Cover Image: Somewhere Beyond the Sea Excerpt

Somewhere Beyond the Sea Excerpt

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I was thrilled to be able to review this excerpt of SOMEWHERE BEYOND THE SEA. THE HOUSE IN THE CERULEAN SEA is one of my all-time favorite cozy reads, and I've been (I'm)patiently awaiting this follow-up. The charm, loveable characters, and magic of the first installment were very much here and proud in this sequel, and for that, I love the excerpt. I did, however, want a bit more clarity in the beginning. Having not read the first in two years, I was stepping back into the world needing to gain my footing. The start confused me at first, as I was unsure about the perspective and timing. A little more of a recap of the 1st book and a more direct entrance to the story could have been welcome. I really enjoyed it and can't wait for the release date!

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The first few chapters of "Somewhere Beyond the Sea" set the stage for a novel that dives into Arthur's backstory. The characters readers got to know and love through "House in the Cerulean Sea" are as engaging and well written as remembered.

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The first few chapters of Somewhere Beyond the Sea are good so far! Can’t wait to read the rest in September!

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The excerpt for Somewhere Beyond the Sea by TJ Klune was cute and I cannot wait to read the full novel.

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Due to my own ignorance, I didn't realize this was just an excerpt. However, it did it's job at making me excited for the release in September.

Although, it took me a minute to remember all the characters from House in the Cerulean Sea since reading it in 2021, but TJ Klune did an excellent job of reminding the readers exactly who was who and their personalities and it was like no time had passed between books. The magic and warmth and happiness I felt while reading the first book was exactly what I felt reading the first 4 chapters of this excerpt. When the mini arc ended I audible sighed in disappointment because I was having the most fun.

Thank you so much to NetGalley for graciously giving me part of this ARC to read before release day! I cannot wait until September. I have never pre-ordered a book so fast in my life.

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I have been a huge fan if TJ Klune since I read Somewhere Beyond the Sea. This wonderful yet very tiny glimpse into the prequel of the story is going to be a masterpiece.

Klune’s ability to create warmth in each of his characters is his true talent. Plus I always know I am in for a rollercoaster of emotions. I cannot wait to read the entire story and go back into this setting.

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It felt so incredible to be immersed in this world again. Arthur and Linus give me all the warm and fuzzies. I loved watching them fall in love in book 1 and I love watching them exist in love in this excerpt even more. I'm so excited for the rest of this book to come out. I'll be reading it the minute it drops.

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This excerpt took me right back into the works I loved so much the first time around. It’s a joy to see how the kids are getting along as they grow and mature. Excellent description and world-building, per usual with TJ Klune!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an early excerpt of this gorgeous novel. I have to say I'm disappointed it wasn't the full book, because I devoured these handful of chapters almost instantly, and just want more of this amazing world Klune has painted with his words.

These four chapters were just as lovely as the first book, but it seems to me that this next book will move at a quicker pace. There is a mission that Arthur and Linus are embarking on, one to help protect the magical youth wronged by DICOMY by testifying their experiences. Meanwhile, they are also petitioning for adoption of their current wards, as well as meeting a new child named David. It picks off exactly where readers left off, and all the questions we had will most likely be answered.

I am super excited for this book release, and am grateful for the privilege of getting a peek into the future. As a queer woman, as part of marginalized race -- these books speak upon so many social issues so gracefully.

If you see something, say something. And Linus and Arthur are letting their story be heard and taking down those corrupt within DICOMY. They are saying how the world wrongs those who are different, when really we should be celebrating those differences!

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I literally cannot wait to get my hands on this full book. The whimsy, love, and warmth are still there to the nth degree. TJ Klune is a master of the cozy vibes with a message still there.

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It was so wonderful being back on Marsyas Island. I was immediately sucked in to this sequel to The House in the Cerulean Sea. This excerpt has me so excited to read the full book!

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Such a good excerpt! Excited to read more about this story in just a few more months! I think Arthurs story is going to be just as charming as the first in this series.

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Though I read but a snippet of this book through NetGalley, I can safely say that fans of TJ Klune are going to fall in love with these characters all over again. His prose is as enchanting and compelling as ever and I can’t wait to read the rest of the story!

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Ack! I didn’t realize this prepub from Netgalley is only an excerpt. I didn’t realize Netgalley released excerpts. I will wait impatiently for the full book to arrive.
The beloved characters are back and without a drop of dilution to be had. I loved the first book so intensely that to hold these loving creatures in my hand, or device, is to feel at home again. Because the excerpt is a fraction of the plot, I feel I can only speak to the characters. Rarely have such diverse and interesting creatures captured my heart as these. Klune has drawn fully developed characters from his ingenius imagination and we are the lucky recipients.
Thank you to Netgalley for this opportunity in exchange for an honest review.

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I recently read House in the Cerulean Sea and so was very excited to have the opportunity to read an excerpt of Somewhere Beyond the Sea in advance of it coming out. I will say that it is a little challenging to give a full rating, however, what I did read feels like it picks up nicely from where we left off and I'm definitely looking forward to reading the full book when it comes out shortly! Thank you again for providing access to this excerpt!

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Absolutely loved this excerpt. It feel so good to come back to the characters we fell in love with during the first book. The warmth and love was still there. I enjoyed that he is tackling current issues in this book. I can’t wait for more!

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If it tells you anything, I saw this book pop up on NetGalley and requested it so fast that I didn't realize it was an "excerpt" until I started reading it this morning and grew suspicious upon reaching the 30% mark so quickly. This realization rocked my world, as once I started reading this book I did not want to stop. I read the entire excerpt in one sitting, and the fact I have to wait until September to finish the story is not pleasant, because I simply must know what Arther and Linus will do next. Regardless, I've already laughed out loud multiple times; the children in this universe bring me an absurd amount of joy. Additionally, I think this universe is the perfect vessel to discuss governmental/societal oppression in all its forms, which is so fitting given the laws being passed and acts being committed right now. I applaud TJ Klune for continuing to use his books to bring light to these matters while simultaneously creating bright, safe spaces for queer readers. Really, I have no complaints, and will be tearing into my physical copy the second it arrives in the mail. This excerpt was the perfect read for Pride Month!

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This excerpt did a great job of making me interested in reading the whole book! I can't wait to see where this story goes

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This is a wonderful excerpt and I am excited to read the full novel. I know that patrons will also be excited and I anticipate many holds and checkouts.

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I can't wait to read the rest of Arthur's story. I am so invested in finding out what happens to him and Linus (as well as the kids and Zoe). Great introduction to the second book in the series!

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