Member Reviews

I am a HUGE JLA fan and when it was announced that she was making a spinoff of the Lux series, I squealed and did a happy dance! The Lux series has been my fave of hers for years, so I KNEW I’d love The Darkest Star as well...and I was right! It was everything I’d hoped for. It can be read as a stand-alone since she briefly recaps the history in the story. But if you’re like me, and want ALL the info and glimpses of characters, read the Lux series first then TDS. I also especially loved seeing a few familiar faces from The Lux series making an appearance throughout the book. TDS is well paced, witty, a little angsty, sweet, heartbreaking, and with some young lust thrown in to keep me happy!

Evie is a good female lead. She’s strong, compassionate, is relatable, stands her ground, and protective of her friends and family. I loved seeing her blossom throughout the book. The way she would let others help her when needed, but at other times she’d stand and help. I loved seeing her bring out the softer side to Luc.

Luc....oh sweet Luc. He’s everything I remember him being and then some! He’s older, more mature, sexy, yet still the bad@ss, smart@ass we all know and love! I really loved seeing his protective side in the previous books, but it was even more so in TDS, sometimes to the point of giving me chills! I got all swoony whenever he did little things: gentle touches, bringing a Coke, light kisses to the forehead. *sighs*

All in all, this was a phenomenal read that any Lux lover and first time Lux (Origin) reader will enjoy! Thank you Jenn, Tor Publishing, and NetGalley for this ARC. This is my honest review.

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“He just looked at me in a way that made me feel like I was some kind of jigsaw puzzle he couldn’t piece together. Our gazes collided and held. My breath caught. Something….something hot and unwanted flared to life between us.”

“Life without you is like a broken pencil. Pointless.”

“If I had to do it all over, I would. Without a fucking doubt, I would do it again, because the only other option would be that you wouldn’t be standing in front of me–pissed off, but breathing. Alive and so damn beautiful that it kills me a little each time I look at you.”

This book. As a fan of the Lux Series, I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life for this book. Words can not even express how excited I was to hear that we would be returning to the Lux world. I was over the moon, excited and on pins and needles. Anxious to get my hands on this book and see what new adventure lies ahead. And let me tell you, I was not disappointed at all. From the moment I started reading The Darkest Star, it felt like I was home. Like I was with an old friend, but a whole new one at the same time. I was addicted and utterly captivated. Wild horses could not stop me from putting this book down.

The Darkest Star picks up a while after Opposition left off with a new story and threat to the world as we know it. It follows the story of Evie and Luc. Evie is seventeen and her biggest worry is getting busted underage at a club known for humans and Luxen to mix freely. Evie is awkward and out of place, but will do anything to support a friend, even if that means showing up at club despite what her instincts are telling her. The one thing she never planned on was meeting Luc. She feels an instant and unexplained pull to him. She tries to fight it and stay away, but before she knows it, she finds herself in a world she never expected to be a part of. A place where nothing makes sense and everything she thought she knew may not be….

The Darkest Star is a thrilling and entertaining read. To say I devoured it would be a total understatement. This book is totally one of those cancel all your plans, turn off your phone and lock yourself in your room type reads. You won’t want to put this book down. Trust me, I literally had to force myself to take a break and eat some breakfast; it was that good.

The Darkest Star gave me everything I was looking for and then some. From new friends to old. To a captivating plot with threats and danger around every corner. To delicious sexual tension and oh so many swoon worthy moments. The Darkest Star is fast paced and action packed. There certainly was never a dull moment. This is the kind of book that reminded me exactly why I fell in love with this genre to begin with.

The Darkest Star is hands down one of the best YA books I’ve read this year. It’s reignited my love for this genre and the Lux Series. I still have some burning questions and am super excited to see where this story is going to go next!

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I have read the first 2 parts of the Lux series a few years back. I enjoyed the first part a lot, but noticed the second part was way to much of the same to me. And it felt a bit to childish at parts. So I never really felt the need to read the other parts.

When I saw the Darkest Part being available on Netgalley at first I didn't realize it was a new book in this series. Well, it's an entire new series, but it plays in the same world. At the start of the book it was still not yet visible to me. When they started talking about the Luxen war I started to realize and recognize a few things from the previous books. And when Daemon also made an appearance I was really happy. But also I was afraid I wouldn't understand everything because I hadn't read everything.

There are a lot of references throughout the book at the first Lux books. But it wasnt in a way wich made you feel you had to have read everything. It's a story on its own, and everything is explained in a way new readers will understand as well.

It still had the childish feel every now and then, but not in a distracting way (maybe I'm just getting to old for young adult books :P) And I absolutely flew through the book. It was a nice read, with so many lovable characters. And I absolutely will read any next book in this series the wonderful miss Armentrout throws at us!

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I find myself sucked back into the wonderful world that Jennifer has created with the Luxen, Origin and Hybrids, oh my with The Darkest Star.
This book basically picks up 5 years or so after the last book in the Lux novels; Opposition leaves off. The invasion has ended we see Evie, a young human girl going to a nightclub with her friend where Luxen are known to frequent. What could go wrong? Enter Luc, Luc is hot, young and infuriating to say the least and naturally Evie can't stand him, but at the same time is drawn to him in some strange way. From the moment GO, Evie was thrown into a crazy world where Luxen and Humans co living are not the only things she has to worry about. Luc is bad news the most powerful of all the Origins ever, she has seen him kill without breaking a sweat, Evie knows this, but she can't seem to stay away from him and he as a familiarity with her that she finds disturbing. When Friends turn to enemies and kids start going missing, then turn up dead, Evie thinks she has seen the worst, but Evie's life is blown apart and threatened all in the span of 48 hours Luc will stop at nothing to protect what's his. Luc gave me SERIOUS Professor Snape vibes while showing off his sensitive side to Evie and it MELTED me every time.
Jennifer sucked me back in both humor, fells and some good old fashion smoldering kisses like she so so good at! I can't wait for the next book and delve more into this awesome new world!

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I was really disappointed in this book. I have read other books by this author that I have enjoyed and purchased for our school library. This will not be one of them. The main story line of the book is interesting. However, the relationships between the two main characters is toxic to say the least. It is portrayed to be a relationship that someone would desire to have and I fear for my students who would desire to have this kind of relationship. It is a toxic relationship that boarders on abusive. I will not be purchasing this book for our collection.

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I read the first three books of the Lux series years ago, before losing interest and moving on to other worlds. This book made me want to revisit the world, and see what I have missed. I would say that Arementrout's writing has vastly improved since her initial Lux books.

In a world where Luxens are known, and forbidden to intermingle with humans, Evie Dasher gets caught up with a boy named Luc.

As much as this series interests me (I do love an alien romance), the dialogue and reactions of the characters sometimes falls flat. Not a recommendation for lovers of literature, but a great fluff read for those who just want a little spicy alien romance.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan-Tor/Forge for the read of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s, The Darkest Star.

I read a load of YA, and while The Darkest Star was an entertaining read, after all the anticipation, it was a book that I could put down, and get back around to, time permitting. Sorry!

I thought it was a bit slow to pick up. I was waiting for it and I was glad when it finally did. Still, I found Luc and Evie’s relationship awkward, despite having that shared deep history between them. Evie’s indignant reaction to finding out who she really was seemed odd because shouldn’t it have been great to know you were saved? I felt Luc’s character worked too hard at being dark and complex - for me he just came off as unlikeable. I wanted to like him. I wanted to love them being together, but I did not. And, big NB here: I was not crazy about the tragic high school, finding-in-the-bathroom happening. To me, fiction or not, that hits a sore spot. You'll need to read it to know what I'm referring to.

JLA’s writing is clever and sharp - that is always a given. Just not one of my favorites.

Still, I would recommend.

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“Sometimes the truth is worse than the lie.”

It was so much fun being back in this world and getting to revisit some beloved characters and learning more about the Origins - who had always interested me. I knew I would enjoy the story because I already like a lot of the characters - and as a character driven read, half the battle was already won. Getting to see cameos from Daemon, Archer, and some other characters from the Lux series was a real treat. I loved that we really got to know Luc more and see how he’s changed and hardened after the war. I loved seeing his relationship with Evie develop - it was filled with excellent banter and high-class flirting. I really liked Evie as a character as well. She’s resilient and brave, even she she’s scared out of her mind. She was an easy character to get behind and support.

Some of the dialogue was so incredibly cheesy and cringey that I had to put the book down for a second. It was so extra and over-the-top, but I also think it’s part of the charm for this kind of story that doesn’t take itself too seriously and is honestly, just a good time. There was a lot of groundwork laid down for future books so I’m excited to see where the series takes us! (And hopefully we’ll get to see some more old favorites again soon.)

I received a copy of the book from Tor Teen in exchange for an honest review.

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It's been four years since the Luxen invasion. At seventeen years old, Evie Dasher has vague terror-filled memories of hiding from the alien invaders and having her whole life turned upside down. Now that she's a senior in high school, life is getting back to normal. TV shows are back on the air, hamburgers are back on the menu, and the remaining Luxen are registered with the state, wearing Disabler bracelets to inhibit their powers. 

When Evie sneaks into a nightclub called Foretoken, she runs into a gorgeous, violet-eyed alpha male named Luc who seems, strangely, to already know things about her. When a raid shuts down the night club, they end up trapped in a closet together and develop a love-hate connection that simultaneously repels and attracts Evie. When Evie goes back the next day to retrieve her cell phone, she realizes that Luc is not going to disappear from her life. At the same time, two girls from Evie's high school disappear, and rumors surface that rogue Luxen are going on a killing spree. At first, Evie is positive that Luc is one of these light-filled aliens, but could it be that he is something else entirely?

This book is apparently a spin-off of Armentrout's earlier series called Lux that I have not yet read, but I was able to follow the plot fairly easily. The pacing dragged in parts, and Evie's character had the ability to be mind-numbingly annoying in places (cf. Bella Swan). Many of the romantic scenes, in fact, were Twilight-esque and more sexual than I would have expected in a young adult novel (but maybe I'm stuck in the last decade...). Luc gives off the same vibe as Edward with his constant surveillance, disregard for Evie's wishes, lightning fast reflexes, and glowing skin. The world-building, however, was well-excuted, and the dialogue was clever in many parts. I think I would have enjoyed this novel more as an adult science fiction storyline instead of having it crammed with the typical young adult tropes, but it did capture my interest enough to want to know what happens next!

Disclosure: I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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In the first installment of the highly anticipated spin off of the Lux Series, we are once again thrust into the exciting and enthralling world of the Luxen. Taking place four years after the events of the Lux Series, our story follows seventeen year old Evelyn 'Evie' Dasher as she accompanies her best friend to the illustrious Foretoken club - a club known to welcome both humans and aliens. What starts off as harmless teenage girl fun soon turns to chaos as Evie is suddenly thrust into the very complicated and complex world of aliens she's only heard and seen horrors about. And things get even more crazy when she meets Luc - a mysteriously gorgeous guy who is clearly not human and who seems to know things about her. Almost like he knows her personally. Which is crazy because she's never met or seen him before this night....right? She doesn't know it yet, but Evie is in for a wild ride.

HOLY ALIEN BABIES! This book was so insane. I don't even know where to start with this review because my head is still reeling after those last couple chapters. I guess I'll start with saying that I loved this book. A lot. I was a little worried because you never know with spin off series if it'll live up to the original. Especially if said series is an ultimate favorite of yours, which the Lux Series is for me. Thankfully, I feel like The Darkest Star delivered a flawlessly executed plot that kept me on my toes until the very last page. I'm serious, the mysteries in this book are crazy and when you finally get the answers you've been itching for...your mind will be BLOWN.

Now on to other stuff I enjoyed besides the plot. I can't not write this review without discussing the characters. Our main players, Evie and Luc were simply fantastic. Of course, if you read the Lux Series you're already familiar with Luc and you most likely are already half in love with him. Well, hold your horses ladies and gents because that love is going to multiply by like a million. I loved reading about Luc through Evie's eyes. He was more mysterious than I remember him being, but it made me want to keep reading to figure out why he was always being so evasive. On the flip side, when he was being upfront and just his normal Luc self, he was so full of awesome. He made me laugh, made me swoon, and broke my heart a time or two (I really wanted to hug him.) Then there's Evie. She was a solid main character. Pretty much the standard JLA protagonist. Likable, strong, and doesn't take crap from boys with messy hair and mesmerizing eyes. Evie was great and with Luc she was just spectacular. I loved all their scenes together and I'll admit maybe I rushed through some scenes in order to get back to reading about them again (hehe). But I couldn't help myself. Their banter and chemistry was just on point. I was rooting for them from the first moment they met.

Besides Luc and Evie, I also loved all the new characters we get introduced to this time around. Some of my standout favorites are definitely Grayson, Kent, Heidi, and Zoe. I think readers will really take a liking to all of them. They just made me laugh so much and seemed like great friends that I would love to have myself. It was also so much fun seeing some familiar faces again from the Lux Series, like Daemon and Archer! I liked how they were incorporated into the story and I really hope we see more Lux characters throughout this new series.

The last topic I want to touch upon that I enjoyed from this story is how the state of the world in this book resonates with what is going on in America today. Being that the public now knows that aliens do exist, the Luxen are being treated like second class citizens. Because of the actions of some of their kind the government and some of the public believe that they're dangerous and precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of humans. Luxens are basically being shunned and called murders. And it doesn't matter how good or kind most of them are, some people just assume they're all the same. Just because they're different. Just because they're not from here. It's scary how real this felt because we are seeing stuff like this in the news pretty much daily. I know JLA said it wasn't intentional on her part, but I'm glad that this ended up happening. It gave the story a more realistic feel, like we could actually be living in the book right now. I thought it was pretty genius.

So, that's it folks. Those were all my thoughts and feelings on this brand new adventure Jennifer L. Armentrout will be taking us on. I highly recommend reading this one! Especially if you love the Lux Series. You'll be glad you picked this up. Once you're done, I can assure you you'll definitely want more. I, for one, am very excited to see where this story is headed because I honestly can't even guess. It's going to be torture waiting for the next book. Don't know if I'll make it, but I'm going to try.

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I received a digital ARC of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
* * * * *
I will totally be doing a spoiler Book Talk of this book as well once it's officially released but I loved it so much that I just have to talk about it now and release my pent up fangirl craziness. The Darkest Star is the first book in the Origin series and is a spin-off to the much beloved Lux series. The Darkest Star is officially released on the 31st October so you have plenty of time to catch up on these books. No excuses!!
Right... this is gonna be hard not to talk about spoilers but I'll push through it so be prepared for very vague opinions and a lot incoherent fangirling over Jennifer L. Armentrout. There's just something about JLA's books that turns me into a squealing, hand-flapping... seal, apparently.
If you've been on my blog for any period of time, you'll know that Jennifer L. Armentrout is my ultimate favourite author and has been for many many years. Every word I read of her books is flawless and I'm always seconds away from creating a religion around her work and claiming her the Goddess of Writing. If you like books with epic action, swoon-worthy romance and effortless humour that has you grinning through every page, please for the love of the Gods, pick up a JLA book. Trust me, you won't regret it.
As soon as I picked up The Darkest Star, I was in love... I'm that easily pleased. When reading JLA books, I get sort of giddy and giggly and this book was no different. I had this stupidly wide grin on my face and was giggling like an idiot whenever someone I knew was mentioned. Because this is a spin-off of the Lux series, there are a few nods to those books and characters and I lived for them!!

Full review:

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OMG I could not put this book down! I've been anticipating this book for so long that I was practically salivating when it showed up on my kindle!! My imagination carried me away, back into the world of the Luxen as my eyes tore across the pages reading the story of Luc and Evie. Heart beating wildly, breath caught in silent gasps, hopeful whispers and desperate pleas...I was swept away. This is the story I had waited for. And I hope there is more to come from Luc and Evie. I hope we get to see more from this world.

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The Darkest Star is classic JLA. If you have never read a book by Jennifer L. Armentrout then let me inform you on the necessary components: quirky characters, snark, banter, tons of humor, and a sarcastically swoon-worthy love interest.

While this is a companion novel set in the same world as her Lux series, you do not need to have read the series in order to understand and enjoy this book. However, that being said, JLA does sprinkle some Easter eggs for fans of the Lux series throughout the book.

This book takes place present day in our world except for the fact that there are also Luxen, extraterrestrials, living amongst the humans. When this book starts, it’s been four years since the failed Luxen invasion. In the past four years, America has taken its time to induct new laws and restrictions for the Luxen. Sadly, no matter how many nice Luxen are out there the humans continue to cling to their fears and prejudices.

Evie, our main character, is just trying to enjoy her senior year of high school. But one night at Foretoken, an infamous club known for being a Luxen hangout, forever alters Evie’s life. At Foretoken, Evie meets Luc, a mysterious, hot, snarky guy. However, before she can figure out whether he is, in fact, a Luxen the club is raided.

From there, things escalate immensely. A human girl who was at the club is now missing and everyone is worried. Most of the humans believe a Luxen took her which only fuels the anti-Luxen fire at school and in the rest of the town. Then, before Evie knows it she is drawn further and further into the world of the Luxen. The more time she spends with Luc the more she realizes there is so much she does not know...and so much has been kept hidden from her.

In my opinion, it took a good while for the plot to get going. The story started off great yet it tapered off once Evie goes back to school. In my opinion, there seemed to be a bit too many school scenes that didn’t feel pertinent or essential in moving the story along. However, the story does pick up around chapter 16 (page 169)!

JLA does a fantastic job of showcasing racism and prejudice. In particular, there is a scene where Evie realizes that her silence is just as bad as those spewing their hate and fear of the Luxen. I think this was such an important scene for people to read especially with how the climate is right now in society.

In the end, I truly did enjoy this book! It was a light, fun, entertaining read. You’ll find yourself constantly smiling and laughing while you read this book. I definitely recommend it to all readers. You do not have to be a sci-fi lover in order to enjoy this book! I am looking forward to the next installment in this series! JLA never lets me down.

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So happy we finally got Luc's book! And oh boy was it crazy!!! First off, in the beginning of the book I'm reading and little stuff here and there made me come up with a theory about what was going on. And as I am trying to make sense of that said theory, I was also trying to figure out another part of the book that kept coming off as vague. So got two theories going on in my mind, then at one point I was like huh, could this be real answer? But no, that doesn't make sense. Or does it?? Sound crazy? It is. And for everyone who read the previous books, I assure you, you will be doing the same!!! And I can't say it because it is a HUGE spoiler!!! And no one likes those.

But what I can say. This book was awesome. Plot twists on plot twists. Familiar faces returned and new ones introduced. It is 4 years after the Lux series ended and the world has changed. Evie witnesses the fear and discrimination of Luxen that keeps getting worse. Especially when some girls in her high school disappear. Then when she comes across Luc in the club where Luxen and humans tend to mingle, everything in her world shifts. Their story is great and though you will have lots of questions (and come up with your own theories as you are reading), a lot is answered by the end of the book. And I cannot wait for more!! This was only the beginning.

I received an ARC for an honest review.

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The Darkest Star, I am afraid to say, is possible my favorite book from Armentrout as of yet!! I loved this book, and it almost feels like I'm cheating on Katy and Damon :( But Luc has always had a era of mystery surrounding him so it was very nice to see more into his life and it was a great push and pull between him and Evie. I can't wait to read more in this series, I think it may be even better than the Luxen books.

I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

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6 Stars!!!

Holy Wow!
I never thought there would be a chance that I could like a character more than Daemon when it came to Luxen but nope, I have changed my mind. Luc is absolutely everything!!! I would be lying if I said that I liked him in the LUX series. I honestly didn't think much about him, I mean he was just a kid after all.

But HOLY Origin! I LOVED this book! I am already hoping and praying that Jenn will write more books in this series that follow Luc and Evie. I loved every single word. Reading turned into my main priority until the last page. This book is definitely a Top Favorite, and one that I would recommend anytime. Just sitting here thinking about what I can say to describe the book and hoping that I don't sound like some love struck girl makes me want to open my kindle back up and read it all over again.

"I would do it again, because the only other option would be that you wouldn't be standing in front of me."

Luc isn't only powerful. Luc is so much more than that and the one thing you come to discover is he will ALWAYS protect was he loves.

It's been 4 years since the Luxen invaded, 4 years since the world learned of Aliens. Evie doesn't remember much about her life before the invasion, but she knows her friends, her mom, and school are her life. Everything in Evie's life is about to change though, one decision to make a trip in Foretoken with her friend changes everything that she knows. Secrets come out, feelings begin to stir in her in that she isn't sure she can ignore, and more than anything she suddenly wants answers. There is only person who she can get those answers from though, Luc. Evie doesn't want to like him, or to trust him but yet she does. There is just something there that always leaves her feeling safe and sure when Luc is around.

"Most people are capable of doing horrible things or looking away from them while they're doing amazing things. People aren't one-dimensional."

To finish my review, I'll leave it with this. I loved this book so much, it was truly phenomenal. Jennifer L. Armentrout delivers yet again a phenomenal story for us to dive into and get lost. I would recommend this book over and over, & hope that everyone else enjoys it as much as I have. I know I will most certainly be reading Luc's story again down the road.

**ARC provided by the Publisher via NetGalley for an honest review**

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I was a fan of the Lux series, and the first book got me through days of know power in my home. I have to admit that Luc annoyed me in that series, but he grew on me in this one. Evie was a strong heroine who could do a lot of things for herself. I look forward to future novels in this spin-off series.

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OMGGGGG I missed this world and these characters! I loved Luc and I am so happy to follow his story! I missed him so much! I wish we got more of Katy but I hope in the future we get more of her! I miss her so much but I loved the mention we got! And we found out more about Paris which was so cute because I liked seeing his relationship in the Lux series and I like hearing more about him. Cannot wait to read the next book in the future! This was very action packed and I cannot wait to get more from these characters! Also Evie kicks butt! I want her and Katy to meet! I think they're going to kick butt and take names together! Review on my blog will go live on release day!

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So I will start this off by making a confession. While I had read other series' by Jannifere Armentrout, I hadn't read any of the Lux books. Seeing it was the first in a new series, I assumed (incorrectly so) that it would have nothing to do with anything. Alas I was wrong and for the first 1/3 I was pulling Gandalf entering Moria type faces as references which should have been obvious were completely missed. After having a chat to an Armentrout fan who gave me a rundown on the entirity of the series of which this is a spinoff, I found myself enjoying it significantly more.

The novel had an interesting narrative however I felt that the timing of the whole thing was a little off - the first 30%ish dragged in its establishment of events while the final 30% was just twist after twist causing it to feel a little rushed.

I enjoyed the characters involved, feeling that Evie was well thought out with her final plotline being one which I felt I should have seen coming but alas I didn't. Luc's arc was interesting (once I finally worked out who he was with the help of a friend) but I wished there had have been more character building - this could possibly have been established in the Lux series but I am unsure as I have not read them as yet.

Utlising events from both character's pasts could have felt tedious, however it instead felt as though past events were utilised in order to explain secondary characters presence rather than to simply increase word count.

I did feel the language used in some portions of the narrative were a little juvenile but this can be explained away as it being a YA novel and endeavouring to get into the head of a teenage girl.

Overall I found the novel enjoyable however i feel I may have enjoyed it more had I read the Lux series prior.

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I was so happy when I got the notice that I was gonna be able to read this early. But I was also apprehensive because I was so afraid that I wouldn’t like it. And I would have been so upset with myself if I had. I’m a Armentrout fan from way back. Daemon is my first book boyfriend so I was not sure how she could made another hero better than him. But she did! Luc was amazing!

I went into this book blind because I had read some of the original series but not all. However, that did not stop me from consuming this book in two days. I thought that for a sci-fi book, the characters were extremely relatable. I LOVED Evie because she was so sassy and gave Luc as good as she got.

The romance was center stage in this book but the mystery following Evie was interesting as well. Yes it was a little expected but it did not deter me from enjoying the book when I figured the mystery out. I think what I enjoyed most was the character interactions. The cast of characters made me hang on every word. Ms. Armentrout knows how to write YA paranormal romance and this book is another stellar example of that! This is my favorite book of 2018, in fact. Can’t wait for the next book in the series!

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