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Most of All You

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4.5 stars

Once again Mia Sheridan has written a story that will inspire emotions across the spectrum as you read it!

Crystal and Gabriel have each been broken by their pasts in different ways. They are more similar than they realize but they are also at very different places emotionally. Crystal learned early on that death steals more than just your loved ones from you: it takes away chances at what most would call a normal life too. Now in her twenties, life has taught her that men use and abuse while giving nothing back but misery, and she gets by day to day by stripping to pay the bills. She has hardened her heart against caring for anyone else in order to protect herself and she hides behind a facade to keep others at a distance. One night when a man who most definitely doesn't belong in the club shows up and requests a private meeting with her, she has no idea that the course of her life is about to be altered.

Gabriel survived horrific experiences of his own as a child. He was abducted and forced to endure unspeakable acts until he was able to finally escape after years of captivity. He has struggled to re-adapt to the world in general, but he has managed to retain a positive outlook on life and developed a wonderful appreciation for nature and beauty in all its forms. The one downside is that he has difficulty tolerating even the most innocent of touches from others, and when he is approached by a vivacious grad student who would like to interview him for her thesis, he decides the spark of attraction he feels for her is the catalyst he needs to try to overcome his limitations. He goes to the strip club uncertain of his exact plan but when he sees Crystal dancing, he recognizes a bit of a kindred spirit even if she doesn't want to admit it.

His request for help learning how to accept the touch of others doesn't go very well, but he isn't willing to give up on her or himself easily. Despite multiple rejections, Gabriel's persistence eventually wears Crystal down and she agrees to try to help him when she hits a financial bump in the road. The innocence in his eyes is something she never sees anymore, and it scares the hell out of her to hope that maybe just one person won't let her down or treat her horribly. Reality kicks in harshly soon after and when that unexpected event sets her on a path to even closer contact with Gabriel, she is left with no choice but to accept his offer of help.

Their story is a definite slow burn as they get to know each other by small increments, and their intimacy is built not in the carnal way that Crystal has come to expect but rather through sharing parts of their stories and themselves that no one else knows. The girl she could have been slowly emerges but she still struggles with self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy. Gabriel's gentle nature and easy demeanor nurtures her but she is helping him along the way too as he becomes more at ease with himself.

I will leave you to discover the rest of their story and their journey for yourself, but suffice it to say Most of All You is everything you would expect from a Mia Sheridan story! From the emotions to the complexity of the characters to the bit of a twist she throws in along the way too, this book is well worth the 1-click.

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I don't recall the last time I have read an actual Romance book. And not just a New Adult book (which I absolutely love). I mean an actual gut-wrenching, beautiful, devastating and amazing Romance book - a Mia Sheridan book of some sorts because that woman can write! If you've ever read Archer's Voice you know what I'm talking about.
Anyways, Most Of All You seemed like the perfect book to refresh my Romance memory.

Crystal and Gabriel couldn't be any more different, yet their lives seem so alike.
Crystal doesn't trust men and doesn't believe in love. Both have only ever brought her heartache and pain. She guards her heart behind a big, thick wall and lets no one in. However, when Gabriel walks into her life, things start to change for the better. Not even his dark past seems to scare her away, she is rather drawn to him by it and his genuine, honest character. Neither Crystal nor Gabriel would have thought that their encounter would change both their lives so much.

Gabriel and Crystal meet under the oddest circumstances ever. After reading the blurb you wouldn't think that a situation like this was even possible. Well, I guess it's a possibility somehow, but it's not what I expected for this book at all. I was positively surprised and I really enjoyed their unique but odd encounter. I'm pretty sure you're wondering now what kind of encounter I'm talking about, aren't you? Well, my lips are sealed, purchase the book and find out yourself. ;)

I had mixed feelings about the characters. I didn't really like Crystal, to be honest. You know when they say 'You never get a second chance to make a good first impression'? Yeah, Crystal ruined her first impression in the first few chapters. I can't believe how ruthless she was. There was this one scene in the beginning in which she clearly knew what she was doing to Gabriel. Yes, Crystal didn't have the nicest of childhoods but that didn't give her the right to be so malicious to Gabriel, especially because he was nothing but kind to her. Although Crystal changed over the course of the story, she couldn't win me back. I also didn't like her constant pity-party.
Gabriel on the other hand was gold. To become such a great, strong, forgiving, and kind person after what he went through is remarkable. Although we learned a few things about his past, I wasn't satisfied with them. I wished we would have learned a few more details.

"She looked away from me, out toward the road for a minute before looking back. 'I'm sorry for leaving without telling you. I just...' Her words faded away and she shook her head. 'I'm good at running, I guess.'
I inclined my head, trying to catch her eye, to make her smile. 'I don't mind chasing you. Just let me catch you once in a while.'"

The story started off great and I really enjoyed it, even though I didn't care about Crystal. Then there was one point in which everything became too much: too much romance, too much whining, too much drama. I also think that the story could have lived without a certain plot twist in the end. Well, there were actually two plot twists the story could have lived without. Nevertheless, I still think that Most Of All You is a great and decent Romance book.

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3.5/4 Stars

I was thrilled to receive an early of Mia's new novel as this has been the one book I couldn't wait to read in 2017! I am big fan of Archer's Voice and when I heard this book had a similar feel I was sold! I’d seen a few early reviews who’d said this was Mia’s best book so I was excited to open my Kindle and dive straight in!

“I don’t create beauty, Eloise, I just reveal what’s already there.”

Out all the authors I have read Ms Sheridan certainly delivers when it comes to bringing out all the emotions in a read and I can't argue that this one did that too. The story line about two very broken souls really packed an emotional punch. Both Gabriel and Crystal have both really been through the wringer but in very different ways.

“I knew in my heart that to stop her from going meant trapping her in its own way, and it was something I would never do.”

Crystal is a fiercely independent woman who has learnt the hard way she can only rely on herself. She’s been badly let down by the one person who should always love and protect her after the loss of her mum. She’s willing to do just about to anything to survive but always on her own terms. She has to have control of her life so when a stranger who requires her help walks into her life it knocks her sideways.

“I’m still a work in progress.”
“I suppose always will be. We all are sweetheart. All of us.”

Gabriel has experienced an appalling trauma childhood which understandably is still having an impact in his adult life. He’s desperately trying to get his life back on track. I have to say I loved him from the start! His vulnerability and strength made me fall for him even more! His steely determination to have what he calls a “normal life” leads him onto a somewhat unorthodox path but he sees it as his only way.

Can these two damaged characters navigate their way towards a real conventional relationship or are they just too broken? The beauty of this story is how the author takes you on their journey and almost makes you feel at times you are living it too.

“I’ll miss you.”
“You will always be the great love of my life, Gabriel Dalton.”

I have to say this book did start off a little slow for my liking and at times I kept waiting to the other shoe to drop. I also felt the background for Gabriel’s history didn’t quite get the attention that Crystal’s did. You were almost left to imagine what he went through. Maybe this was intentional as his background really was the things nightmares were made of. I thought I knew how this story would pan out however, what I assumed would happen didn’t. I was almost disappointed but then surprised in a good way at the ending. Ms Sheridan wove a really sweet and sad story but for me it could’ve been condensed. Having said that the writing was excellent, beautiful and angst filled. As readers is very easy to put authors on the proverbial pedestal and I have truly tried not to compare this read to Archers Voice as I believe every book should speak for its self however, for me this book didn’t give me the ‘feels’ like Archers Voice did but that’s not to say it won’t for other Mia Sheridan fans, old and new.

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Crystal and Gabriel's story was beautiful... 2 lost souls, with the most awful pasts, coming together and learning to accept and move on. Their pasts are the main focus of this story, and the impact this has had on them both individually.

The story is written from both Crystal and Gabriel's PoV's, and works so well to really get a feel from both of them. It was a slow burn story, but I think it needed to be due to the nature of the story and the circumstances surrounding them both.

I loved both characters. So different and in different places in their lives, but actually with so much in common they were perfect for one another. Gabriel's kindness and caring nature was enough to make anyone's heart swoon!! He was wonderful and Crystal's strength was wonderful.

Mia Sheridan can certainly write a story that tugs at the heart strings. She creates characters that you can't help but fall in love with. This is packed full to the brim with emotion, romance and all the feels to create an amazing story.

I loved this book, devoured it and could not out it a down. A must read for all romance lovers, who like the sweetness and the love but with the emotional and meaningful side too!!


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MOST OF ALL YOU: Is a contemporary standalone romance novel by Mia Sheridan ‘Spoken in Dual Perspectives’

This isn't going to be written up like how i would normally write up my reviews, this is just going to be short and sweet because you need to go into this with no other preconceptions, if you've read any previous books from this author you'll know what to be prepared for, this author is beyond talented, if you've not read anything by her before seriously you need to!! She is in a league of her own, you can not compare her to any other author.

She never ceases to amaze me with her writing skills that draw all us readers in, her characters that we all end up loving, this book was no different. The only reason why this for me is a 4 star read and not a 5 star read is I found it a wee bit slow going in the beginning then it all just took off and I was lost within the pages. Loved how broken these two were, how captivating the storyline was, this author always brings us unique stories that capture our hearts every single time!! You always know that you're going to get something special from this author, highly recommend this!!

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shattered childhoods make gabriel and eloise the adults they are today. but while gabriel chooses to be open and wears his heart on his sleeve, eloise guards hers so fiercely you wouldn't even know she still possessed one. it shouldn't be a contest as to who has survived more trauma, though it very nearly is. somehow gabriel has come out of his stronger, and his ability to leave himself open and vulnerable to others makes him an amazing hero to read.

as most of all you begins he's looking for help with his one remaining problem area. he can't stand the touch of others. but he's reached a point in his life where he craves closeness. he wants to have a family. he wants to be with someone. he was never meant to live his life alone. so he decides to hire someone to get him used to the touch of others. and it doesn't go well.

except she fascinates him. he sees the vulnerability she tries so valiantly to hide. and he recognizes it because he understands her trauma. as a survivor of the unimaginable, he understands more than she would like him to.

it's because he is a survivor that he can help make her whole again. he's a stonecutter, an artisan really, and his ability to call forth beauty from the rough is unrivaled. this is the talent that saved him during his darkest days, and this is the talent that will save her too. and knowing what she needs, having lived through the same recovery lets him understand that he must give her time and space and unlimited amounts of love to make herself whole. he knows that he cannot do it for her.

this is such a beautiful, heartbreaking story. the beauty in the midst of so much horror and ugliness is what makes it speak to me. it's one of those stories that stays with you long after you've turned the last page because in the end there is so much hope and promise and loveliness in the happy ending.

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I honestly just don't even know how to review this book. I don't mean that as a bad thing but I just don't think any words I can string together for a review will do this book justice. These pages drew me into the lives of Gabriel and Ellie and made me live with them. Mia Sheridan never fails to write something so spectacular that it encompasses my world and turns it into the one she created and it's why I will forever be a fan of hers.

These characters took me on one hell of a ride; I was sad, happy, ready to bawl my eyes out, smiling like a loon, just so many emotions were brought out of me. What I loved the best was that I felt like both of these character were equally focused on and we got to see both of them grow throughout their journey.

The bottom line is that this is a beautiful story that I highly recommend you pick up and enjoy.

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I have loved this author's work since I read Archer's Voice. Most of All You has been firmly placed on my favorite reads. I had a really hard time putting this one down, it drew me in from the beginning and would not let go. I loved the whole story of two people broken by their past and looking for some kind of peace. Together they helped one another to get through their past. This was a beautiful story, that will pull all of the emotions from you and will stick with you for a long time.

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Most of All You is stunningly beautiful, emotional and sweet story. For fans who don’t mind getting their ‘feels’ on, this is the one for you.

From the first page, I wanted to know what was going to happen to these broken and delicate characters. Crystal aka Elle is doing whatever possible to get through each day. She meets Gabe and instantly knows that this beautiful being doesn’t belong in her life. He claims he needs her to help him heal but she is no angel.

“I’m still not the right girl.”
“I still don’t agree.”

Gabe has been through so much in life. I am shocked at how well balanced and level-headed he is after the entire trauma he has experienced. He is fighting to fully connect with others and Crystal is the only person who can help him. He just knows it.

“I’m living the life I was meant to have…My life – just the way it is, for good or for bad – is the life I was meant to have.”

As the two slowly build a friendship, Crystal has to learn to trust that letting herself care for this quiet stranger may be the best way to love again. She has been dealt a very bad hand and she is so closed off. I kept rooting for her to find out who she really was and what she really wanted in life.

This is not the first book that I read by this author. I know she has a reputation for diving into the heart of a character and bringing all the emotions to the surface. I expected to be all in my feelings but the fluffy details of the story held me back. The subject matter surrounding Gabe’s issues is too heavy. Crystal suffered a lot and everything just came together too quickly and nice. It is too sweet and soft. The angst is watered down by the overly emphasized romantic elements of the story.

After expressing all of that, the same things that gave me paused, is what I truly liked. I want my romance books to make me feel like love exists. Fans who want a true romance need to pick this one up.

~ Samantha

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“I don’t create beauty, Eloise, I just reveal what’s already there.”

What a beautiful, gentle , soft story . Very nuanced and full of subtle emotions.
Mia has revealed to us the hidden beauty lying behind the dumpster, bloody and battered . But in the hands of gentle skilled hands of a Saviour Angel, that beauty can sparkle like a rainbow and dead , hardened souls can be brought to life and filled with hope and dreams.
Crystal is just a wronged woman, scrunching up and hiding in her stone shell , saving herself from the cruel world.
Gabriel is an Angel in disguise. His wings are broken and yet this unlikely pair somehow limps back to abnormal normalcy.The journey of these flawed characters will move you deeply and you shall be forever reminded of them whenever you see a statue or a club somewhere.
There are certain scenes that take your breath away.
Crystal who is dwelling in the shadows , takes childish delight in catching the rainbow in he hands. Like all rainbows, it's a mirage , but it fills her room and heart with sparkling colours , showing her -Life can be beautiful !!

healing, like stone, is just sand and pressure and time.


that’s all hope is— just a thin sliver of distant light.
life could be lonely and painful, it was also filled with rainbows on water, with fields of daffodils, and angels that emerged from rock.

I'm still trying to hide back between the pages. The real world is hard and cruel, the book like an oasis , full of colourful hope and silky soft emotions.
My heart was so full , it felt like it swelled and would burst our of my chest any moment.
I can't sing enough praises .read the book and escape to the world of beautiful artistic hands, covered bridges , flowing creeks, and sparkling prisms .
5 Divine. Angelic. Godly.Stars
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5 - "Sometimes it's the second try that really sticks..." Stars!

Mia Sheridan brings together two lonely people in a unique story of acceptance, recovery and the discovery that love comes in all different shapes and forms, not all of them painful to experience.


I will be honest and say straight off the bat that this sort of story lately has been like reading kryptonite for me, high levels of angst and drama have definitely not been floating my boat, but something about the synopsis for this one urged me to take the risk, and although hearing lots of good things about this author, it was a double risk, because Most of All You is also the first book I have personally read by her.

"You can’t fix me you know…"

As you can see from my rating the reward was worth the risk for me on this occasion, because although Gabriel and Crystal/Ellie’s story is dark, gritty, raw and a little uncomfortable to read in parts, it is also balanced out with lots of light, sweet, unexpected moments as well.

He needed someone warm and caring. Someone who would nurture him and piece back together the broken parts. Someone who would look in his eyes and be his calming spirit. I was not that girl…

Yes the drama and angst is very present in this story, and lots of it, there is no escaping the fact that this is a couple that have been through the ringer separately in their childhoods, and upon coming together as adults pretty much go through a whole new set of problems as their tentative friendship develops. And although a love story, this is one very much based on around the building of a very tentative and fragile friendship.

Our pasts-and our hearts-aligned in such a way that we were meant to heal each other.

The side plot that runs through their story really tied things together beautifully in the latter stages as well. And I think the thing that really worked out for me and made Most of All You such an enjoyable reading experience is the fact that the author didn’t overplay or overly drag out the darker aspects of this book, and everything was resolved with a really positive outcome.

I was lost and the only one who could save me was myself…

Gabriel and Ellie, weren’t rushed into the sexual aspects of a relationship, and the author really took the time to give them the opportunity to work through everything, and come to that emotional part of being together without rushing it. It wouldn’t have worked so well for me if she had because it wouldn’t have felt like a cohesive progression on from the issues they were both dealing with.

I wasn’t a victim. I was a survivor…

I haven’t said too much about the plot by choice, because there is a lot that goes on, and I don’t really want to spoil it for anyone. If you have read this author before, you already know that she delivers quality, and this book is no exception. If you are a new reader, like myself, then I can only say take a chance, as I said this isn’t the type of story I would normally gravitate towards reading, but although it did take me out of my reading comfort zone a couple of times, I still thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. I couldn’t help but fall in love with this unique, interesting couple and the story that they were given.

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4 Stars

I will read anything from this author, because it never fails that Ms. Sheridan will have me sucked into her books until the very end. And Most Of All You is a heartbreak, heartwarming and fantastic read about two broken people, who just needed each other to heal.

Life has dealt Crystal a bad hand, but she always seem to manage to survive by only counting on herself. She doesn't need a man to help her through life, she has no shame in the way she lives her life.

Gabriel Dalton is a man whose had a very traumatic and public past. And to move on, he needs a woman to help and that someone is Crystal. There is something about this woman, that has Gabriel wanting to protect and save. Crystal agrees to help Gabriel deal with his issues, but it turns out that he ends up helping her more than she realizes.

Most Of All You takes you through Gabriel and Crystal's journey of finding peace, understanding and love. These two broken characters become whole. A fabulous read and always look forward for more by this author.

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If you’re expecting Mia Sheridan to go easy on you, you’ll find out almost immediately that that won’t be the case. This book packed an emotional punch practically right out the gate and…Lord Almighty but I couldn’t put it down.

Every once in a while you stumble upon a book that breathes new life into your love of reading. It makes you feel lucky simply to have had the opportunity to read the breathtaking words within. It makes you feel a little awe inspired that someone’s genius, creative brain even thought to write it. And it makes you feel thankful that it was indeed written and is available for your happy little reader heart.

Most of All You was one of those books for me.

I’m sitting here still a little stunned by it – by how much I lost myself inside of it. How deeply it touched my heart. How easily it whisked me away from my reality and held me completely spellbound for the entirety of Crystal and Gabriel’s story. This felt like so much more than a romance to me. It was beautifully redemptive and compelling to read. I was on the edge of my seat for parts of it, my heart racing while I compulsively flipped pages – greedy for more. My heart broke – completely shattered at times – as parts of this story were somehow brutal and beautiful at the same time.

But the payoff was so worth it. Ms. Sheridan provided a balm for every bruise left upon my heart.

I basically fiercely adored both Crystal & Gabriel. Still. Forever. They were complicated, broken, multi-dimensional – and completely fascinating to read. They felt so real to me. Their love story more of a slow, steady burn than any kind of blazing inferno – but it was perfect for them. Perfect for me.

I loved it. I mean, I L-O-V-E-D it and feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to read it. Most of All You is a beautifully written, enthralling, heart-wrenching love story - one that will stay with me for a long time, and one that I simply cannot recommend highly enough.

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5 My Angel Stars!
Eloise Cates is a woman from Vermont that has lived a life full of pain & suffering. She’s grown up feeling unloved and unwanted. Her spirit is broken, & lately she just feels tired and alone. All she has in this life is herself. She’s on her own & doesn’t need anyone. She’s learned over time she can’t trust men. She keeps up her steely facade, & the walls around her heart so she won’t ever be hurt again.

Gabriel Dalton is a man with a dark past he’s trying to move on from. He considers himself a work in progress, & chooses happiness. He’s at a place in his life where he wants to step out of his comfort zone & put himself out there. He meets a beautiful woman with a haunted look in her eyes. She’s a mystery, but he feels a strong pull towards her. He wants to get to know her & never wavers in his pursuit of her.

Ellie locks eyes with a beautiful, kind looking man named Gabriel, & the connection she feels frightens her. Something about his presence left her feeling shaken & vulnerable. As she gets to know him better he doesn’t seem scared off by her cynical, hard attitude. Her world seemed to always be falling apart, & he was so steady and solid. He soothes her with his gentleness & made her feel off balance with one look.

Gabriel saw things in Ellie she didn’t see in herself. He helped her to believe in herself & brought a sense of peace and calm to her life. He made her feel safe. He pushed her boundaries & eventually she let her guard down. He made her feel like she was someone truly special. Cherished & cared for like she’d never experienced. He began to breathe joy into the sadness that lived inside of her. Made her want to dream of possibilities, & hope for things she’d long ago given up on. She was taught to have a hard exterior, so nobody could ever hurt her. That you don’t get attached, because everyone eventually leaves, but suddenly she realizes she needs Gabriel as much as her next breath. This handsome, sincere, sweet man with a pure heart spoke to her soul, & helped her discover there was beauty in the missing pieces.

I really loved this book! It’s about two people who had a difficult past that has shaped who they are today. They still both carry around broken pieces, & have their own struggles. The book is also about loving & believing in yourself. Sometimes we need to learn to love ourselves before we can fully love another. This book dealt with some serious subject matter, but was beautifully written. This stunning man was breathtaking with his love & his pure heart. I couldn’t get enough of Gabe. Mia Sheridan yet again wrote a book that touched my heart!

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I read anything by Mia Sheridan. I don’t even bother to look at blurbs anymore because I know that whatever she puts out, I will read. Ms. Sheridan has a way of pulling you into her stories as if you are a wayward stranger observing from the quiet places of the character’s lives.

Ellie has grown up hardened by the luck-of-the-draw her life has given her. She was once loved unconditionally but now she is forced to question why life has brought her to the lowest point in her life. Ellie is beautiful and smart, and has an automatic pull to her natural inward beauty, but she has not been able to get ahead in life. But this is the only life she knows, and she is determined that she will live her life that way she always has…by putting one foot forward and going out every day to make it on her own.

Gabriel has also been a victim of unfortunate events, and because of this he was missed on out feeling many years of unconditional love. His greatest letdown in his life has been the failure to say “I love you” one more time. Gabriel is alone in his world, slowly making the steps toward normalcy. It’s hard to be considered normal when just the mere thought of someone’s touch sends you into a fit of despondency.

As Gabriel has re-entered his hometown activities and daily interactions, there is still an awkward glance at him because of who he is and who he hasn’t become – he is slowly integrating back into society.

Ellie and Gabriel cross paths at the strangest of places; but yet it shouldn’t be all that strange…both their lives are cocooned in the darkness and the dark brings them comfort. No one can judge them or see their true identities in the dark. It’s almost an escape from the truth. Ellie continually fights the truth in which Gabriel sees more to her than she is willing to concede, and in one night Ellie’s strong façade crumbles down – admitting to both her and Gabriel that she needs him.

“I knew you were an angel,” I whispered. “I knew you were.” I reached my hand up and cupped his cheek, catching a tear on my thumb. “Don’t cry, my angel. Don’t cry. Not for me.” Never for me. Speaking made me feel so tired. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me again.

Now Ellie and Gabriel are finding out that their lives aren’t really that uncommon – she may be a poor working girl and he may be a successful artist, but on the inside they are both victims of having their youth absconded. They are both learning what all they missed, and what better way than with a sexy Gabriel, who resembles a cherubic angel. I will now see a sunrise as a constant reminder that life keeps going and every day we are to see a sunrise is hope for the next day. Gabriel has found his hope…

Loving her had begun to heal that last part of myself that still felt broken. So I’d wait. I’d wait for Ellie for as long as she needed me to.

I will admit that I found the first half of the book to be a little slow going. Maybe about 60% I found myself sneaking into the pages as often as I could to find out how this was going to play out. Gabriel’s life philosophy is profound and I’m going to end with it. Read it slowly, read it again.
Read it and live it.…

“I’m living the life I was meant to have…My life – just the way it is, for good or for bad – is the life I was meant to have.

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I'm not crying, you're crying.

Oh yeah, Mia Sheridan has done it again. Her words seeped under my skin from the very first pages of Most of All You and I'm left here feeling bereft. And not because of how the book ended. On the contrary. It's because I just didn't want to let go of Gabriel and Ellie. Two characters who manage to find each other in the most unique of circumstances and who discover that love is as precious as that first glimmer of light over a dark horizon, ensuring a glorious day once again.

Both Gabriel and Ellie have suffered through horrific times in their lives. The fact that they are both survivors with a will to find the better in their damaged worlds made them irresistible. I found myself drawn to their pain and the slow-burn journey that started as 'instructor' and 'customer' to the unexpected friendship they forge together. Theirs is a road built on the one emotion neither Gabriel nor Ellie have enough of: trust. And perhaps that is what makes this book so special. The author gives each of these main characters the tools to mold their souls into something that is full of life and new meaning. Almost like the way Gabe can take a piece of raw stone and turn it into the most exquisite of objects. It's truly a rare gift.

Mia Sheridan has the extraordinary ability to take the ordinary and turn it into a story that remarkably draws the reader into a world that is more than difficult to leave. The small Vermont town where our couple resides together with the outstanding secondary characters of George, Kayla, Chloe and even Dominic, is the perfect compliment to this tale. There is tremendous heartache with what Gabriel and Ellie have endured but we are more than rewarded with the heartwarming joy that gradually trickles through as their story progresses. With a respectful take on their burgeoning romance, this book is sure to take each and every reader and fill them with the greatest of emotions. Trust me I felt them all and I'm still grasping at every single one as they start to fade from view.

Both Ellie and Gabriel are magnificent. Despite their pasts, they are both so loving and immensely loyal. Well-written and full of emotion, falling for them as I have is a no-brainer, with Gabe going to the top of my Sheridan men, along with Leo and Archer. In addition I love that the author continues to write such strong heroines, who in spite their faults, know right from wrong and have the drive to always want to be better. Hope may not always be in Ellie's vocabulary but at least she is willing to try to find it, sometimes at any cost.

I could ramble on for days about this one because it affected me so deeply. Be ready to feel. And be ready to put Most of All You at the top of your favorite reads for 2017. It is quite simply sublime.

5++++++++ stars with the wish to give it more.

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Believe it or not this is my first Mia Sheridan book. Crazy I know. The title of this and the cover caught my eye and I ending up requesting this through Netgalley.

The storyline was heartbreaking and the characters in this definitely appealed to me. I especially was quite taken with Gabriel. His back story is painful, and I don't know how he dealt with what happened to him and yet managed to come out such a strong individual. His outlook on life was what I think I loved the most about him. I desperately wanted him to find his HEA knowing his story.

Crystal also has her share of a very crappy past and these two find each other in some unusual circumstances. Their journey is bumpy, but I found them so fitting together. This was really a beautiful love story that comes out of ugliness. Almost like a second chance romance but a second chance at life really.

I definitely enjoyed this book and if you are looking for an heart felt read that is full of healing and moving forward then I say this is a great book to pick up.

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An exploration of two damaged souls coming together to get a second chance at life, and maybe find happiness together.

Gabriel had the perfect life, until he is kidnapped.
Ellie “Crystal” had a good life, until her mother left her with a father who never cared.
One escaped and started a new life, building a successful career, yet struggling with any form of intimacy.
One continued on a dark path, making a career of sharing her body intimately.

Their lives were on different paths, yet those eventually crossed under the dark and seedy lights of a strip club.

I had two immediate reactions to each character:
Extreme sympathy for Gabriel.
Extreme dislike for Ellie.
Most of this dislike centered on how she tried to push Gabriel away. I wanted her to show some compassion, but the wall she's built around her heart, to protect herself, doesn't allow her to show love in any form. I'm not sure what Gabriel saw in her and why he didn't give up despite her harsh words and treatment. And her actions nearly cost her everything.

This story has a slow burn in that it takes a long time for Ellie to open up and allow herself the possibility of happiness. After saving her in more ways than one, she does give Gabriel a chance at getting start chipping away at that wall. I liked this side of Ellie more, even though her insecurities show up often, usually when interacting with others.

On paper, Gabriel would be a better match for Chloe, a woman he is helping with a thesis paper. Even Ellie thought this on more than one occasion. But Chloe isn't there to provide unnecessary angst. I loved how she supported both characters and encouraged their relationship despite all the factors in their way.

<i>"I don't mind chasing you, Ellie. Just let me catch you once in a while."</i>

Surprisingly, the best part of this story is how both get rid of their demons on their own, rather than together. I didn't entirely agree with what Ellie did at first, but I loved how she strived to be better, to become better. I also liked how Ellie literally and figuratively put herself back together.

<i>I've realized that I spent so much time trying to hold myself together when what I really needed was to break apart.</i>

As for Gabriel, he puts his demons to rest by confronting them head on. A further testament of his good character.

Like the author's previous work, this story has strong character development and a beautiful message hidden between layers of pain. As each layer is stripped away, Ellie and Gabriel expose their vulnerabilities and find their path back to one another.

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4.5 heart healing stars!

“I don’t create beauty…I just reveal what’s already there.”

Gorgeous, honest, and stunningly emotional, Most of All You is a powerful love story about trust, healing, and finding peace in the most unexpected way. Mia Sheridan weaves together two heartbreakingly beautiful characters with unwavering devotion and unconditional love, pulling at your heartstrings, gripping your soul, and delivering all the feels.

"Gabriel, a boy who hadn’t let himself forget what love felt like, and me, a girl who had made sure I didn’t remember."

Gabriel and Crystal have each experienced their own nightmarish situations that ultimately shaped who they are, leaving them with their own challenges to deal with. When circumstances arise that leave Crystal relying solely on Gabriel, they find themselves having to face their demons head on if they ever hope to heal from the heartbreak they have endured.

Crystal was a wonderfully complex character whose life experiences taught her to put up walls around her heart. I was saddened that she believed it was vital to her survival to block everyone out, especially when she felt herself relaxing into something that could be good. She was a survivor and did not open up easily to Gabriel, and though I wished she hadn’t been so harsh or pushed so hard, I understood where she was coming from. I felt the fear and panic as her world was turned upside down.

I absolutely adored Gabriel and I honestly think that he stole the show. I cried for the little boy who was forever changed by the horrors he lived through. I am in awe of him. It was empowering how he didn't let his experience crush his soul as it would have surely crushed mine. I loved his strength and that he didn't play the victim card. He took his future in his own hands, wanting to change and become whole once again. Innocent, kind, and genuinely good, Gabriel looked for the best in people and didn't judge them for their pasts. Gabriel was so tender and gentle with Crystal and I found him very endearing. He was a truly remarkable person with the biggest heart and I couldn't help but love him.

"I'd give her rainbows every day if I could only see the smile she'd given me this morning, see that wonder glowing in her eyes for longer than a minute."

Written in dual POV’s, I loved that we got both sides of the story. I felt everything that Gabriel and Crystal experienced and it was emotional as they worked through their pasts. Their relationship is not a quick fix and by no means an easy one. It's a slow burning, heart healing journey that was stunning and well developed. The progression was wonderfully paced and the impact profound. Gabriel and Crystal were believable characters and their vulnerabilities made them more realistic.

"I've always pretended I was made of stone, but the truth is, I feel more like I was formed from sand, as if I might crumble at any second."

Gabriel's response was perfect and completely uplifting.

"But that's what solid stone is made from…Sand, and pressure” – he squeezed me lightly with the arm still holding me – “and time. That’s all it is, my sweet love. Just sand and pressure and time.”

They had a unique connection that grew as they really got to know each other and began trusting each other. The sweet tension between them built and when they came together, it was beautiful and unrushed, with a quiet intensity that was palpable and exquisite. Gabriel and Crystal were faced with different things yet in the end, they were exactly what the other needed.

Most of All You is a journey of healing, moving on, and finding an overwhelming love. It is full of so much emotion and I experienced the breathtaking highs and heartbreaking lows. I loved it!

"How extraordinary life could be: so filled with glorious beauty and heartrending despair. And so often swirled together so that you couldn’t separate the two."

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Most of All You by Mia Sheridan
“The unlikely pair, 5 stars”
I love Sheridan’s stories because there is never anything simple or easy about them. The characters are usually working on bettering themselves in some way and face challenges along the way. My heart hurt for what these two went through during their childhood but soared at the end when they found themselves on steady ground.
Gabe survived what a lot of people wouldn’t. He only has one more step to overcome before he can truly move forward. When he see’s Crystal he knows she’s the one to help him in his last step to recovery. Only there is more to her than what meets the eye. Soon Gabe finds himself wanting to actually know her and find out what her real name is, because it definitely isn’t Crystal.
Crystal used to know love, but at an early love she learned everyone you love leaves you. With that thought process she kept everyone at arm’s length and became an ice queen. When Gabe approaches her, she knows he’s different but she didn’t know how big of a role he would soon play. Her life isn’t all sunshine and roses and before she can head towards happily ever after she must learn to accept her past.
One-click and take a journey with these two.
Plot- 5/5
Characters- 5/5
Heat- 4/5
Writing style- 5/5
Overall- 5/5
**SBR Review**

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