Member Reviews

This book was so beautifully and lyrically written, and absolutely recommended for people who enjoy fantasy series. This book is filled with mystery and magic, and is a love story to the art of storytelling. I feel like this is a story I could re-read over and over again and always discover something new!

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I was looking forward to reading this once I heard Erin Morgenstern was writing a new book! I loved "The Night Circus" and this did not disappoint. It is very complicated, but worth it! There are so many twists and turns and jumps back and forth that you can get dizzy!

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In a just a few pages, this book was in the running to be one of my all-time favorites. By the end, it had not disappointed. I could read any page of this book over and over for the sheer joy Erin Morgenstern's writing gives me. This was well worth the wait!

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A very complicated but wildly enchanting book. It’s hard to know all the meanings contained in this book, but you’re in for quite an adventure!

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Magical. I usually rush through books I like but not this one. I held back so that I could savor the writing and story telling. I did not want it to end too soon.

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The starless sea is a epic story about underground land where books and time are changing and is it the past present or future. Hang on and beware of the wrinkle

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I very much enjoyed The Night Circus, but somehow, I enjoyed this tale even more! It has the thrill of a quest, wonderful and magical characters, and plenty of mysterious happenings to keep the reader guessing as to how the story will eventually come together.

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Any time you have a new book by Erin Morgenstern, it's time to celebrate! A magical journey into a world that lurks secretly beneath us is exciting - but we discover that world is a library. Imagine how many books you've read in your life, all the adventures, all the characters and stories. How would you sort them? Find them? How would you solve a mystery of this place where all those stories come together? "The Starless Sea" is a literary adventure, a love song to books, stories and libraries that will take to places in your imagination you won't want to leave..

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I have to admit I was nervous picking this up. Would it hold up to my expectations given how much I love "The Night Circus"? I am happy to report that I absolutely loved this book and it surpassed my expectations. There are only a few authors that I have found that have the ability that Erin Morgenstern has to transport the reader in such a complete way into such lush, magical worlds. An amazing book that I couldn't have enjoyed reading more.

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I've been thinking about The Starless Sea since I finished it almost two weeks ago, trying to decide how to rate it. I am a massive fan of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus, and I was pleased that The Starless Sea created a similarly rich world of surreal fantasy, with an overarching theme of literature and storytelling.

Maybe I should say it this way -- Have you ever read a favorite fantasy novel and thought, I would love to spend time in that world just exploring? Walking, meeting characters, peeking in doors, without a specific quest that took my time and made me overlook some of the things that I wanted to check out? That's sort of how I felt about The Starless Sea. Rich, engaging...but honestly, I never really figured out why the major characters were in the world of the story, or what they were supposed to do. I enjoyed almost all of the major threads of the story, but at the same time, I wished that I had a stronger sense of why they were happening. Sometimes that lack of endpoint or purpose bothered me; other times I just enjoyed the ride. I'll be interested in hearing the author's own commentary on the story.

Truly, if you'd just like to be immersed in a beautiful, book-themed fantasy world, jump in and enjoy. If you'd rather have a stronger grasp on the reasons behind the story, The Night Circus might be more to your taste.

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Magnificent. An ode to stories and readers that examines what a story is and what it can be. It's everything I hoped it would be, and more. What a wonderful, layered, fantastical, triumph of a story. The bits of fairytale, tales of pirates and lost love seem at first to be unconnected, but as the story progresses, it all falls into place. The book is like a puzzle, and when you finally connect enough pieces to see the bigger picture, you feel a rush of excitement. That you've finally dived down the rabbit hole far enough to immerse yourself in the world Morgenstern has created.

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An absolutely wonderful follow up to The Night Circus. I have been waiting for Erin Morgenstern to come out with another book and it did not disappoint! Highly recommend.

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Really fantastic book, not what I normally read but I couldn't put it down! Really hope this book is a big success and thanks for the opportunity to take an early look at it.

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Although I'm not fully done with this book, I just couldn't wait to give it five stars. I've spent countless conversations recommending The Night Circus to friends desperate for that magical feeling they had when they read Harry Potter as children. I was thrilled to see that Erin Morgenstern had another offering for those of us who had been patiently waiting. I've savored pages of this booking, going back to read sentences and paragraphs that were doubly wonderful for both the eloquent wasy in which they were phrased and the feelings they evoked. As a librarian, nothing brings me more joy than a book that celebrates the possibilities in the stacks and the special, bone-deep connection we have with reading. I'd say I can't wait to finish it, but I never want it to end!

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Morgenstern excels at creating atmosphere and tone. The setting is unique and mysterious, just like The Night Circus. At times it was difficult to follow with chapters alternating between backstory, characters, and individual stories. Worth sticking with it, but not as absorbing.

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"The Starless Sea" is my favorite book I've read this year. I thought "The Night Circus" was the best Morgenstern could offer (how could anything be better?), but this book knocks that one out of the park. It's got adventure, romance, mystery, cats, and stories. It is a story about stories for people who love stories. I can't to read this again.

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The son of a fortune teller finds a book and his life is forever changed. This stunning tale of stories within stories within stories redefines epic fantasy.

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When Zachary was a boy, he came across a painted door so realistic he was sure it would open if he only tried the knob. He walked away instead. Years later, seeking diversion from his thesis on video games, he finds a curious old book that contains, along with other tales, a description of his encounter with that door, and the promise that his adventures with the inexplicable were only beginning. Using his puzzle-solving skills, Zachary begins to unlock the secrets of a realm where stories reign supreme. Interspersed with his increasingly perilous quest are fables that gradually weave together into a greater tale of love, loss, creation, and death.

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Too many twists and turns. Takes way to long to see plot development. Reader has to wade through too much detail to get there! Loved "The Night Circus" but couldn't not say the same for this title.

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This is going to be a quick review! I didn't love The Night Circus, but was excited to try Morgenstern's sophomore effort. It wasn't for me. For everything I liked about it, there was something I didn't much care for. I like whimsical writing (and I did my fair share of highlighting) but I did an equal amount of eye-rolling as there were quite a few overwrought metaphors. I liked the plot and side stories at first, but after awhile, I lost interest in both - it was overlong and repetitive. The protagonist was easy to root for, but was the only other character (aside from Kat) that got any sort of development. The book was extremely creative, until it came to a very obvious conclusion.

All that said, the Night Circus is a hugely popular book and this will be too. Fans of The Night Circus will love it. The things I didn't care for about The Starless Sea were the exact things I didn't like about The Night Circus (although I listened to that one, and Jim Dale's narration did help). I'd also recommend it to folks who like Neil Gaiman, especially Neverwhere.

This thing'll circ like hotcakes, but it's not for me. As I'll definitely be recommending it, it's 4 stars on Netgalley. 2 on Goodreads - it was ok.

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