Cover Image: Reckless at Heart

Reckless at Heart

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Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for the eARC. This book touched on everything and i Want to move to this town. Teenage pregnancy, young marriage, single parenting, finding love again..whats not to love!

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When I think of romance, I think of books just like this one, that gives all the feels and satisfies every romance junkies' heart. This is a perfect books to snuggle up with on any day.

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I love the books this author writes under her other pen name. Her writing here is just as good and I loved the original premise!

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This is the first book I have read by Zoe York, and I really enjoyed it.
Her writing style is brilliant and really pulls you in to the story. I loved Owen's character and the evident love he has for his daughter, and the relationship in which he shares with his brothers too. Both of which add another depth to the story.

An easy to read, enjoyable romance that had me hooked.

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I have not read any of the previous Pine Harbour series and while you could see glimpses of couples that were likely in previous books, I thought this was a well done stand alone (and new series kickoff) within a larger universe. I really loved the premise of this book (single dad who had a daughter as a teenager finds out his teenage daughter is pregnant and is attracted to her midwife) even though it could have crossed boundaries or been predictable. Zoe York handles the situation with care (no one crosses a professional boundary) and the issues the characters deal with are done with maturity and realism. She is doing the work in this book to setup the other brothers for the rest of the series and I found the scenes with the brothers giving Owen advice hilarious. My only complaint is that I thought Kerry's backstory got a little shortchanged to allow the brothers and their dynamics to be introduced. I also thought it was a little slow to start, but if it had moved faster, I would have complained that she didn't respect the professional boundaries. Overall it was solid and made me both want the next brother's book and want to go back and read previous titles from Pine Harbour.

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I received an advanced reader copy to leave an honest review of this book. I have read some of Zoe York's other works and have always enjoyed them. This is the first book in a new series set in Pine Harbour following the Kincaid brothers. Overall was a very enjoyable book. Very well written and easy to follow; no strange jumps in the story or plot line. Has the romance you expect from Zoe plus some humor. You will fall in love with all the characters!

The first book in the series follows Owen Kincaid, the oldest (and grumpiest) brother, and Kerry, a new resident to Pine Harbour. Kerry is a midwife and gets assigned Owen's pregnant daughter as one of her clients. So right from the get go there is a conflict of interest between Owen and Kerry even though they are wildly attracted to each other. Owen is a gruff man who comes off as not being approachable when really he just feels like he has to be in control since he raised his daughter and his younger brothers. After the baby is born and Kerry and Owen can explore their feelings, all bets are off. Things progress quickly until a looming issue arises between. Kerry wants kids and Owen is done with kids considering he raised his daughter young and his brothers.

Overall a great story with heartfelt emotions. I loved Owen who just wanted to have a bachelor life after raising his daughter. You will fall in love with the town and the brothers.

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Owen doesn’t regret becoming a teenage father to Becca but now that she is preparing for college he is beginning to look forward to the freedom that he never experienced until his daughter rocks both their worlds when she tells him that he is about to become a grandfather.

Kerry has recently moved to town to be closer to her best friend and is Becca’s midwife. From their first meeting the sparks of antagonism fly but they are just masking the attraction that they are both determined to deny due to the professional relationship.

Once their professional relationship comes to an end a personal one begins and although they were at different points in their lives they prove that with love anything is possible. This is a heartwarming story about love, family and the true to life challenges that we all face.

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This is a swoony read about 2 very real-to-life characters dealing with realistic life issues. Their romance warmed my heart. I loved following their journey to their HFN. I hope to see more of them in the next books about Owen’s brothers.

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I so enjoyed this book! I’m not typically a big fan of small town romances, but Zoe York creates the most vibrant cast of characters, and the story is one that grips you wholly🥰 I’m really excited to see where this series goes!

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Loved this slow burn small town romance. The setting, characters and the storyline are realistic and relatable, not only focusing on the relationship between Owen and Kerry, but also between Owen and his brothers and his daughter. As a Canadian I particularly enjoyed the references to familiar places. Looking forward to reading more from this series.

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This was a sweet and touching story. Zoe York’s style is grounded in reality, flows beautifully and as a whole this book was easy to read and very enjoyable. I can’t wait to get back to Canada’s hidden jewel in the next installment. As far as long running family series goes, Pine Harbor is excellent = there’s not too much unnecessary drama and angst, just enough steam and romance. Recommend!

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Single/Dad forbidden romances are the greatest combo ever! I really REALLY enjoyed the entire story and plus I really like the author's writing style and have been reading her books for a while. Owen Kincaid the hero, i can't express his sexiness, something so manly and just hot. He was someone you could not figure out easy, and can we just mention that his 18 year old daughter got pregnant and he is not only a sexy dad but sexy grandpa? YEAH! The heroine is in her mid-thirties and happens to be the hero's daughter's mid-wife and someone who HATES the hero for being arrogant, pushy and in her face at all times. Their relationship is so complex yet simple. What makes this so fun is because the hero is mature yet really looking forward to being a bachelor and the single life, after all his daughter made the same mistake he did by having her at the same age. The heroine is ready for more, as in relationship, stability and a child. Every turn is new and unexpected and I would highly recommend this book, the author really does a fantastic job at keeping you on your toes while giving you what you want!

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Is history repeating itself?

With a twist.
Owen was eighteen when he became a teenage dad.
Looks like history is repeating itself when his teenage daughter announces she pregnant.
Enter her midwife, Kerry.
And very soon the sparks are flying.
It was nice to return to Pine Harbor. A good reason for a return visit is for the upheaval in Owen's life.

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I couldn't get over the teenage pregnancy subplot and that the hero and his ex-wife wouldn't have a frank conversation with their teenage daughter about safe sex and contraception. There was great chemistry with the hero and heroine and those parts were great.

I will buy More Zoe York books because she is a great author

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I did enjoy this book, but it was pretty slow at parts. Plus, I thought the author should be more clear in time jumps between chapters. Sometimes it felt like there was a time jump, but that there was no forward motion between the characters other than the pregnancy moving along. Also, sometimes stuff happened “off screen” that I would have liked to witness, such as the brothers being told about their niece’s pregnancy. I did enjoy, just not 5 stars.

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The Kincaids of Pine Harbour is my new favorite family. I can't wait to read the rest of the brothers' stories, but Owain is definitely a romance hero that will stay with me for a while. He's gruff. He's charming. He's sexy. He's an excellent lover. At least Kerry thinks so, but it takes a while before she finds out because these two are like oil and water when they first met, but the sexual chemistry is through the roof. I love the secondary characters. I love the setting. I love the realistic every-day life problems that the people of the town deal with. Most of all, I love the slow, slow buildup to these two wonderful characters discovering they are right for each other and finally figure out to make it work to be together.

Many of today's romance novels have heroes and heroines who are in their early to mid-twenties. It is refreshing to read about a couple who are in their 30s and trying to figure out how to make the demands of their careers, their everyday life, their other responsibilities to work while also having a romance. Plus, I love the Canadian setting and the town of Pine Harbour. Pick up this book! You will not be disappointed!

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Owen's gruff, ornery, and certainly relies on the bark is not as bad as the bite single father EMT who's been anxiously been waiting for his daughter's 18 birthday.
Kerry is a nice and caring midwife whose biological clock has been ticking lately so when the chance to move to new town land on her hands she takes it.
Owen was slow to grow on me, I mean he's 37 but the way he acted around Kerry was frustrating. There are some hurdles for them to overcome and whether or not they're right for one another.
It's a slow-burn romance with interesting characters, family dynamics, and a good plot.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review

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I came across Zoe York recently and enjoy her work enough to read everything in her Kindle Unlimited catalog but not quite enough to read everything that's not in KU. I liked this book quite a lot - her dialogue's always believable, the story line flows well, the characters are well-developed.

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Boy I needed a good romance. I was fully engaged with this book and couldn’t put it down. It was sexy and a slow burn. You always know what you’re walking into when you read a romance and I am not disappointed!! Will definitely recommend to others.

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Really enjoyed this installment in Zoe York's Pine Harbor series.

After becoming a teen parent, Owen Kincaid is now the single dad of an 18-yr-old daughter. As she readies to move out, he's daydreaming of turning her room into a home gym and reentering the dating game. However, Owen's daughter throws him a curve ball in the form of an unexpected grandchild. Having had a child as a teen himself, Owen is determined to give his daughter the best, all of the support that he can, and to help her navigate this next stage. What he doesn't count on is a sexy mid-wife, Kerry, that draws his attention.

Owen and Kerry clash at first, in the way that people that are drawn together and are trying to fight it clash at the start. Heated, witty banter leads to true affection, but they try to keep it professional throughout his daughter's pregnancy.

The plot is well-developed, the characters are well-written, and this is a thoroughly enjoyable book for sure. It is a complex subject matter, and it was handled very well by Ms. York.

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