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Misadventures of a College Girl

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Lauren Rowe’s writing just keeps getting better and better. This book had it all for me and I loved it. Amazing main characters that were mature, endearing, funny, and forthright. A great storyline that kept me on the edge of my seat. Engaging secondary characters that added depth to the main characters. Steamy sexy times that were fun and hot, hot, hot.
Tyler Caldwell and Zooey Cartwright are more than surface beautiful. Tyler isn’t just a dumb jock, and Zooey is in no way the typical theater nerd. You think this may turn into enemies to lovers, or opposites attract, or some other silly trope. But from the first minute, their eyes meet at a college party they are inseparable. Always working together to achieve their epic life goals. I loved witnessing their journey, all those milestones, all the highs, and the heartbreaking lows, finally defying gravity to reach for it all.

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Misadventures of a College Girl

If you're worried about new characters from Lauren Rowe, and not seeing those we have fallen in love with in her other series, don't be.

We are introduced to so many upstanding people in Misadventures of a College Girl, that I truly did not want this story to come to an end, regardless of how wonderful Lauren wrapped everything up.

Zooey is phenomenal. She's strong. Thoughtful. Smart. Quick-witted. Honestly, if I was back in college, she would without a doubt be an amazing friend. I feel even now, she could teach me about life. She doesn't quit. She dreams big.

Which leads directly to Tyler. Smart. Confident. Entertaining. Loyal. This boy... the things he says. The things he does. He reaches for the stars in everything he does in life.

Zooey and Tyler are a couple that others strive to be. They are comfortable with one another. Supportive of each other. And so damn encouraging on every single level. Zooey and Tyler are couple goals.

I am so beyond happy that this book entered my life. I laughed and cried and came out of it so grateful to have met these two glorious  people ❤

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You know, There is a pandemic. I went in to it hoping like hell I would get out of this reading funk and Hello! Hallelujah! Lauren Rowe, my writing goddess, oh queen of the rom com knocked my ever loving socks off😍 Zooey and Tyler need their own " Club Series" . I need to know about Zooeys dad, the football friends, gah! the list goes on. Well done Lauen. I loved it!

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Lauren never fails to suck me in immediately with her books. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I enjoy how she writes her characters’ dialogue, she makes it seem fresh and interesting in each book. And it was no different in College Girl. I loved the banter. And the chemistry was spot on, it kept you wanting more. Honestly, those are two important things to have to make the book great for me. The last is the actual story and I think the fact that I have read Lauren repeatedly speaks for its self when it comes to her story telling abilities.

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So, I finished reading this book over a week ago and I TOTALLY struggled with how to put my feelings into words! I will TRY to articulate them as best I start with, I'm a HUGE fan of Lauren Rowe's writing. I ADORE her unique style and I LOVE how she reels you in, setting you up for the "fall", so-to-speak...Misadventures of a College Girl is no exception, it's simply EXCEPTIONAL!!! It's PRIME Lauren Rowe at her BEST!!!

When college girl, Zooey is hunting for a candidate to relieve her of her virginity, she has NO IDEA what she's about to get herself into! She doesn't want a commitment, she just wants to get it done and move on! Remember what they say about best laid plans, right? Tyler is a star on the college football team and ALL he wants is to make it to the NFL and make a ton of money to finance his REAL dreams! When these two meet at a party, the chemistry between them is EXPLOSIVE!!!! And it just gets better from there!

This love story is EVERYTHING that makes Ms Rowe a STAR!!! The story is compelling, unique, fast-paced, addictive! The character development is nothing short of STELLAR as you come to expect from Lauren Rowe and the smexy, HAWT-AS-HADES build up to an extremely satisfying conclusion is profoundly beautiful! I laughed my butt off, cried tears of pain and joy and fell TOTALLY and COMPLETELY in love with them both!

I can't recommend this book highly enough!!! I wish I could give it 1,000,000 STARS!!! Lauren Rowe, you NAILED it....AGAIN!!!

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This book rocked my world!! Lauren Rowe did an outstanding job. The story flowed and was flawless. You could definitely tell her whole heart was was in this one.

I absolutely LOVED the chemistry and relationship between Zooey and Tyler ❤️. Tyler is so freaking perfect it is scary. Just when you cannot imagine him being more perfect BAM he does something incredible. Zooey is also my hero. She is adventurous, trusting and such a realist. These two both have some big dreams and will not let anything alter that. Can their new found relationship survive their success?!

I will also mention the music playlist in addition to this story rocks!! It definitely adds to the depth of this story!

This is a MUST read. What a a way to kick off the Spring Misadventures. This one is by far a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️....

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OBSESSED!! I am completely and irrevocably obsessed with Misadventures of a College Girl. So sexy. So sweet. So ridiculously funny. When a book has me up cackling at one in the morning, you know it's fanfreakingtastic!!!

Zooey and Tyler, are EVERYTHING!!! I absolutely adore Zooey. She's sassy, honest, and could really hold her own. And Tyler - be still my heart - I just flat out LOVED him. He gave me some serious Keane Morgan vibes. If you know me, you know that I love me some Peenie Morgan. The chemistry between Zo and Tyler is off the charts!! It's perfection!!! I could not get enough of their banter and playful back and forth! I wished I had more.

I had so much fun reading this book!! Misadventures of a College Girl goes straight into the must read again pile. I won’t be surprised if Tyler and Zooey end up on my end up on my top reads of 2018 list!! I highly highly HIGHLY recommend picking this book up.

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5 Stars

Where do I even begin...I can honestly say no matter what I write, I will not do this book justice. Misadventures of a College Girl is hands down going to be one of the best books I’ll read in 2018. Maybe even ever. Lauren Rowe is so freaking incredible. And magical. And inspiring. Her words are beautiful and her mind is extraordinary. With every book she writes you know you will be getting 100% of her-no matter what the story is. And because of that she will have a forever fan in me.

Misadventures of a College Girl is full of charm, humor, and SO MUCH HEART! So much that my heart literally was bursting at the seams while reading it. These characters felt so real to me. Their actions, their feelings-I felt them. I’m telling you I could not put this book down.

Zooey was the perfect heroine. She had just started at UCLA and was determined to let loose and live her life. And also lose her virginity. Her roommate has the perfect place to find someone. A party. Zooey had every intention to follow through with that plan but when Tyler walks changes everything.

“I’m going to lose my virginity tonight to God’s Gift to Womankind. And it’s going to be oh-so good.”

Tyler Tyler Tyler...what can I say about this beautiful man. He is a football player looking to make it big. He gets women thrown at him left and right and knows how to score bigtime! But when Zooey propositions him he can’t say no. What was supposed to be a short little rendezvous turned into the biggest game of his life…the question is-will he go for the Hail Mary or will he make the biggest mistake ever and fumble...

“And, just like that, you’re a lifelong memory, Tyler Caldwell.”

Together, this couple oozed chemistry. They were hilarious and adorable. Their journey was breathtakingly beautiful. I really don’t know how Ms. Rowe is going to top this story but I am 100% confident that she will find a way!

“No matter what happens, one day we’ll look back on the twists and turns of our lives and say, ‘I wouldn’t change a thing because it got me to where I am right now, and right now is awesome.’ You’ll see. Everything happens for a reason. I firmly believe that.”

PS. And if you can’t tell by my review-GO GET THE BOOK. NOW. You don’t want to miss this one. Trust me.

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Amazing story!!! Zooey and Tyler are so unlikely but that makes them perfect together! Zooey “needs” to lose her V card and Tyler is a resident “playboy” and when they see each other, body parts zing!

Except Tyler isn’t what Zooey expected and Zooey is definitely not what Tyler planned on. And so thus starts this weird miseducation plan that Zooey and Tyler embark upon.

Such a hot and funny story! Tyler and Zooey are just so much fun to read and imagine their miseducation happening in today’s society.

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Sorry but didn't like this book. It might be just me but I don't like the writing style. Plus there is too much information about not important stuff and too little about MC.

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I am not typically a “college romance” reader, but I will read anything Lauren Rowe writes soooo...

This book was fantastic. Not only did it bring the sexy that this author never fails to deliver, but it brought the major swoons. I adored the evolution of this romance. I love how realistic the relationship is, the struggles that Tyler and Zooey have to overcome are so typical of a young romance.

Of course, there are a lot of laugh out loud moments, a lot of “is it hot in here or is it just me?” moments, and a few moments that will make you have feels. This is what you get from Lauren Rowe. Every. Single. Time.

I could not put this book down. This is a one-click, must read, worth allll the pennies recommendation from me!

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Oh. My. Life!!! This book was SOOO GOOD!!!! Don't get me wrong, I love Lauren and her writing with a passion, The Club series blew my socks off and is still at the top of my most favourite ever series reads, Captain slayed me completely, so yes I was expecting another magnificent trademark Lauren book, but this, this took me way by surprise in the best way possible - a story full of love, hope and dreams, with sweetness, fun, laughter and some hot sexy antics to boot!!

I was captivated from the first few pages, hooked and completely enthralled. The story just flowed, the chemistry between the characters oozed out of the pages, and the emotions had my heart ripping in two!

Tyler is DA BOMB!! (New t-shirt slogan?) I loved him and his self assured, cocky, arrogant and downright sexy ways. His ideas and his ideals really touched me. Zooey was everything I would want in a best friend - loving, loyal, trusting but full of sass and fire, striving for her dreams. They are hilariously funny together, lots of one liners and references to kids tv shows that had me crying with laughter. The songs they played each other were just perfect and really fit into the story.

When the sexy times got going, they really got going!!! PHEW!!! It was hot enough to melt the words right off the pages!! Jeez-Louise!!!!

Did I tell you how much I loved this book??!! Its has just a little bit of everything, that magic combination - its that elusive unicorn of a read, the one you know is out there just waiting for you to read, that pulls you in and won't let go. Tyler and Zooey will stay with me for a long time to come, the emotions, the feels, the hand of fate all make this an unmissable read. Make this your next read, you'll be so glad you did. Epic storytelling by the one and only Lauren Rowe.

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Misadventures of a college girl is quite simply a must read. A book that is filled with everything you want and need from a book by Lauren.

Tyler Caldwell will infiltrate deep into your heart and you will forever loose a piece to him, he is perfection. The story pulls you in and consumes you.

5 defying gravity stars.

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I promised a strictly spoiler free review so, in a nutshell, Zooey Cartwright is a freshman theater major at UCLA, looking to lose her V card, and her heart goes into overdrive when she catches the eye of hunky football player Tyler Caldwell at her first college party. Since there is a mutual sizzling attraction, and neither is looking for a relationship, she thinks the arrogant yet UTTERLY DELISH jock with the heart-stopping smile will fit the “cherry-popper” bill quite nicely. And the best part? He’s GAME! So they head on upstairs to his room and…well, if you want to find out what happens next you gotta read cause MY LIPS ARE SEALED!

I will preface my thoughts by saying that I make ZERO apologies for my shameless gushing! The utterly brilliant Lauren Rowe scored a MAJOR TOUCHDOWN with this hearttuggimg tale, and I just fell so hard in love with MISADVENTURES OF A COLLEGE GIRL I can hardly contain my excitement!! It's love and laugher, sizzling hotness and swoony sweetness, silly shenanigans and warm, mushy feels all rolled up into one UBER TANTALIZING package!!

As other reviewers have said, MISADVENTURES OF A COLLEGE GIRL is trademark LR. Once again, she crafts a wildly innovative plot that’s brimming with heartwarming emotion, witty banter, outrageously clever catchphrases, pitch perfect comedic timing and endearingly memorable characters that just SHINE!

Gah! This author can write lickable heroes like NO ONE’S BUSINESS, and can I say how darn SCRUMPTIOUS Tyler is? On the surface, this big, dark haired, gloriously muscled and gorgeously tatted hottie may appear to be your stereotypical jock. Yet there is so much more to this brazenly sexy stud than meets the eye!

Tyler may be a savage beast on the football field but “Mr. God’s Gift to Womankind” most definitely earned himself his rightful place in my MVP BBF Hall of Fame! He’s loyal. Thoughtful. Gentle. Kind. Funny. Sweet. Chivalrous. Charming. Protective. Hot in the sack. Bottom line? He just OWNED my heart! And as it turns out a sweetly besotted Zooey’s too!

And for the record, this heroine was bff material too. I JUST LOVED ZOOEY TO PIECES! I relished her sass and spirit, her smart, fun-loving nature, her quirky sense of humor, her adorable dorky personality and her big, beautiful heart. Plus, this spunky Broadway wannabe has got tons of talent and an amazing set up pipes! I totally rooted for her to fulfill her every aspiration AND land the football hottie of her dreams!

Talk about a couple that clicks from page one and OOZES chemistry! Ty and Zooey were so vibrant and real, charming and charismatic, and so darn LOVABLE they leapt off the page and firmly implanted themselves in my heart!! This dynamic duo just totally ticked off all my boxes! Their rapid fire banter was a total riot, their sweet, soul deep connection gave me with giddy butterflies, and I was so swept up in their passionate youthful exuberance and shared dreams of achieving greatness it made my toes curl!

I literally could not get enough of Tyler and his naughty little “eager beaver” as they supported each other through thick and thin while navigating their challenging college course load…and each other! Their collaborative class projects AKA the “halo effect” experiment, and penning a modern day Romeo and Juliet for their theater class were PURE FREAKING GENIUS. And HOLY SMOKES did this horny duo melt my undies—and my kindle--as they meticulously worked their way through Tyler’s devilishly devised “Miseducation of Zooey Cartwright” syllabus!

Bottom line? If any couple was "written in the stars,” it's these two darling oddballs!

As for the side characters …they were equally colorful and flamboyant, and not only helped flesh out the central romance but added OODLES of comic relief! And, finally, I thought Ms. Rowe did a stellar job of immersing us in the exciting world of college football –in fact, some of the action sequences were so thrillingly choreographed , I felt like I was right there in the stadium, cheering Tyler and his teammates on during game day!

Ultimately, MISADVENTURES OF A COLLEGE GIRL scored a MEGA WIN! It’s perfectly paced and flawlessly executed, chock full of breathtaking romance, witty humor, wickedly wanton interludes and bittersweet emotion , finally culminating in a deeply moving HEA that’s guaranteed to make you a TRUE BELIEVER in fate and destiny !

So thank you, Lauren Rowe, for penning this exhilarating, REFRESHINGLY UNIQUE confection that made me laugh and cry, shiver and swoon....and sigh in rapturous delight!

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Misadventures of a Collage Girl is an excellent new adult with a Romeo and Juliet feel. Zooey Cartwright is starting college. She's unskilled when it comes to guys; zero experience in dating. At a party she catches the eye of Tyler Caldweld, a cocky football player who has women dropping to their knees. He takes her under his wing and teaches her the art of her sexuality. Both aren't looking for a relationship, but fate has a different plan for them.

Tyler is amazing and irresistable. He's not only attractive and aggrogant, but also smart, sweet, thoughtful, clever, funny, and charming. Rowe created a character that it's in a category of it's own. I floved him. I couldn't get enough of him. Seriously, can we get more?
Zooey is pretty awesome, too. She's smart, quick-witted and is a perfect match for Tyler. These two had me rooting for them at their first interaction with one another. This seldom happens. I loved their banter and bickering. It was very amusing. Zooey and Tyler had crazy chemistry and I guess that's why I enjoyed their interactions so much. The sex scenes were a very hot.
This is a sweet romance with little angst/conflict. I immensely enjoyed it. Rowe wrote a lovely story.

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Sometimes, a book comes along that just makes you feel good. It sweeps you off your feet, fills your heart with joy, and keeps a smile firmly plastered to your face.

This is that book.

I can't even begin to tell you how amazing this book is, but I'll give it my best shot. I'll start with Tyler, because...well, he's Tyler Caldwell. This man will bring on the hardcore swoon and charm. He's irresistible, plain and simple. He's full of surprises. He's the perfect combination of funny, sexy, sweet, dirty, humble, and cocky. He's definitely one of a kind.

Zooey is fantastic in this story. She’s got her head on straight, knows exactly what her plans consist of, and isn’t afraid to go after what she wants. And I’m not just referring to her education. She’s got this spirit about her that just makes her radiate. It’s a glow that not even Tyler can resist.

This book is the perfect example of Lauren Rowe perfection. It’s full of over-the-top fun, swoon-worthy moments, unending sweetness, and SO MUCH heat. On top of that, it’ll still hit you in all the feels, making it the perfect romance!

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Misadventures of a College Girl was my first book of the Misadventures Series and my third Lauren Rowe book.

This was an absolutely HOT college love story!
Right from the beginning I couldn't stop reading! This book really got me hooked!
I instantly fell in love with Zooey and when TYLER CALDWELL appeared I was done! 😍 Really DONE! He's definitley on my Favourite Book Boyfriends List now! You'll fall in love with him too! TRUST ME! 😉😍🔥❤
O.M.G! Well let me swoon about Misadventures of a College Girl a little longer... I LOVED EVERY MOMENT OF THIS BOOK!
The chemistry between Zooey & Tyler was sooooo explosive and hot! It was WONDERFUL! I laughed a lot, I had to get A LOT of cold water to deal with those scorching hot scenes and I had to swoon too! Phew! It was all totally worth it and I'm the happiest person that I read their story! ♡♡♡♡
Oooh and be prepared for the epilogue! It's sooooooo good!
SO you know what to do - GET THIS BOOK NOW! ♡♡♡♡

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OMG!! Lauren just keeps getting better and better. This book has everything you need: chemistry, humor, sexiness, and flawless writing. I loved this story of Tyler and Zooey. They are great together and became one of my favorite couples. Read this book; you will not be disappointed.

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I received an arc from NG for review.

I LOVED this story. Zoey, is a freshman in college when she meets senior NFL bound Tyler. She wants him to take her virginity but instead they end up chatting. Then he wants to be friends and she wants to avoid him. But he is also in lust with her.

This is a great story about finding that friend who turns into the love of your life. But also one where timing stinks. Where you are going two opposite ways. That is what the future is for Ty and Zoey. She has broadway dreams and he has NFL dreams. So how do they make it work?

Well that is the greatness about this book. I truly loved it. We meet Ty and Zoey in college but the book carries us forward into the years and we get to see them as they try and be together while still following their dreams. If you love friends to lovers books this is a wonderful story with wonderful characters.

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Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Until now Ball Peen Hammer was my favorite Lauren Rowe book, but I think Misadventures of a College Girl might be my new favorite by her. Perfectly written in Lauren Rowe's signature way, it is a MUST-read for fans of rom-com new adult books. Misadventures of a College Girl will make you laugh out loud, have you googling Winnie the Pooh, listening to Dave Matthews Band and "Defying Gravity" from Wicked, turning up the AC because the chemistry between Zooey and Tyler was explosive, and having the best time.

I LOVE ZOOEY AND TYLER SO, SO MUCH!! Zooey is your bright-eyed freshman theater major looking to lose her V card and Tyler is your junior big man on campus football star. They met at a party and Zooey knew that Tyler is the perfect guy to do the deed. His reputation for giving his sexual partner orgasms precedes him, he's sexy AF, and, most importantly to Zooey, he's not looking for a relationship. And with that Tyler and Zooey comes together and we get the funniest, steamiest, dirtiest, most swoon-y new adult romance I've read so far this year.

Zooey is the best! She's sassy and one of those "cup is half" full kind of happy people that I just love reading about because they make me smile. I love how she embraces her sexual nature and takes to Tyler's "miseducation" (haha) like a sponge.

Tyler is just plain swoon. At first glance he seems like a douche, and then you get to know him and like DAMN! I want my own Tyler Caldwell! He's just fuckin' perfect. The last 20% just freaking killed me because Tyler was the absolute BEST book boyfriend ever.

Zooey and Tyler together was pure, dirty fun. They both cracked me up with their banter and their running jokes, but when they're not rocking each other's world they have this beautiful friendship too. I love that we got to see them not only in college, but also out of college and the epilogue was just the cherry on top. I absolutely love everything in this book. I wish it was longer because I wasn't ready to leave my babies.

Lauren Rowe hit it out the park with Misadventures of a College Girl. There are a bunch of "Misadventures" books written by other authors and if you're looking to pick one up but not sure which one to start with I HIGHLY recommend Misadventures of a College Girl. It is Lauren Rowe at her best and you will get to meet Zooey and Tyler who are two of the most fun new adult characters you will ever meet.

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