Cover Image: The Queen of Steeplechase Park

The Queen of Steeplechase Park

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There are no words to capture what I read. I chose this book largely for the cover art and the title. It is so much more than that and I regret my frivolous reasons for selecting this novel but am very glad that they propelled me to read something that, had I read the summary on Goodreads or elsewhere, I might not have otherwise chosen.
First, some warnings. Do not pick up this book if you are deeply religious. There are things you will find offensive. Blasphemous, really.
Second, if you are put off by cursing and descriptive sex scenes, this is not for you. This latter point is why I might not have read this novel, had I seen what others said about it. Fortunately, I did not. If you can get past these two transgressions, you are in for the ride of your life.
Cimonello has woven a tapestry of Italian recipes, clever language play, and plot (in that order) to lay open Belladonna (just the name alone would have ensured my desire to read it) in the worlds of New Jersey and Coney Island, a woman who is so big hearted and loving that despite her significant flaws, you cannot help but to respect and love her and root for her. This book also works as historical fiction, taking place just after the Depression.
Let's talk about language. Cimonello's command of language is masterful and, at times, poetic. He engages the reader with a variety of sentence lengths, ranging from short and staccato to longer and lyrical. He uses alliteration. He plays with words in a way I don't often see in novels. This has the effect of lightening the tone.
I did see some criticism that the tone does not match the content. This is true; it surely doesn't. However, this was clearly an intentional move of the author. There are so many terrible things that happen to Belladonna. Her father is abusive. Belladonna gets pregnant at a young age and her father gives away her baby and then gets her sterilized (this is in published summaries of the book, so I don't think I am giving anything away) just to name a few. The tone, humorous and at times farcical, alleviates the misery any reader would have reading about such horrible experiences. This tone is absolutely necessary, otherwise it would be unbearable. By the way, the explicit sex, while normally off-putting to me? Also necessary, as this is one of the ways that Belladonna reacts and escapes from her life.
If blasphemy, sex and bad language (all in context and all necessary) does not phase you, please do yourself a favor and read this.
A side note: I cannot believe that this is Mr. Cimonello's first novel (he has written short stories from what I see). Please write something else. I will purchase your shopping lists!

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Wow. What a wild and wonderful ride. I had no idea what to expect from The Queen of Steeplechase Park, and I was hooked from the first page. I was constantly surprised by the infectious Belladonna throughout the book. I do realize it sounds like I’m blowing smoke up butts, but I realized that I hadn’t been so genuinely involved in a book in ages. A literal page-turner for me- from circus sideshows to gangster NJ. It’s so engaging, with wonderful characters - including my favorite, Francis Anthony Mozzarelli. I never lost the conviction that I wanted Belladonna to win against the odds and to find peace.

I do understand that the book might not be for everyone, and many have listed trigger warnings. That is valid, but I personally thought the violence and other tough-to-swallow issues were dealt with quickly and matter-of-factly, and then the book moved right along—like Belladonna herself. There is nothing I read that I found gratuitous or grievous, and I want to share that with all those potential readers out there.

I really hope this book finds it’s audience. Five-stars is not a score I’d give to many titles. As well, as far as page-turners go, I’ve had perhaps three in the last five years, to be precise. I’m really looking forward to the next David Ciminello novel, so bring it. Grazie mille!

Thank you, Netgalley, for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A sweet and fun story set in Depression era Coney Island that is populated by one of the most lovable and unique characters I’ve recently read.

There were some elements of this that I didn’t love, mostly the insistence on endless gratuitous gross stuff that doesn’t really add to the story and just makes you cringe, and I also think some of the heavier themes in the story felt very out of step with the tone and overall premise of the book. I actually think it’s fine to include Belladonna’s tragic backstory as a plot-driver and her father certainly makes a good villain, but it was a bit much for what is clearly intended to be an uplifting comic novel.

That said, the author does a good job of lightening the mood with humor even in the story’s darkest moments, and everything else about the book is lovely and enjoyable.

It’s the characters who really sell this one. Belladonna of course, who is about as good a heroine as you can get, but also the supporting cast, which includes so many quirky and wonderful characters who are remarkably individual and well fleshed out for a book featuring so many secondary characters.

It’s funny and sweet throughout the story, and the sense of place is notably good. In all, some of the nastiness needed to be toned down to match the rest of the book, but it’s a well-crafted, funny, and sweet story that is well worth a read.

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DNF this book was not my cup of tea. I give it zero stars. It was too swarms and not enough story. As an Italian I was looking forward to it. The recipe for sauce was good and the rest not so much. Italians are not wife beaters or nut cases as portrayed.

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The Queen of Steeplechase Park by David Ciminello is the story of Belladonna Marie Donato. A woman who has endured and triumphed over adversity with strength, elegance, grace and wry humour.

Bella's life is one of highs equally matched by the lowest lows, but she endures, takes life by the plums and carpes the ever-loving beans out of the diem!

I adore this book, not just for the narrative, the writing, the character building, but also the empowerment, inspiration and some cracking good recipes!

Thank you to Netgalley, Forest Avenue Press and the author David Ciminello for this stunning ARC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

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i absolutely did not expect this book to have lots of heavy content like rape and domestic violence. despite this, i still liked the recipes and how the atmosphere of the book felt raw, sad, and happy in different cases. this was an overall alright read but not too amazing for my taste. still a wonderful job at writing this book <3 thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

Definitely check some trigger warnings before reading this book — lots of heavy topics

I really really enjoyed reading this book. The writing style was very unique, but I loved getting to know these characters. Although some of the topics were very heavy, the book itself left me feeling very lighthearted and had me both laughing and crying within some of the same chapters.

The optimism and strength of Belladonna were incredible, and I loved the way the story ended. The recipes included throughout were both creative and fun, and maybe even inspired me to get in tune with my cooking spirit as well. Would definitely recommend this book!

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A novel which is over the top, poignant, and entertaining. Well plotted, colourful and compelling
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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I fell in LOVE with this book from the first chapter on. It was more hilarious than it had any right to be for something so heartbreaking and rough at times. But it had me hooked and I read through it all in one night.

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What a story! It wasn’t until I finished the book that I remembered it was inspired by a true story! A wild, heartbreaking, inspiring, beautifully written, adventure! And I will be making those meatballs!

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2.5 stars.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an arc of this book.

This book was WAY different than I was expecting! Like I'm someone who swears quite a lot I would say, but the amount of swearing in this book still took me off guard, which has never happened to me before!
I wanted to like it, but the writing style just wasn't for me I guess. Still pretty good tho! Just read the trigger warnings before you start the book because some of the topics are extremely heavy!

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It was impossible not to fall in love with Belladonna Marie Donato, “The Queen of Steeplechase Park” and her circus filled cast of characters from Jersey to Coney Island. Belladonna is not your typical Italian teenager of the depression, she is a bombshell with the sex drive of a man, the mouth of a truck driver and the balls to back it all up. This book is a roller coaster of a ride, but in the very best way, following Belladonna through her loves and her loses. In the end you’ll want to ride the coaster again, just to find out what happens next.

David Ciminello writes a character that you wish was part of your family, not just for the recipes but for the adventure!

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The Queen of Steeplechase Park is a cheeky story written about a young Italian woman in early New York. Unfortunately, this was not a novel for me. It's clearly written by a man who doesn't get women especially with the over-the-top sex scenes and inuendo. So many references that would never be written by a woman author. I'm not sure what audience would enjoy this book.

"Her mini pomidori once sweet cherries, bloomed into bodacious beefstakes.." I logged off at "She was so horney. She was horney every night and every day.... "thinking of F...g Jesus."
I did not finish it. Sorry not sorry.

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This book deals with very heavy content such as domestic violence and rape. Please make sure you check out the rest of the trigger warnings before consuming this novel. Overall, I liked this book and the author's writing style. Even when the subject was on the more serious side the author has a great sense of humor.

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There are a lot of trigger warnings in this book, rape, incest,and domestic violence. Lots of sexually explicit descriptions of sex.

I loved the recipes throughout the book and the characters. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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Star Rating: 3.5

Content Warning: rape, swearing, mentions of domestic violence, sexually explicit, sexual descriptions of a minor, mentions of minors engaged in sexual acts, LGBTQIA+ slurs, depictions of conversion therapy, mentions of incest, suicide attempt

Notable Quotable: "Meatballs saved my life once...and someday they're gonna save yours!"

To Make it Short: Not a fan of the sex scenes involving minors, big ick. Otherwise, it is a harrowing story, dashed with magical realism and the power of food, about finding yourself amongst found family.

The Long Version: The main things I want to expand on are the incorporation of recipes throughout, the LGBTQIA+ rep, the interconnectedness of the characters' stories, and, last but not least, the ending.

First: The Use of Recipes
List of food recipes: Tomato gravy, chicken parm, risotto, lasagna bolognese, cannolis, chicken cacciatore, gnocchi in bolognese, raviolo, cannoli cake, frittata, seafood stew, stuffed clams, eggplant parmigiana, the magic meatballs, Sicilian baked chicken, and steak pizzaiola.
I loved the incorporation of actual recipes, with personal touches and funny bits thrown in. It helped me understand the significance of food not only in the book and in Belladonna's story but also in Italian culture.

LGBTQIA+ Representation
While I appreciated the queer rep throughout, it was definitely not a focal point, which is fine; it's not an LGBTQIA+-centered book. I love that queer characters can be introduced smoothly in more modern literature and that many authors don't write a page of description explaining the character's identity. The character simply is. And, in this case, a handful of the characters simply like who they like. Period.

Character Connectedness
YES! Multiple character stories overlap others in multiple timelines, and it brought the book together in such a satisfying way! Storylines and character arcs had a sense of finality, significantly helping with any book hangover I might've had. However, I have one issue.

Okay...I KNOW that it's only semi-biographical, and it is considered fiction, so things in reality will not always end up well, but the ending was DARK!
[So first, Belladonna falls in love with Francis, gets pregnant, doesn't tell him, and pushes him away. THEN, they find each other on Coney Island, realize they are still madly in love, and plan to get married, but Bella gets cold feet and marries the mafia boss (who ends up being a drag queen!! love that plot twist!). Finally, she convinces said mafia boss to help her get their marriage annulled so she can go find Francis and be with him. They find each other and get engaged again, and then on their second wedding day, HE GETS HIT BY A FUCKING BUS?! (hide spoiler)] The poor girl can't catch a break!

Overall, I would like to thank NetGalley and Forest Avenue Press for the eARC!!

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