Cover Image: Argyle Fox

Argyle Fox

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Adorable book perfect for toddlers and the pre-K crowd. I loved Argyle's spirit and his inventiveness. He problem solved and made the best of his situation on a windy day. The illustrations were perfect and served to enhance the story.

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What a delightful read! The themes of perseverance and "keep at something" even when the results seem dubious are wonderful and necessary lessons to learn.
Argyle Fox is a character with whom every young elementary school will identify. They will commiserate with Argyle when his creative playing that includes building a tower of cards, weaving a spider web and preventing a win in soccer, are all waylaid by the wind. The young reader will eagerly turn those pages to see how and if Argyle emerges victorious.
The illustrations are colorful and vivid. Between the story, illustrations, and lesson, "Argyle Fox" is sure to be sought after.

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Loved this title! This would be a great storytime read as it has lots of opportunities for movement and sound. There is also an opportunity to have little ones think about what they CAN do. I also loved the illustrations which for me are so important in the telling of the story.

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Argyle Fox wants to play outside but his mother warns him it's a windy day. He takes his cards out anyway, makes a card tower, and watches the wind carry away his cards.

Tanglewood Publishing and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you). It will be published March 14th.

Argyle tries three or four more games outside, but the wind ruins all of them. He comes in disgruntled but his mother tells him to use his head and figure out how to play with the wind.

This is a sweet children's picture book. It surprised me to see the mother fox wearing leggings. I do but traditional children's books always have the mothers in dresses. This was a nice change. The illustrations are lovely and you can see the love between mother and son.

After thinking, Argyle comes up with an idea. It works very well. What's the wind good for? Kite flying!

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Argyle Fox is a young fox who is determined to have a great time outside. Unfortunatley it is windy out and the wind does not cooperate. Everytime he gets an activity set up, the wind blows and wreaks havoc with his materials. His cards blow away, his spider net gets tangled, his castle collapses, his pirate hat blows off and his soccer ball ends up in a tree. He gets upset and goes in the house complaining. His mother encourages him to keep thinking because there is an activity that is perfect for a windy day. After lots of thinking, it comes to him. Kites are the best for windy days and he makes a wonderful one. When his friends see it, he makes more kites and they all join in the fun.

I loved Argyle Fox. He is a great character who wants to play outside. Everything he plays uses him imagination. He had such great ideas, too bad the wind did not cooperate with him. I loved that his mom just kept encouraging him to think of another activity instead of telling him what he could do, or worse yet, having him stay in the house and watch television or play on other technology devices. The illustrations are beautiful, colourful, detailed and full of expressions and helpful friends. This is a great book for family libraries as well as schools and classrooms.

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I really loved reading this to my children. The little fox trying to find something to do on a windy day, giving up, only to be encouraged by his mother. He then finds the perfect answer and shares it with his friends. The illustrations were adorable as well.

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Alexander had the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Now Argyle Fox has, well, the same sort of day. But he doesn't decide to move to Australia, just to never play outside again. And who can blame him? No matter what he tries to do, the wind ruins it. He can't build a house of cards. He can't pretend he's a spider in a web. He can't do anything fun, so he is "never playing in the wind ever, ever, EVER again!" But when his mother encourages him to give it some thought and come up with something that he could play on a windy day, "Huzzah!"

Argyle is determined, spirited, and very imaginative in his games. He just needs to take the weather conditions into account. I'm sure many readers know how it feels to have the wind or some other outside force seem to wreck all the best plans. Letourneau's illustrations bring this frustrated little fox to whimsical life. Whether he is role playing in armor outside a cardboard castle, sporting a newspaper pirate hat and carrying a skull and crossbones flag, or looking dapper in his knee socks and soccer cleats, he gives all his favorite games a try. And when he sits down to think, I love the meditative pose with his legs crossed and his eyes closed.

This is a character who does not believe in half measures. His persistence and ability to overcome the obstacle that the wind poses to his outdoor fun will be an inspiration to readers of all ages. Highly recommended!

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This was a fun and thoughtful story that inspired me to think about creative ways I might be able to play in my surroundings. The drawings were sweet too.

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Oh, this is so cute! I absolutely love the artwork in this book. The pictures are so beautiful and have some cute details.

The story is adorable as well. Little Argyle Fox has so many ideas of what to play but each gets derailed because of the wind. The persistence of this little fox is honorable. He sure tries really hard but, in the end, he gets frustrated and has to come up with something appropriate for the weather.

This would be an adorable read-aloud for a classroom and would lend nicely to a conversation of cause and effect, weather, and even critical thinking. I could think of a few fun hands-on activities you could do with this as well.

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Argyle Fox wants to play outside on a spring day, but the wind keeps interfering with his plans. He tries to use his imagination several times as he plays throughout the day just to have his toys blown away by gusts of wind. Finally, Argyle Fox gives up. He tells his mom he'll never play in the wind again, but Mother Fox tells him to keep thinking and he will come up with something that would be perfect for the windy day. Argyle Fox takes his mother's advice and begins to think and use his imagination to come up with fun for a windy day.

I absolutely loved this book! First, the artwork is fabulous! It's perfectly whimsical and fun! The story is very well written and is wonderful about showing young children all about using imagination. Also, towards the end the book presents not only imagination but determination. Between the art and the lessons behind the story, it has made me decide I will purchase this book in physical form for my children when it comes out on March 14, 2017.

I rated this 5/5 stars and highly recommend it.

I received this free from Netgalley for an honest review.

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This is the perfect book for an interactive, group story time session. I can just see the children engaging in the WOOSH that is throughout the story and helping Argyle decide what he can play with in the fact I am sure they will guess before Argyle does.

Argyle Fox is a very determined little fellow, not listening when mum suggested playing cards outside on a windy day might not be the best choice, using his imagination to build a web and falling, and making a pirate ship and hat that blew away...sigh...poor Argyle Fox would not give up. The character has been written in a manner that by the end of the book you feel very familiar with Argyle Fox. In fact many would say that he reminds them very much of a very determined three year old, who "know" they can make their own decisions and they can do it all by themselves!

This book will be sure to delight many children, particularly in the 3-5 age groups, however not limited to.
Additional to the beautiful storyline Argyle Fox is beautifully illustrated by author, the imagery is very detailed and the colours Marie Le Tourneau has used are perfectly blended to form a delicate balance.

The reason I gave this book 4 stars is that while I really enjoyed this book I found it got too long, if it had been a little shorter it would appeal to a broader audience

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Perfect spring book to remind young readers that you can still have fun even in windy weather!

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Callie's Kid Review: 5 stars. I would recommend it to my friends. The reading level was perfect for me. I thought the pictures were pretty. I thought the story was great because of how clever the fox was in making a kite and all those other things he did even if the wind didn't let him do it. I don't know why he couldn't do the other things in the wind except the cards - because they would fly away. How does a soccer ball fly away? My favorite part was when he decorated his kite. I hope my mom buys this book.
My Mommy Review: ARGYLE FOX by Marie Letourneau is a wonderful read that I can't wait to buy and add to my favorites library for the kids. The story is about a little fox that is trying to play outside but everything he tries is ruined by the wind. Will the little fox prevail and find something fun or will he give up and just stay inside? It's a good lesson for children to keep on trying and enjoy the playfullness that comes with trying and pretending. The text of the story is age appropriate for a 1st grader and up to read. My son liked listening to it as well as a toddler . The illustrations are playful and will give the adult reading many prompts to engage their audience with questions like "what would you make for the wind?" or "what costume would you wear" when he puts on the spider costume.

I received an ARC of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A delightful little tale! Argyle Fox wants to play outside, but try as he might the wind keeps getting in his way. Deflated he returns home where his mama encourages him to try and solve him problem with new perspective. This is a wonderful story for any child who has experienced frustration from a problem and teaches the life lessons of perseverance and innovative thinking. One for the classroom library for sure!

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I couldn't help but read this book as soon as I downloaded it from NetGalley. Argyle Fox is a delightful, creative, and incredibly engaging story about a young fox who just wants to go outside and play, but unfortunately the weather is a bit too windy for him to do so!

This book is littered with gorgeous, exciting illustrations that I loved and that I am sure any child would love as well. Similarly, the writing is done in such a way that every sentence and page flows smoothly from one scene to the next, creating a lovely reading experience.

In addition to the story itself, I felt that the author did wonderful work of creating a story that exemplifies and shows the importance of perseverance and thinking outside of the box.

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Fun story about a little fox who is determined to go out and play on a very windy day. He tries playing all sorts of things--pirates, cards, soccer--but the wind always ruins the fun. Eventually he goes home to pout. His mama encourages him to think out how he can play with the wind instead of against it. The little fox then thinks about flying kites! He makes kites for himself and all of his friends to enjoy on windy days.

Good for preschool storytimes.

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The illustrations within Argyle Fox are so precious; very colorful and vibrant with a nod to classic illustrations which I adore. Personally I found it a little silly that he continued to try and do certain activities in the wind and I am curious if children will feel the same way, however, the outcome of the story and what Argyle finally resolves to do really is what makes this story. I believe the value of taking the time to think on his own and come up with an idea is a great lesson learned. Making the kite brings out the creativity and Argyles thinking skills. I also feel this story would work great for storytime. With the repetitiveness of the "woosh" of the wind, the children could all join in to make the sound. I love anything that allows for participation.

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I loved everything about this book. I loved the illustrations. I loved Argyle's outcry's of dismay and disappointment. I love how he had to problem solve. Great story!

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Little Foxes imagination and determination faces the wind head on in this whimsical and endearingly clever homage to the endless invitations of outdoor play. Little Fox does not give up and perseveres to find a game to play with the wind to the delight of his forest friends and the lucky reader invited to play!

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Argyle Fox is adorable, smart and creative. I totally want a pet fox to name Argyle now! It’s perfect!

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