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A Land of Shadows and Moss

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This was a very interesting read, quite different to what I am used to, however I was deeply intrigued and hooked from the first page, I loved the plot and characters, definetly recommending to others ✨

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“A Land of Shadows and Moss” by A.S.R. Gelpi is an incredibly entertaining fantasy read. The story revolves around two sisters, Kharis and Saya, who are half-orphaned princesses of the realm of Zahar. Bound by a curse, they share everything in life, especially their adventures. We get start to get to know them from the age of twelve. Kharis is creative, mischievous, and smart but also very impulsive, while Saya is calm and consistently kind, even to those who mistreat them. Due to their enchantment, they grow up in isolation: Kharis is a vessel of the demon king’s soul, and Saya is forever bound to protect her. Feared, excluded, or controlled by others, they navigate a world filled with friends and foes, each with intricate pasts, beliefs, and motivations.
As the otherworldly powers begin to awaken in Kharis, the sisters try to escape their situation. However, finding allies in the complex Zahari court proves challenging. The story is full of plot twists and revelations, with interference and meddling from supernatural forces adding to the intrigue. The motivations of these of spirits and gods are not at all transparent, creating another layer of mystery.

A smart move by Gelpi is the introduction of the politics of Zahar, the history of the world, past conflicts, other cultures, and side characters through the girls’ perspectives. My absolute favorites are the older aunt monk Yuna and Rawiri, the new tutor and brother of a king from a distant land. These two adopt the girls emotionally, appreciate their personalities and intelligence, and see beyond the ancient spell. Still, it is heartbreaking when even they cannot help Kharis and Saya.
This book is built on a solid foundation of background material, offering plenty of unexpected reveals and many unresolved questions that make you crave the next installment! The world draws from various mythologies and lores, yet it remains original and respectful. I absolutely loved the concept of yarn and tethers representing souls and life power. The Iluna forest, in particular, sounded like pure magic and I hope we see more of it in the next book.
It's impossible not to get attached to the sisters. We share their troubles, fears, joys, and supernatural connection. When I feel strongly about the abuse and injustice done to the characters, the author is clearly doing their job well! (And believe me, I gritted my teeth and raised my fist many times). Perhaps it also struck a personal note with me, as me and my sister were raised without our mother and shared a unique bond that others were not privy to.

My only critique is that the narrative can feel overly expansive at times, which occasionally disrupts the flow and pace of the scenes, making them feel slightly awkward or making the reader stutter. (One more minor comment: Why do we lose track of the Kahurangi for so long? ;) )
Bonus points for the author’s note including trigger warnings.

Overall, this book is far more than a coming-of-age story about powerful sisterly love.
Thank you A.S.R. Gelpi, Silver River Publishing and NetGalley for providing this book for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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A.S.R. Gelpi’s Land of Shadows and Moss is a breathtaking entry into the realm of high fantasy, introducing readers to a richly imagined world teeming with magic, intrigue, and complex characters. As the inaugural book in The Dandelion Chronicles, it sets a high bar for the series, offering a tale that is both epic in scope and deeply personal in its exploration of destiny and familial bonds.

At the heart of the narrative are two sisters, each grappling with the weight of a cruel spell that binds them in ways neither fully understands. One sister possesses ancient magic, a force both powerful and perilous, while the other must suppress her own abilities to protect her sibling from the lurking threat of a dormant demon. This dynamic creates a compelling tension that drives the plot forward, as the sisters navigate their intertwined fates with bravery and resilience.

Gelpi’s world-building is exceptional, painting a vivid picture of a fantastical realm where every detail—from the lush, enchanted landscapes to the intricacies of political machinations—feels meticulously crafted. The setting is not just a backdrop but a living, breathing entity that shapes the characters’ journeys and adds depth to the unfolding drama. Fans of the fantasy genre will find themselves fully immersed in this intricate world, eager to explore its many secrets.

Character development is another standout feature of Land of Shadows and Moss. The sisters are portrayed with remarkable depth, their struggles and growth poignantly depicted. The bond between them is both a source of strength and conflict, adding layers of emotional complexity to their story. Supporting characters, such as the enigmatic man determined to save them and his malevolent counterpart, are equally well-drawn, each contributing to the novel’s rich tapestry of motives and alliances.

The themes of coming-of-age and the quest for freedom resonate powerfully throughout the book. As the sisters confront their cursed destiny, their journey becomes a metaphor for self-discovery and empowerment. Gelpi masterfully weaves these themes into the narrative, creating a story that is as thought-provoking as it is thrilling. The moral dilemmas and choices faced by the characters invite readers to reflect on their own perceptions of fate and free will.

The plot is expertly paced, blending action, adventure, and political intrigue in a manner that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Gelpi’s prose is both lyrical and precise, enhancing the story’s epic feel while ensuring clarity and engagement. The tension between the forces seeking to protect and destroy the sisters builds steadily, leading to a climactic confrontation that is both satisfying and tantalizing, setting the stage for future installments.

Land of Shadows and Moss by A.S.R. Gelpi is a must-read for fantasy enthusiasts. Its standout features include richly detailed world-building, deeply developed characters, and a plot that masterfully combines action, intrigue, and emotional depth. Gelpi’s ability to create a vivid, immersive fantasy realm while exploring profound themes makes this book a compelling addition to any reader’s collection. As the first book in The Dandelion Chronicles, it promises a series that will captivate and inspire, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this enchanting saga.

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Review of "A Land of Shadows and Moss" by A.S.R. Gelpi

I was pleasantly surprised to receive approval for my request; thank you for this opportunity! The storyline, focusing on two sisters, immediately captured my interest. As someone who shares an unbreakable bond with my own sister, I found myself relating to Kharis and Saya's unwavering dedication to each other, a connection that has defined them since childhood.

"A Land of Shadows and Moss" is a captivating dark fantasy that chronicles the coming of age of two royal princesses, Kharis and Saya. The narrative spans from their tender age of 12 to their transformational years at 18. From birth, the sisters are burdened with a profound "curse" – Kharis harbors the fire demon, the Akumi king, while Saya acts as her protector. Despite their royal status, the girls yearn for a normal life, a desire denied to them as they are seen as weapons rather than individuals.

Kharis's plight, in particular, resonated deeply with me; she simply longs for freedom and acceptance, yet is constantly dehumanized and ostracized. Saya's unwavering love for her sister is palpable as she tries her best to rein in Kharis's impulsive nature.

Their father, the king, must view them not as daughters but as strategic assets. Their brother, Hala, loves them dearly but is torn between his affection for Kharis and his desire to wield her as a powerful weapon. Their aunt, Yuna, provides the only semblance of maternal love, shielding them from their malevolent uncle, General Arjun Ghan, whom I thoroughly enjoyed despising thanks to the author's skillful development of his character.

While the story's initial pace may seem slow, the patience is richly rewarded with the intricate character development and the elaborate world crafted by Gelpi. The conclusion leaves us eagerly anticipating the next installment, and I am excited to see where the journey takes Kharis and Saya in the next series.

I sincerely hope that A.S.R. Gelpi considers NetGalley for her future releases. I highly recommend "A Land of Shadows and Moss" to anyone who enjoys magical realism, fantasy, themes of sisterhood and family bonds, curses, arranged marriages, and royal politics.

Many thanks to A.S.R. Gelpi, NetGalley, and Silver River Publishing for providing me with an ARC of this wonderful book for review.

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This book was absolutely mesmerizing. From the dedication in the beginning to the story within. I couldn’t put it down.

A Land of Shadows and Moss takes place in a beautifully crafted world. Different nations have their wars and politics, differences in gods and customs, and their own place in the story.

The concept of a female main character struggling with a demon inside isn’t new, but I loved the way it played out in her being so young. Khiri and Saya were the perfect sisterly pair, and Ghan made the perfect villain.

We follow their journey through adolescence fighting with the curse that has defined their lives. This is a coming of age unlike any other because their circumstances are so unique. I’m really curious to know more about their family and where they all fall when forced to choose a side.

This is set up perfectly to become a wonderful series because the world and the side characters are so well developed. I cannot wait to know what happens now that the girls are adults.

I got vibes of Rachel Gillig’s One Dark Window along with Axie Oh’s The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea. There is a consistent darkness in the writing that lends itself to a mysterious and ominous tone. It’s definitely one I didn’t want to end.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the gifted copy of this title to read. All opinions contained in this review are my own.

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I want to thank the author and netgalley for this ARC. I liked the characters and the world building. There is not much romance however i spent a good time reading the story.

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Two sisters, bound by fate and a curse. Will they be able to overcome their cursed destiny and live their lives to the fullest? Thank you to NetGalley, A. S. R. Gelpi, and Silver River Publishing for allowing me to read an advance copy of A Land of Shadows and Moss!

I really enjoyed this book! There is amazing world building, impressive character development, and a fantasy story that I have not seen anywhere else! Kharis and Saya's relationship was so beautiful to me. Two sisters bound together by fate and a curse, they could very easily detest one another and have animosity between them, but they really love each other and try to protect each other from anything and everything that could come between them.

There are so many interesting, intriguing, and likeable (and hateable!) characters in this book. One thing I loved the most about it was the politics/political intrigue aspect of this book. The author really writes the political side of this fantasy world so well. I couldn't put it down at times because I was dying to know what came next. The romance in this book added a fantastic touch as well! I love how normalized same-sex relationships are in this fantasy world. It was definitely very refreshing to read! I cannot wait until more books in this series come out so I can read them as well!!

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"In this high fantasy novel, two sisters face a cursed destiny. One is bound to a dormant demon, and the other is tasked with protecting her at any cost. One man strives to save them, and another to destroy them. A tale of coming-of-age, adventure, and political intrigue unfolds in a fantastical world where fate weaves a dangerous web."

I absolutely loved that in the Author's Note it outlines the topics that will be discussed that may upset or be sensitive for some readers. Further to that it then has a very comprehensive glossary of pronunciation, which I always appreciate.

I was immediately sucked in, OH MY GOD. The writing is beautiful, I was so invested in all the characters right from the start. You know when books switch character POV's, and you just want to go back to that one character....not this book. Every single character was so beautifully crafted.

You know what I really appreciated about this book. The main characters are young, and they act young. Which is so refreshing, I hate when young characters seem to know everything and handle things without challenge. No, no.....these sisters have multiple setbacks, play around like children (when they get the chance), and do their best to protect each other. Additionally, the snippet of romance that occurs between the children is age appropriate!!!

My only complaint is I do wish the terms Sorukhipa and Djnnshirukh were explained slightly quicker, as it does get mentioned a whole bunch and I did end up going back a bit to check I hadn't missed something.

The world building and character development was incredible, throughout the book everyone keeps their cards close to their chest. With changing POV's allowing the reader a little insight into the political intrigue and insight into their choices.

This is an eight-book series. Now I must say the author does amazing world building, so I'm quite excited to see just how far they go with eight books.

I would recommend this book for young adults and older who enjoy mythology and fantasy. Honestly, I cannot recommend this book enough, I enjoyed it so much. It was intricately crafted, I kept going just one more chapter. I finished it in two days and can't wait to get my hands on the rest of the books in the series. I did notice some proof-reading issues, so I can't give it the full five stars that this story definitely is.

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A.S.R. Gelpi does a great job in writing this, it was a strong start to the dandelion chronicles series. It was a great feel to it and worked with the fantasy element that I wanted, it worked with introducing this world and that the characters felt like they were supposed to in book. I thoroughly enjoyed everything that was happening and left me wanting more in this series.

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The world-building is so detailed and intricate. A beautiful picture is painted on every page. The story follows two sisters as they live with a heavy curse. Kharis is the weapon, “the sword.” Saya is the container, “the sheath.” The sisters are aged 12-14 for the majority of the book. They must battle court politics and corruption to find freedom. There is a tiny bit of romance hinted at in their future.

Fav tropes:
Magic ✨
Sister bond 👩
Court politics 🏰
Sword fights ⚔️
Multiple POVs 👯‍♀️
Royalty 👑

Talk of arranged marriages
Corrupt powerful men

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" Don't let anyone define who you are. Only you define yourself."

This is a world full of magic, curses and political intrigue but it is also a world full of love, compassion, strength and hope. In this world there are two sisters who struggle with the curses that bind them. One is bound to the spirit of a dragon and possesses formidable power and the other possesses the power to tame her sister's magic and protect her. There is a strong bond between those two sisters, a mutual love which is also an important commitment...a commitment that deprives both sisters of their freedom..

This is a well written story that takes the readers to magical places, with intrigue but also lots of thrills..It's quite easy to read and each chapter ends in such a way that makes you want to read the next one right away. Of particular interest is the fact that the author lists a glossary of how the words are pronounced.

However, like almost all stories of this genre, it has some dark spots such as abuse and assault, graphic violence and mental health issues.

Overall this is a well-written fantasy story that fans of the genre will definitely like and I truly recommend it.

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I read the blurb and knew that I wanted to read this story. Wow. Two sisters (Kharis and Saya) doomed to a fate they never asked for. One is a vessel for a demon and has ancient magic and the other has magic to help suppress her sister’s magic to protect her. The bond between them is powerful and beautiful. I was pulled into the story of the two sisters and how they would defeat the curse and live a life worth living. Such a unique and interesting plot.

The writing is so good that you will keep saying ‘one more chapter’. There are so many characters that I enjoyed tremendously, and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book!

Read this book if you like magic, soul mates, arranged marriages, royalty, sibling bonds/family bonds, coming-of-age, adventure, political intrigue, demon, and a curse.

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To start, this cover is beautiful. This book was absolutely beautifully written. It was descriptive and atmospheric and so beautiful. I loved reading about the sisters went on. I am going to check out more from this author now! This is top tier fantasy.

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Very much Enjoyed this. Thanks so much Gelpi!

beautifully crafted dark and enchanting tale that delve into the mysterious and magical realms of the imagination. The story is a gem, intricately woven with vivid imagery and rich, atmospheric prose that transports readers to hauntingly beautiful landscapes.

Gelpi's storytelling is both captivating and thought-provoking, exploring themes of loss, longing, and the human condition with a delicate touch. The characters are compelling and well-developed, drawing readers into their struggles and triumphs.

One of the highlights of the collection is the author's ability to create a sense of atmosphere, evoking the sights, sounds, and smells of the fantastical worlds they have created. Whether it's a haunted forest, a forgotten graveyard, or a mystical swamp, each setting feels real and alive.

Overall, A Land of Shadows and Moss is a mesmerizing collection that will appeal to fans of dark fantasy and magical realism. Gelpi's lyrical prose and imaginative storytelling make this a book to savor, with each story leaving a haunting impression that lingers long after the final page is turned.

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This is a great coming of age story with beautiful fantasy elements. The map in the front is gorgeous. I was a bit disappointed that the authors note included that there would be a cliffhanger at the end of the book because it felt like I was just waiting for it. I wish that I didn’t know that information.

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I loved this book!

I didn’t expect my request to be approved so I’m thankful to Silver River Publishing for giving me a chance.

The book delivers as promised, and the fantastical is everywhere in a refreshing manner, from the Kahurangi all the way to the Iluna Forest (and wow, those chapters!). I felt for the sisters, Kharis and Saya, and how they become pawns to palace intrigue. The love they held for each other and how they protected each other was magical. Kharis’s relentless determination to free her sister was a testament to their bond. Yes, they were connected to each other for a dark purpose, but love was their true connection—the power that fueled their magic. The brother, Hala, was such a morally gray character, so conflicted. I loved Yuna, and I adored Rawiri, and my heart ached for them and the sisters. This book made me cry, which is something only Sara J. Mass (my namesake!) has ever done. I had to take time to let my emotions return to normal before reading again. And I loathed Ghan and Aghet, OMG. I can’t say much without divulging spoilers, but this book made me laugh and cry, and I couldn’t help but root for the girls.

Things that I liked: multi-dimensional, relatable characters, lots of dialogue, vivid/immersive writing, and no info-dumping. The world-building and lore were presented in a lovely way, never overwhelming, yet crucial for context. The book covers a span of three years (from when the sisters were 12 to 14). The last chapter, more like an epilogue, ends with Kharis and Saya, now 18, and a suspenseful cliffhanger. It was done well, in my opinion, in that you can end here or continue the series. I plan to continue the series, and I hope the author will consider NetGalley for the next one. The book blurb included in this copy excites me. I want to see how the sisters will face their challenges, and I hope Ghan gets what he rightly deserves for being so despicable.

Thank you to NetGalley and Silver River Publishing for the opportunity to review this amazing book.

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