Member Reviews

I loved the descriptive writing but my favorite parts were Benjamin’s notes. Very well written.
Many thanks to Entangled and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book was just outstanding. I just had so much fun reading this story. I’m really excited to see what’s next from this author.

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I love reading about these two characters James and Reese. I thought it was a wonderful second chance romance. Its a wonderful written story. I loved the storyline. Its a page turner and kept my interest throughout the story.
I read and and reviewed an Advanced Copy of this book All thoughts and opinions are of my own.
Thank you NetGalley and Entangled Publishing llc for letting me read this book.

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this book was so cute and precious. i'm so glad i got to read it. i love reading beautiful chick lit books. don't let that deter you. pick this one up! sexy cowboy rmance. so like that.

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I love James and Reese. Their story is filled with so much up and down that leaves you rooting for them and hoping that their second chance gives them the happily ever after they both deserve.

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Her Second Chance Cowboy has a little something for every romance fan - a little mystery, a second chance at love, complications, reunions, and a HEA. The chemistry of the characters really jump off the page although they are both extremely frustrating at times with their lack of communication causing complications. I hope there will be more books in the series.

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Her Second Chance Cowboy is a second chance romance featuring Reese and James. I do love this trope. It’s always fun to see characters who had attraction as teens come together again as adults. It’s nice to see the ways in which they have changed and grown. For the most part. I enjoyed this story. I did find myself rooting for the couple. My only complaint was the pacing. I felt like it meandered a bit too much in places. There was also a lot of miscommunication between the couple. I did enjoy the “treasure hunt”. I also loved ending. I don’t know if this will be a series, but I would love to see what is up with Astrid and Finn.

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Reese's career and life is up in the air and decides she would try to get James to sell her back her family land back that he just bought. Meanwhile James is making use of the land by making it an equine therapy for special needs children. Both had a past so clearly we know how that's going to go.

I enjoyed this book it was a nice read that was pretty steamy at times. I liked getting to know the characters seeing the reasoning behind why James doesn't want to be tied down especially with kid and seeing how it would impact things in the future of this book. Then there was Reese whose working on her photography career and wants a place to go back to when shes not off traveling around like her grand parents cottage but she'd have to go to Reese about that. There is romance, steamy times and trust issues because things aren't gonna stay all fun and light hearted forever and the characters gotta make some decisions about whats in the future. Overall it was a pretty enjoyable book.

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This was a charming read and my first by this author, and hopefully not my last. There is drama a plenty and twists to keep you hooked. I also enjoyed how we got to meet other characters that I can’t wait to hear more from. Overall this gave me the warm and fuzzies and makes me want to hear more from this author.

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In this book cowboy, James gets a second chance for love with his highschool girlfriend Reese. Resse wants to be a National Geographic photographer and she wants her grandparent's cottage to be her home. If only hot cowboy will sell it to her. Resee and James make a deal and they begin to spend more and more time together, start an affair until secrets come to life. What will be more important than a job or love? The story was ok and a little too much predictable for my liking. I couldn't relate to the characters. I don't think that I would choose an unhappy life instead of love.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for NetGalley

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The last line of the About the Author page says "Makenna's wish is to write stories that touch your heart and mind, making you feel, think and dream." In Her Last Chance Cowboy, she has succeeded in all those goals. And second chance romances are my favorites.

Reese Turner is a professional photographer and is in the running for a coveted position with National Geographic. Meanwhile, she supports herself with freelance jobs. One of those jobs, brings her to Cypress Creek, where she hopes to buy back her grandparents cottage, but the first person she runs into is James MacLachlan, her high school boyfriend, who promised her a long summer and then betrayed her, (she thought). But her grandmother died, right afterwards and her family left, before James could explain and apologize. And his family bought her grandparents' land.

James is a handsome, kind, and hard working cowboy- any woman's dream. However, he falsely carries around the guilt of wanting a brother and then losing not only his brother and mother due to birth complications, but his father was so heartbroken, that he neglected the two children that he still had. Lucky for them, that they also lived with their grandparents on the ranch. After a close call, with a gold digger, he has decided to remain a bachelor and never have any children, after watching the pain his father has gone through. This despite the very example of true love exhibited daily by his grandparents.

James and Reese quickly reunite as friends and come across a mystery left by his great grandfather, which they have fun trying to solve. Reese tries to guard her heart, so he doesn't get a second chance to break her heart. She also has some secrets, that she is working out how to tell him. But he is such a knothead, that it takes his family and friends to open his eyes to the future he can have with Reese. But how many second chances does he deserve?

Wonderfully developed characters, vivid scenery descriptions, lively banter and cute pets, make this a very entertaining read. I read an ARC provided by this is my unbiased and voluntary review.

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Take a journey to the Hill Country of Texas and be swept away with the love story between James and Reese.  It doesn't hurt that he is a ruggedly handsome cowboy!

James and Reese have known each other for many years, since high school, but they never really got over their feelings for each other. Reese ends back in town and they pledge to spend the summer together with a no-strings relationship.  However, neither expected to fall in love but the path to love is not smooth or easy.

This romance is somewhat typical but there is an element of mystery surrounding some letters that around found. James and Reese also run into communication issues and it causes friction in their relationship. But what relationship doesn't have issues?  With the help of their family and friends offering sage advice at different times, they are able to realize that maybe their destiny is with each other.

I enjoyed watching their relationship blossom while discovering nuances about each other. Sometimes I wanted to throttle both of them for jumping to conclusions without talking to the other about what was said or not said.

I would love to see the photographs that Reese took, I can only imagine the magic they might impart to a viewer. I live in Texas and know that the Hill Country is a beautiful place to get away, as long as you stay away from the larger cities and get out into the country.

This was a fun read and I wonder if her next book will feature James' friend Finn and James' sister, Astrid.  I'll have to be on the lookout for the next book.  We give this 4 paws up.

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Okay. Where do I even begin with this amazing read.

I finished this in one setting and gave evil glares to my children and husband when they ‘tried’ to distract me. Because this book was just that good.

I loovvved the second chance romance - the rough cowboy turned sap but not too much sap - the encouragement for a woman to pursue her career over children and the pain around being older and trying to decide if you want children.


Also - steam was 🔥🔥🔥

I want the next in the series like yesterday please ❤️

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I love a good second chance romance. The descriptions of the land and the cottage create such a beautiful picture in my head. Makes me want to visit. I was completely intrigued by the little treasure hunt these two went on. Now Reese and James have a past that didn't end well. Reese's pull to the memories at her grandparents' cottage may finally give them the closure they need. You can easily feel that the attraction between Reese and James is still burning strong. Secrets, some good or sometimes they can cost you everything. This was a good story that makes the heart happy dance. This a book that when feeling down that will bring you right up and leave a smile on your face.

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Wow this book has feels - extreme heartbreak and new unconditional love. Reese Turner has family dynamics that many are facing in today.
As an accident brings Reese and James MacLochlan together it's a roller coaster from there.
This book is just really to good to give away any spoilers!
I couldn't put it down

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My Review: I am such a sucker for cowboy romances! I haven't read anything by Lee before and I was excited to see if she brought anything new to the cowboy romance sub-genre. She did not disappoint me. I loved the blend of small town/ranch life with a bit of mystery and some twists on some common tropes. I admit that I was a little worried when one of my least favorite tropes started being foreshadowed early in the book but I am really happy with the way she twisted it in a different way. I really enjoyed James and Reese as characters, both of them were well developed with a lot of backstory and many, many flaws. I enjoyed how their relationship grew, it had to overcome many obstacles and missteps. I am really hoping we get to see more of them, maybe in a story about Finn (because we need to find out what happened and what will happen).

My Rating: I really enjoyed this book, it has been a while since I last got to pick up a cowboy romance (they were all starting to be a little too similar), and this was so much more than a simple romance. I enjoyed the characters and the way Makenna Lee twisted some of those too often seen tropes. I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.

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Her Second Chance Cowboy is a very well written romance. Great plot with believable characters and a beautiful setting. I received an arc from the publisher and this is my unbiased review.

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Her second chance cowboy gave me all the swoon that a cowboy romance must have! It was a quick and easy read! Make sure to add it to your to be read list!

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I really wanted to like this story, but at times it was just to slow for me. I did like certain parts of the story. The female character Reese being a photographer and the two of them going through on a treasure hunt around his property.
James who owns the ranch and thinks mostly the females are out to get something from him, continues that thought throughout the story even after she shows that his father was trying to sell the family land. He continues then to think she is trying to trap him by thinking she is pregnant when he never speaks to her and he also never told her when the condom broke. He always wanted her to tell him but he never tells her and I found that to be frustrating. Parts of this book were good others were not. I am sure more people will like this story.

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A hot cowboy and a fun second chance romance? Count me in! With great characters and a fun easy read story this book was very entertaining. Reese and James have great chemistry making their second chance story fun and believable. This is a great read and one you don't want to miss.

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