Cover Image: Truly Madly Magically

Truly Madly Magically

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

I have enjoyed reading Hazel Beck's writing and the storyline of this series. It is very Sabrina The Teenage Witch coded and I loved that about the storyline. I would also agree that the series does get better with each book and that this series is good for a Young Adult audience.

Ellowyn has been the most interesting character throughout the series, in my opinion, and I was excited to see that she was getting her own book, as well as, FINALLY hearing more about her and Zander! I felt that their relationship had a lot of growth and I was happy to see that and how vulnerable they were able to be with each other.

My main complaint with this book however, is that Ellowyn's character fell a little flat, compared to what I was expecting her to become based off of her personality in the two previous books. I was fully expecting her to show everyone a "don't mess with me" type attitude and don't feel as though we truly got that.

Overall, the series have been interesting and fun to read!

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A witch cursed to speak the truth must learn how to stop lying to herself about her power, love, friendship, and family. This third books in the Witchlore series is a powerful lession in the lies we tell ourselves and how community can save us all.

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This series has gotten better with each installment and I'm interested to see where it goes I'm the next installment.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this ARC!

I've been meaning to read Hazel Beck's witch lore series for some time now, and started the first book before it was returned on Libby and never finished. So dropping myself into the third book wasn't quite as disorienting as it may have been for any other readers who started here -- this is a series that I think is best enjoyed in order for the full lore, though I was completely able to follow having only read a few chapters of the first.

Beck writes a witchy romance that is unique in its moving plot -- genuinely, this is a small-town witchy romance that keeps me engrossed, not just for the romance (which occupies a 50% stake, compared to typically an 80+ stake), but for the quest and wish to see our little found family succeed as they try to oust the evils in their leadership. I've seen this marketed as a "cozy" romance -- and while this is set in a small-town with witches who are herbalists and tea-drinkers, I would definitely characterize the vibes as halfway between a real fantasy novel and a cozy romance.

I was quite excited to get our two characters, Ellowyn and Zander, in this book, as they've been sniping at each other all alone. I knew this was going to be a great second-chance romance, enemies-to-lovers type situation. There's clearly been longing, and while we don't get the full force of the angst, or flashback to their breakup (which sometimes I enjoy, and sometimes is just a lot), we do get an explanation that pretty much forgives Zander instantly. And it works, because, we're in a witchy romance, not a contemporary one. This book does start with a pregnancy, for those who may appreciate that in their content warning, but I'll admit that it's not every something that bothered me/we start off with Ellowyn telling Zander about the pregnancy, and so it feels like a catalyst but not a looming part of the book. I was bound to the plot from the start, I'll admit, wanting to keep progressing and learning more about all the history that's been erased -- and was particularly fond of our ancestral ghosts (who were written so cutely!). Hazel has a way of writing that feels more distant, less contemporary and colloquial, which makes her series both unique, but also more of a "I want to be engaged in a book" and not a "silly little me, let's pick up a silly little romance to pass the time." Autumn vibes, I guess. And a true joy to read and consume, as someone who reads a lot of witchy books. I'd give this book a true 4 stars, and will be going back to read the previous two books in their entirety -- I have the sneaking suspicion that either 1 or 2 (the immortal longing seems exciting, ngl) will get the 5.

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Hazel Beck's books just keep getting better! This one had me hooked from the start, and I almost finished it in one sitting. I wasn't sure what to expect from Ellowyn’s story, but it definitely didn’t disappoint—it broke my heart a little, in a good way. Beck writes about strong, self-doubting women who stand up for what they believe in, and it’s so inspiring. I could read this book over and over. Some parts felt like they were speaking directly to me, and while it left me a bit heartbroken, it also put me back together. I’m really hoping there's another book coming because I’ll be first in line to read it!

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I really enjoyed this installment in the series! I was worried after the second book let me down, but this one saved the series for me. I still liked the first book more, but thanks to Truly Madly Magically I am now looking forward to the fourth book! I really liked how Ellowyn was cursed to always speak the truth, but I do think that ability could have been used better by the characters/authors. There were times where they weren't sure if something was true, and I got a little frustrated because she could easily just try to say it out loud to see if it was (not giving specifics as I don't want to give any spoilers). I also liked the pregnancy trope in this, I think it was done really well. If you read the first book in this series, Small Town Big Magic, I highly recommend reading this one (you could even skip over the second one). I do think it might be a little hard to understand everything in this book without having read at least the first book.

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I was surprised at how easy it was to fall into the series after realizing I hadn’t read the first two books.

I wasn’t a fan of the pregnancy trope, however it created a good source of conflict and forced proximity.

I enjoyed the addition of the spirits, but the comedy/humor fell a bit flat for me.

Overall a great read, good characters, and enjoyable flow through the book

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I love a witchy romance especially in the fall months. Ellowyn reminded me of Ella in Elle enchanted when she was cursed. I loved how we got a much deeper look into the family history!

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The journey back into St. Cyprian was AWESOME! I love this world and these stories about a group of powerful witches trying to uplift and protect the place they love and all the witches in it! This was an exciting story and I loved it. I definitely was annoyed at the constant resistance Ellowyn had to just embracing Zander and her own strength for the entire story! But I’m glad she finally comes to terms with it and embraces all that she was meant to be! This one is perfect for fall time reading with all the witchy amazingness in the story!!!

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This was a sweet new addition to Beck’s magical series. I loved getting to see the characters from previous book still continuing their stories, and I enjoyed getting the further insight into these Ellowyn and Zander. From book one, was fascinated with how Ellowyn was unable to lie, and I was definitely looking forward to seeing how it played out in this book. Some of the pacing had me struggling not to skim past some parts to get to the next. I’m glad I didn’t skip, though. There were new characters to enjoy, I’m hoping Georgie’s story will be soon- definitely seems like there were many references to this. I’m conflicted on if the way each character is extra special feels like too much…but it’s still a joyful read!

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This is book THREE of the Witchlore series and absolutely one of my favorite witchy series’. I ate this one up just as I had the first two. I absolutely recommend reading the first two to catch up and understand book 3. We have magic, a small town & some politics with the covens. The character development and world building in this is🤌🏼 and I just absolutely adored Ellowyn and Zander.

This book we trail along Ellowyn as she pieces apart the history within her family and along the way finds that her own magic is stronger than she ever thought. Is she a threat….you’re about to find out. I cannot wait for more! I absolutely love Becks writing and always look forward to her new releases.

Thank you @netgalley and @harlequintradepublishing for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book! This cozy series continues to delight. As we follow Ellowynn’s journey, we get to see more behind this closed book of a character, and I really loved her POV. There were quite a few nights I had to tell myself “just one more chapter” before I’d eventually succumb to sleep haha. But it’s a real page turner that I had trouble putting down! I look forward to the next book in the series (because there has to be, right?? Especially for Georgie!) and recommend this book to anyone looking for a witchy romance that’s heavy on themes of inner strength and found family.

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This book was a departure in tone from the previous two books in this series. I felt that a lot of the humor and charm from the other two books was missing.

I found Ellowyn's power as it was revealed to be kind of forced. It honestly just didn't make sense to me except as a plot to show us what happened in the past. The ghost characters that were introduced were an interesting addition to the whole gang, though.

Yes, this book does have a pregnancy trope, which I thought was handled well. Ellowyn and Zander have had chemistry on the page since the first book, so this didn't come out of left field.

If you're a fan of this series, I think you'll probably enjoy it. This was my least favorite of the bunch, but I am wondering if there are plans to continue the series. There are some loose ends that I'd love to see tied up.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for providing an ARC for me to review.

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read the first two books back-to-back and immediately went into reading the third book. It may be able to be read as a stand alone, but… I wouldn’t recommend it. There was so much story building in the first two books that really helps you understand the third book.

Loved Ellowyn and Zander’s story. Second chance romance plus magic, familiars, ghosts, and fighting evil. I can’t wait for book four!

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Watch for Truly Madly Magically to come out August 27, 2024.

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It took me until maybe 30% to get into the book. I wasn't super invested in the side characters and upon reflection I realize this story is part of a series. So perhaps that is effecting my review. With that being said I didn't find the main character very likeable. She seemed very immature and the "hate" she feels for Zander just feels childish. We later learn of what happened to cause their divide. However i personally do not like the miscommunication trope and pregnancy trope.

I did like that we get to see her character develop as she comes into her own through out the book.

For me, the plot moved a little slow and somewhat repetitive. There were 3 trials but they seemed to drag on in between and it felt more like a high-school debate than two powerful covens competing to rule. Overall I didn't enjoy this book as much as I wanted to. I love witchy fantasy books but this fell flat for me. I do plan on reading the previous books because I'd like to learn more about the other characters.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing an eARC of this book.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!
I think I should read the other books in this series, as I might prefer them. I enjoyed the writing and thought the characters were cute and well done. But I just absolutely loathe a surprise pregnancy trope.

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thank you to netgalley for a free arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!
cute, witchy, and refreshing! i didn't read the first two books in the series so i didn't feel as connected to all the characters and it did get a little repetitive sometimes but overall a fun book!

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- Second chance
- Witchy friend group
- One night stand gone wrong
- Surprise pregnancy
- Forced proximity
Truly Madly Magically by author duo Hazel Beck takes us back to the magical town of [Town Name] for the third installment of the [series name] series. Much like the first two books, I felt that this book landed more in a low fantasy/ fiction realm than romance as the relationship between Ellowyn and Zander was secondary to the major plot points, not that this is a bad thing. We get to continue reading about the adventures of the Riverwood coven and their quest to defeat the Joywood while watching Ellowyn and Zander rekindle their old high school flames.
That being said, I did once again thoroughly enjoy the writing and the friendship in this book. Hazel Beck has an incredible way of drawing you into their world and forcing you to fall in to fall in love with the friendship, the romance and the witchy-ness of their books. I highly recommend Truly Madly Magically and the entire Witchlore series to anyone looking for a modern escape.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing, and author Hazel Beck for giving me the opportunity to review Truly Madly Magical! I absolutely loved it! I have not read the first two books, so I was nervous to ARC for a 3rd book in a series. After finishing this book I will for sure be adding the whole series to my TBR! Also… can we just take a minute to appreciate that cover! 😍😍

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**I was provided this book as an e-ARC. Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this story and provide my honest opinion on it.**

When I saw this book available as an ARC I was immediately drawn to it by the beautiful, but fun, cover art. Looking a little deeper I realized this was the third book in a series of four and to get the best sense of the story wanted to ensure I read the first two books first. I'M SO GLAD I DID. They were incredible.

I could not wait to get to this third book as I started reading the others in the series and all of my expectations were met and exceeded. Ellowyn's story is one we get glimpses into through the first two in the series and I was so excited to dig into more about her and learn more about the strained relationship she has with another member of the coven.

Hazel's writing continued moving the story along and the intrigue flowing. I couldn't wait to see how things hinted at in earlier storylines would come back up, how El would grow as a character, and if there would be resolution on the major "challenge." These characters are lovable, interesting, strong, and relatable (even if I'm not a witch!). I had the joy of reading this book while surrounded by three other book-loving gals who heard me laugh, speculate, and gasp in real time at a cabin reading weekend. I think it's safe to say they have added this book, and the series, to their TBR! I already can't wait for 2025 when the fourth in the series comes out!

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