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A Waterfront Wedding

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Welcome back to Heart's Landing, the multiyear winner of wedding destinations. If you are new to the area, no worries, this edition is a valid stand-alone.

In this year's Wedding-in-a-week contest for engaged couple Brianna and Daniel, long-term friends Evelyn and Ryan become hosts for the events and competitors for the winning venue. Snags, pressure of expectations and misunderstandings line the path and strain their renewed relationship.

I found this series to be engaging and delightful and look forward to visiting the town again. I received a complimentary copy of the book without obligation. This review is my opinion.

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Heart's Landing is the perfect spot to have a wedding, but there is only one main venue, The Captain's Cottage. Ryan Court, who used to live in Heart's Landing years ago, has returned home. He purchased an abandoned boat factory and is turning it into an event venue called The Boat Works. When the winners of Wedding Today’s Wedding in a Week annual contest, Briana Smith and Private First-Class Daniel Johnston arrive in Heart's Landing, they have a lot of decisions to make, including which venue they want to have their wedding at. Ryan is quite surprised by the selection of The Boat Works since he did not even enter into the competition, because he was concerned that it might not be ready in time and did not have the entrance fee, but he really wants to hold this wedding there. Fortunately the magic of Heart's Landing is in play because there seems to be one issue and disaster after another to derail the wedding. While all this is going on, Evelyn, Jason's cousin and co-owner of The Captain's Cottage is falling in love with Ryan, the boy she loved in high school. Can competitors have a relationship?

Once again, I enjoyed the characters in this book. Leigh Duncan writes wonderful stories with great characters, setting and plots. This is the third book in this series and I have enjoyed them all. If you like a fun, clean romance with some angst, then I recommend you pick this one up. These books do not need to be read in order, but I recommend you do as they are all quite enjoyable.

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This is an adorable wedding story, giving you all of the perfect Hallmark vibes and just the right amount of cheesiness. The atmosphere provided within the story is heart-warming and every type of sweet, the author does an amazing job at creating gorgeous descriptions of the locations and the characters. The romance between the two main characters was also an absolute delight, it tugged perfectly at every heart string. I highly recommend this book and would love to see it become a Hallmark movie one day!

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This is a book written under the Hallmark banner so you know it's a sweet book with a HEA. It has two concurrent stories running through the book - that of our hero and heroine and that of our main secondary characters, the couple who won the prize in the book.

I haven't read anything by this author. It made sense and felt it could be read as a standalone but I did wonder if it was a series since other characters in the book had recently married etc. It's a good book to relax with when you want escapism reading.. Being a Hallmark, it is not always realistic (ie. the reason the hero/heroine don't speak) but anyone who wants to read this kind of book isn't looking for that - so I don't see it as a problem.

I got this free in an exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed it and do recommend reading it. It makes for an enjoyable evening of fun!

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I love a good Hallmark movie but this is the first Hallmark novel I’ve read. To sum up my feelings - I didn’t hate it but I just didn’t love it either. Maybe it was a bit too cheesy for me - a whole town obsessed with weddings that even the stores and streets had marital themed names.

It was a cute, feel good story about second chances and I can see a lot of people loving this story but for me it just lacked that passion I love in a good love story and it felt a bit long and overly detailed. I could definitely see it being a good movie though.

#netgalley. #awaterfrontwedding

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Such a sweet and charming love story. The characters were charming and fun and had great chemistry. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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I usually fall in love quickly with the couples in the hallmark books, but this time I found the story a little dragged, repetitive and with a great focus on the Wedding-in-a-Week 's couple so I didn't connect with the protagonist couple and it took me too long to finish reading.
The story is sweet but not for me this time.

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New author for me and loved reading this book. Hopefully it becomes a movie. I highly recommend reading this book.

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Another cute Wedding story from Hallmark Publishing. Ryan and Evelyn grew up together as he was her cousin Jason's best friend. However when they got to High School the 2 year age difference interfered.

Flash ahead 15 years and Ryan's returned home to Heart's Landing. As a restoration specialist, his next project is an old Boat Works. He's turning it in to a waterfront wedding venue which will give Evelyn and her family a little competition.

It's a cute story and was a quick read.

I received a free ARC eBook from Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for my honest opinions.

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A Waterfront Wedding, written by Leigh Duncan, is a lovely second chance story set in the fictional Hart’s Landing, the destination wedding capital of today. With the Wedding in a Week contest, sponsored by Weddings Today magazine, upon the seaside town, it is the Captain’s Cottage, with much history and a very romantic tale of the captain and his love, versus The Boat Works, newly christened Harbor View Weddings, that contend for the honored site of this celebrated wedding.

Brianna and Daniel are the lucky couple that has won this once in a lifetime opportunity. Representing the Captain’s Cottage is descendent Evelyn Hart, and for Harbor View is local visionary and restoration carpenter, Ryan Court. As children, Ryan and Evelyn’s older cousin, Jason, were best of friends, as they are today. Evelyn was always the tagalong, the afterthought, and this still rankles her even as she carries on for her honeymooning cousin.

However, the main thing is the winning couple. He is a young marine. She is a somewhat recently orphaned young woman. They are both from central Florida, which might as well be a million miles from this coastal town in Rhode Island. As they are in this circumstance and working on their own, it is suggested that Evelyn and Ryan serve as companions to the young couple. As they do, not only are they extra supportive of these young people, but they also realize the depth of their own connection.

With the many trials of putting together such a high profile wedding, coupled with family illness and an extreme weather event, can Evelyn and Ryan actually pull off both a wonderful wedding and an awesome beginning for themselves?

I very much enjoyed this book and I do recommend it!

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I am voluntarily posting an honest review after reading an advance reader coy of this story.

A Waterfront Wedding: A Heart's Landing Novel, by Leigh Duncan, is book 3 of the series. It's available at booksellers on 4-20-2021. I've enjoyed the town of Heart's Landing, a wedding destination town that sounds so lovely. I do hope that Ms Duncan continues the series, there are so many more people who need an HEA.. If Hallmark would be so kind as to make these books into movies I'd be grateful. I will admit that this couple, Ryan and Evelyn, were not my favorite. They're perfectly fine but for some reason I didn't connect with them. The story was an enjoyable read and I'd recommend it for a good way to spend your time.

#LeighDuncan #Heart'sLanding #AWaterfrontWedding #HallmarkPublishing #romance

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This series keeps getting better and better, each book I think, there’s no way she can top this love story… until she does. Leigh creates the perfect atmosphere for her stories, you want to live and breathe for her beautiful descriptions. I really enjoy romance stories where the couple have known each other for so long but grow apart, something about that situation captures my attention. This story is hilarious, sweet and so heartfelt. Part of me, never wants this series to end.

Pud Date: April 20,2021 (yesterday, so it's available now!

Thank you @netgalley and @hallmarkpublish for this arc in exchange for a review

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I really enjoyed this book. It is the first book of Ms Duncan's that I have read. I look forward to reading more. She is a talented writer. She was descriptive of the places in Hearts Landing. Even in describing the venues. The characters of Ryan and Evelyn were well developed. I felt their emotions throughout the story!

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley for my voluntary, honest opinion.

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I enjoyed returning to Heart's Landing.  This book was a beautiful, romantic story about two couples, one getting married, and the other just falling in love. The characters in Heart's Landing were such fun as they helped Brianna and Daniel choose what they wanted for their perfect wedding.  This couple had just won the Wedding-in-a Week contest.  I liked that there was romance, heartache, tears, and misunderstandings along the way, which made the story so interesting and emotional, right up to the very last page.  This is now my new, favorite book in this series by Leigh Duncan.  I received an advance copy of this book and I willingly chose to write an honest review.

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Leigh Duncan never disappoints and I loved this sweet story.
It's heartwarming, I rooted for the characters and thoroughly enjoyed this story.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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A Waterfront Wedding is the first book I have read by Leigh Duncan. I must admit I wish I had read more after reading this one so I now plan to do just that. Any business is one sure to have competition but the wedding venues at Heat’s Landing are impressive. My heart immediately sided with Ryan who needed that first booking in his renovated Boat Works site.

Heart’s Landing is the perfect place for a wedding. It’s a place where people want to make an honest living but also care about the couple getting married, their hopes and dreams. It is also a place where you can live but not know others that well which is the case for Ryan and Evelyn. As they get to know each other better a sweet romance blossoms in spite of being part of rival businesses. Lovely story with a wonderful conclusion.

In this Hallmark world all works out so many readers may say it is not realistic. In this day of strife, violence, and pandemic it is a sweet reminder that we should each work to make this our reality. Thanks for the inspiration to be better communities and people.

An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A Waterfront Wedding: A Heart's Landing Novel from Hallmark Publishing by Leigh Duncan
Publisher: Hallmark Publishing
Genre: Romance
Publication Date: April 20, 2021

A Waterfront Wedding by Leigh Duncan is the third book in the Heart's Landing series. I had not read the previous books and was easily able to read this as a standalone romance.

I absolutely loved this book. It felt so wonderful being swept away to a small town that specializes in weddings and romance! This is one of those books that I couldn't get enough of! I could not stop reading it!!! This was the perfect Hallmark movie brought to the pages!

I really look forward to reading the other books in the series and hope there are many more to come! I definitely recommend this to anyone who loves a sweet romance, Hallmark stories, and happy ending!

I'm so grateful to Leigh Duncan, Dreamscape Media, and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this ARC ebook in exchange for my honest review.

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A Waterfront Wedding by Leigh Duncan. I read the ebook along with the audiobook. I absolutely loved this book. A “perfect wedding for every couple” with listening to this book and reading the ebook. I felt like I was right there I loved the descriptions especially the description of Daniels and Brianna wedding with the lanterns and the horse drawn carriage ride. So romantic. Read the story or listen to the book you will love it.

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The town of Heart's Landing is working with a bridal magazine to sponsor a Wedding in a Week for a special couple. Evelyn and Ryan are in competition to be chosen as the wedding venue. Childhood friends, they drifted apart as teens and have had little contact since. But working together to help the bridal couple plan their special day, they reconnect. Will their sprouting love become a victim of their rivalry?

If you love weddings, this sweet small-town romance will touch your heart. Evelyn and Ryan mean well but sometimes have trouble trusting each other and communicating. It's nice to see how they set aside their insecurities so they can put their relationship first.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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A Waterfront Wedding by Leigh Duncan is everything you would want in a love story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this amazing story. Leigh Duncan has once again written an incredible story with wonderful characters and the beautiful Heart’s Landing setting. I enjoy all the love cliches that she intersperses throughout the story. I love how the different parts of the chapters are written from the perspective of the main characters; I love seeing things from both of their viewpoints. A Waterfront Wedding is the third book in the Heart's Landing series and I enjoyed it just as much as I did the other books in the series. I love how Leigh Duncan takes women who are dreamers and intermediaries, and changes them into stronger women than they were before. I love the metamorphosis of Evelyn in A Waterfront Wedding. I love all the descriptions of all the places in Heart's Landing. A Waterfront Wedding is the story of Ryan Court, carpenter and owner of the newly renovated The Boat Works and Evelyn Heart, bookkeeper at the Captain’s Cottage and cousin to Jason. Growing up Ryan and Jason were best friends and Evelyn would always spend time with them. Things changed when Ryan and Jason entered high school. Ryan and Evelyn grew up together in Heart’s Landing, each of them has had feeling for the other even though neither one ever gave into their feelings or reveals their true feelings to the other. Evelyn has had added responsibility at Captain’s Cottage while Jason and Tara on are their month-long honeymoon. One of those responsibilities is assisting the couple, Briana Smith and Private First-Class Daniel Johnston in Wedding Today’s Wedding in a Week. The two wedding venues selected are Captain’s Cottage and The Boat Works. Ryan is quite surprised by the selection of The Boat Works since he did not even enter into the competition, because he was concerned that it might not be ready in time and did not have the entrance fee. Since Brianna and Daniel are on the younger side, and are alone in Heart’s Landing, it is suggested that Evelyn and Ryan to assist the couple with the process. The livelihoods of everyone in Heart's Landing relies upon a perfect Wedding in a Week for the chosen couple. Brianna and Daniel are having their own issues regarding their wedding and Evelyn and Ryan help them through each obstacle. As Evelyn and Ryan assist the couple with the plans for their wedding things change between them, Ryan even takes Evelyn’s suggestion and changes the name of his venue to Harbor View Weddings. Evelyn and Ryan both dream about what it would be like if they were planning their own wedding, while helping Brianna and Daniel through the process. Evelyn and Ryan share secrets and realize what happened between the two of them in high school. I love all the things that Evelyn does behind the scenes to make Harbor View Weddings a success since she knows that this wedding is a make or break for Ryan. Evelyn and Ryan promise each other that their relationship will not change regardless of which venue Brianna and Daniel select. A surprise plot twist happens that works in favor of the Captain’s Cottage and Ryan expects the worse and immediately puts distance between himself and Evelyn. I love how Leigh developed the romance and relationship between Ryan and Evelyn. A Waterfront Wedding felt like a family reunion and the reader has the opportunity to catch up with all the different wedding vendors in Heart’s Landing and the other characters from the other books in the series. A Waterfront Wedding is filled with the bittersweet and poignant moments that I have come to love and expect in Leigh Duncan stories. I loved the plot twist and how everything gets resolved. I loved the happily ever after and Ryan’s proposal to Evelyn. It was an incredible story that I could not put down. I loved every page of this page turner. Leigh Duncan once again proves that she is an amazing storyteller. I love that every story includes a recipe. So, looking forward to the next story in the series.

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