Cover Image: Book Club Kit: The Midnight Library

Book Club Kit: The Midnight Library

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This book club kit provides thought-provoking discussion questions for one of the most popular books of the year. I think the length is appropriate for a normal-length book club meeting, and there is also a short interview with the author for those who want a behind-the-scenes take on The Midnight Library.

My only issue was that in my Kindle app, the formatting of this kit was a bit off (photos sliced in half, etc) but I am reviewing a preview and I am sure this was adjusted for the final version!

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I was so excited to see a Book Club Kit for such a popular title. I was a little disappointed with the length of this kit: only 8 discussion questions and 9 author responded questions. THAT BEING SAID, the fact that a book club kit is even available is incredible. Like most readers, I truly enjoyed The Midnight Library and the discussion points presented here helped further my conversations in recent chats about the book.

Things I would have loved to see included:
- More discussion questions, especially directed towards some of the negative feedback this book is receiving.
- Recommended books, either in the same genre or the books that inspired this particular one.

Overall, great layout for a book club kit. Very clean, well presented! Thank you for allowing me to review!

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At first I didn't realize this was a book club kit--I saw the cover and requested too quickly! I realize now that it is just discussion questions for going along with the book. I love this idea of providing thought-provoking questions to get people talking about The Midnight Library. I definitely think this would be useful to a book club, buddy read, or anyone who just wants to think a little deeper about what they have read.

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Even though I haven't used the kit, I love the flow of it. Not only will it assist with the bookclub discussion, but it will help me put together content for my review. One of my goals is to read for entertainment and absorbing the story, which this kit will be a test of my knowledge. I can't wait to get into it.

Learning about the author is always great. It makes the experience more personal.

I will say the view of this kit is better in the Netgalley app vs kindle.

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The midnight library is thought provoking memoir fantasy, an odd combination for sure. The joy of this book in the reading is to compare ones detours in life of love, career choice, education, etc. with those of the main characters. I’ll direct my book clubs discussion to life choices more than the literary qualities of the book.

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I've only read one other book club kit, but this one seemed a bit shorter?

Nevertheless it was a very interesting resource for book clubs and a good way to start exploring the themes within The Midnight Library. There are some insightful questions as well in the interview with Matt Haig.

On an aesthetic point I loved how the backgrounds matched the book cover! It was very bright and colourful.

I think would be a valuable addition for any book clubs discussing The Midnight Library!

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This book club kit is a great addition to the the Midnight Library. This is a great tool for discussing the themes of the book with other readers. The questions are comprehensive and thoughtful. Such a great kit!

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I am part of a wonderful book club, Our Wine Club with a Book Problem, who chose to read The Midnight Library by Matt Haig for our February book. We had a great discussion about the book and the characters, especially focusing on the way it stimulates thought about Nora's journey. I was scrolling through NetGalley looking at all of the spectacular titles and found this Book Club Kit: The Midnight Library also by Matt Haig and found myself benefitting from it to further explore my own thoughts about Nora's journey, and more importantly asking myself the questions proposed in the kit. For me, this is the perfect personal Book Club Kit as I'm not certain I would necessarily want to answer these questions out loud in a group setting and really enjoyed thinking about them over a few days on my own. Thank you to Matt Haig for creating an incredibly pivotal book, The Midnight Library, and a Book Club Kit, too. I appreciate the opportunity to read this book and thank NetGalley and Penguin Random House Library Resources.

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This book is on my TBR pile and I love the idea of reading with this extra resource in mind. It is a welcome addition that I think will increase my enjoyment of this book. I like the added bonus of the interview with Matt Haig. I don't currently belong to a reading group , but think this is a useful addition to provide in the back of books to stimulate discussion.

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It just wasn't for me.
I am sure other people may like it.
I hope you give a chance. :)
I was approved of this book through netgalley.
even though this book is already out.

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I initially did not realize this was The Book Club Kit. This is the first kit I've been able to see now I wish one of these was written for all books. This is something that is helpful for both book club participants and hosts as well as those looking to gain a little more depth in their reading. This can be an incredibly useful tool for all readers.

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If you are reading The Midnight Library with your book club, you will want this Kit!

Great book, this is a great resource!

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My fault, I didn't read the description and didn't realize it was a book club kit and not the actual book. I saw the cover and got excited.

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I clicked on it out of curiosity, to be honest. It’s mostly an interview of the author of The Midnight Library, which gives a bit of an insight into the book itself, and certain questions for the reader. Pretty good for book clubs and reading groups. Good work!

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From the description of The Midnight Library, this is not a book I would normally be drawn to. Anything that hints at science fiction, I run. This book is not that. It is hard to classify, in fact, but I absolutely loved it! It is my book of the year so far.

We meet Nora Seed, not living her best life. In fact, she is desperately unhappy and the death of her cat is the last straw. What is the point of life ?It is at this point that Nora is introduced to a radical concept. There is a big library out there full of books with alternative versions of her life. What if she has the opportunity to repair bad choices and get different outcomes? This is what she is faced with at the Midnight Library, but as Nora explores alternative versions of herself, she finds out that life is not always what it appears from the outside.

I am not going to discuss what happens in this book. Much more fun for you to discover it yourself. I will say that at the very beginning of the book it seemed rather bleak, and I was not sure this was what I was expecting. But hang on, It's like being on the roller coaster. It starts out slow and you haltingly chug-chug-chug up the large hill of track, then all of a sudden, all hell breaks loose! That is the feeling I got from this book. Once Nora embarks on her various adventures, hang on for non stop action.

There are of course some messages to impart as Nora explores her alternative versions. Does success bring happiness? Does love solve all? Is adventure or career fulfillment the way to a positive life? I enjoyed living these various versions of life with Nora. And some of the regrets she carried with her in her "root" or original life, she is able to forgive, such as the death of her cat. I could identify with these actions, learning to forgive yourself for past mistakes and looking at them through a different lens.

I am looking at the few less positive reviews, and I wonder the age of these reviewers. No disrespect, maybe just not their cup of tea, but I have found that introspection and looking back at life occurs more often once you've lived the majority of your years. When I was in my 20s I was not very self reflective and lived in the moment. For me, this book was the whole tomato! It was fun, entertaining, yet carried some messages that we may already know but it doesn't hurt to be reminded of. This is a book I will be recommending to others.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC, to the publisher and author for allowing me to read this book.

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This resource is a must-have for anyone running a book club on The Midnight Library! The questions for discussion are thoughtfully put together and encourage the book club to dive deeper into some tough issues. I also appreciated the commentary from the author at the end of the kit to connect the reader a bit more with Matt Haig. Overall, I'd definitely recommend this kit to those starting The Midnight Library and looking for thoughtful questions to spark discussion.

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The Midnight Library Book Club Kit has some great questions for reflection and discussion. I loved reading the interview with the author. I'm not sure how this kit will be made available to readers, but it would be great to have discussion guides like this on the publisher's website for all readers. I will be looking for more Book Club Kits for books that I read.

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This was another great book club discussion kit. I felt this set apart from others because it not only provided questions to add to your own book clubs conversation, but it also included a conversation with Matt Haig. This was broken up in a great, understandable format. It listed a simple yet thorough amount of question to guide conversation. After conversation it led into questions the author answered to help a reader feel more connected to the book. I also enjoyed how it gave option for more works by Matt Haig in case you enjoyed the work and wanted to explore his other works.

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Neat idea. Listening to this book now and this made me want to finish and dive into the discussion questions and interview.

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The Midnight Library wasn’t quite what I was expecting, but I believe it is an important book during these turbulent times. While reading it I felt like I was perpetually waiting for it to go deeper, but it frustratingly hovered near the surface throughout its entirety. Like its protagonist Nora, it felt as though it hovered there out of a fear of becoming lost in itself. Something that had the opportunity to really into the human psyche it instead focused on a relatively forgettable main character.

That said, I do think that it brings the topics of death and suicide into a medium that is easy for consumption - which feels particularly important right now. Whether we like it or not we are all living a much more secluded life as of late and it can lead to spending much more time with one’s own mind. I hope that this book leads to much more open conversations about life and death and our roles within them.

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