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Woman of Strength

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. Highly recommend for christen women out there! Will be going back and reading again.

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Interesting read and a different point of view of proverbs 31. Good to hear an interpretation from a women in this modern day.

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Woman of Strength by Alice Mathews was a new and fresh look at the woman described in Proverbs 31.

The author’s thoughts on her definitely vary from any I have read before, but still founded in Biblical truth.

I found her views about a “woman of strength” to be quite unique and I appreciated that.

Overall, I thought it was a good and informative read.

***Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the digital ARC of this book. All views and opinions expressed in this review are my own.***

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Proverbs 31 is an a popularity quoted (and unfortunately often misinterpreted) chapter of the Bible. So often teachings and sermons skin through the chapter and jump to the very end right to “ Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” The speaker completely ignored all the other hard work and accomplishments this women has done with her life in an attempt to teach women to “stay in their place”

This book is a refreshing, well researched, and insightful take on the *entire* chapter. The author breaks up the chapter into chin is analyzing what the poem is telling is in historic context and then giving us practical examples on how to apply it to our daily lives.

One downside is that the author tends to take tangents and dwell on details a bit much.

But the thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter really help solidify the material read.

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This book was an interesting look at the woman in Proverbs 31. The author’s view on this chapter is unique, yet based in Biblical truth. Her explanation about a “woman of strength” was quite interesting. I know that I’ll be referring back to this book again as I continue to look at the different aspects referred to in this chapter. I was impressed with this author’s research and thought she communicated these truths in a way that was understandable and inspiring. This book would be good for individual study as well as a ladies’ group Bible study.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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It's just okay. There's nothing within this book that makes it stand out from any other woman's devotional.

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This was an interesting book. I thought the information presented was well laid out and flowed well. I really enjoyed reading it and want to try and start implementing some of what I read.

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Current discussions on the role of women in the church has presented many challenges and concerns. For some, there are feelings that the Scriptures are too restrictive given the advances modern women have made, while others support the concepts Scripture presents in this area. The author has taken on the challenge of looking at the role of women from the perspective of the Proverbs 31 woman. In the Scriptures, the Hebrew word “hayil” which translates to mean “a woman of strength”. So the author seeks to determine the kind of woman this passage describes. As the author does this, several things are learned about this passage—including some she describes as surprises. Each chapter contains questions for reflection or discussion which makes this an excellent book for individual use as well as a women's book club or Bible study.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book provided by the publisher and Net Galley. However, the thoughts expressed are totally my own.

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Proverbs 31
Began reading, so much that I needed a highlighter in hand.
I needed to mark the words I need to reread, need to study, need to remember!

Each chapter
-Breaks down each verse to closely look at and reflect on meaning
-has a prayer relating to that verse
-has discussion or reflection questions

This is an important book for anyone who wants to examine Proverbs 31 closer!

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I did receive an advanced copy for review. Since I was reading this to review, I will admit that I did not spend as much time with it as I should have or would liked. I will be putting this at the top of my re-read list. With that said, my time spent with this book was spent very well. My faith walk has been struggling due to life and this book has helped with grounding me back to a stable level.

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Women have long been led to be like the Proverbs 31 woman…and we have worn ourselves out trying to be this perfect woman. I appreciated the insightful look at this Psalm and points to consider with the historical context. This would make a great book for a small group of women to read and study together as many great conversations will be generated.
I received a complimentary copy and all opinions expressed are my own and freely given.

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Devotional books have always been so fun to read as they all play to strengths and can sometimes use the same Bible verses that will get different meanings. I think a lot of it comes from circumstance and what you read into it, and this book was no different. It was a great eye-opener in some cases with the bible verses Alice Mathew chose and even gave some great questions that really made you think about it and what it's trying to tell you.

This would be great for any women friends you have and even young women who need a helping guide. Especially because Mathews helps explain things, I think this could be really beneficial for young girls, though it's great for everyone!

*I got this book for free from NetGalley in turn of an honest review.

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I loved this book! It was an eye opener. I thought I knew the proverbs 31 woman but I was wrong. This book is a must read for everyone that has wanted to meet the Proverbs 31 woman in a different light

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Alice Mathews rejuvenated the Proverbs 31 Virtuous Woman. In a modern and broken world, it seems unattainable to be this woman. Empowered as you read, one can live your best life possible for God and be this hayil, woman of strength.

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A great devotional to Learn what Proverbs 31 has to say for women and men. I am only half way through but wanted to review now as obviously a devotional takes a good chunk of time to complete. Proverbs 31 is a very popular scripture. Sometimes even a little controversial when talking about gender roles in today's society. Through careful translation, practical application, and reflection questions, Alice Matthews helps you discover what Proverbs 31 reveals about women, about men, and about God himself. Alice also added some great reflection questions after each devotional that could be for personal or group use.

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Wonderfulll. This book was clearly well researched and was incredibly thought provoking. I loved how this author used context and original Hebrew to further delve into Proverbs 31 meanings. This book would be great for small groups and I want to gift this to all of my friends.

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I enjoy learning about the Bible and thought this was an interesting read. I can appreciate that "meaning changes over time" (21) and I found the interpretations in this book to be helpful and fair. The author here gives us permission to reinterpret this verse for modern women, and offers helpful advice for how to understand it and put it to use and take it to heart. The points Mathews touches on illuminate Proverbs 31 in a new and modern light. The great thing about this book is that it is a great jumping-off point for more discussions.

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I enjoyed this very interesting study of Proverbs 31 and all the differing insights that could be gleaned from accessing additional interpretations of Scripture. It's for this reason that I've always personally preferred the use of the Amplified Bible rather than the translations used by most Christians. The Amplified Bible gives the myriad of possibilities for how each word from the original Scripture could be interpreted when there is more than one potentially useful choice. By using it as my main reference, I have often been able to understand the Word much better and to arrive at different conclusions than I might normally have by using only the standard interpretations. I'm glad to have been offered the chance to review this author's work and I think it's profitable to read and consider what she has to say about this very famous proverb.

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