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More Than Words

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I volunteered to read this ARC via Netgalley and in exchange I provided an honest review.

For the love of all that is holy….. Mia Sheridan is an author god.

More Than Words is officially my #2 favorite book by this author, Archer’s Voice being my #1. This book left me tongue-tied for hours and even after finishing the book I wanted to immediately restart the story at page #1. More than Words title lets your know that this story is truly more than what is written.

More Than Words was so unique, heartwarming, light and a epic love story. The premise of the story was so unexpected and the twist was not on my radar. HOLY!!!! I need to talk to someone about this twist like OMG. I think I was so surprised by this book because I did not read the blurb or have an idea of what the story was about. All I saw was Mia Sheridan’s name and I was in.

Mia’s writing will have you sucked into the story. Page after page was beautifully written with meaning and heartfelt words. The characters were intense and simply made for each other.

I don’t think my review can do this book Justice. Honestly, I bow to Mia and pray that one day I would get to meet this beautiful author.
This book is a MUST READ!!!

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Sometimes the scars of our childhood, form us into someone we don’t want to be. At the age of 11 Jessica comes across an abandoned boxcar where a she finds a crying and battered Callen, when she decides that she is not only going to befriend him, but she is going to save him. Through a summer they meet everyday for make believe adventures and secrets, anything that keeps their reality adrift. Until one day after a quick kiss Callen disappears without a word, leaving Jessica to wonder where her friend and Prince Charming went.

Ten years later in Paris, Jessica finds herself in front of the boy who has grown up to be world rebounded music composer. Although he is considered a success on all forefront’s, but its his reputation that seems to be getting worse and is hindering his ability to compose. It’s during one of his trips abroad to try to find his music again that he runs into his past, a past that being back memories of a happy time.

Jessica finds herself on a job site when she runs into Callen, who does everything he can to convince Jessica to make amends for by spending time with him. Wanting answers for his disappearance Jessica reluctantly agrees, but is afraid that at the end of their time together she may not be able to let him ago a second time. But even after all these years apart, their affection for one another pulls them together even with everything and everyone around them reminds them that their time together is short. Before they have a chance to tell each other how they feel, life gets in the way, and splits them up a second time.

When I finished this book, I put it down and just thought about the whole plot, and how in life you don’t get a chance to make amends. And sometimes the scars that are left behind by those that are supposed to love us are the hardest scars to ignore. But if we open ourselves up, we can make room for those scars to truly begin to heal.

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3.5 Stars!

❝Live fiercely and without regret.❞

The reason Mia Sheridan is a one-click author for me is that she knows how to pull my heart-strings. Her words are descriptive, leaving me with a vivid picture of the scene as I am reading and a strong sense of the emotions the characters are experiencing. <i>I become emotionally invested.</i> She typically writes multi-dimensional characters with real-life struggles, who are damaged in some way. Sheridan’s stories are stories about the human spirit. They are about trials and tribulations of everyday people.

As children, Jessica and Callen met in an abandoned boxcar. He was escaping the torment caused by his father and she was escaping the strife her family was suffering at the hands of her father. Callen was her prince and Jessica was his princess. She gave him the gift of music and he gave her her first kiss. Unfortunately, Callen stopped coming to the boxcar, leaving Jessica to wonder how and where he was.

Fate brings them together years later while she is in France working as a translator and he is there on vacation. Even though Callen is now a world-famous musician, he is haunted by his father's words and doesn't feel he's good enough for Jessica. There is a constant push and pull throughout the book because while he wants her in his life because she's the only one who quietens the noise in his head, he also feels he's not good enough for her so he pushes her away.

❝No one makes me feel like you, princess Jessie. No one ever will.❞

Even though ‘More Than Words’, had moments that tugged at my heart, I didn’t find myself emotionally invested in the story and characters as I have in her previous books. Further, I felt it lacked the strong romantic connection I have come to love from this author. My favorite part of the book was the letters Jessica translated. Those letters held yearning, emotion, love, romance, and angst. I wanted to get lost in them, I wanted more of THAT story.

'More Than Words' was a sweet second-chance romance filled with beautiful scenery and held a beautiful and romantic side story.

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More than Words by Author Mia Sheridan is an exceptional second chance at love story.

“I remember everything about you, Callen. You were my prince and my pirate, my savior and my friend.”

Young love. It can be one of the most alluring types, its innocence pulling you in and fixing you to the point and time of its beginning. Jessica and Callen had me from their first meeting. They bonded over family struggles and their need to escape. But mostly, they bonded because of an inexplicable pull that would not release them from one another.

“You weren’t nobody to me. To me you were everything.”

Jessie was an intelligent and beautiful young woman. She was finally making her dreams come true, doing what she felt she’d been purposed for. Her passion was a complete story in itself, driving her not only to fulfill her life’s calling, but also to find Callen. It is a mystery to me how Author Mia Sheridan can write such vulnerable but strong male characters, each one making us fall a little harder. Callen was like this, and although his struggles were stifling, from a reader’s perspective, they were what allowed him to see and appreciate rare beauty.

“I wanted to believe that love was the rarest of all flowers: it delighted in the sunshine but did not require it to grow and flourish.”

There were so many rich moments to cherish in this novel. Stolen glances, unspoken truths, lust-filled thoughts. And the setting! It would be unimaginable for two souls so intimately woven as Jessie and Callen to find one another in its allure and not give into passion. I fell in love over and over and over.

“I’d spent my life rejecting miracles. I’d spent my life snubbing fate. I’d spent my life sending boats away. One after the other. Fate hadn’t given up on me, though. Fate had sent Jessie over and over again, and, God, I wanted to be worthy of the gift.”

More Than Words was a story of a boy and a girl, a man and a woman, and destiny. It made my heart sing, and made my insides melt from the sweetness and absolute beauty it held. This is a must-read romance novel.

“What’s meant to be will always find a way.”

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I’ve been struggling with the way I could tell you this:

first things first: I’m a HUGE fan of Mia, I read ALL her books (except Midnight Lily, I have it on my Kindle, I just know this is a very different book, and I know I’m not “prepared”/”in the mood” to really enjoy the story… yet).

But I read More Than Words, and sadly, it didn’t meet my expectations. I’m really, really frustrated because, I’m French and would have loved to really enjoy the story, but that wasn’t the case. I couldn’t connect with adult Callen , and Jessica well, she was a little too “innocent” for me.

I don’t want to give it a “blah”/”it’s ok”/2 stars rate on GoodReads, because, it’s Mia, and it’s really a “it’s not you it’s me” kind of reading experience.
I just love Mia Sheridan too much. Even your favorite authors write an amazing book... that doesn't work for you.
That's why I give it 4 stars (the issue is with me, not the book, and I'm sure it get amazing reviews), and why I'll refrain from posting my review for this one.
Thank you for the review opportunity.

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I was super excited to get this ARC because the reviews from other bloggers I follow were so great, it honestly sounded like the perfect book; a famous bad boy, a strong and smart independent female lead, the beautiful French countryside, and a touch of a historic mystery. So I thought 'what could go wrong?'

I think I'm going to chalk up my less than stellar rating to the fact that this is less of a New Adult Romance and fits more into the Adult Romance genre, which is a big distinction to me. I'm starting to think Penelope Douglas has ruined me for other romance authors. You see, I like romance books with lots of drama, overflowing angst, multiple 'oh my god' moments, and toe-curling, butterflies in your stomach type sex scenes. This book didn't have that and I was really missing these aspects; in fact, this book was quite the opposite of what I usually look for in romance books. It was sweet and tender to a fault, and by the end I was actually kind of over how sweet this book was. It was one of those books that played up the damaged bad boy and pure angelic girl so much that it was mildly annoying at times. Let me say this; I enjoy romance books with that sort of theme, but when it's just endlessly repeated over and over it starts to grate on my nerves.

This was a difficult book for me to rate simply because I really liked the ending, but the first like 70% bored me endlessly. The whole time I was reading this I was waiting for that feeling of a building plot, I was waiting for something to happen besides Jessica and Callen making doe eyes at each other, and that part didn't come until the last twenty percent or so of the book. The ending of this was what pushed this from a two-star to a three-star review because I felt Part Three in its entirety was amazing. It was a perfect conclusion to the main love story between Jessica and Callen, the side love story taking places hundreds of years ago, and both Callen and Jessica's individual journeys.

Another thing I thought was amazing was the little side story taking place within the historic documents that Jessica was translating. There was something so honest and wise, deeply moving, and romantic about that diary and the truth contained within it that kept me flipping the pages of this book when I was bored. I would have loved for there to be a whole book just about those two lovers from the diary because that would have been a wonderful book.

Although this review comes off as negative, I did like the book, I just didn't 'really like' it the way I wanted to. With all the incredibly positive reviews I saw on Goodreads I had high hopes for this book and was disappointed with my feelings in the end. I really do think this is more of a negative review because of my personal preferences when it comes to the romance genre, it certainly has nothing to do with the technical aspects of the book. Again, I'm beyond grateful for the opportunity to read and review this book early, and I'm sure that lovers of the adult romance genre will love this, it just wasn't for me.

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4.5 Stars

From two young children escaping their harsh realities to form a powerful bond of friendship to discovering once-in-a-lifetime true love, Mia Sheridan once again composed a gripping romance so profound, I was at a loss for words. Jessica and Callen's friends turned lovers journey had me so twisted in knots, my emotions ebbed and flowed with their experiences from page one. Angsty and passion filled, More Than Words was a slow-burning tale of destined love that I truly enjoyed.

In an old boxcar, abandoned in the middle of nowhere, a little girl with a vivid imagination met a lonely and sad boy. They shared fantastical stories, played music and formed a great friendship while young love bloomed. It was incredible to witness Jessica (Jess) and Callen's relationship grow, and it's one of my most favorite parts of this story. For years they served as each other's sliver of peace and happiness regardless of their grim circumstances. However, it all fell apart when sweet little Callen suddenly disappeared, never to return to their sanctuary, and the first time he broke Jess' heart.

Over a decade has passed as Jess, now living in France, reunites with her long-lost love. Fate had brought them back together but gone was the endearing young man and, in his place, (and much to my disappointment) was a jaded and drunken lothario. Now a famous musical composer, Callen's life was in shambles and so far removed from the young boy I adored; he doesn't recognize Jess at first. It took time, and lots of patience and forgiveness on Jess' (and my) part, but Callen slowly worked his way to redemption. Truthfully, it took me a while to warm up to his character as he was a little too cynical and aloof at first. However, falling in love brought about his sweet romantic side, and I loved seeing him evolve into a sincere hero worthy of her heart.

Jessica was one of this author's strongest heroines despite her soft-spoken and innocent demeanor. I adored her. Hard working and committed to bettering herself, she was beyond compassionate, understanding and loving when it came to Callen. She possessed the immeasurable strength to carry him away from the darkness of despair and into the light. Both harbored secrets, insecurities and feelings of distrust. However, it was her relentless determination that brought healing, breaking through all their barriers.

Set in the picturesque French countryside, with a historical aspect incorporated within the story-line that I found fascinating, More Than Words was another beautiful, emotional and descriptively written romance from the brilliant mind of Mia Sheridan. If you are in the mood for a read centered around two broken souls struggling to find a happily ever after, then this book is definitely for you.

I voluntarily read an advance copy of this publication courtesy of Forever & Forever Yours ~ Grand Central Publishing via NetGalley

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More Than Words was such a treat. It made my romance loving heart happy. It is set in beautiful France. There are elements of history and music tied in. I’m a fan of all these things.

This was my first read from Mia Sheridan. She has been on my authors I would like to read list for a while now. I dare say that this will not be my last book from her. She writes characters that are flawed and wonderfully real. She took my heart and me on a wonderful ride. More Than Words is a book that you savor reading. It just tings with special, heart touching vibes.

I voluntarily reviewed an early copy of this book.

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Ah yet another story where Mia masterfully captured your heart.
Callen and Jessie's first meeting is symbolic. Both come from broken homes which seem different but inherently are the same. A young friendship develops. They lose sight and touch of each other.
Memories, support, an undying attraction leads to a rekindling.
Emotional, angst, heart tugging story of achievements in spite of obstacles - MORE THAN WORDS.......

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I love Mia’s books. I have read most of them and enjoyed them a lot. Archer’s Voice will always be one of my top 5 favorite books.
Mia’s new book does not disappoint. I loved this story. It’s well written, heartbreaking, a story of love and hope, childhood friendship and a beautiful setting.
I highly recommend it.
Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC.

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The Delight

A broken boy and a mostly broken girl were best friends until they lost each other, only to find each other again when they are all grown up. This is the story of what happens when they meet again and find how drastically things can change in ten years. This is also their incredible love story.


Jessica was just eleven when she meets twelve year old Callen. They are from different sides of town, and only met because they both climbed into the same abandoned boxcar. Callen has been beaten once again and Jessica just wants Callen to be her prince. The two become fast friends and one day she introduces him to her music for her piano lessons. He takes to it like a duck to water. Then he pretty much disappears, although Jessica waits for him. They meet again in Paris, both in their twenties, and Callen doesn’t even know who she is. At this point, he’s a famous music composer and a notorious playboy. Jessica is the waitress in the bar where he’s drinking with a woman draped over him. Most of the story happens from this point on.

Jessica was the good girl from the good family. Only it’s not so good as her father was a womanizer and pretty much abandons the family for his other women. She attended a French school in her town and dreamed of living and working in Paris someday. Callen lived in a run down house on the wrong side of town. His father belittled him constantly and beat him regularly. While Jessica is actively pursuing her dream, Callen already has his. At least that’s what it looks like. Callen has a secret, one that he fears the most. He also drinks too much and is in a slump when it comes to his composing. He’s surrounded himself with not so good people, with the exception of his friend Nick. Nick was a great character and the only one that doesn’t coddle Callen.

When I listened to my first Mia Sheridan book a few months ago, I honestly didn’t know what the fuss was all about. I expected a five star read and I didn’t experience that. But, people encouraged me to read Archer’s Voice. And wow, just wow. I loved it. So when I saw this book on Net Galley, I jumped at the chance to read it. I am so happy I did. I found this book to be pretty perfectly written with a good pace. At times, the author takes the reader back in time so that we can see what happened in both children’s lives. And what happens when they become best friends. We also see how heartbroken Jessica is when they lose touch with each other. We get both main characters perspectives, more so with Jessica, but still enough of Callen to add to the overall story. I liked that-so many times you wonder what the other character’s thinking or what his/her motives are for things. Not so here, so that was a plus as well.

Another thing I really loved about this book was the inclusion of another story dating back to the 1400’s during the time of Joan of Arc. Jessica gets a job as a translator of ancient French writings and her work centered around a young woman’s diary of her time spent living with Joan of Arc during the war she led and after the war as well. It was fascinating.

So yes, I loved this one almost as much as I did Archer’s Voice. I can honestly say that I am now a fan of Ms. Sheridan’s work. I highly recommend this book and this author to adult contemporary romance fans and historical romance fans might enjoy it as well.


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It's no secret that I am a huge fan of childhood friends to lovers romances. More Than Words is the story of Jessica and Callen, who on the outside couldn't be more different, but end up forging a connection that defies time and distance.

A fateful encounter leads to an unlikely friendship between Jessica and Callen, which ends up shaping both of their lives. Both were running from their own problems at home and ended up finding comfort, support, and joy with the other. Their friendship is suddenly cut short though and their lives diverge as they grow older. A decade later, fate intervenes again and throws them back together in France. Reconciling the children they were, with the adults they are now is difficult for Jessica. They can't deny their connection (both emotionally and physically), but Callen's life choices embody everything Jessica has sworn to never accept or tolerate. It doesn't help that of course Jessica is a virgin, while Callen is essentially an alcoholic and an absolute manwhore, doing anything and anyone regardless of the consequences. Callen's self destructive behavior and secrets hang heavy between them, and create a huge push and pull between the people they are and who they want to be. Will these two let their fears and personal demons stop them from finding their happily ever after?

I really loved that Mia Sheridan pointed out that change comes from within, and that no matter how supportive your friends and family are, nothing will truly change unless you want it to. I found that the book came across a bit too religious/preachy at times (especially with the addition of the Joan of Arc story line), but I still appreciated the underlying message the author was trying to convey. I do wish we would have seen more of Jessica and Callen's childhood though, since it was the foundation of the entire story. Overall, More Than Words was an emotional and entertaining read!

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book*

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Mia Sheridan has the wonderful ability to make all her stories feel like classic fairy tales. She weaves stories within stories transporting readers to places that are magical within the hurts of reality and the world as we know it then she makes that reality forgiving and better. I particularly love how Sheridan starts her stories with a distinctive prologue setting the tone for the words to follow throughout the story. More Than Words fits into the realm of second chance loves in a unique way but still with Sheridan's signature flair for storytelling.

These lonely yet revealing and vulnerable characters are defined by unfortunate childhoods in two very different ways. Fate brought them together in the past forging a strong connection until to whisk it away when years later fate taunts them again. The premise of their story and how Sheridan evolves it from the beginning was really great. I like each character, who they are and what they want to become despite their issues. The two of them together felt sweet and cozy like you intimately knew their connection was lasting no matter the circumstances. A lot of hurdles stand in their way keeping the plot vibrant and buoyant connecting them further.

There were a few places I felt the story got stunted and drug on a bit with the intricacies of the heroines job mixed in but nothing totally detrimental to the story. It gets tricky for me when I'm reading a story and another story is taking place inside it, more of a bit of a distraction I didn't want while invested in the main characters. I really enjoyed reading More Than Words though and definitely find it a lovely, serene, easy romance to fall into the way Mia Sheridan continually provides. Romance lovers will appreciate the setting and the history that surrounds these two as maneuver through old wounds, new hurts, and future bliss.

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Mia did it again. I say that like I had any doubts going into this novel, but really, I didn't. I went into this novel knowing it was going to rock my and it did.

Callen and Jessica's story was so much to my heart! I recently travels to Paris so I loved the fact that I knew some of the places that Mia was referencing, and could picture them as I read! I felt like it gave me that extra little connection to the story.

Then, it was the story itself. Gosh does it pull at your heart. Chapter after chapter I kept hoping I knew where it was going and it definitely had some curve balls thrown in, In the end though, this novel as exactly what I needed. It left me filled with hope and love.

You can keep Archer, I'll take Callen because this novel was my whole existence for an afternoon and I could read it all over again and get lost in both stories that are within its pages.

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There is just no possible way my words will do justice to the beauty of this book. It has been a long time since I felt a story this deeply, felt the words resonate so exquisitely, felt my heart touched so genuinely by these lovely characters and their stunning love story. I don't even know what to tell you, except for that I am certain there are not enough stars for this book, it deserves well more than 5.

With More Than Words, Ms. Sheridan has woven an enchanting story filled with lush landscape, riveting history, compelling spiritual undertones, and - at the heart of it - a raw, pure love that sometimes hurt to read, but which I almost always felt at a nearly bone deep level. And the result of all this? Sheer emotional perfection. Honestly, there is a lot packed into this book - and pretty much all of it is emotional. My heart did not escape without bruises, but it also walked away full to brim with an incredible amount of sweetness and an ending that left me completely exhilarated (and frankly, a sobby mess of happy tears).

I can't recommend this highly enough. I turned the last page and wanted to immediately flip back to the beginning and spend more time with Callen and Jessie. There's no question that this book will go down as a top favorite of 2018 and I'll be carrying it around in my heart for a long time to come. ~ Shelly, 5+++ Stars

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It’s not your everyday second-chance romance. It’s more like destiny personified. I lost myself in the pages filled by Mia Sheridan. A romantical fantasy with good and evil, light and dark, tragedy and triumph. Utter book loving perfection.

We also get a bonus romance-within-a-romance that made my book loving heart soar. I want to talk and discuss it, but in all honesty, I am so frightened of giving something away that I dare not even begin to talk plotlines and synopsis. Just know this: It is book candy at its most decadent. A sweet and thoughtful read sure to make fans of Sheridan move this to the top of their favorites list.

What more can I say? Get it. Read it. Love it.

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"Fairy tales helped me disappear into worlds where princes were loyal and honest and where princesses were strong and brave."

Any of my book friends will tell you that Archer's Voice is my favorite book by Mia Sheridan. It doesn't mean I didn't like her other books, it's just that Archer's Voice is my favorite.

Knowing that I enjoyed Mia's writing when the opportunity presented for me to get an early copy of More Than Words, I wasn't going to pass it over.

Who would have thought that meeting in an abandoned train boxcar would have an effect on two people so great that neither will forget it?

When Callen Hayes and Jessica Creswell meet for the first time, they are both teenagers. They soon realize they have something in common. Neither has a happy home.

Jessica likes to pretend she's in a fantasy and she sees Callen as her broken Prince. For his part, Callen is happy to let Jessica read to him and take him away from his problems. Several months later and after they share a special moment, Callen disappears from her life and they don't see each other until they are both adults in Paris.

“I’m here to save you,”

Sadly, the reunion doesn't go as planned. Callen doesn't recognize her but after that night, he can't seem to forget the woman who said those words to him. As fate will have it, they will meet one more time but this time might be their last chance.

Callen is a well-known composer who has lost his muse until he has Jessica back in his life. Yet, his fame as a womanizer and a borderline alcoholic doesn't ensure confidence from Jessica. She knows she won't be with a man who can't remain faithful to her. For his part, Callen can be his worst enemy but Jessica brings back the music to him. She inspires him and makes him want to be better. The question is can he let go of his past?

More Than Words gives a message of hope and love which is perfect for a romance fan.

"I want to live fiercely and without regret."

Cliffhanger: No

4/5 Fangs

A complimentary copy was provided by Forever via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Mia Sheridan has always been one of my go to authors. From the very beginning, with Leo, I’ve loved the words, the stories, the worlds she creates. More Than Words is no exception. I’ve fallen in I’ve with Callen and Jessie and the journey they embarked on. Mia takes us to France and it’s like no other story I’ve ever read. It touched my heart in a way that I’ll never forget.

Creating a magical friendship as children in a boxcar in Northern California, Callen abruptly leaves without a trace after a few years of their meeting. As Fate would have it, they meet again 10 years later in Paris.

I found myself so immersed in this story, that I never wanted it to end. Without giving too much away, there is a story within this book that also had my fully invested and found me on the edge of my seat wanting to know how it would end.

While I know that so many readers always think of Archer’s Voice when they think of Mia’s books, Leo has always been at the top of my list. I never thought any of Mia’s books could dethrone Leo has my favorite book and hero she’s written, but I was mistaken. Callen, with his struggles, bad choices and broken spirit, has risen to the top.

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3.5 Stars
Years ago, I read Archer's Voice. That book broke me. I have several other of Mia Sheridan's books, but have yet to read them. I guess I've been scared of the emotional impact. I decided to brave her writing again with More Than Words. There were several things I loved about this book. That initial connection between Jessie and Callie was so sweet. I loved that fate brought them back together, and that they got more than one chance to be together. I also loved how Jessie's job and her interpretations paralleled with her relationship with Callen. The only thing I wasn't a big fan of was Callen's womanizing and drinking. I guess I'm just over that in romances right now. It made it harder for me to emotionally connect to Jessie and Callen's relationship. Other than, I enjoyed reading More Than Words.

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I never know what to expect with a Mia Sheridan story. I do however know that it will always be beautiful. This story was both unique and beautifully written. The side story of Joan Of Arc worked amazingly well. Mia writes characters that are beautifully broken. I love how well we get to know them individually and together. I love Mia's writing this story was a great example of why.

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