Cover Image: Manga Classics: Macbeth

Manga Classics: Macbeth

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Member Reviews

Unlike Romeo and Juliet and Anne of Green Gables, I didn't really know anything about Macbeth. before reading this. Buuuut I actually really enjoyed this story haha. I would love to learn even more about it and see the play haha.

Again, I love these so much.

hmmm, I really want to read a Hamlet one... that would be so interesting.

And yeah, the art is so extremely impressive.

Like, imagine having creativity. I can't.

AnYwAyS, highly recommend these manga classics :)

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This book was a manga edition of the Shakespearean play, Macbeth. The detailed art and the text and speech work together to express themes from the original play. Honestly speaking, it was a wonderful experience, and I would especially recommend it to others who love to experience Shakespeare's work in a multitude of creative, effective ways.

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A good adaptation of Shakespeare play, more accessible than the original text ! I really liked re-discovering the play in images and the design is beautiful.

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This is the second book of the Manga Classics series I read and I'm still amazed how true they stay to the original work. I was surprised that they kept the original language but it was quite interesting reading a manga with Elizabethan English dialogue. I see the huge potential of this adaptation for students to get into Macbeth since the illustrations help a lot with understanding what's going on.
It is hard for me to give it a star rating, though, and I decided I'm going with three stars because I didn't enjoy the plot that much (which is rather on Shakespeares than the Manga Classics team) and I didn't really like the art style as there are many characters that almost look alike and are therefore hard to distinguish.
I would recommend this book to everyone who likes Shakespeare and Manga or has to read Macbeth for school.

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Interesting take on the classic story, melding it with the style of anime. It makes it less dour than other versions, but perhaps more accessible that way to a younger audience.

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Ive been dying to get my hands on one of these manga classics and im so happy I started with Macbeth.

Macbeth is my absolute all time favorite play and I was worried that this manga version of it would let me down. But, IT DID NOT.

It was very entertaining and super true to the original.

I loved being able to see and read at the same time (props to mangas), as the art style was absolutely beautiful.

The way this manga managed to capture Macbeth’s changes after committing the murder was so interesting.

The writing style for this was a bit older, I felt that It could have been written with modern English but I still managed to comprehend what was happening so its not that bad of an issue.

ALL IN ALL, this was fantastic and I want to read all the ones in the series

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This is a manga adaptation of Shakespeare's classic, Macbeth. This story has a special place in my heart since it was my first introduction to Shakespeare, and this manga delivered on all my favorite parts of it. The pacing, sharp contract and shadow, and movement all lended itself very well to the action-packed play. Interestingly, the adaptation notes mentioned the setting being hard to come up with since there aren't exactly many standing castle from Macbeth's day to take a field trip to. Despite this, the settings seemed faithful and immersive.

I've reviewed another Manga Classic based on a play, and again I'm very appreciative of the team that worked on this taking advantage of the manga visuals to explain the metaphors and what the characters are talking about. Manga is a very good middle ground between seeing the play live and reading it with zero visuals, and I'm glad they've used the opportunity to the fullest to bring Macbeth and his evil deeds to life.

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Manga classics are so great! This one definitely has more of a challenge than others I've read, because of the Shakespearean language, but I think it manages to pull it off quite well. This will help a lot of students who struggle with Shakespeare to visualize what's going on.

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The extreme elements in Macbeth - the gore, the shocking imagery, the melodramatic speeches - pair well with the manga art style to create a shocking, moving and enjoyable adaptation of this Shakespeare play.

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I love the concept of this series. Turning classics into Mangas would present so many challenges, but as many of my students love anime and mangas, this would certainly bring the stories to life so much more. Many of my seniors move on to Macbeth their senior year and I wanted to get caught up on the basic story line and be able to help them with the scenes. This was a great way to refresh my memory. It's hard to translate a classic to another medium without feeling like parts were lost or left out. I feel like Lady Macbeth didn't translate well to this medium. However, I do like how Macbeth is transformed both literally and figuratively throughout these pages. I love how his appearance and facial features get darker and darker as the story progresses. I think the drama of the story is beautifully captured in the manga format. Overall, I think this would be a great way for students to get the background/feel of the story before acting out the play.
Note to readers: This is set up in the traditional Manga format. It's read from our "end/back" to front. It also is read right to left. It's an adjustment and it also takes some thought and adjustments with the kindle/online version. It's a quick adjustment though and fun to change up how you read.

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I very much enjoyed this art and adaptation of Macbeth. May I further compliment the amazing work of the artist, I'm truly astounded.

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I've been wanting to get my hands on those classics-turned mangas for quite some time.
And finally the time came!

Manga Classics: Macbeth is the known story of a man who manipulates and is manipulated and through deceit and murder ends up becoming the king of Scotland.
But this time it's been adapted into a manga.

To be honest, never before had I read a manga (I've only watched a couple of animes) and reading a book backwards was a little tricky.
Also, for some reason, I thought that the language would have been adapted in a more modern form. It didn't though. it's still Shakespeare's English, which I am also going to admit that sometimes I don't 100% understand.

And yet, this one was more entertaining than I initially expected. It was very easy and quick to read, even with a harder form of English. Granted, being essentially a 'graphic novel' was a great help.
Both because it made reading it easier and because, since this is a play, it added to the visual experience - because as I've said before, plays don't always work as books - plus, the artworks were quite nice too.

This may be deserving of a *3.8/5 because the plot did stop dead a little in the middle and before the end. But overall it was a positive reading experience.

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A very good way to make the Shakerpeare works accesible for all publics, i will look forward for more adaptations in this style.

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* Thanks to NetGalley and Udon Entertainment for providing an advance copy for review purposes *

Manga Classics take on Macbeth intends to make Shakespeare's work more accessible. While it succeeds on some respects, it falls short of this goal. Macbeth's rise to power and the measures taken to get there make it through, and the visuals help a lot to convey the toll this take on his and Lady Macbeth's sanity. This adaptation retains a lot of the original dialogue, however, it is not straightforward to tell when the characters are talking to other people or in the middle of a soliloquy not really intended for other's eyes. The metaphors are depicted quite literally, and while that fits with manga tradition, it feels awkward. Character designs are good (I have no objection over the gravity defying hair styles), except that Macbeth and Macduff look very similar, particularly in the action scenes. So, while the visuals do help convey the gist of the story along, I do feel Macbeth and its gravitas are better suited to the stage. I think if the language had been modernized, the adaptation would have felt less out of place.

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I love the Manga Classics series. I have read and enjoyed many adaptations in this series. This was the first Shakespeare piece in the series that I have read. As usual the art is beautiful. And although I do appreciate that they used the original text from the play, I think it made the manga confusing. Personally, I think the adaptation would have been better if it strayed from the original text a bit, just to make the story easier to follow for readers who are unfamiliar with Macbeth.

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I love Manga Classic manga so very much.
In Macbeth, we have all the density and strength of Shakespeare's writing translated into graphics.
All the greed and madness of what a man is capable of doing to achieve and maintain power, an ever-present topic.

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I love the images of this classic book. I’d highly rated, and reading this book. I was very interested. Thank you to my gallery for allowing me to read this book .

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Finally I'm able to download to the Digital Editions.
I wish this book could keep the vocabularies simple. The illustrations as always are beautiful. Only it's bit hard for kids to read original text.

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Got to read a manga adaptation of the bards book: Macbeth thanks to Netgalley. This adaption has kept the same story line as the original and I appreciated that. Having the old english as part of this comic was also another plus point. Coming to the graphics, I liked it in parts but was not completely into it, maybe cause having read the original the characters in my mind were a different than what I saw in the comic.
Overall a good one and it's definitely recommended.

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I stand by what I've already said in the review I wrote for "Romeo and Juliet" from this same series: a script is perfect as a manga. I hope that after making all the Shakespeare's works, the creator of this might be interested in looking for other tragedies/comedies to draw.
I also still believe that this should be the mandatory text in school when it is asked to read a Shakespearean play: some people might not have the imagination to read a play and visualize it, and so might just decided that it is boring and they are not interested. However, through this (or works like this), more people might decide to give Shakespeare and the theatre another chance.

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