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Brilliant and ambitious, Quinn Kavanagh was aiming for the top, even before he was turned. But now, as a powerful vampire lord, he’s driven by the demands of his blood, compelled to conquer and destroy, to defeat Ireland’s criminal ruler, and make the territory a better place for all its vampires and humans alike. Smart and beautiful, Eve Connelly was a graduate student with life’s endless possibilities stretched out before her. She knew nothing of vampires and didn’t care . . . until she watched two of them murder her beloved brother. Now she’s driven, too. But she doesn’t want to help Ireland’s vampires—she just wants to kill them.
This was the first book I’ve read from this author. I didn’t realize this was the 12th book in a series, but I’m not sure it mattered. The book was ok. I did like both main characters. I’m not sure I felt the chemistry between them though. The plot wasn’t bad. Overall, I’m not sure I’ll read more from this series.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Just can not get enough from this author and once again have not been disappointed. What a series and what a talent.

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Book 12 in the Vampires of America series. As with all the books in this series it can be read as a stand alone but there is a continuous storyline throughout the series so they are best read in order.

We are finally making some headway in the was with the European vampires! Since the Europeans have entered the storyline it seems like the American lords have been on the defensive. With the last novella we see the North American lords become more offensive. All I can say is its about time!

I really enjoyed how this book took place outside the US with pretty much all new characters. There were a few times where previous characters made little cameos but overall there wasn't much interference from the NA lords.

We get Quinn who really isn't that old in vampire years but he's incredibly powerful and he has decided to go back to the country of his birth and take over the mantel of Lord. Along the way he meets Eve, a woman that lost her brother violently to vampires and has made it her mission to kill as many as she can. There is a lot of back and forth, push and pull between the two during the book. I would have liked a little more of them together when they didn't seem mad at each other but they circled each other for a long time.

I'm glad to see the fight moving to Europe and we get a small teaser, as usual, about the next book so we have an idea of where the series is taking us next. I am still enjoying the stories 12 books and many novellas in. There's action, romance and a certain level of intrigue that makes each book exciting. I am looking forward to continuing this series.

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Hot, Hot, Hot! Loved watching this story come together. The passion, laughter, and family like scenery brought an amazing experience to the pages of a good book!

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Quinn,  D. B. Reynolds

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Romance

Oh Gosh, I've been so looking forward to seeing more of Quinn but this book wasn't the greatest for me.
I've loved all the books except Sophia, and this had the same kind feeling about it for me. I just didn't feel the connection, the sizzle, the must-be-with each other that I'm used to in DB's vampire mates.

The story was fun, and as usual I enjoyed the flashbacks to Quinn's ( and Garrick's) Turning. What a b itch their Mistress was. I've seen technical inaccuracies pointed out since reading this, but TBH I didn't notice them at the time. Its a bit of a basic error though, I know in fantasy the chance to re-write history is there and Maybe in Quinn's sixties technology had got that far, but without explanation of that then I can see how some readers are irritated. I guess I got too hung up on the story to notice. I really enjoyed reading Quinn and Garrick's backstory.

I like that the main plot has now moved to Europe, that's been set up since the early books, and each later story has been working towards this. Take the battle to the Europeans, rather than wait for attack, has been the recent decision by the American vamps. After all why should they wait, knowing that Europe has designs on their land. Put in some strong Lords and they're all better off.
I'm pleased Quinn has roots in Ireland, I didn't – and don't – want a US Vamps are the only ones strong enough thread to this story line. I'm hoping DB sticks with keeping those roots connected, and also that at least some of the European vamps stay as Lords. I don't want a total US annihilation.

That's all for the future though, back to this story. There's bits I loved, as usual the battle scenes were slick, polished and very real, bloody at times as befits Vampires. I loved Quinn and Garrick, though did find it a bit incredible that Quinn was so fixated on Eve at times, while at others he was very take it or leave it and the-battle-comes-first ( as it should, he's Lord for a reason)
I have to say it, but I didn't like Eve. She's a bigot, selfish, cold in the way she regards Vampires. As Quinn says, if her brother was killed by humans would she go all out killing them? I do find it a bit incredible she's been so successful, given she hasn't any special talents, isn't superfit, gun trained etc but simply relies on her femininity and surprise ( Hey guys, look, Boobs...oh and here's my pointy stick!) That's not enough to kill stronger vampires, as we see in the story, and it seems weird that she's managed to avoid meeting and trying to kill any of them when she doesn't know how to tell strength. I did feel for her about her mother, she was a horrible woman, and of course losing her brother like that, seeing him killed, was tough. Still didn't mean I liked her though.
Same goes for her romance with Quinn. With every other one I've been able to feel a strong attraction, feel the pull to each other from early on, and felt that human and vampire both respect each other. Not so here, there's lust, but that's it. There's certainly no respect for each other, and in a way everything takes place over such a short time – couple of weeks I think – that perhaps there isn't time for them to develop that. Apart from sex they spend very little time together, and yet they become Mates....I wasn't feeling it. I respect all the other Mates, they all have different qualities, but there's that indefinable Something about them that works. Maybe it'll grow here, as I'm not feeling it yet.

Stars:Four. I enjoyed it as part of the wider story, loved the Vampire side of things but felt it was let down, rather than enhanced, by the romance. I'm currently re-reading this series- I love catching up with it on a second or more read, the only other one I don't love is Sophia, and I skim read that to get gist of story, I guess I'll do the same here.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and Publishers

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After the European vampires have been trying to overthrow the vamps in the US, it's about time that they took the fight to them. Lucas has some ancestral ties in Ireland which helped get Quinn into the country, but Quinn has every intention of doing this on his own. Of course, his plans are almost ruined by a fiesty redheaded vampire slayer.

Possibly my least favorite of the series. There's not much chemistry between Quinn & Eve. Worth reading to see the continuation of the storyline.

*Digital review copy provided by NetGalley & the publisher.

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Wow, D.B. Reynolds really phoned this one in. I'm SO disappointed.

I've read the entire Vampires in America series, and I've enjoyed every one, but this one... I almost have no words.

I need to address her complete lack of historical accuracy first as that bothered me immensely, so much so that I almost DNFed at 17%. At about 15/16% into the story, we flashback 57 years. While IN the flashback, Quinn uses speed dial, voicemail, and has a DESKTOP COMPUTER. Do you know what computers looked like in the 60s??

This is a 1969 state of the art computer, no less. I very much doubt Quinn had one in his office.

However, though the book is riddled with inaccuracies and so many flashbacks that it made my head spin, the worst part was that the book was boring, with almost no romantic chemistry between the MCs.

I hated Eve, also. She was cold and bloodthirsty, and at times TSTL and at other times able to kill vampires much stronger and bigger than her. She wasn't compelling as a character.

I wish I loved this one because I'm a huge fan of the series, but I think this one was a total bust. Upsetting.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

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If you’re looking for a sexy, standalone (if you want) vampire read with all the bells and whistles – this is the book for you!

I picked up Quinn not really knowing what to expect. I’m 12 (or more) books into this world and now we are rapidly moving out of America and into other countries. Here, we join Quinn as he moves to Ireland with the plan to become the new vampire lord here. The current lord (who is in league with the bad vamps who are doing a really bad job at beating Raphael) is obviously corrupt and is doing a pretty poor job of taking care of the vampires who are sworn to him. Maybe it’s laziness, maybe it’s a character flaw, but either way, it looks like the remaining un-American-vampire-ruled-countries will probably show up on the radar like this. That being said, Quinn is not your typical “Raphael vampire.” We don’t have an extensive experience with him, he hasn’t been a prominent side character in previous books, and he doesn’t call up Raphael or his close buds a whole bunch in this book. It was kind of a relief to have such a change!

So, we already know the main story – Quinn’s battle to win Ireland – but what would these books be without the mates? They’re always spunky and awesome, and Eve is no different. Eve’s brother was killed by vampires in front of her, thus creating the slutty Buffy character she now is, roaming the streets killing the “bad” vampires in town. In Ireland, it appears, there are more bad vampires than good. Quinn, however, is looking to change that and it happens pretty quickly (just like his romance with Eve). These two combust quickly, despite her having a penchant for vampire slaying. The combination of Quinn’s aggressive vampire lord-ish-ness and Eve’s determined pluckiness reminded me back before Raphael and Cyn had all this baggage.

The book follows a similar format to the others but really had me guessing along the way. Maybe moving to other countries is a good thing and will keep things interesting? Either way, I wish there was more book, but at the same time I’m happy we have a HEA for Quinn and Eve. These books could go on forever and I would just keep reading…

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I have always been a big fan of D.B. Reynolds and most especially her Vampires In America series. I will admit that Quinn was my least favorite books of the series. It was honestly not a story I was expecting from this highly admired author. It was quite disappointing at times which is why I had to rate it a 3 blossom read.

Quinn begins with our heroine, Eve, who lost her brother to some vampires and now she is out for vengeance. She goes out “hunting” at night until she meets Quinn who is charming and sensual and at first she doesn’t realize that he is a vampire. But then she learns the truth and she isn’t sure that she could harm Quinn. But Quinn has a problem, he is to overthrow the evil vampire lord that runs Ireland, and he can’t afford distractions especially in realizing that his mate is a vampire hunter.

I had a few issues with this story. The heroine really really bothered me. I struggled with her character. At first she kills the “bad” vampires but as the story progresses we see her just kill any vampire and I love that the hero set her straight on that score reminding her that her grief was blinding her and she was commiting murder comparing it to a human killing her brother so she would be out killing humans…any human. I really felt that she was stubborn and prideful and a bit foolish at times. I didn’t find much redeemable about her.

The romance between Quinn and Gia was practically non existent, there were hardly any feels and I just couldn’t connect with their romance. I found this SO disappointing, especially since this author in the past has always written the best feels in her books, but I didn’t get any of that in this book.

The one aspect that really kept me interested in the story was the plot and world building. This was the one main redeemable quality that kept me fascinated and kept this rating at 3 instead of lower. I love the way that Reynolds tends to build a story and she did a phenomenal job in writing the susenseful and intrigue aspects of the plot and creating the worldbuilding of the story and the series. I absolutely couldn’t get enough of the setting in Ireland. So COOL!! There are NOT enough books set in Ireland and its such a passionate country.

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I am a big fan of the Vampires in America series, but I was not a big fan of Quinn's book. Ever since the series shifted overseas to the European vampires, the story lines have lost a lot of their magic for me. It was a battle getting through the first few chapters of the book because the dialog was long, drawn out and just couldn't hold my interest.

I finally had to stop after Quinn's first flashback scene. He's a moderately young vampire at 89 years old (32 human/57 vampire). Quinn flashes back 57 years so the time period would be around 1961, if you're using the current pub date of 2018 as a reference. The author notates about Quinn checking the date and time on his computer screen as well as using the speaker phone, speed dial and voicemail which these technological advances weren't around in the early 60s, or available to the public anyway. Granted, this is a particularly small complaint, but being historically accurate in respect to the technology of the period is really what pulled me out of the story which, unfortunately was not able to hold much of my interest to begin with. I hate to admit defeat here by putting the book down but frankly, I don't want to read anymore.

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The Delight
Hot vampire lords and feisty heroines inhabit this fascinating world that D.B. Reynolds has written and I’m addicted to the whole series.

Eve Connelly is an Irish redhead with the temperment that seems to go with it. In this case, she deserves to be angry after seeing her brother beaten to death by two vampires. She vows then and there that all vampires she can find will die at her hands. She pretty much gives up her life, which used to include graduate school, to hunt at night when the vampires are out and about. Quinn Kavanagh has just moved back to the land of his birth, Ireland. There’s a vampire war going on and it’s Quinn’s turn to take over a territory and this time the territory is Ireland. He runs into Eve one night when he watches her lure a couple of vampires to their death. Immediately, he makes the decision to find out what she’s doing and why. And hey, if he’s attracted to her and her to him, well that can’t hurt things, or can it?

There’s just so much to love about this series. It may be about Vampires in America, but now that’s expanding to include Europe and the UK. Reynold’s world building is amazing. She writes of a world where vampires are known about and even feared by some. But there’s also a part of the population that are drawn to vampires and more than willing to give up their blood for the feeling they get while doing so. Other than that, vampires are very private and keep their politics to themselves. They also keep their wars to themselves.

The world building may be my favorite thing about this series, but her characters are my other favorite thing. This time Reynolds changed things up a bit. In past books most of the heroines have been strong females with a hardcore job. This time, Eve is feisty as they come, but really has no real job-at least not a legitimate one. She’s also quick to jump into the physical part of the relationship, when the others have more of a slow burn type romance. Of course, she has no idea he’s a vampire and those other ladies did. As I mentioned, she hates vampires and won’t ever have anything to do with them-until she kills them. Yeah, that’s not happening this time. On Quinn’s part, he’s smart, built like a Greek god and determined that Ireland will be his. He was born as one of the few powerful vampires, but like anything else, it took time to hone his powers. And grow stronger while establishing his own small army of vampires.

Vampires in America is one of those series that I have been moving through, slowly but surely. I actually read this one out of order for the first time, but since I had read the first eight it wasn’t a problem for me. These books always have fantastic main characters and plenty of life and death action. The romance is always hot with mega chemistry and I always look forward to the vampire’s backstory. In this case, it only goes back fifty seven years, but it was still compelling. The only problem I had this time was with some out of place or I should say time things. At one point, Quinn is on his cell phone-fifty seven years ago. And he calls his cousin, also a good character, the word, dude. Both things jumped out at me while reading. I will say, I’ve never noticed anything like that in this series before and since this is an ARC, hopefully it was corrected before publication.

If you like vampire stories, ones with lots of romance and action, then this is a series not to be missed. Highly recommended!

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This all being said I was disappointed in Quinn on several levels.

First, Quinn was turned 57 yrs ago which would be 1961. The scenes that took place during this time frame mentioned cell phones, desktop computers and the language was definitely not of that time period..this bugged the heck out of me. I can't figure out why her editors didn't pick up on this.

Second, Eve...a poor man's Cyn. She was just too angsty, too pouty...just tooooooooo...I couldn't relate or sympathize with her much less empathize. Totally not a fav heroine.

Third, I think the story was too wrapped up in taking place in Ireland and the story took second place. I just didnt have the same connection to the storyline and character as I have done in all her previous books. Some of this could have been the authors personal headspace when the book was written but again...I feel her editors let her down.

All this being said I think a beta reader/s could have helped make this book the terrific novel I know it could have been.

Still all this the novel still is a 3 star read because I adore the writing and Quinn.

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What is there not to love, this was as always a fantastic addition to an awesome series. Loved their chemistry, her spunky humor and the layout of the story!!

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All-in-all, not a bad read and I did enjoy this book, just not as much as I normally enjoy books in this FANTASTIC series. I’m spoiled. I have come to expect so much more between the Vampire Lords and their destined mates.

As always we get a teaser for the next Vampire Lord (of Scotland! mind automatically thinks Kilts woohoo!), as always I’m looking forward to the next ViA book!!

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Thanks Netgalley for a copy to read and review.

I love this series....full of hot alpha guys with a penchant for blood tasting. Quinn heads to Ireland to take over and be the top Vampire. His gift of fire makes him a formidable opponent as he saves his strength for the bad vampires. He wants to make Ireland his home and turn a bad way of life into something good for all vampires in Ireland.
Eve watched her brother be murdered by two vampires, now she makes it her life goal to get rid of the bad vampires. She's an innocent as she quits school to find the vampires that killed her brother. What she lacks in size she makes up for with her sexy body and smart mind. She meets Quinn and sparks fly.
This book took a little bit to get into, it's been awhile since I have read in this series so I struggled at first. I felt like the vampire politics dragged a bit at first but once he confessed to Eve that he was indeed a vampire the book kind of relaxes. I really didn't understand Garrick's animosity toward Eve, friends that act like they're always looking out for your best interest kind of bore me. Quinn is a bad ass and he can take care of himself. His friends should recognize that. I get Quinn's behavior was out of character but others have found mates. Still the series is great and totally worth buying and reading if your into vampire romances. I gave it four stars of entertainment!

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D.B. Reynolds continues her sexy and exciting Vampires In America (VIA) series with Quinn, book 12 in the series in which smart and sexy graduate student turned vampire hunter Eve Connelly is determined to avenge her brother’s murder and getting closer every night until the gorgeous newcomer from America Quinn Kavanagh derails her plans and makes her second guess the motives behind her killing spree.

Quinn was a natural born leader even before he became a vampire and didn’t hesitate when he was presented the opportunity to takeover and rule with a fair and honest hand over his native Ireland. Finding a mate and falling in love though, was not in his plan, much less falling for a fierce redhead human set on killing his kind. Can they learn to trust each other in order to achieve both their goals?

A VIA release is cause for celebration alone, more so after over a year since the last full length installment was published. With Quinn, Reynolds delivers an exciting and sizzling hot story with fascinating characters, an engaging plot and more of her paranormal world building. Hint, hint… I loved Quinn’s enhanced magical ability!

Quinn is not only driven to be a leader, he’s determined to be a good one for the benefit of his kind and that of humans. Aside from the underlying political plot, I enjoyed watching Quinn modify his plans to include Eve in his life even when at times it went against his Vampire. Even though Eve and Quinn’s relationship was rushed by vampire politics and shrouded by secrets, their attraction was.

Quinn is book #12 of the Vampires in America series by D.B. Reynolds. It is standalone paranormal romance told by several points of view with a happy ending and introduction to the next book.

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He is powerful despite his youth, he is intelligent beyond his years. Quinn is a compelling addition to the Vampires in America series and is the magnificently, well written, suspenseful romance I have come to know from this fabulous author. If you haven’t read this series you are truly missing out on a great series.

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I love this series but not this book. It pains me to give a book in the Vampire in America series only two stars but this one just didn't work for me. Quinn and Eve don't spend much time together in this book and quite frankly I was given the impression for most of the book that Quinn could easily walk away from Eve even after they have sex (which is really written as more of a hook-up then anything else). In fact, after they have sex Quinn intends to feed/have sex with someone else. So the romance was almost non-existent to me and then suddenly they are in love at the end. Eve also bothered me a bit. She came across as a bit immature and occasionally TSTL. The one thing I have always LOVED about this series is how strong the heroines are but Eve just wasn't in the same ballpark. Sure she was a bit sassy but she was also stubborn and wouldn't admit when she was wrong or couldn't handle a situation. She knew almost nothing about powerful vampires and made a lot of assumptions that would probably have gotten her killed eventually. I actually enjoyed the "bromance" relationship between Quinn and his cousin Garrett then I did Quinn and Eve. However, I will say I loved the other 11 books in this series so I'll chalk this up to a one off that just didn't work for me and still plan to read the next book in the series.

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In this book the American vampires have left the states for Ireland. Vampire Quinn means to wrest control of the Irish vampires from the villainous lord Sorely, this to establish a foothold for bringing the vampire war to Europe. Frequently getting in the way of Quinn’s plans is determined vampire hunter, Eve. Falling in love was not in the plan.

This being book #12 in the Vampires In America series, what can I always count on when I read one of these books? I can count on a smoking hot, dangerous, over the top Alpha vampire Lord, an intelligent heroine that can hold her own in…most situations, although at times she may be naïve about vampires, super sizzling sexual tension and sex scenes and action scenes to rival the best thriller movies. This latest entry in the series does not disappoint on any of these points. The world of Quinn and Eve is fraught with danger at every turn because as we know vampires are a dangerous lot.

It was once again easy to fall under the spell of D.B. Reynolds’ vampires and lose myself in her vampire world. I loved the background information on how Quinn and Garrett were turned. The action scenes were well done and if I have any complaint it is that I wanted more from Quinn’s entourage in those scenes. This is not my favorite book of the series but I am falling for Quinn.

Do understand that there is violence aplenty and smokin’ hot sex .

Another goody in the series but do be sure to check out those that came before.

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The Vampire Wars are getting more exciting as the American Vampires expand their reach and bring the fight to Ireland.

Quinn and Eve are strong, compelling characters that have an undeniably sizzling chemistry that has sparks flying in every direction along with some snarky dialogue as well emotional ups and downs that easily draws readers into the story and ensures that the readers want to know every last detail of this rocky relationship as they struggle toward their happily ever after. Their romance is made even more interesting in the fact that Quinn may have met his match in every way which has the couple bristling with egos and tough exteriors.

As with all of the Vampires in America series, Quinn is full of thrills and chills as Quinn plots and plans to take down the Master of Ireland and his illegal operations. There are lots of twists and turns to keep readers guessing and enemies to either destroy or turn against their leader all while Eve keeps Quinn on his toes with her vendetta against vampires.

D.B. Reynolds sure has a way with words and she makes sure her characters do as well as she give them brilliant life and she makes her vampire world so fascinating that I never get bored no matter how many times read each and every one. So, I am quite thrilled to tell you that you that once again I have enjoyed my time spent in her world while I got to know Quinn and Eve and I can’t wait for the next book as I believe it may be time to visit Scotland….hmmm?

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