Member Reviews

This is one of those books I will be retreading throughout life! Jordan Dooleys book is a dear friend filled with honest wisdom and vulnerability, laughs and a nudge towards who we are meant to be. She reminds us that our worth comes from who made us, not what we do. Taking the pressure to perform for others away, she gives practical tips on living your dream and owning each day in big and small ways. My copy is highlighted all over with encouragement, practical ideas, and reminders of grace and tenacity. Although I’m a mom of young kids, this book is important for high schoolers, college students, and adults alike. Get a copy and one to share!

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Own your Everyday was the book I needed to read. This book reminded me to show up for life and enjoy the here and now. You will be thankful you read this.

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I enjoyed reading this book by Jordan Dooley. After following her on social media for a while, it was nice to see her heart and hear more of her story. It was an encouragement and a refreshing breath of fresh air.

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This book is life changing!! I have suggested it to everyone I know. My church small group is even doing Jordan's devotional because of this book. No matter where you are in your life this book is for you!!!

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A great inspiration book! Jordan has a way of making you look at things in a different light. Will recommend to other friends and family!

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I have been a long time follower of Jordan, from following her blog to now her Podcast episodes. She is authentic and has this unique ability to connect with her community in a real way. Her book is no different, your brokenness is welcome here.

Jordan shares multiple stories throughout her book, from something as personal as her acne struggles and her grandma’s life and illness to her husbands struggles with not realizing what he thought at the time was his destiny. With each story she relates, she shares lessons learned, encouragement and implementable advice to help you as a reader struggling with the same issue to really own your everyday.

The book Own Your Everyday doesn’t just talk about overcoming imposter syndrome but also dives into topics such as: disappointment, shame, comparison, perfectionism and distraction.

If you are looking for an overcoming the imposter syndrome book to give you the nudge you need to overcome the pressure to prove and instead to show up everyday despite how unqualified you may feel, this just maybe the book for you. Certainly a book I am hoping to give a second read in the near future and I would encourage you to read it as well.

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An empowering girlfriend’s guide to a purpose-driven life, from the young entrepreneur and rising star behind SoulScripts and the SHE Podcast

“This book will meet you right where you are with a giant hug while also giving you a little kick in the pants.”—Audrey Roloff, New York Times bestselling coauthor of A Love Letter Life, founder of Always More, cofounder of Beating50Percent

Does it ever seem like you still have to find your purpose or that you’re stuck with “unfigured-out dreams”? Do you feel the pressure to prove yourself or worry about what others will think?

You are not the only one.

From accidentally starting a small business instead of using her college degree, to embarrassing herself onstage in front of thousands, to wasting time worrying about what others think or say, Jordan Lee Dooley knows exactly how that feels—and she’s learned some important lessons about living a purposeful life along the way.

An influential millennial widely recognized for her tagline turned international movement, “Your Brokenness is Welcome Here,” Jordan has become a go-to source that women around the world look to for inspiration in their faith, work, relationships, and everyday life.

Now, in this approachable but actionable read that’s jam-packed with practical tools, Jordan equips you to

• tackle obstacles such as disappointment, perfectionism, comparison, and distraction
• remove labels and break out of the box of expectations
• identify and eliminate excuses and unnecessary stress about an unknown future
• overcome the lie that you can’t live your God-given purpose until you reach a certain goal or milestone

If you ever feel you need to shift your mindset but don’t know how, this book will help you overcome shame, practice gratitude, and redefine success.

Love love books that uplift you!!!
I'm always in search of good clean books and I'm glad this one was it!
I recomend this one to anyone who wants more postive vibes in thier lives and is searching for better reads!
5 stars!

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I wish this book had been around when I was going to college, but it's great even now as a mid-20s in the midst of career and family pressures! Jordan has a great way of giving you the heart-to-heart, best friend advice you really need to hear. She confronts so many issues that women face today - and we often don't even know we have them. This is a must read for anyone struggling to find their way in life.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was a great conversation about life, purpose, and potential. I liked getting to know Jordan’s story and finding some comforting advice about what it means to live a life full of purpose and happiness.

This book felt like sitting down to have coffee with a close friend. I knew nothing about the author before reading the book and have since started following her because I felt like she was talking directly to me with her advice. I think that’s what my friend and a lot of readers like about this book, that it feels practical, relatable, and real, just like having coffee with a friend. It’s honest, open, and direct without being harsh or overwhelming.

I really enjoyed reading this book because it helped me feel like my thoughts and doubts are normal and even okay. I appreciated Jordan’s advice and discussion points as well as her personal stories and reflection.

I would recommend this book to anyone who's feeling a little lost or without purpose. No matter where you are in your life you can get something out of this book, from taking inventory of where you’re spending your time to acknowledging your feelings and taking a step toward living your purpose.

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I've been following Jordan Dooley for a few years now and have really enjoyed her authenticity and her heart for helping women. When I found out she had a book coming out and I had a chance to be apart of her launch team, I knew wanted to read it.

I thought that maybe the book would be geared more to younger women (either single or newly married without kids), but I found plenty of of things that really applied to me...married in my 30's, with 2 kids, and a full-time job.

The author writes in such a down-to-earth manner and her words are encouraging to women in all different stages of life. My main take-away from the book was that we all have a purpose and we just need to find it and start living and loving the life we've been given. Stop trying to be perfect and stop comparing ourselves to one another, just go out there and be who God wants/calls you to be. There were a few quotes that stayed with me and here are a couple I want to share:

"You cannot live your purpose if you are so preoccupied with trying to make it look like someone else's."

"You won't even be happy when you get to where you're going if you don't learn to love your imperfect, everyday life right now."

These two quotes have really resonated with me and I really need to take them to heart and learn to love my everyday...the here and now.

This book was so good and I wish I would've read something like this in college/or right out of college. I think it would have saved me a lost of stress and heartache if I would have stopped trying to be perfect and stopped trying to compare my life with other people's lives.

E-book – I received a free copy of this book from Waterbrook and Multmomah for the purpose of an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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What a great book! I was hoping to find some inspiration for something I have been going through and ended up with so many highlights and quotes from this book that are truly life changing. I love that she isn’t afraid of using faith to back up the advice in the book. I think this is a great book for people in all walks of life who may be going through a hard time or even just as a reminder that the small everyday things are what can really be the difference in making big changes. Highly recommend.

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Going into this book, I hadn’t heard of Jordan Dooley, and that makes me so sad because goodness, I loved this book and Jordan’s heart poured into the pages. Sometimes when I go to pick up a book like this, I’m nervous it will read like any ol’ self-help type book and have the same kind of message I’ve read a million times before. I’m so happy to say that the content felt fresh and that I walked away with a great new perspective.

I so enjoyed how this read like I was sitting down with a friend having a chat over coffee. Each chapter began with a story from Jordan’s own life, making the whole thing so relatable and genuine. It was a beautiful reminder to be intentional in how we carry out our lives and that our purpose exists in the everyday, speaking out against the pressure to prove, perfectionism, comparison, insecurity, etc. And perhaps what I appreciated most was that this book wasn’t at all filled with overused and cliche inspirational quotes and ideas.

Though I can see this book as more directed to younger women/Christians, I can also see how it would be inspiring and a great fit for any woman’s walk of life as there’s something in it that every woman can relate to in some way.

I have so many sentences highlighted and I know this will be a book I revisit and think about often. Highly recommend!

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A book for women of all ages! Inspiring and encouraging. Reminding us that life is about ups and down and we yet push through. It is an easy read with some particular advice
I received an advanced copy. This is my opinion.

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Jordan answers the question: What is my purpose? And she gives you the answer is so simple and so true. Read this book to find out. Jordan is awkward, funny, and cool at the same time. She uses humor and is honest and real and talks to you like a friend.

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In " Own Your Everyday," author Jordan Dooley gives the reader permission to shake off the expectations of others to reach towards freedom. This is her first book, yet I feel as though Jordan is the type you could have a great conversation with over coffee.

Honest and encouraging, Dooley seeks for readers to examine the motives behind what they do and how they use their time and talents. Often we pile more onto our plates than is necessary or healthy, leading to exhaustion and disappointments.

I've not followed Dooley's work in the past, but she brings a unique perspective to her writing, which I enjoyed. Most of my early reader PDF is highlighted for future reference and so that I can hand letter some quotes that really hit home for me. Don't miss out on this one--it would make a great gift for a woman of any age who is trying to find their true purpose in life--not one dictated or encouraged from the culture we live in.

I was excited to receive an early reader PDF as part of the launch team. All opinions are my own and I was not required to leave a review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I will most definitely be ordering it in to sell to customers at my work!

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Sometimes you get handed the right thing at just the right time in life--Jordan Lee Dooley’s debut book Own Your Everyday is one of those things for me. I’ve been in a time of major transition after graduating college and trying to figure out my place in the world. I’ve listened to Jordan’s podcast, The SHE Podcast, since it launched and followed her for several years. Her words of encouragement have helped me along this journey already, but I didn’t expect the impact this book would have. When I first joined the launch team for this book, I expected to read and promote a good book (of course)--not a book that spoke exactly to where I am right now and who I am right now. But that’s what I ended up doing.
Own Your Everyday is filled with personal anecdotes that can seem disjointed at first, but as you continue reading, Jordan connects each story to her points so artfully that you can’t help but admire the way she looks at her past experiences. Instead of seeing obstacles in her life as setbacks, she is able to acknowledge them for the growing points they were. Touching on topics such as outside pressure, un-met expectations, and discouragement, her words are applicable to almost any season of life the reader could be experiencing.
Although I resonated with many of the stories she told, her experience with her Nana really hit home for me. I was surprised, in fact, that her story could be so incredibly similar to my own. Without revealing too much of her own story, we both experienced losing our Nanas our first year of college (and it seems to have shaped us both in similar ways.) As I read about her thoughts on this specific experience, especially her teenage reluctance to be the caretaker (it’s true, it’s hard to see someone who is supposed to take care of you become the one who needs care), I went through all those feelings all over again. As she reminisced on the lessons her Nana taught her, I reminisced on mine. This may not have been something Jordan intended when writing this specific story, but oh how it did impact me.
The style of this book is very conversational. It’s been described by many as “feeling like a coffee shop girl talk,” and I would agree with that. From advice about purpose and planning to thoughts on freedom, envy, and vulnerability, this book has a little bit of it all. If you have anyone--a mom, sister, daughter, friend, anyone--who needs encouragement (or just a little push) at this point in life, I would recommend Own Your Everyday. I feel blessed to have read it and learned from it, and plan to come back to it throughout my life. Gift it to a graduate during this time of transition or a friend who needs it. You won’t regret it.

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When I first heard of Jordan Lee Dooley I thought she was for younger girls, high school graduates, college sorority girls.... I didn't think I was her Target market and then I started reading...

By the time I was half way through the introduction I was hooked. Jordan is sincere and she writes as if she is your best friend. Inspiring you, pushing you and telling you her honest and vulnerable parts while helping you to know - I am not alone - we are all imperfect - we all question - we all struggle. Our stories are all different but deep down we deal with so many of the same things. Jordan's story opens the readers' eyes to letting down our guard and being vulnerable in order to get closer to our goals - whether it be a business goal or something personal such as friendships.

I can't recommend this book enough to women of all ages. I know each reader will take a different part from this book but all will find a key to what they might just need to hear right now. Since receiving my advanced copy from the publisher I have started following her podcast and continue to benefit from her words.

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I was thrilled to receive an ARC of Own your Everyday by Jordan Dooley and it far exceeded my expectations. Jordan is so inspiring and while I worried that I might not be in the "target crowd" of her followers, I felt right at home reading her words and hearing her deliver her beautiful message of acceptance and dealing with insecurities, expectations and the constant pressure to present ourselves in a certain way to prove we are worthy. Her personal stories woven in with her advice made the book more like a conversation with a friend than a self-help type book.
This book speaks to all women- young and old- and delicately details the ways you can live who God truly meant you to be. I wish I had this book to read 20 years ago....but I am grateful that I have it to read today. Thank you to the publisher and author for this ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I’m a newbie to Jordan Lee Dooley. And when I found her followers I wondered if I was too old to appreciate her. I am delighted to report that Jordan’s style amazes me. I’m an avid reader of self help or coaching books of the Christian industry. And I’m delighted that she is the real deal. Her faith is who she is but not shoved at you. She just declares her experiences with God. Her wonders and how she sees God essential in her life purpose. She’s not preachy. She is truthful about what helps her.

She seems like a kindred spirit. A sister or dear friend who has dropped by to be real and talk through how to live owning your everyday the way God desires for you. She will help you find your purpose, hone your purpose, accept struggle, take baby steps forward, she covers so many layers of life and learning with such ease and fluency.

She will use her book. Her blog. Her podcast to be that whisper in your ear to remind you or train you to have a healthy mindset. This book is full of her thinking aloud in a healthy way. I would say her gift to the reader is a God driven growth mindset with your unique purpose as the foundation.

It’s an easy read. But I was disappointed when it was over. Thankful she podcasts weekly. Lots of authors tell us how to reflect and be introspective. Jordan Lee Dooley is the first coach who makes self discovery seem effortless and simple.

Delighted to partner with Water-brook Multnomah and read an advanced copy. I hope this is the first of many books. I sense that women of any age will be captivated and want to grow with her for years to come. It is true that our “brokenness is welcome here.” But is also true that you can own your everyday and let go of false feelings and learn to move ahead.

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