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The Darkest Star

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I was a fan of the Lux series, and the first book got me through days of know power in my home. I have to admit that Luc annoyed me in that series, but he grew on me in this one. Evie was a strong heroine who could do a lot of things for herself. I look forward to future novels in this spin-off series.

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OMGGGGG I missed this world and these characters! I loved Luc and I am so happy to follow his story! I missed him so much! I wish we got more of Katy but I hope in the future we get more of her! I miss her so much but I loved the mention we got! And we found out more about Paris which was so cute because I liked seeing his relationship in the Lux series and I like hearing more about him. Cannot wait to read the next book in the future! This was very action packed and I cannot wait to get more from these characters! Also Evie kicks butt! I want her and Katy to meet! I think they're going to kick butt and take names together! Review on my blog will go live on release day!

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So I will start this off by making a confession. While I had read other series' by Jannifere Armentrout, I hadn't read any of the Lux books. Seeing it was the first in a new series, I assumed (incorrectly so) that it would have nothing to do with anything. Alas I was wrong and for the first 1/3 I was pulling Gandalf entering Moria type faces as references which should have been obvious were completely missed. After having a chat to an Armentrout fan who gave me a rundown on the entirity of the series of which this is a spinoff, I found myself enjoying it significantly more.

The novel had an interesting narrative however I felt that the timing of the whole thing was a little off - the first 30%ish dragged in its establishment of events while the final 30% was just twist after twist causing it to feel a little rushed.

I enjoyed the characters involved, feeling that Evie was well thought out with her final plotline being one which I felt I should have seen coming but alas I didn't. Luc's arc was interesting (once I finally worked out who he was with the help of a friend) but I wished there had have been more character building - this could possibly have been established in the Lux series but I am unsure as I have not read them as yet.

Utlising events from both character's pasts could have felt tedious, however it instead felt as though past events were utilised in order to explain secondary characters presence rather than to simply increase word count.

I did feel the language used in some portions of the narrative were a little juvenile but this can be explained away as it being a YA novel and endeavouring to get into the head of a teenage girl.

Overall I found the novel enjoyable however i feel I may have enjoyed it more had I read the Lux series prior.

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I was so happy when I got the notice that I was gonna be able to read this early. But I was also apprehensive because I was so afraid that I wouldn’t like it. And I would have been so upset with myself if I had. I’m a Armentrout fan from way back. Daemon is my first book boyfriend so I was not sure how she could made another hero better than him. But she did! Luc was amazing!

I went into this book blind because I had read some of the original series but not all. However, that did not stop me from consuming this book in two days. I thought that for a sci-fi book, the characters were extremely relatable. I LOVED Evie because she was so sassy and gave Luc as good as she got.

The romance was center stage in this book but the mystery following Evie was interesting as well. Yes it was a little expected but it did not deter me from enjoying the book when I figured the mystery out. I think what I enjoyed most was the character interactions. The cast of characters made me hang on every word. Ms. Armentrout knows how to write YA paranormal romance and this book is another stellar example of that! This is my favorite book of 2018, in fact. Can’t wait for the next book in the series!

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I'm a big, big fan of this author and I've read pretty much all her books and loved them! I was really excited about this book that it was my most anticipated book this year, so when I saw it on Netgalley, I immediately requested a copy! It did take a while for my request to be accepted, but I squealed once it did and made this book my next read! After reading, I can say that I loved this book a lot and it was so much fun to be back in the world of the Luxen and Origins! The plot of this book also kept me hooked and desperate to read on and find out what was going to happen next! There was also a big plot twist that I didn't see coming! This had a big impact on the plot and added a lot to it! There was also plenty of romance in this book between the two main characters as well! The characters were also amazing and made this book even better! Evie was the main character, and in this book she was just a normal girl that went to school and loved taking pictures! Things then quickly changed for Evie and she learned secrets about her parents and about herself! Evie did go through a lot in this book and she tried her best to handle it all! My heart also went out to her because she did find out a lot of things! I also connected with Evie all the way through this book and loved her as a character! Luc was the love interest of Evie and he was a character in the Lux series, so I was excited to read his story! I loved Luc in this book! He was seriously hot and quite cocky lol! There was also something about Luc that was very mysterious! He did hold his cards close to his chest, but he then told Evie his story and it was such a heart-breaking one and helped me understand him more! Luc was also very powerful, but he had control of his powers and only used them when needed! Luc was also very protective of Evie and it was easy to see that he had feelings for her! This book was only written from Evie's point of view, which didn't surprise me a lot because the synopsis kind of gives the impression that it's only going to be written from her point of view! I was still able to connect with all the other characters and it helped with the mystery element! I did love this book only being written from Evie's point of view, but I wouldn't have minded a few chapters to have been written from Luc's point of view too! I also loved that characters from the Lux series made appearances in this book because it was fun to read about them again! I now can't wait to read the next book in this series! I can't find any information on the next book or when it's going to be released, but I'm assuming that it'll probably be a year long wait for it! Maybe not though because her Lux series didn't have year long waits between each book, but I can't wait to read it regardless! The cover for this book is also stunning! It really suits the book and makes more sense after you read it!

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This was...fine. I didn't hate it, I didn't love it. Maybe if I was a more hardcore Lux series fan I would have loved it, I don't know. I read those books a long time ago and the details are kinda fuzzy. Jennifer L. Armentrout's writing style is always a bit hit or miss for me, so I'm not too surprised that I wasn't completely blown away by this one. Luc made me a little too uncomfortable for me to really, 100% root for the romance. I thought he'd grown on me and we'd understand his aggressive, overbearing behavior, but that never really happened for me. I liked Evie for the most part. I did keep reading to figure out what was going on, but I thought the mysterious elements of the story were needlessly drawn out a bit too long. The middle felt very slow and the ending felt rather rushed.

Overall this was an entertaining way to spend a few hours, but not my favorite book. I think fans of the Lux series will really enjoy it, and in my opinion it's always fun get something fresh added to a series you've loved for a long time.

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Full disclosure but I never completed JLA's Lux series. However, I was craving a paranormal YA book and thought that The Darkest Star might give me that fix that I wanted so badly. I was right. The Darkest Star was not by any means a life-changing read, but it was entertaining and had a cast that I liked.

A few years after the alien invasion that nearly decimated humanity, Evie, and her friends are living a relatively peaceful life. When she meets Luc at a club where the alien-beings, the Luxen, are free to hang out, her life's course changes for good. The thing about Armentrout's characters is that they are all the exact same copy of each other, just put in a different setting. I reckon that readers will see a lot of similarities between Katy, Alex, and Evie. That being said, I actually enjoyed Evie's character. She was a normal girl, trying to go on with her life, doing normal teenage girl things. She was snarky, sassy, and not afraid to get to the bottom of the truth. Of course, there were times when her decisions seemed quite questionable but she was a teenager after all and those moments were understandable, in my opinion. Evie's life went through quite the upheaval in The Darkest Star as she discovered truths and secrets about her past and herself, and I thought her handling of those revelations with fear and anger were realistic. She met a good love interest in Luc. He was a typical Armentrout hero and had that mysterious and cocky thing going for him. Luc should have annoyed me but I found myself eating up his antics with a grin. I will say that there were times I wanted to slap some senses into him for acting a little creepy when it came to Evie. It made sense why he was doing them as he was trying to protect Evie, but I'm an old lady so I'm supposed to frown at all the sketchy things fictional teen boys pull.

Luc and Evie's dynamics were a lot of fun to read about. Armentrout knows how to play the banter between her couples like a pro. The back-and-forth between these two was entertaining and the chemistry and tension, a strong presence throughout the book. I would have liked for a few more swoony moments, but the scenes that were in this book were A+. Plot-wise, I thought The Darkest Star was decent. There was a mystery to be solved with dead bodies of teens showing up after Luc's club raid and that kept me buried in the story. The Darkest Star did have some pacing issues with the middle chunk of the book being a bit slower than I would have liked. Still though, despite some of the minor issues, there was an enjoyable quality to the book that made it very easy to read. For those of you that are worried about picking up this spin-off without reading the Lux books, I wouldn't fret too much. Armentrout recapped the world here through moments that at times felt like info-dumps but were also necessary for new readers. I was also particularly happy that the book ended with a solid non-cliffhanger ending with just enough loose ends to make me want to pick up the sequel.

If you, like me, have been missing some of the YA paranormal books of 2011-2012, then The Darkest Star is just the book for you. Sometimes, everybody needs a fun read and for me, The Darkest Star was that story.

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I absolutely adore Jennifer L Armentrout and to date I have read everything that she has written and I haven't ever been disappointed, The Darkest Star was definitely no exception.

The Origin series is a spin-off to the fabulously awesome Lux series which I highly recommend reading prior as information in this book follows the aftermath of what happened in those books.

Our MC is Evie Dashner, 17-years-old & an only child after losing her father during the alien invasion four years prior. She was a wonderfully snarky, fun-loving and sweet character that didn't expect to be drawn into a world full of secrets which all seemed to start when she sneaked in to a notorious club frequented by Luxen which is raided on this night, this is where she first meets Luc and their first encounter had me intrigued.

We first met powerful Luc in the Lux series, he was a mystery and I was always curious to learn more about him so I am so pleased that this is his series and we get to know him on a deeper level. To be honest I am a huge fan of all of JLA's characters but Luc melted my heart! his backstory is interesting and I loved finding out why he is the way he is.

The world-building was strong but as with all first books in a series there are still many questions left unanswered, we learn about the aftermath of the alien invasion which nearly conquered humanity, we also see the divide and conflict now between the humans and luxen.

There were many twists and turns which I thoroughly enjoyed, the characters were all written to perfection and I can't wait to learn more about them in the next books.

The romantic aspect had me swooning! JLA writes the best interactions, a combination of sweet, snarky and mysterious with amazing banter. I am looking forward to hopefully seeing things progress between Luc and Evie.

JLA can do no wrong, beautifully written with incredible character development, a wonderfully engaging plot and promising world-building, I am so excited to read the next book in the series.

Thank you kindly to Macmillan-TOR / Forge via Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review The Darkest Star.

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I have been craving a book like this for a long time and so this is one wild ride I'm so glad I had the opportunity to take. Aliens and action! Suspense and swoon! This book had a little bit of everything, and I think this is just the tip of the iceberg!

I loved the smart and sparky chemistry between Evie and Luc. I loved how (surprisingly) often this book made me smile, even as my mind raced to figure out what was going on, and my heart braced for the inevitable conflict. It's written in such a relatable way - the language and mannerisms of the characters felt so authentic, even as we're presented a world where aliens and humans cohabitate (and not always peacefully). It was a fun, interesting, and exciting read -- and one I think will appeal to young adults and adults alike.

As with the start of any new series, there's a lot of information packed into this book and it sometimes felt like a lot. That said, I didn't feel like it was unnecessarily long or drawn out. There's just a lot going on here, and there are a lot of necessary characters (who come with necessary information). The payoff is huge, and I found myself turning pages with more and more urgency as the book went on. It's a thrilling, exciting, and ultimately rewarding story. It left me with more questions than it answers which ultimately just means I am now left anxiously awaiting more from where this came from!

For those who have not read the Lux series - no worries! I am not caught up on that series, but I had not trouble keeping up with this one. Some references are made and some familiar faces are seen here, but overall this story stands well on its own and will not disappoint.

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I actually haven't read Armentrout's other books about the Lux, I was purely drawn to this ARC by the description of the story. I didn't feel like I was missing out on information either, which was a plus.
It's a great story! It drew me in right away and kept my interest the entire time. There were plot points that I figured out well before they were introduced but that didn't make the story any less interesting. I loved the "aliens" and humans alike and look forward to reading more about them (and, of course, going back and reading the other books!)

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You had me at tacos!

Talk about a fun, frenetic read! I finished the story wanting to dive into the next book. While being a typical girl-meets-possible-alien sort of YA story, it’s not that at all. Behind the wit and the fun, some serious social issues rear their heads. But to start: The Darkest Star has a true-to-life teenager vibe. Everyone knows that teens have a voice all their own and too many authors translate that into unlikeable snark. Not so for Jennifer L. Armentrout; her teens are funny, vibrant, likeable, and imminently relatable. Indeed, her heroine has a voice so self-analytical that it almost breaks the fourth wall on multiple occasions. From the moment she starts talking, Evie hits it home with unexpected commentary, such as “…she was eyeing Heidi like I eyed tacos on most days. That was what I wanted at some point in my life, for someone to look at me like I looked at tacos.” And “That made me feel a little better, knowing I hadn’t been kissed by a killer alien from outer space. It was the small things that made one’s crappy life choices easier to deal with.” When you hit Evie’s comments in situ, they really pop. Just make sure you aren’t drinking anything you can snort out your nose!

As the story starts, Evie allows herself to be talked into visiting a club using fake IDs by a bestie and that’s when things really start to get strange for her and our mystery is off and running. There are plenty of aliens and hot guys at this club, but Evie’s caught up in a raid even as she meets an enigmatic stranger who seems to know more about her than just her real name. Why do people seem to know her? Who is killing girls that look like her? Who is Luc?

The Darkest Star is not your typical YA scifi romance; it’s elevated by nuanced writing, believable characterization, and unique world-building. Behind the teenage romance and mystery, there’s commentary on police states, racism, loyalty, family, and what it means to be human, all woven expertly into an enjoyable story that entertains mightily, even while it opens the door for some really deep conversations. The characters aren’t perfect and their flaws are believable. Major storylines are wrapped up satisfactorily, with no irritating cliffhangers.

From comments that I’ve seen, The Darkest Star takes place in a world that the author has already written books about; I’ll have to take their word for it. That said, I haven’t read any other books by this author and am not familiar with any of the characters. This book is quite able to stand alone with nothing detracted. I will, however, be seeking out the author’s other books because I enjoyed this one so completely.

Highly recommended. I received this book as an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) from the publisher through NetGalley. My opinions are my own.

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When I heard one of my favorite side characters ever, Luc, was getting a spinoff series I was so freaking ecstatic. He was just so weirdly awesome in the Lux series.

As with any Armentrout book, there was incredible angst, swoon, and action. But what I loved here was the story. There were some great twists. One I knew super early on, and I was so excited about it! 

Luc is seriously the best character. His shirts are awesome, his attitude is awesome, and his fight for things he loves is awesome! There were moments where I wanted to shake Evie, but I understood a lot of her feelings and why. Also we get to see some characters from the Lux series!!

The ending was perfect. It isn't a cliffhanger, but there are still questions that I can't wait to be answered in book 2! I'm seriously fangirling over this one!!

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The Darkest Star is a romantic read featuring star-crossed lovers, family secrets, and otherworldly intrigue. Jennifer L. Armentrout's prose comes alive in your mind. The words dance off the page. Prepare to root for the protagonist as she tackles many perils. However, choppy pacing and some cliched scenes plague the book. Other than that, it was an enjoyable read.

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This book is full of SO MUCH YUMMY GOODNESS!!!! Yes, Luc is as Yummy as Daemon!!!! Except Luc has that quirky, weird thing he had going on when we met him in the Lux Series. There are some really great swoon-worthy romance moments too!! But it also has the good and bad aliens, the action, the suspense and the shock factor! The Darkest Star is definitely a great start to another of JLA’s promising new SciFi/Romance Series!

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The Darkest Star is a spirited jaunt through a post-apocalyptic world that feels anything but. Four years after an alien invasion that killed millions of people, humans are living in peace with the remaining Lux.

Seventeen year old Evie lost her dad to the invasion and her badass mom, a scientist for the US government, is often away at work. When one of her best friends Heidi suggests Evie joins her on a trip to a scandalous nightclub to meet Heidi's crush, she takes a fake ID and heads over there. As the character herself admits late in the novel, one misjudged decision can have a massive impact on your life!

Especially when there's a super hot alien at the club. Luc reminds me so much of the YA bad boys I remember reading years ago and this book really brought me back in time to the kinds of YA around when I was seventeen. It was both familiar and new in that sense; The Darkest Star had a different vibe to a lot of the books out at the moment and that was really refreshing.

At first the growing closeness between Luc and Evie felt like it was getting close to being instalove but this is avoided, with the addition of secrets that Luc is really reluctant to share. Luc grew on me as the book went on and quickly I went from thinking he was overly arrogant to actually quite enjoying his sarcastic wit. Some of the twists and turns of the novel were quite predictable from the start, but that didn't take away from the chaos and drama of the book's ending at all. This was a really fun read.

Armentrout deserves praise for the tactful way in which contemporary issues regarding the treatment of those who are different in our society are included. The scenes in which some characters hold an anti-alien protest are unsettling, but a clear reminder of the challenges of the society we live in today.

The revelations towards the end of the novel, and the questions left open, make me really excited for the sequels. In the meantime, I'm going to go and check out the original Lux trilogy... If it's anything like this, I'm in for a rollercoaster ride.

Thank you to Netgalley, Macmillan-Tor/Forge, Tor Teen and Jennifer L. Armentrout for the opportunity to read The Darkest Star.

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The Lux society is still thriving! This book takes the character of Luc and leads the reader deeper into his world. Very little was shared about him in the original Lux series and we definitely never got to know him beyond the weird super powered teen persona. He has grown up in this new series and he is definitely a dark star! While Dameon will always be my favorite Luxen, Luc will be my favorite Origin! This book is a fascinating, engaging introduction to the world after the Luxen invasion. A lot of questions still remain. Who is loyal and can be trusted? What happened to the Arum? Are the people of earth really safe? Who is the real enemy? I loved the new characters, except for maybe April.......Regardless, this book is obvious the first in a new series. Many problem remain unresolved so clearly there is more to come! I can’t wait! As a long time Jennifer Armentrout fan, this book is an outstanding addition to my library! YA/Sci-fi readers will not be disappointed. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this story in exchange for my honest opinion!

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A young woman discovers there is more to her world - and herself - in this continuation to the popular young adult Lux series.

Man oh man, this book is hard for me to rate. On one hand, I disliked the relationship between Evie and Luc. Luc is an egotistical asshole. Not only is he rude to Evie, he disrespects her boundaries multiple times. When she attempts to reassert herself, he essentially bulldozes over her. Their relationship bordered on toxic for most of the novel.

Now all that said, I devoured this story. JLA has a way of reeling you into a narrative, making you care about the characters and the world. Evie's awakening to the events going on around her were fun, if a little eye rolling. The pace meandered a bit, but the ending climax felt rewarding and earned. If you enjoyed the first series, most likely you're going to enjoy this book.

tl;dr JLA manages to weave together a problematic romance with entertaining action that fed my trashy side.

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Struggled a bit at first but then it picked up. The author does a great job of portraying the emotions of uncertainty and confusion for the teenage characters. I would definitely pick up a sequel if the character's stories continued.

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I can honestly say I enjoyed everything about this book. Evie was relatable, her friends were great I background characters and Luc was totally swoon worthy. She was like so many others who see injustice but sit quietly and don’t say anything until she realized that it makes you complicit in a way. We watched her grow slowly and it was slow paced but that’s the way these things work in real life. I loved this book and can’t wait until the next is written!

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This was my first Luxen novel and I enjoyed it. I really appreciated the theme of the book and felt it was a great message. The only thing I would have changed, is making the book less predictable. I felt that it was pretty easy for me ot figure out what was happening and what would happen at the end of the book. Overall I enjoyed the book and will be looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

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