Cover Image: Gilded Serpent

Gilded Serpent

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Member Reviews

*Review will be posted on 6/10/24

This was another great sequel to the series! I honestly loved every moment of this book and it was exciting to see all the storylines start to converge. 

Lydia's journey was the most exciting for me. I love her character development throughout the series. She's still definitely grown into a stronger, more confident person through her experiences while still remaining compassionate. In Gilded Serpent, Lydia's main goal is to find a cure to the blight claiming so many lives before it's too late. We also get to know more about her history and it only made me ache for her and Killian even more. 

At the same time, Killian has finally restored some of his honor and reclaimed charge of the Royal Army, but the victory feels empty. The longer he follows orders, the more he starts to question if his loyalties to the king are misplaced. 

Marcus and Teriana have acknowledged their feelings for one another but the empire still divides them. I liked this book because their relationship and loyalties were put to the test. It cemented what mattered to them and made their relationship feel more real. 

The story was exciting because the plot had some really great twists. Secrets were revealed and I sense trouble on the horizon when both pairs finally unite. The ending was intense and I can't wait to see what happens next in this exciting series!

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I love Danielle L Jensen's writing so much! Gilded Serpent was such an enjoyable installment in this series and I can't wait to see where the series will go in subsequent books!

Thank you to the publisher and to Netgalley for granting me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Gilded Serpent was not what I expected! It’s one of those books that you NEED to continue reading with the next book! It was action packed, and I really enjoyed it!

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When I started reading this one I thought it was the end, but it seems like we are getting a book four!! You don't have to ask me twice if I want one. YES!! Each of these titles gets better and better as the story unfolds. I loved the multiple POV and all the characters and the setting. I think readers who have enjoyed the other titles in this series will die hard love tis one!!

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Danielle Jenson does it again with her latest, the Gilded Serpent! So glad to have all 4 protagonists in the same book (Dark Shores, the first in the series, focuses on two protagonists, while Dark Skies focuses on the other two), which accounts for the hefty page count.

This title continues the amazing saga— you won’t be able to put it down!

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I'm obsessed with these characters and this setting and this series. It's so good and I can't believe there are people reading books that aren't I love the ancient Roman-eque evil empire and I adore everything about this series so far. This third instalment was a lot but in a good way. I honestly can't wait to read everything this author has ever written and will write.

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I absolutely loved everything about this book.

It had all the best of Dark Skies and Dark Shores, combining all 4 POVs. I love the world that Danielle Jensen has built with this series, it is intricate, massive and unique.

I love Killian and Lydias story, what they are going through, what they have achieved. They are beautiful characters and I am dying to know what happens next for them.

Teriana and Marcus went through a major struggle in the book, and you get to learn more about their characters and their strength.

I was on the edge of my seat reading, I couldn’t devour the words quick enough with such a need to know what was going to happen. I can’t wait to read the next book to find what is going to happen next!

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I was so excited to read this book. But also a little nervous because a) basically all the books in this series have pushed my buttons, which made me anxious to read these books, because it slows me down, and b) it's all 4 of our main characters stories, and c) it's the 3rd book in a 4 books series, meaning that things aren't going to end well for these characters. Bah! But it was an amazing read, even with those elements!

There was one thing from each of the previous books that I wanted to know in this book, and I'll go in order of publication. One, did Marcus find out who the traitor was? Two, did Lydia and Killian find out that she was the daughter of the former king? And finally, did the Thirty-Seventh find Agrippa? These were the main burning questions that I had going in and I'm satisfied with the answers we got, at least for now!

As I expected from this book, there was a log going on. The chapters were short, and the plot incredibly fast! And just when things were getting intense for one character, we'd switch, and it was maddening and I just couldn't put it down, I had to know what was going to happen next!

But yeah, that ending? Just so explosive, and wonderful, and it hurt my heart! There was just so much going on! And that final, final chapter? That was just awful, for us and the characters! I'm in agony waiting to see if it's going to work out alright!

This was a fantastic, epic read, and I need the 4th book now!

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I received an ARC of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Gilded Serpent, the third in the series--so far--by Danielle Jensen is lengthy. This isn't bad; on the contrary, I ended the book clamoring for the next one! The interwoven storylines and complex characters are captivating. Each character is developed thoughtfully and empathetically, and I honestly can't wait to see where the next book takes them. I came to this series late and had to read the first two before I could reasonably get to this one (at least that's what I told myself). And, I'm glad I did as I have really enjoyed all three of the books so far.

I read a lot of YA and fantasy, and so often the plots become "more of the same." But, Jensen has created an interesting and fairly original story.

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Finally got around to this and so sad I waited. I already know I love anything Danielle L Jensen writes but WOW WOW WOW. And the publisher dropped the series?! WHYYYY. Luckily Danielle plans to self publish the final book. Desperate for it now!

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I have no words because this book was that good. I need more, like I need the 4th book now. How am I suppose to wait?!

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the SECRETS. the SLOW BURN. the ANGST. the CHEMISTRY. all my favorite tropes present and accounted for. so many amazing, well-developed characters. vivid writing. I couldn't wait for this book and for all the POVs and storylines to come together and they did not disappoint. Be prepared for an emotional and heart stopping journey that is going to leave you wanting the NEXT book immediately!

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Danielle L Jensen is such a beautiful writer. We are back in the Dark Shores world, and it was so exciting to engage with Lydia and Killian. This series in general is such a wonderful read, and this story was a must have! This book did have a lot of information and added details, which could give the reader a bit of difficulty with staying focused/engaged. But the writing is still incredibly beautiful and I highly enjoyed this one!

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Thank you to the publisher, Tor Teen, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of Gilded Serpent in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

So, this is part three in Jensen’s epic fantasy series and boy do I love it!

I started Gilded Serpent over a year ago. Had to stop, because life got kind of stupid and then started again many months later from the beginning.

At first I just wanted to finish it as quickly as possible, because I NEEDED to know what was going to happen. I quickly realized that this is one of those stories one must savour.

I’m glad I did. It has been about a month since I finished it and I’m still suffering from withdrawal.
The Details

Okay, we got Marcus, Teriana, Lydia, and Killian. All of them are going through some tough times.

Just like the other books in this series, the story is told from each main character’s POV. There is a lot going on, so make sure you have read the first two books and the novella.

The writing is excellent as always.

The plot is still full of intrigue, political tension, romance and the accompanying drama.

That’s pretty much all I can and should say about Gilded Serpent without giving anything away.

The Verdict

Overall, my fingers are itching to get hold of the grand finale of this amazing story. I absolutely loved this one as much as I loved the previous books in this series.

I get so invested in it and always very sad once I have finished a book in the Dark Shores series.

This is an absolute must for all fans of Jensen’s work and YA fantasy.

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While this book isn’t perfect, I find that characters and story are much more important to me loving a book, and I can overlook minor details like those if the other areas are strong. Overall, I really enjoyed the journey and look forward to all future books by Jensen.
Full review to come on my YouTube channel.

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I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book had an amazing plot, but I felt the characters were a bit hard to connect to.

Thank you kindly to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this review copy.

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I wish I could have devoted the time to a reread prior to diving into The Gilded Serpent. This story is complex. Four perspectives, an intricate world brimming with cultures. It is a lot to unpack if you don't remember what happened, but the action is incredible and it is coming from everywhere. As I continued reading the POVs began to blend seamlessly for me. Even between the two storylines, I didn’t find it difficult to know who I was currently journeying with.

Danielle L Jensen is a wizard. I don’t know how she manages to craft complex storylines with beloved characters in a world built so solidly. Is there anything she cannot do?

I know we are all out there #TeamMarcus #TeamKillian #TeamAgrippa, but I’m officially #TeamLadies. Screw all the men!! Lydia and Teriana have my whole heart. I’m fairly certain I almost died while reading this and will continue remain dead in wait for the next installment of this incredible series!

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As per usual, everything that Jensen writes is pure gold.

I absolutely love her books and the worlds that she creates. This book was amazing and I'm so upset that the publisher chose not to continue with this series.

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Such a great book! I enjoyed reading this one so much! I highly recommend this book. Side note: the cover!!!!

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Good entry to the series, runs long even for a YA epic but is engaging enough to overcome that. Fits well in a collection with other action YA titles.

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