, and Tyson are all at a crossroads in their life for various reasons. While honoring a friendship pact they made years ago, they decide to take a trip together to reset and recenter. I laughed, I cried, and then it fell a little flat for me as it went in a predictable way that didn’t seem true to the characters we had spent most of the book getting to know. Still worth the read, a good beach read with some depth.

TW - suicide

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy and a chance to read this early. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House publishing for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

I love Emily Giffin and had high hopes for this going in. I was not at all disappointed. The Summer Pact is a story of friendship sprinkled with tragedy with a dash of adventure. I fell in love with these characters! The ending was a bit rushed, but only because of my attachment to Hannah, Tyson and Lainey. I was not ready to let them go. If you love Emily Giffin’s books or have never read her, do yourself a favor and get a copy of The Summer Pact. You will not be disappointed.

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In "The Summer Pact," Emily Giffin delivers a tender and heartfelt portrayal of friendship, grief, love, and hope. When tragedy strikes during their college years, four friends make a pact that will bind them together for life.

Lainey, Tyson, Summer, and Hannah couldn't be more different, but from the moment they strike up a conversation in their shared dorm, the seeds of friendship are planted. As their college years fly by, their bond intensifies, and they become inseparable. But when a desperate act leads to tragic consequences, their lives are forever changed.

Stunned and heartbroken, the friends make a pact, promising to always be there for one another, no matter what. Ten years later, when Hannah's life is suddenly turned upside down, she calls on her closest friends for support. True to their promise, they agree to take a time out from their own lives and embark on a shared journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and acceptance.

In "The Summer Pact," Giffin asks: When things fall apart, who will be at our sides, helping us pick up the pieces? With its richly drawn characters, compelling storyline, and heartfelt exploration of friendship and resilience, this is a book that will stay with you long after you've turned the final page. If you're a fan of emotional and uplifting stories about the power of friendship, "The Summer Pact" is a must-read.

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I have probably read everything Emily Giffin has written and this one was still as great as all her other ones. I was hooked from the first few pages.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an ARC of this book in exchange for my review. I would rate this book 3.5 stars.

The Summer Pact is the story of 3 best friends who lose their 4th best friend their senior year of college to suicide. They make a pact that they will always come together when one of them needs the others, when they are at rock bottom, regardless of what they have going on in their lives. When Hannah finds her fiancé cheating on her, Lainey and Tyson show up for her, recognizing that's her rock bottom moment. From there, they decide they are going to travel together - a trip where each of them chooses a destination and nobody can veto.

While I really did enjoy this book and the storyline, there were a few pieces that really bothered me and stopped me from rating it higher. I felt like the author needed to get all of the "token" pieces into this book. She hit on so many controversial things, and I don't know why, but it also bothered me how many "moments" from current affairs she had to touch on. It felt like she was making it a point to show what's currently happening in the world, but it felt forced and not natural. Examples - she had to have LGBTQ characters, a Black character who doesn't have the same advantages as his friends, she had to touch on politics, the COVID pandemic, even Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. It was too much in my opinion. It felt like a checklist and she was making sure she got it all.

The story itself was good and enjoyable, but I had a few dislikes there too. It felt like from the get go the author wanted you to think that this relationship was totally platonic for everyone - that it was normal for a guy to have 3 girl best friends, that nothing more was going on - and then he had more going on with not one but TWO of the characters. It felt like it just gave way to the belief that a male and female can't be platonic friends, which it felt like she was trying to combat at the beginning of the book. I also didn't love that Hannah became lesbian (or bi-sexual? That was never really clear) out of nowhere. I get that can happen, and sometimes you have a bit of an awakening when you meet the right person, but again it didn't feel natural and felt like it seriously came from nowhere. I also felt like Tyson barely liked Lainey in the beginning of the book, so I have no idea how they got to where they did by the end. I didn't feel that development the way I would've liked to in order to buy into it.

It was a fun concept, I enjoyed the things that happened throughout, but I think it could've been executed a bit better overall.

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As soon as I saw another Emily Giffin book coming out I knew I had to read it!

This story is about 4 college students who formed an unlikely friendship. As the end of their college year was approaching, tragedy strikes and a Summerpact is formed to stay friends and be there for one another always.

I love the travels that the characters take together and the bonds that are formed.

Definitely a good beach read and will be recommending this book.

Thanks Net Galley for the ARC!

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I’m a huge fan of Emily Giffin so I was ecstatic for this book- and it did not disappoint! “The Summer Pact” had me hooked from the first page as we learn about four unlikely friends who meet in college. They face an unthinkable tragedy which solidifies their friendship further and leads to the promise of being there for each other when needed. The promise leads to an unexpected adventure that has the friend group on a path of self-discovery and healing. This book tackles heavy issues tactfully and highlights that you never know what someone is going through. Thank you Random House Publishing and NetGalley for the eARC.

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Four people meet in college and become unlikely friends. When a tragedy strikes, it binds them for life As time goes on they experience many different ups and downs but are always there for each other. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

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Emily Giffen delivers a quick read about friendship, loss, and living life to the fullest. Great book to pick up for a summer beach read.

Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this ARC.

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A great read in one or two days summer book. The book follows the aftermath of how friends support one another since the tragic death of a fourth friend just as they were graduating college. A trip prompted by the recent breakup of Hannah from her cheating fiancé brings the three friends face to face with their adult issues and hopes for the future. Actor Lainey self sabotages herself by drinking through her problems. Tyson has achieved greatness in the eyes of his family but hasn’t found happiness as a lawyer. The connection the three of them share as they come together once again makes this a classic Emily Giffin novel that will for sure become an instant hit.

Thank you Random House Publishing Group, NetGalley, and the author for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I'll start by saying I have really enjoyed Emily Giffin's books over the years, from her original books to some more recent ones. But this one failed spectacularly for me, for a plethora of reasons. It's a well-written book, but beyond that, I struggled greatly. Why?

1. There are 3 POV's in the book, and there isn't enough distinction between the character's voices, to the point where I kept forgetting whose POV I was reading.
2. The characters are very immature for their age, constantly overstep boundaries, and don't exactly portray the picture she's trying to paint of an uplifting friendship. Moreover, Lainey was insufferable!
3. The epilogue contains a lot of information that should not have been dumped at the end.
4. The romantic plotlines come in late, like an afterthought, and do not feel genuine (both, in my opinion).
5. There were a lot of side conversations in the book, and therefore pages devoted to political-adjacent topics and conversations. Of course, this will naturally occur, especially with BIPOC characters, but it was more than required. The amount of political-esque content pulled me from the plot of the book and felt very disruptive to the plot.
6. Many of the antagonists feel one-dimensional.

I had high hopes for this one but was ultimately very disappointed. Hopefully her next one is better! Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this novel.

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If there is an Emily Giffin book coming out, I am going to read it! When I saw that she was releasing a new book this summer, I could not wait to get my hands on it. Emily Giffin did an amazing job creating characters that people can relate to and truly highlighting how many people feel in their friendships. She showcases how you find your people in college and how you would drop everything for them if they needed you.

Hannah, Lainey and Tyson have been friends since college. After experiencing something that would keep them together forever, they decide to make a pact that if any of them ever hit rock bottom, they will be there for each other no questions asked. A few years down the line Hannah calls in the favor. Lainey, Tyson and Hannah reunite for an epic trip, which ends up being what each of them needs at that time. Throughout this trip, Hannah, Lainey, and Tyson realize just how much each of them needed this trip and how life changing it is going to be.

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