Member Reviews

Yes to anything Bob Goff for me! This book reads like you are being talked to directly by Bob. He always has funny stories that have deep meaning. 100 times yes!

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When I read this book years ago I really enjoyed the positive mindset behind it. It was encouraging and thought provoking in analyzing the way we move forward with our dreams.

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Bob Goff always inspires, motivates, and encourages you to reach into your goals, forgotten or buried dreams. This book is a confidence booster.

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I’m deeply greatful for the whimsical work of Bob Goff. From the beginning, he has inspired my weary soul to come alive again and again. Living with unfulfilled ideas is a terrible place to be. I’m grateful for the dream coaching of Bob tucked into this book.

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Bob Goff will never stop impressing me with the way he lives his life, the way he communicates that in books, and just his general overall outlook on life.

I took away so many little golden nuggets & highlighted so many things in this book!

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I was first introduced to Bob Goff years ago when someone at church was raving about how good his book Love Does was. He then went on to say how Bob put his cell number in the back of the book and he called it to see if it was real. It was and he spoke to Bob himself. I thought, how crazy is an author to give out his cell number for anyone to call. I need to check his books out!! And I have never been disappointed in any of his books. His books are just as authentic and genuine as he is. He sincerely wants to help you become the best version of yourself.

Everyone has a dream and it’s never too late to go after those dreams. Your brokenness can ultimately lead you to a personal freedom. Dream Big helps you figure out where you are and plot a path for that course going forward. All while reminding you that God loves you, believes in you and won’t give up on you even if you have on yourself. Even if God is no big deal for you, your life is a big deal to Him. When reading Bob Goff’s books, it will feel just like you are having a conversation with him. There is a lot of wisdom and good advice in his books, especially this one. If you are ready to Dream Big, to see what more you can get out of your life, pick this book up. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

My thanks to Bob Goff, the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Reading a Bob Goff book always makes me smile. Chocked full of wisdom and inspiration, I can’t help but walk away feeling better than before I started it. If you’re looking for some entertaining inspiration guiding you to the dreams you really want, you’ve come to the right book!

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Dream Big was not what I was expecting and I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. I had high hopes at the beginning, as the book has a strong start, but I quickly learned that the introduction was pretty much all there is to it. The rest of the book felt like nothing more than personal stories and anecdotes, lacking the advice and sustenance that I was craving. I do have to say that the stories did help me better understand and connect with the author on a more personal level, and really helped me understand where he was coming from, but it didn't go deeper than that.

This is the first book that I've read by this author and after reading the raving reviews I had high hopes, but it just fell flat for me. There were a few good points that were brought up, and got me thinking, but nothing was groundbreaking by any means, and was more general in nature, lacking the depth that I was hoping for. I really wanted to love Dream Big, and be further on my journey of self-discovery after reading it, but sadly I am still where I begun. I am giving it three stars because the writing is good, and I did enjoy the stories, but as far as personal growth, I am stunted and sad.

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Dream Big
Written in a style that's easy to read and follow, the book has alot of good advice and suggestions.

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Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It by Bob Goff is the author's latest inspiring read. I think this book is a great read, especially if you have never read anything else by this author. Inspiration oozes from this author and his words never stop bringing a smile to my face. The back section of this book is full of questions to help the reader explore his or her own direction in life. Overall, it is a solid book. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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Bob Goff is always entertaining and thought provoking. He has no fear and encourages his readers to live life without fear also. I recommend all his books.

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I didn't know it would have so much religious crap in it, I stopped reading not even halfway through. The publisher should give readers a better idea of what this book is about before people waste their time on it.

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Dream Big // by Bob Goff

I want to give a disclaimer at the beginning of this review: I requested this book when I still saw myself as a Christian but by the time I actually got around to it, I no longer consider myself Christian. Since I did ask for it though, I still wanted to read and review it anyways, and I am always curious to see how applicable these kinds of books are when you are not of the same faith as the author. In the beginning, I found Dream Big pretty cheesy to be honest. It reminded me of a lot of other self-help type books: Be positive. Love yourself. Help others. Focus on your goals. That type of thing. But about halfway through, it really started to grow on me. I had borrowed the audiobook from the library so I don't know if it was because I was listening to Bob Goff narrate it himself, which always adds its own kind of charm, or because the message actually started to get through to me... but it did make me feel just a little more motivated on the way to work each morning; just a little more ready to take on the world and work on reaching my goals. So while this book will probably be better for those that share his faith, if you are not a Christian, don't let that keep you from reading it as there are still some good lessons to learn if you choose to look past that. I'm pretty sure I will find my way to more of his books in the future (Will those make me cry with their example stories too?? Sigh...).

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I have enjoyed all of the author's books thus far, and Dream Big was no different. Although some parts seemed a bit repetitive, I found it to be inspiring and just the type of book that I needed at the time.

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Bob Goff is one of the most hilarious, Jesus loving, encouraging authors of all time. Dream Big is an awesome pick for anyone who has dreams bigger than themselves but doesn't know where to start. This book starts at the beginning, helping readers discover what their dreams are. From there, Bob Goff takes readers through the process of determining the WHY of their dreams, first steps, finding support, figuring out what is holding you back, and putting in the work to reach your goals. In between each step, Dream Big is packed with stories from Bob, his wife Maria, and his children. If you are looking for a book to encourage you to take that next step, to help you determine what dream to shoot for next, or to help inspire you to begin setting some goals, and you want to laugh through the whole process, this one is for you.

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Bob does an excellent job of presenting an inspirational and encouraging book. I was expecting more of a business book and was not prepared for the overtly religious aspects of the book.

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Another in a long line of inspiring books by Bob Goff, Dream Big tackles the concept of the dreams we invest in and the dreams we own. Though this wasn't my favorite by Bob Goff, I always appreciate the lens he takes on human life and relationship. I would recommend this book to those who are looking for help in clarifying what their dreams are, and in moving toward achieving those dreams.

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I had not heard of this author prior to reading this book. Having read it and seeing what people have said about his other books, particularly "Love Does," I feel like I've been missing out. The overall style of writing has an ease to it which only adds to the enjoyment of reading this boo Stories are used to explain or make a point along with the actual explanation of the concept. I really liked this approach. As the author suggests, I highly recommend grabbing a notebook or journal to use as you go through this book. You are going to want to take notes.

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This book came at the right time for me. I had switched from a long and enjoyable career, very suddenly, to pursue a ‘one day’ idea. Something I think many thought I was nuts for doing. It had been going successfully but I found myself stuck deep in imposter syndrome with my ability to dream and imagine frozen.

Now I am a huge Bob Goff fan, so maybe I’m biased, but I found this book transformative. It not only lit something inside of me again but gave me really practical ways in which to exercise my imagination and muscles for dreaming. I love those kinds of books best; give me the inspiration but ground it with actual things to get me going. I also found a fresh permission to dream for both the seemingly impossible and the ridiculously whimsical. Something I have never needed before, but at that point in time, at the start of something scary and also in national lockdown, I desperately needed.

An easy read, so you could devour it in one. He’s writing style, as always, is so engaging. But, I chose to read slowly and a stop, as encouraged, to really think about the application of it in my life. I’ve reread several times now and will continue to. Thank you Bob for the encouragement and inspiration to create a few more ‘YIKES’ dreams and go after them wholeheartedly.

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Great book, shows a plethora of tips on dreaming big, would highly recommend, Can't wait for more books from this author.

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