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Too funny! This is the second in the series and I did not read book one but that is ok. It most certainly can be a stand alone as this time it is about Isadora (I guess book one was about her sister) and Devraj.

Isadora is a healing witch, and she loves her plants and animals. People not so much. She is really just an introverted witch. Devraj is an old vampire who is asked to find out why there have been missing girls in the area and it’s being blamed on another vampire. But when the two meet and Isadora doesn’t fall for her vampy charm Devraj becomes obsessed with this shy witch.

An adorable paranormal romance. I just loved these characters.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Delectable, smooth and charming Indian vampire. Quiet and awkward witch. Sweet, delicious times!

In DON'T HEX AND DRIVE, I witnessed the most unique meet-cute I've ever read. It was hilarious even while I knew that Devraj was going to have to work hard to get any of Isadora's affections. She took in what looked a fine as hell male specimen, his expensive clothes, and his fancy car and summed him up - he must be superficial and materialistic. When she finds out that he was also a famous Bollywood actor, she believes her first instincts were correct. And then he repeatedly shows her how wrong she is just by being himself.

🧛 The plot: 5/5 - while the romance developing between Isadora and Devraj was the main focus of this story, I liked how there was a side plot that didn't immediately affect them. Women were disappearing from the streets of New Orleans and that's why Devraj, a Stygorn, was there in the first place -- to investigate and bring the perpetrators to justice. Meeting his soulmate was a huge bonus!

🧛 The hero: 5/5 - Devraj was a Stygorn, which simply speaking is an elite guard of vampires. They are the best of the best. Devraj was incredible! He was sweet and sexy, intelligent and humble. He knew he was one of the greatest vampires around, but he didn't carry himself with any form of conceit or arrogance. It was impossible not to fall in love with this man. He was in touch with his own humanity, he had a deep well of past pain and anguish, and he was an enlightened individual. I admired his patience when it came to Isadora.

🧛 The heroine: 4/5 - I went into this knowing that Isadora was going to annoy me. I knew this. So I was prepared. And aside from her disgusting treatment of Devraj, that lasted a bit too long for my taste, I ended up liking her in the end. Her fears were relevant and I felt like I could understand her. I wouldn't go to the extremes she did, or push people away or treat them the way she did, but I got it. Underneath her aloofness was a heart of gold. She was a sweetheart, a gem, and I was beyond thrilled about the insight the author gave into her character.

I loved this book. I loved these characters. I even loved the intense subplot that was included which highlighted the interpersonal relationships of all the characters. The closeness, familiarity, and unconditional love between the Savoie sisters is the stuff of dreams. The way they welcome newcomers like Mateo and Devraj filled me with warmth. There is so much to adore with these people and I'm nowhere near done with them. I'm going to be patiently (not so patiently) waiting for the next book, Witches Get Stitches, which will be Nico and Violet's story!

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Don't Hex and Drive is the second book in the Stay a Spell series and it can easily be read as a standalone. I really enjoyed both Wolf Gone Wild and Don't Hex and Drive, so I recommend both books.

When it comes to vampires, the media usually feeds us the pale white skinned kind—especially since the rise of Twilight. In Don't Hex and Drive, Juliette Cross defies the norm and gives us a BROWN-SKINNED INDIAN VAMPIRE. And she does it with cultural and religious sensitivity. I need more brown vampires, please and thank you!! I am HERE for this kind of vampire content!! I've been telling all my South Asian friends about this book because like me, a brown-skinned Indian vampire never really crossed their mind before!

When Isadora gets hit by Devraj's car, to say that she is upset would be an understatement. And she's further annoyed by the fact that he is a hot ass vampire. As it turns out, Devraj is her new next door neighbour! And he's a famous Bollywood star on top of that! At first, Isadora tries hard to deny the sparks between her and Devraj. She believes that they are too different to be any good together as a couple. And yes, Devraj and Isadora are opposites: he's an extrovert and she's an introvert. But Isadora soon realizes that the chemistry between them just keeps getting stronger and stronger. At the same time, Devraj and Isadora are working with Ruben to investigate the mysterious disappearances of college girls in New Orleans.

I love Devraj and Isadora's low angst, sweet, and steamy romance. It was so light and breezy, with no dramatics. Don't Hex and Drive was the perfect balm for my heart after my last disastrous read. I also like that while Devraj is a Bollywood star, the story itself doesn't turn into a full-on Bollywood movie. Don't get me wrong: I love Bollywood. I freaking grew up on Bollywood. But when I want a full-on Bollywood story, I don't usually look for it in books. When I'm in the mood for Bollywood, I just pull out my Dil To Pagal Hai and DDLJ DVDs and sit my ass down for 4+ hours and binge watch the movies. Juliette Cross gives us the perfect amount of Bollywood, without allowing it to completely take over the story. And the ending! The ending was so romantic!! My heart swelled with love. I was so moved when Devraj gave Isadora his most precious possession as a token of his love.

I love this world of paranormal romance that Juliette Cross has created, The characters, most of them being supernaturals, live in New Orleans. The supernaturals also have their own justice system and each district has their own overlord and enforcer. We get hints here and there about the future couples in this series and can I just say that I am 100% here for it all?!? I love that we got little bits here and there about Violet and Nico and Jules and Ruben. The BANTER between Violet and Nico and the PINING between Jules and Ruben = *chefs kiss*

Violet and Nico are next! And if I'm not mistaken, Clara and her grim are up after Violet and Nico. And then...finally...sweet Lord...we will have the pining couple: Jules and Ruben. Last but not least, my girl Livvy will have her story...but her man is still a mystery so far (I think?).

If you are looking for a fresh, steamy, and funny paranormal romance series, I highly recommend the Stay a Spell series!!

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Will she let her doubts and fears poison her burgeoning romance ...

Oh my!
I’m in love, I need a Devraj in my life (sorry hub!).
I confess Vampires are far from my favorite creatures in the paranormal’s crowd, so creepy with their blood thing, but Ruben and Devraj kind of redeem all the bad guys I have read about.

Devraj is such a complex and multilayered hero, he is thoughtful and compassionate, always pondering the use of his power, never overstepping if he is not allowed. Until Isadora.
She pushes all his buttons.
In close contact, she makes him long for something he never had, a home.
He explores his feelings and his expectations. He reflects on his own life and what seams to be missing, a place to rest and stay.
As he has seen and done it all, he is also more tune with his inner self. He does not lie to himself and readily accept when change must be made in his life.
Isadora is the awkward sister, she prefers plants and animals to humans, that I can’t fault her.
So being cautious with Devraj is understandable, yet he shows at every turn how wrong her first assessment of him was. But by pushing him away each time he comes close, too close, she also hurt him.
I was upset at her when to keep him at arms-length, she introduces a third party, it was cowardly and petty.
She is lucky Devraj is no common man, fight her he will, but by her side, demonstrating how right they are together until she is slowly ceding ground.

Mrs Cross brings together very opposite persons whom are also very similar, between cute puppies, lost Big John, kidnapped girls, it is a rollercoaster ride with a scorching hot ex Bollywood star and a reclusive with a kind heart.
4.5 stars

I was granted an advance copy by the author, here is my true and unbiased opinion.

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Welcome back to New Orleans and into the Savoie Sisters world. I loved diving back into this series. I have never been to New Orleans, but I feel like Cross captures the magic of the place with an enchanting setting and characters that are deliciously wicked, funny, and oh so addictive!

Don't Hex and Drive is book two in the Stay a Spell series by Juliette Cross, and tells the story of Isadora, one of the Savoie sisters, and Devraj Keumar, aka Mr. Fancy Pants, that has come to town to help solve a case that involves some missing girls. And as one of the most powerful witch families, the Savoie sisters join him and the Vampires to help with the problem.

Between the missing girls and the palpable attraction between them, and despite her best efforts, Isadora can't stay away. And neither can Devraj. So what happens next is an eruption of emotions that was impossible to put down.

A shy, lover of pansies heroine, a Bollywood star hero that happens to be a Stygorn vampire, and a cast of quirky characters make this a swoony, fun, and sexy read that will have you packing your bags and getting on the next flight to NOLA.

Brimming with heart, suspense, and a delicious slow burn romance, Don't Hex and Drive delivers the perfect balance between mystery and romance, so be ready to fall under Juliette Cross' spell.

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This was a much better and more interesting book than the first in the series. It has a proper plot that not only drives the actions of the characters, it influences the romance as well. As a result the book doesn't seem like it's been filled with empty scenes that only serve to inflate the wordcount like with the first one. The mystery of women being kidnapped by vampires wasn't terribly mysterious and was solved easily in the end, but since this is a romance anyway, it doesn't matter all that much. And the character motivations that drove the couple apart stemmed from their lives and were believable.

I'm really starting to like the Savoie sisters and will gladly follow their exploits further. Isadora was a nice person, but like with Evie earlier, I had really hard time remembering that she's in her late thirties and not early twenties. Devraj, however, I didn't like at all at first. He came across as a bully who wanted to push himself into Isadora's life against her wishes. He grew better later though, and I was able to enjoy their romance. And I think he redeemed himself in the end. There was more sex in this book than the first one, but the scenes were well written and they fit the story well. All in all, an enjoyable book.

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Another fun, sexy and steamy read from Juliette Cross and the Stay a Spell series. Don’t Hex and Drive features dual POV’s like its predecessor. I also liked the addition of the mystery of women missing. Even though it was not the focus of the plot like Isadora and Devraj budding romance I found it was a nice distraction to keep you interested in our main characters interactions you also got to see Rueben and Jules. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Isadora she was such a kind and caring person quite a bit different from her sisters and her interactions with Devraj, I loved how she didn’t immediately swoon over him even seem to be immune to his charms. Devraj was sexy, dangerous, and so much more than Isadora’s first impressions I just loved their interactions together. Don’t Hex and Drive is an excellent read filled with magic, romance and mystery and I cannot wait for the next installment.

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I just finished this book and I'm already stoked about "Witches Get Stitches" in the Summer of 2021!
If there's one thing I enjoy, it's a good push and pull within a romantic story. This story was one of pull and tug the whole way through. I couldn't help but root for this couple from the beginning, In a world where opposites attract, a sexy vampire and a precious witch who loves to garden are perfect for one another.
After reading "Wolf Gone Wild", I knew that I was too eager to read more of this series. Although I liked the first book's storyline a little better, the characters in "Don't Hex and Drive" were so much fun to explore. The mystery of the first book was a little more interesting to me as well, but the bad guys in the second book were much more despicable.
I highly recommend "Don't Hex and Drive" for anyone who is in a terrible reading slump and just needs to find the FUN in reading again. And by fun, I mean hot, steamy romance that makes you keep turning pages while forgetting to breathe. (*wink *wink). I am absolutely pumped about the third book in this series and have fallen in love with the Savoie sisters and their world of sexy creatures. Thank you Juliette Cross and thank you NetGalley!

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It is a truth universally acknowledged that you say New Orleans and witches, and I’m there faster than the roadrunner, at any given time. And honestly, I had SO much fun reading Don’t Hex and Drive by Juliette Cross! It had pretty much everything I want from an urban fantasy flick, and let me tell you… I’m a UF closet freak. I love settings when the supernatural and our everyday modern world blends together but I’m picky with my favourites, so it’s rare that I come across one that I enjoy wholeheartedly. Here, not only do we get witches, but also vampires, werewolves, and so called grim reapers which are very mysterious at this point but I absolutely want to know more!
I read book 1, Wolf Gone Wild earlier this year and while I enjoyed it, I wasn’t blown away. I liked the Savoie sisters and the general atmosphere but wanted a bit more from the plot. However, when I saw Don’t Hex and Drive on Netgalley, I simply couldn’t resist requesting it, and I’m so happy that I did. Because book 2 totally delivered! The pacing was tighter, the stakes (excuse the pun) higher, and the banter on point (sorry, I’ll stop.)
For this book, we get Isadora as our heroine which initially I wasn’t sure how I felt about because I’ve been REALLY looking forward to Jules and Ruben’s story. However, I’ve taken to liking her almost immediately. As a fellow introvert, I related to her a whole lot, and I kept chuckling at her being wholly unimpressed by our love interest’s fame/looks/literally everything.
Devraj, powerful vampire and ex Bollywood star comes into town to help hunt down some bad guys for illegal blood trafficking, hits Isadora with his fancy Porsche and boom, meet cute. I was unsure of the vampire celebrity aspect at first but I chose to look at it as a bit of a tongue in cheek moment, and it wasn’t hugely relevant to the story, so I could totally get behind this pairing. The chemistry worked, we had a decent conflict, and the story flowed very nicely.
Overall, a fun and well-written book about witches, spells, and all things that go bump in the night, thrown in with some romance and humour. A great way to spend a lazy afternoon. The next book is Violet’s, and I will definitely be on the hunt for it.
P.S.: shoutout to these covers that don’t have me hunting for wrapping paper in order to be able to read it in public! Absolutely love the design on them!

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Don’t Hex and Drive continues the stories of the fascinating Savoie sisters, a family of witches living in New Orleans. This book follows Isadora, who is the shyest of her sisters and can be a bit of a homebody. She describes herself early on as being like “the stoic, painfully shy, and socially awkward Mr. Darcy”. I just loved that because it always seems like the heroines are usually the upbeat, fun ones, and the heroes are the shy characters. (Not always, but a lot!) Our hero is an international Bollywood star and sex symbol, Devraj Kumar. He’s also a Stygorn vampire, making him even stronger and more powerful than a normal vampire. Devraj is in town helping track down missing girls that had been kidnapped outside bars in the area. As a Conduit, a witch that uses their power to help and heal, Isadora is tasked to help the girls recover once they’ve been found.

From the moment they met (when Devraj hit Isadora with his car), he feels a connection to her and wants to explore it. She resists him at every turn and is determined to stay away from him. Devraj won’t be deterred and eventually wins Isadora over, but she doesn’t make it easy! I loved that Devraj could have had any woman he wanted but he went after Isadora because he knew there was something special there. The scene where these two finally have sex is so potent and sexy, and is definitely worth all the back and forth.

I’m really looking forward to reading more about the Savoie sisters- especially Jules and Ruben‘s story! This is another great book from Juliette Cross and it’s perfect if you’re looking for a light and humorous read.

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3,5 stars

If you are going to have Don't Hex and Drive as a title I'm going to expect some hexing and driving. I didn't really get that. I'm sad.

All jesting aside Don't Hex and Drive is an adult paranormal romance and the second book in a series. Now I didn't read the first book, I was so taken by that title I forgot to check if it was a series. However this is more a series of companion books that follow the sisters as they find their romance. Each book focuses on a different sisters and therefore can be read separately.

There isn't much world building to know so it easy to settle into. For me that was also its downside. I needed a bit more on the vampire side of them being able to be out in the open. Sometimes Devraj felt like a normal human (which is partly a vampire's charm) but still. If you are going to step away from what most of us know about vampires it is always best to address. This book didn't which left me a bit dissatisfied.

Having said that however the romance, which is why many will pick up this book, was great. It goes from I dislike you to I want you to screw me right now in 50 seconds, ha. Preferable with a vibrator alongside. Yes, it is an adult book and there is graphic sex in here. Quite steamy if I might add.

The characters do work together. There is chemistry on the page and Devraj would do literally anything for Isadore. In that it is a great story that I couldn't put down until I finished. The book.

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The Savoie sisters are back!

Don’t Hex and Drive is the second book in Juliette Cross’s Stay a Spell series. Set in New Orleans, it’s centered around the Savoie sisters, a powerful coven of witches, each known for a different kind of magic. Isadora is a conduit, a rare type of magic that aids with growth and healing. Introverted, and rather shy, she’s content to spend her days growing plants for the metaphysical shop she runs with her sisters and spending time with the dogs at the local animal shelter. Armed with an ever growing collection of vibrators, she has sworn off the dating scene and enjoys her quiet life. Everything is turned upside-down when a new vampire knocks her off her feet on his way into town–literally, with his car.

Enter Devraj– a retired Bollywood star and well-known warrior vampire called into town by Ruben, to assist when several of the neighborhood women go missing. Devraj is the antithesis of Isadora–flashy lifestyle in the spotlight, indecently wealthy, oozing confidence and charm from his perfectly styled hair to his polished shoes. In their initial interaction he even turned me off as a reader and I was worried I wouldn’t like him. Isadora is similarly turned off and immediately decides she has no interest in spending another moment with him. However, considering the fact that her ankle is sprained, and her bike is destroyed, she consents to a ride home where she discovers he’s their new next door neighbor. Oh hey forced proximity, I love you so.

Despite the chilly reception from Isadora, Devraj cannot get the witch off his mind and begins looking for ways to run into her. After a very personal package intended for Isadora is mistakenly dropped off at his place, he beings his flirtatious pursuits of her in earnest. Poor first impression aside, I was quickly charmed by this character and his creative (if not a bit heavy handed) efforts to get closer to her. As they get to know each other better, it becomes clear that they have undeniable sexual chemistry and perhaps something more. Along the way, we get to spend lots of time with the other Savoie sisters (and some of their potential future love interests) who I missed so much.

I do not read a lot of paranormal romance, but the Stay a Spell series makes me want to remedy that. Don’t Hex and Drive is a unique and funny and oh so sexy (there’s a scene in front of a mirror that made me feel like I was going to actually catch fire) strangers to lovers romance that’s full of unforgettable characters that are impossible not to love. Book three will feature Nico (another werewolf!!) and Violet which I am very excited about, but the build up between Jules and Ruben may kill me before we get their story. This one comes out next week so you still have time to read the first book in the series, Wolf Gone Wild. My thanks to Juliette Cross and Netgalley for the advanced review copy!

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Juliette does it again! Her books are magic!! I loved every single second of Isadora and Dev’s story! Can’t wait for the next books!

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Don’t Hex and Drive by Juliette Cross is the 2nd book in her Stay a Spell series. I loved the first book in this series, and could not wait to read this book. As always with Juliette Cross, Don’t Hex and Drive was another fantastic addition to this series. No surprise, as Juliette never fails to give us great stories in all her series.
Isadora Savoie, one of the New Orleans Savoie sisters, who are witches, is more of an introvert in comparison to her sisters. Isadora is a Conduit witch, with healing powers, loves planting in her greenhouse and she is an animal lover, always going to visit the dogs at the shelter. One evening, she is riding home on her bicycle, when she is slightly hit by a car, and when she tries to get up, she sees a gorgeous hot hunk, who is also a vampire.

Devraj Kumar, our hero, is a Sygorn vampire (powerful ancient with enormous powers), and a Bollywood super star, who is known for his reputation with the ladies. When he jumps out of his car to help the girl he hit, she stubbornly pushes him away, but Devraj insists to help her. Isadora has a fear of cars, but Devraj will take her home, and he learns she is one of the Savoie sisters, who will help heal her. He also finds himself attracted to Isadora, who wants nothing to do with him and resists his charms, which is so very different then the norm for Devraj. He sets his sight on Isadora, and is determined to win her over.

Devraj is in town to help Ruben (Lord of the Vampires, whom we met in first book) find missing human girls being kidnapped, who are being used for blood. A plan is set to try and catch the kidnappers, with Isadora being used as bait. The relationship between Devraj and Isadora is slow build, as he continues to show up everywhere, and she begins to have feelings for Devraj; the chemistry between them was sizzling.
What follows is a fun, romantic, sexy and exciting story that had a bit of mystery, with a fantastic group of characters that Juliette always seems to give us. Isadora and Devraj were great together, and you rooted hard for them to stay together. I love all of the Savoie sisters, and the men they will all eventually mate with; with each sister having their own special skills.

Don’t Hex and Drive was lighthearted and so much fun; not to mention so very well written by Juliette Cross. To tell too much more would be spoilers. If you enjoy a fun romance, exciting action, great secondary characters, and a couple that has great chemistry; you need to read this book. I cannot wait to see what Juliette has in store for us next.

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I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley. All opinions are my own. Don’t Hex and Drive is the second book in Juliette Cross’s engaging Stay A Spell Series. It could be read on it’s own but I found the first book delightful so do recommend reading it as well.
Isadora Savoie is the quiet sister, a definite introvert she prefers to company of animals and plants to people using her conduit abilities to heal and promote growth. Devry Kumar is a 300 year old Stygorn Vampire Warrior, a larger than life Bollywood Star who lives his life in the spotlight. They meet when Devry accidentally knocks Isadora off of her bicycle with his luxury car. Devry has come to New Orleans at the request of the head Vampire an old friend to help solve a mystery where young women are going missing and it looks like vampires are involved. The story is funny and thrilling and seriously steamy with evil villains and lots of angst and drama. I enjoyed the book immensely. Publishing Date: September 8, 2020. Available on Kindle Unlimited. #DontHexAndDrive #JulietteCross #KindleUnlimited #NetGalley #ContemporaryRomance #BigEasy #RomanticFantasy #SeriouslySteamy #bookstagram #bookstagramer #WitchesAndVampires

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Ms Cross has written another charming, enchanting, and entertaining book. I love her depth, her wit, and the world she is building.

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3.5 stars. Devraj was a sweetheart by the end, and I liked watching him transform the more he spent time with Isadora. He was determined to be in her radar, and it was entertaining to watch him try to jump the walls she kept putting up. It was clear to see that he needed her in his life just as much as she needed him in hers.

Isadora seemed content to stay in her familiar corner, but she had no chance against Davraj's charm and magnetism. I liked watching her come out of her shell bit by bit. There were times when Devraj got a bit pushy, so it was nice when Isadora finally pushed back. She also had a unique conduit gift, and I have to admit, one of my favorite ways she used it was when she'd go to the dog shelter. If only that were really possible to do in all shelters! lol

Seeing the sisters again was also fun, because they each have such unique personalities. But I'm still mostly impatiently waiting for Jules' book!

I think I would have just liked a little more time spent on the plot with the missing girls. I thought it was pretty interesting. I don't mind the way it was resolved, but it would have been nice to see Isadora get more involved like she did towards the end. I like when there's more of a threat factor involved with this kind of side plot.

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Don't Hex and Drive is the second book in the series Stay a Spell by Juliette Cross. It is a paranormal, urban fantasy romance novel which focuses on witches, vampires and werewolf's. This particular book is a romance between a witch and a vampire.

Isadora Savoie, a conduit witch who spends most of her time in her bookstore or greenhouse amongst her plants. She loves animals and is slightly less powerful than her sisters, but little did she know, her powers are also equally important.

Devraj Kumar, a stygorn vampire and also a famous actor who just came to the beautiful city of New Orleans in order to solve a case. He is the one who always keeps roaming and is hard for him to call any place his home except for his childhood place, Varanshi in India.

Both of them meet each other at peculiar events, where Isadora is hit by Devraj's car and is severely hurt. Both of them are opposites and we all know opposites attract. This haters to lovers sizzling romance is what every romance reader needs to read.

Apart from this we see that the girls of New Orleans have been suddenly getting kidnapped and goes missing. Ruben is the head of the city and protects the supernaturals of this city. We see both of these solving that mystery along with them building strong affinity for each other.

We see some really great chemistry in this book between both the characters and also fantasy elements are great. The Indian touch with Devraj Kumar and everything related to him is true to its essence of Indian roots. Hats off to the author who has done her research pretty well on the Indian Culture.

I see some really unique plot details in this book by the author, one being Supernatural dating app, which drives Devraj super jealous for her love interest Isadora. Another one is Indian Hot Vampire, who has been roaming over 300 years and has finally found the love of his life, Isadora.

The starting was kinda steamy as well as hilarious at its point where a secret package of Isadora has been landed by mistake at his neighbors doorstep, who happens to be Devraj Kumar. The story picks up from this and can you guess what can that package be? The book is packed with steamy romance scenes and also sexy driving lessons between the two.

I am absolutely loving the author's rich narrative and writing style, which kept me glued to the book till the end. I am totally crushing over both the characters and I cannot wait to read the first book and also the third book which is going to come pretty soon. Each book has another love story of Isadora's sisters. I also am eagerly waiting for Ruben and Jules romance novel to come in the future.
Thank You to NetGalley and Publisher for sending me an e-copy in exchange of a honest opinion.

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This is a fun, fascinating story. Don't Hex and Drive by Juliette Cross is the second book in her Stay A Spell series. The two main characters Isadora Savoie, a witch and Devraj Kumar, a Stygorn vampire warrior are so great together. Isadora is an introvert and rather shy. Devraj is the exact opposite. As they say opposites attract and that's true for Isadora and Devraj. They are so sweet together. I liked reading about their relationship growing. Devraj can be quite a tease and Isadora is such a giving person.

There are some tough scenes. After all Devraj is in New Orleans because young women are being kidnapped from bars by vampires and he's there to find the women and the guilty parties. But there are fun scenes too. I especially enjoyed reading the scene where Devraj teaches Isadora, who is afraid to ride in cars, how to drive. There are four more sisters and I look forward to their stories.

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Isadora Savoie, plant-lover and Conduit witch extraordinaire, is daydreaming away when she is knocked off her bike by a careless driver. Devraj Kumar, a special-ops vampire and one-time Bollywood heartthrob, is charmed by the witch who cares more about her precious pansies than she does for her own well-being.

They couldn’t be more opposite! He’s the center of attention wherever he goes, and Isadora is an introvert that prefers to fly under the radar. She’s ready to leave their run-in behind her, but the man seems to appear everywhere she goes! She's definitely not at all attracted to him, and wouldn't be caught dead ogling her temporary new neighbor... And now they have to work together to discover who’s behind the recent rash of missing women. As a centuries-old vampire, Devraj is intrigued by this shy witch with a heart of gold. A true opposites attract romance!

Isadora and I are a lot alike. We're both a little socially awkward and prefer to keep to ourselves. Which is why Devraj is so good for her! And Devraj... oh, man this vampire is smoking hot! Inspired by the real-life Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh, Devraj is suave and extremely attentive to Isadora as he works to spend time with this intriguing witch. In fact, spending time with Isadora and her quirky sisters makes Devraj want to put down some roots for a change. The sense of family and belonging is something that he hasn't felt for years!

I can't wait for the next Savoie sister romance. The next couple is teased toward the end of the book.

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