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A scientific explanation for how we remember, why we forget, and what we can do, proactively, to foster good habits to support memory. Genova makes complicated concepts easy to understand with engaging (and amusing) anecdotal examples.

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Remember by Lisa Genova is a fascinating read about the mind, memory, and why we forget . I didn’t know she was a neuroscientist before reading this one, but she made this a read that appeals to all levels. It is very easy to read and understand unlike other books I’ve tried to read on the subject. My mother suffered from dementia so I’m always trying to find ways to strengthen my mind, understand why we forget and how memories work. I feel like this is a definite read if you are,or have ever been, curious about why we just sometimes forget!

Thank you to NetGalley and Harmony publishing for the opportunity to read this book.

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Lisa Genova is a neuroscientist who has written several well known novels invested with her subject, bringing to life characters suffering from neurological conditions she knows so well. Here she breaks from that path in writing a very accessible book about memory, how it works, can be improved, and what to look for during the aging process. She always gives a great deal of information, clearly and relatable, and this is no exception.

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I chose this book thinking it was a novel like Ms. Genova’s other books that I had read. I was a little disappointed to find that it was a book about memory but I was also intrigued. I’m glad I did read it and it turned out to be quite a quick read. There was nothing dry or boring about it.

This book explores into how our memory works. The essence of it is to learn how we make memories and how we forget them. It isn’t overly scientific and is punctuated by stories an examples from Ms. Genova’s life. It makes a manuscript that could be very text book much more interesting which keeping it educational.

I would recommend this to anyone interested.

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Thank you to @netgalley for this ARC. I read the summary of this book and I wanted to really read as I am 44 and starting to misplace words and forget common things. The outcome of this book? I most likely don't have Alzheimer's or a brain tumor, just aging. I also learned that Brain teasers are just that. They won't help your overall mental fitness, just make you better at the puzzles. Lastly, I confirmed that both stress and sleep affect my over health and mental wellbeing. Really good read! #remember #lisagenova #mar2021

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I absolutely love Lisa Genova, she is an author whose stories always teach and have a unique perspective.
I've read all of her books and I knew even though this one was non fiction I was still interested. Specifically because my husband suffers from PTSD and has memory issues.

This book looks into the science of how we remember, how our brains store memories and recall information
The book is divided into how we remember and why we forget. What I love is that Lisa uses personal experiences to make the material more relatable and easier to understand.

I learned so much while reading this book and was able to share it with my husband who was so happy to hear that even though he sometimes can not remember, it doesn't mean he is actually losing his memory. That memory is often impacted by our emotions, our sleeping habits, stress, and what's going on around us.

I would definitely recommend this book, even if you are not a non fiction reader. Lisa always writes in a way that is easy to read and educational. If you've enjoyed her fiction works read this one.

Due out March 2021, thanks to the publisher, Rodale and Netgalley for my advanced ebook copy.

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Remember by Lisa Genova Now have a better understanding why certain events are remembered and others are forgotten. Ms Genova details examples from her personal experience and common events. Insightful information about brain development as one ages. An educational and an interesting read.

Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC of Remember by Lisa Genova.

I am a huge Genova fan. I've read most of her books and every single one is an emotional gut punch that teaches me so much. She's a scientist, and a fabulous story teller to boot, so it's always a unique, compelling, and educational experience reading her work.

This is not a story, but rather a deep dive into the science of memory, and how our brains store and recall information. She is descriptive with the parts of the brain required to keep memory, and reassures that forgetting simple thing does not automatically mean that our brains are failing.

But this is not a dry text book read. Genova extracts relatable examples and anecdotes to illustrate this particular function of the brain. As always, I learned a lot, and I was impressed at her ability to use layman's terms to outline something so complex.

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Brilliant and unforgettable read (pun intended) about the science of remembering and forgetting.

I had no idea Lisa Genova was a neuroscientist, but knowing her writing so well from her incredible novels, I just had to give Remember a try. And I'm glad I did because it was a very well-written, accessible and gripping book (I would expect no less from Lisa Genova) about forming, changing and forgetting our memories.

The book is divided into two main parts: how we remember and why we forget. In each of them, the author brings up specific examples from personal experience and popular events, which makes this book actually interesting for "regular" people - think of the Charles Duhigg fashion in The Power of Habit. What's more, what actually amde Genova's work so good in my opinion was her ability to make a sciency read realistically accessible and gripping. As someone who enjoyes science nonfiction once in a while, I truly appreciated the language in Remember for not being so dull and dry.

Overall, this was a highly educational yet actually interesting book. I especially like that the author explained why and how remembering is so easily impacted with our emotions, sleep patters, environmental factors, stress and other factors, which is what totally blew my mind.

*Thank you to the Publisher for a free advance copy of this book in exchnage for an honest review.

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Part insights into memories, part tips to reduce your change of getting Alzheimer’s this was a quick, interesting read filled with memory exercises and anecdotes. If you’re looking for a step-by-step this isn’t it, but if you’re curious about brain function as you and your loved ones age and how to remember — scoop this up.

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I received an advance copy of Remember, by Lisa Genova. I really wanted to like this book, bit I could not. It was to dry and boring. It did not hold my interest at all.

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