Member Reviews

I did not enjoy this book. perhaps I am one of the people she plans to offend. maybe I just live a different kind of life than she does but I just struggled to relate. to the right audience I am sure this is all very entertaining but I am not it.

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Cute read. Susannah is so witty! And this is so true in todays society. People really need to get over themselves! We have forgotten how to look inward instead of outward. Take a look at yourself instead of what is wrong with everyone else! Thanks for the great read!

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This book was so much fun to read and made me laugh out loud at times. Her southern references and sense of humor over little things in life are very relatable. I found her book to be funny, hopeful, and really made me think a few things over. She certainly pinpointed some areas that I need to reevaluate. I love her "Things that work my nerves" at the end of each section. Susannah Lewis is full of wisdom and has a way of writing that is a powerful message full of honesty and faith. This book is full of Biblical truths that apply to our everyday lives. Sometimes we don't always realize the things that we do that work on others nerves or areas we need to change. I love how honest Susannah is about life throughout her book. What a great read!

Thanks NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. Very funny and a good read! I also loved the cover.

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I am new to this author/blogger. Her humor resonates with a lot of women. She writes about situations that we have been in and maybe we wanted to say something and didnt.

If you are not sure you will like her humor I recommend checking out her website before purchasing.

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In this age of people taking every word so literally this was a fun and refreshing read. Of course the big chapters are politics but she also covers obnoxious language, offensive t shirts and Public displays of affection. This book was written before the covid outbreak but I can just imagine her thoughts on masks and vaccines. There are many references to the Bible but it's not overly religious. I received a copy of this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

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Reading How May I Offend You Today is like sitting on the front porch in the evening drinking sweet tea and listening to your sassy Southern friend recount her day, complete with her feelings about the day's events. There were numerous times I laughed out loud, times I nodded my head in agreement, and times I thought, "Did she really just say that?"

Because the book is published by Thomas Nelson, I expected a Christian perspective, and that perspective was present in the best way. Lewis doesn't stop at just ranting about situations, she connects them to biblical principles and provides important reminders about the need to not take ourselves (and others) so seriously.

Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I received an advance digital copy of this from NetGalley in exchange for writing an honest review.

I had never heard of this author and requested this book solely based on the title and cover. I had no idea that she is a Christian/spiritual teaching author. That genre is not one that I would normally choose. So I was surprised when I started reading. Despite the fact that I don't hold the same set of beliefs as the author, and the fact that public declarations of spirituality uncomfortable, I liked the basic message of the book. Her writing style is good, you can visualize the scenarios she describes easily, and while maybe a tad too preachy for my taste, the overall book is a pleasant read.

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I've read Susannah Lewis's other book called Can't Make This Stuff Up so I was excited to get to read How May I Offend You Today. The book didn't disappoint. She did repeat a few of the stories from the other book but she also shared new stories and insights about her life, her family and her relationship with Jesus. Her struggles with fertility and the finally having the third baby really encouraged me in my struggle while laying in a hospital bed trying to get over COVID-19. My anger/disappointment with God about this situation isn't news to Him and He can handle it so I've tried to leave it with him.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion.

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I'd never heard of Susan B. Lewis before reading this book. I chose to request it because it sounded like it may be fun, and it was, for a while. A few chapters into the book I started to lose interest. I'm European, which might explain why I can't relate to many of her stories. I got frustrated with the way she uses the Bible and stopped reading before reaching the 50% mark.

I received a free digital ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I have been a follower of Susannah’s Facebook page for a very long time. She is a down to Earth, witty Southern Christian that we can all relate to at some point in our lives.
This books also continues on with her humor and honest writing. She tells Biblical truths that we can apply to our daily lives. They are all very relatable.
I love changing things up when reading Christian books. Having fun reading someone with a sense of humor is always uplifting to me.

If you like this book follow her on Facebook or her podcast.

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I struggled with this book, possibly not upstanding the humour across a different culture. There's some 5hi gs that I just didn't understand or enjoy that's not to say it wouldn't appeal others.

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2.75 stars.
Well the book had funny parts here and there, but it wasn`t too much wow and refreshing.

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A quick, enjoyable read that pretty much sums up what a lot of us are thinking. Those everyday annoyances that we silently complain about in our heads or to our bestfriend. Yet, Susannah B.Lewis broadcasts it for all of us to read in her book or even on her Facebook page in her southern commentary. Everyone can find something or even better several things in this book we can all relate too.

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Susannah Lewis delivers a humorous, easy to read book. If you enjoy sarcasm, this book is your type of funny. Lewis also brings out her views, which you may or may not agree with, in a logical thought-out way.

If you are a very conservative Christian, there are some views in the book you may not think are Biblical…i.e., that satan is dealing directly with you. So, while I would respectfully disagree with a few things in this book, I’m would still recommend this book to others since there is a lot to like in the book. For example, I do like that Lewis has brought out the Biblical truth that is counter cultural. The following are in the book…

Cultural View – “Girl, you can do anything you want and be anyone you want to be. You have the power. Your entire destiny is up to you. You decide the trajectory of your life. You don’t need anyone to make your dreams come true – all you need is inside of you. You are woman – roar!”

Biblical (and Lewis’) View – “Girl, you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. You are weak, but He is strong. The Lord has a good, good plan for your life – a plan for a hope and a future. He is the author of your desires and knows what is best for you. All you need is Him. You are a daughter of the king – roar.”

Overall, this was a fun read. I encourage anyone who enjoys humor to read it through Biblical glasses and glean a new perspective on living life for Christ.

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What can I say about How May I Offend You Today? I loved this book even more than I love Erma Bombeck books, and I love, love, love Erma Bombeck books. I could hear Susannah's southern drawl in my head as I read, and she's laugh out loud funny!

Susannah is a normal woman doing normal woman things as she does her best to live a Christian life. You never know what will set her off, from pajamas at WalMart to sexually explicit clothing in family friendly places. She's brutally honest and may step on a few toes, but she's never mean. And, as I said before, she's wicked funny!

I would highly recommend this title to anyone looking for a little humor in today's difficult world.

In the interest of full disclosure, I received a free digital copy of this title to review from Net Galley.


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Once I resigned myself to the fact that there were going to be lots of Americanisms and references that completely went over my head I actually quite enjoyed this. There were anecdotes that made me smile and nod and some that made me chuckle out loud. The writer is definitely very open and honest and I admire that she has her own strong opinions and ethos and isn’t afraid to go against the grain which was very refreshing. There were a few formatting problems with the copy I read (paragraphs randomly repeating) which I imagine have since been corrected and didn’t detract too much once I realised what was going on and it wasn’t just me getting bad deja vu! A good read.

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How May I Offend You Today? by Susannah Lewis caught my attention from the title. I had no idea what the book was about when I decided to read it (I know, not the best way to pick a book), but seeing that is was Christian I knew it would be clean, and I am drawn to sarcasm and dry humor. I had not read anything from this author before and am interested in learning more about her.

This book does not disappoint. The author discusses many topics that are relevant today, saying what most people want to say, but refuse to say. Or, if they do say it, they say it quite rudely, which Lewis does not do. However, she is quick to admit that she is not perfect and shares many stories of when she did not get it right. There is humor, mixed with strong Biblical truths, and many instances of God's grace. The author shows how she has grown from the mistakes she has made, and shares in bits and pieces of how God has changed her since He saved her.

I think the thing I appreciate most about this author is that she unapologetically shares her views, making no excuses. She does not believe in walking on eggshells and the everyone should get a trophy mentality. She also believes that when punishment is deserved it should be implemented. This is something that is seriously lacking in today's culture, so it is refreshing to see an author share so transparently about the struggles in her home. Again, no one is perfect, and she is not trying to say that she is.

This book is an easy read, pretty light-weight book, but it had deep moments too. Times when I felt an "ouch" or tug in my spirit. It really makes you stop and think if you are being Christlike in your interactions with others.

The only downside that I had with the book, is that sometimes I felt that the book fell flat. I think having a bit more dialogue in places would have been beneficial. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves humor, sarcasm and quick wit. Thank you to Thomas Nelson Publishing and Net Galley for the opportunity to read this book. I was not required to give a positive review of this book, but am happy to do so. All opinions are entirely my own.

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With a catchy title like this, I thought Susannah would be a woman with a sense of humor and I wasn’t disappointed. With her funny stories and insights she combines wisdom and “love your neighbor as yourself” pieces of advice. I found her book to be light hearted , transparent, encouraging, and convicting. I love that she isn’t afraid to call attention to things in our lives that need correcting, no matter whether that offends us or not.

Susannah finishes each of the chapters of the book with “Things That Work My Nerves”. Just to let you know, Susannah put random numbers on her pet peeves and there are not that many chapters.. :) Here are two of them: #59 “Why do I only notice the green growth on the bread after I’ve eaten half the sandwich?” and #37 Men with “I love my wife” bumper stickers on their vehicles. “This causes arguments between wives and their husbands who don’t have ‘I love my wife bumper stickers.’ “

Thank you for Net Galley for a free copy of the book. I was not required to give a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Laugh out hilarious! Warning to all the Christian Ladies out there: she will step in your toes. She says nothing we haven't all thought of a time or two. So relatable and just what I needed. I highly recommend.

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