Cover Image: The Keeper of Night

The Keeper of Night

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I received an e-arc of The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker from HCC Frenzy in exchange for an honest review.

I actually preordered The Keeper of Night even prior to receiving the arc - and I definitely have no regrets in doing so. The Keeper of Night was such an adventure of a story that dived into the world of death - or rather, worlds of death as Britain and Japan have their own beliefs and stories about who rules over the dead. In this story, we find Ren living a rather miserable existence in Britain where she has never been accepted because of her half British and half Japanese heritage. She is denied her place among the Reapers and when an unfortunate event sends her running with her half brother, she heads in the direction of Japan - a place she has always been curious about. But she finds that not all her problems are solved as she is still seen as a foreigner to those in Japan. Ren is put to the test to find her place in Japan as a Shinigami but it may take both her skills as a Reaper and as a Shinigami to survive all that Japan and Yomi has in store for her.

The Keeper of Night is a wild and dark adventure that is sure to thrill and entrance readers. This reader right here is now eagerly awaiting book two of this duology.

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“How could I possibly feel so close to the precipice of unraveling, so powerful yet so untethered?”

Kylie Lee Baker’s first work The Keeper of Night is a dark historical fantasy YA novel inspired by Japanese folklore and mythology. Half British Reaper and half Japanese Shinigami soul collector, Ren Scarborough has never felt like she belonged. However, one fateful night, in 1800s London, Ren’s Shinigami powers manifest and, as she loses control of them, she injures some High Reapers. Knowing she would be severely punished, she decides to flee to Japan, along with her half-brother, Neven. There she hopes to find her true identity and to be accepted by other Shinigami. This quest for belonging and respect, and desire to serve the Goddess of Death will certainly take Ren to places she didn’t expect when she embarked on this journey.

Baker’s worldbuilding is magnificent. Through the main character, the author effortlessly eases readers through a world so vibrant and intricate with introductions to underworld creatures such as Shinigami (death spirits), Yokai (supernatural spirits), and the nine-tailed fox. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything about Japanese mythology because it’s explained in a simple and easy to understand way. The visuals and imagery are extremely vivid and entrancingly beautiful whilst also being gruesome and dark at the same time. All of this is accompanied by a plot that’s extremely fast paced and coupled with compelling writing, so you will be glued to its pages at all times. That being said, there are some flaws and issues but they were mostly resolved by the end or proven to be intentional. The climax of the book is definitely unexpected and exciting as well, so readers, like myself, will be desperately waiting for the sequel!

The characters themselves are another strong point of the book. Morally grey characters are always fun and interesting to read, and those are definitely within the pages here. Ren is a great main character and even though she does questionable things, her motivations are interesting and what makes her feel real and therefore one can’t help but root for her. She’s tough and resilient but she also feels sorry for herself a lot and questions her own morals. The book is deeply rooted in Ren’s struggles with being biracial and her quest for validation. She’s constantly caught between two cultures and trying to figure out where she belongs since there are no examples that show her that she can embrace both. It will certainly strike a cord with biracial or diaspora readers.

On the other hand, her brother Neven sometimes seems to be the only voice of reason and one can’t help but feel for him. The relationship and dynamics between these two siblings is painful to read at times but it’s clearly evident that they care so much for each other. The other main character who will accompany the siblings on their journey is Hiro. His character has so much depth, certainly a character that keeps surprising the reader. Maybe the only critique here would be the insta-love relationship between him and Ren, it’s frustrating even though it does take the reader to unexpected places.

Overall, with themes of belonging, identity, family, and love The Keeper of Night is a wickedly delightful read that perfectly blends a rich historical setting with magic and mystery. With morally grey characters, unexpected turns, and a ton of dark folklore and fantasy elements, The Keeper of Night is definitely one novel you’ll want to have by your side this season.

Lastly, I must also congratulate and praise the illustrator of the cover Jessica Coppet for their extremely beautiful work! The style, the colours, and all the little details are wonderful.

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The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker is a dark historical fantasy YA novel-inspired by Japanese mythology and folklore. It tells the story of Ren Scarborough, a half-Shinigami and half British reaper, who escapes London after one fateful night of losing control over her Shinigami powers, injuring some High Reapers. Knowing she will be punished, she flees to Japan with her half-brother, Neven, hoping to find her true identity and be accepted by other Shinigami. To prove herself worthy, Ren accepts an impossible task from the Goddess of Death and embarks on a journey with Neven and an intriguing new ally.

Baker effortlessly introduces us to a world that’s vibrant with intricate introductions of Japanese mythological creatures, folklore, and culture -- all seamlessly weaved with magic into the storyline. The imagery is vivid with an entrancing prose that will have you glued to its pages. Coupled with a perfectly-paced storyline, Baker establishes morally-grey main characters with intriguing personalities and depth.

Among the many themes that this book presented itself with, I love how Baker emphasized Ren’s struggles with being biracial and how she’s constantly caught between two cultures while figuring out where she belongs, with no one to show her that she can embrace both. With that said, the book also touches on racism, ableism, self-acceptance, and self-identity.

All in all, The Keeper of Night is a highly immersive world with descriptive writing that will surely engross the readers for its prose, morally-grey characters, captivating world, and unexpected twists and turns. The climax is something that you should look out for, and readers like me will surely look forward to the sequel!

All thanks to TBR and Beyond Tours and Inkyard Press for the complimentary print and e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Firstly can we appreciate the cover? Like you've to okay? There's not a single flaw, it's chef's kiss flawless. Moving on to the story.

Lemme tell you five solid reasons why you should definitely read it:

That's it, she is the reason number one reason why you should read the book. A badass, sarcastic, loving main lead? YES PLEASE.

2. It's so scary it gives me chills
To be very honest I was not expecting it to be this scary, but well. There are urban legends yokai demons and so many scenes where you'll feel a shiver down your spine.

3. The Writing Style
The book takes you to different places in Japan and the description had many early book my tickets (jk). But seriously the writing style was making me excited as well as nervous as well as scared.

4. The Diverse Representation

5. A squad up against a seemingly impossible mission, but they can do it, right?

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The Keeper of Night is a unique premise that looks at what it means to not belong. Kylie Lee Baker brings to life characters from the Shinto Religion in this story about a young half reaper half shinigami as she and her brother travel to Japan to find somewhere to call home.

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I read this book as part of the blog tour hosted by TBR & Beyond Tours. Special thanks to Inkyard Press for providing an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 3.5 stars

Before I dive into my review, I have to mention the stunning art that is this book cover! The first time I saw it, I was convinced I needed to get my hands on this book before even knowing what it was about. Then I found out that it was dark fantasy with demons and I almost chickened out of reading it but the premise kept piquing my interest so I decided to pick it up anyway and I'm glad that I did! Sure, this is definitely not for the faint of heart so fair warning to those who don't like scary stories and who are particularly squeamish because things get pretty gory; I mean, it's a dark fantasy for a reason! However, if you're curious about Japanese mythology and are eager to read from a unique perspective, I would give it a try because, in my opinion, that's where the story shone!

The world-building was truly exceptional and if I was rating this based on that alone, it would be a solid five stars. I don't know anyone who isn't at least a little familiar with the concept of reapers but I still found the grim world that Baker creates for London reapers fascinating; from the personification of Ankou, the God of Death, to the High Council of Reapers, the High Reaper lineage and the hierarchy—everything was well developed that despite spending minimal time in that setting, I had no trouble picturing it. The world-building only got better when our characters move to Japan! I don't think I've read a book set in Japan in the 1800s before, so it was engaging to see how the country had only just started opening up to outsiders and how much of an influence local folklore still had on people's lives; they were very superstitious (and well, it was definitely for good reason! 😂)! The story is split into two main settings in Japan: Yomi, the Japanese underworld, and the 'real world', however, it was Yomi that stood out to me most because this setting almost felt like a character of its own at times; for the land of the dead, it felt so alive! The depth of the darkness in Yomi felt like an oppressive and almost suffocating weight and it was palpable (and frankly terrifying)! Even the ritual of collecting souls isn't a pain-free or bloodless process. Baker also seamlessly incorporates Japanese mythology into the real world and as much as I was scared by the tales of the Yokai, I was also intrigued and wanted more!

My issues with the story relate to the characters and the romance. I have quite some mixed feelings about Ren, our somewhat complicated protagonist. I admired her grit and tenacity to prove herself worthy of being a Shinigami (and even a Reaper at first) in the face of centuries of bullying and scorn with no one but her brother to support her. Being half British and half Japanese, she's constantly seen as an outsider no matter where she goes and as someone who grew up outside of my home country, her struggles and feelings were something I understood very well. Although I haven't experienced it to her extremes, I'm often made to feel too foreign to be local but I'm also much too local to be foreign, so I really sympathised with her on this. That said, Ren was difficult to root for as the story went on and I started to find her attitude became more bratty and entitled, and I disagreed with many of her actions. I did enjoy the way she evolved though because it fits with her character's near manic desire and desperation to become Shinigami, so to see her go from being morally grey to quite villainous wasn't an unexpected trajectory. I think I was more disappointed with how her relationship with Neven devolved as a result. It was obvious she loved and cared for him in her own way so it hurt to see the change.

Maybe I'm biased though because Neven was the softest reaper who should never have been one. He takes in strays, hates horror stories, cries when he sees someone get hurt, even if they weren't necessarily "good" to begin with, and he's scared of the dark. He loves and cares for Ren so much that he leaves everything behind in London to support her. He was just the SWEETEST BOI and I wanted to protect him at all costs. I really loved the sibling dynamic between Neven and Ren at the beginning because it was obvious they would do (and had done) everything for each other and they balanced each other well. Their dynamic became more complex further into the story but sadly, it took a turn for the worse and honestly, Neven just deserved so much better than what he got and I hated how he was treated.

This brings me to the romance which was insta-love and that's one of my bookish peeves and least favourite tropes! 🙈 It was worse here because of how it affected the other infinitely more important(!) relationship that I was heavily invested in. It was heartbreaking and frustrating! Hiro might've been handsome and he was helpful on Ren's quest but I didn't trust him at all and didn't understand Ren's all-in googly-eyed trust in him. He kept too many secrets and if there's one thing we've learned it's that is never a good sign! I was able to predict part of Hiro's arc so it wasn't all that surprising when things went down the way it did, but I was pleasantly surprised with the direction the book took after that—it was definitely a darker turn and it was great but my gut was also churning with even more dread the whole time, haha!

I initially thought that this book was going to be a standalone and I think the story wraps up well enough for it to be one as there's not really a cliffhanger. BUT I'm curious to see where Baker will take Ren's character in the sequel and even though I have a feeling whatever happens next is gonna probably break my heart, I'm still keen to read on!

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Set in the late 1800s, this dark YA fantasy moves from London to Japan as our protagonist, soul collector Ren flees an untenable situation and tries desperately to find somewhere to belong. Half British Reaper, half Japanese Shinigami, Ren’s status in the hierarchy of London Reapers is precarious at best. Attacked by three (bratty) High Reapers who delight in torturing her but are untouchable because of their rank and connections, Ren’s suppressed Shinigami powers break free to defend herself. Left with no choice but to flee, accompanied by her half brother Neven, Ren makes her way to Japan and seeks an audience with the Death Goddess, hoping to be accepted in her mother’s homeland. Assigned apparently impossible tasks, Ren has to use all her skills and cunning to accomplish them, helped by local fisher spirit Hiro.

Wow. I’m still a bit stunned a full day after putting this book down; the worldbuilding is absolutely spectacular, with a ton of Japanese mythology incorporated into the story as we learn about it through Ren’s eyes. There are also some amazing twists and turns I really didn’t see coming, including something of a cliffhanger at the end (this is apparently part 1 of a duology).

Be aware: it is dark. Ren is sometimes hard to feel sympathetic for, and there are moments when she’s actively cruel. There’s a lot of death (including an awful animal death early on) and at least one major character death which came as quite a shock to me. Go in understanding that this delves into the darker side of death mythology and Japanese legends, and I think you’ll be absolutely fascinated, and hanging out for book 2, just as I am! Five stars for an amazing read.

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I haven’t read many books with grim reapers and none involving Shinigami, so I was immediately intrigued by the idea of following a character that was both. I was immediately sucked in. The world was familiar enough in the first few chapters so I had time to understand the magic and characters. I loved that we learned the role of the Reapers to later get introduced to the differences with Shinigamis. I found the entire world and mythology completely captivating – I wanted to know more with every page. I was introduced to a couple of Yokai demons and folktales that I wasn’t familiar with. I loved how the Yokai were introduced and represented in the book – and it encouraged me to do a bit of research when I wanted more (especially images of the Yokai). The bit of research wasn’t necessary though because Baker made sure that we learned the folktale while Ren did since she knew little of her heritage.

The characters in here felt fully fleshed out and their actions made sense for that character. We also have some mystery to why these characters are the way they are – we slowly learn about the side character along side Ren so what was revealed and when which made it feel natural and less like we are being told specifically for the plot or story to move forward. I loved Ren and had a deep connection with her. She was likeable, but flawed. Neven was a good best friend side character. You could feel his deep loyalty and love towards Ren and I felt heartbroken with some of the difficult conversations they had to have. Hiro I loved, but was suspicious of. The romantic (?) relationship between two of the characters, I felt, wasn’t a very believable one – one of the rare things I didn’t love in this book. I think my main problem is I’ve been reading too many Fantasy Romances where the Romance has more of a dominant presence.

I felt the pacing was well done. Baker knew when to have high action scenes and when we needed to slow down for a bit to learn about characters or magic or folktales. With the pacing, I felt that the book moved at a fairly fast pace, but had the depth of a slower paced one. I never felt lost, although some of the names I confused (completely normal for me) because the Yokai names and myths were not ones I was familiar with. If you’re wanting to read something different that has Japanese mythology then I highly recommend this one. If you’re looking for a spooky read, then I highly suggest this one too. It’s not a scary read by any means, but the overall atmosphere felt dark and gritty – plus we do spend a lot of time with Yokai, death, and the underworld.

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this was excellent! i know its classed as a young adult story, but i'd make an argument it's just a super accessible adult fantasy. anyway, ren is such an excellent character, you can tell how much care kylie lee baker took in constructing her. can't wait to explore the world more.

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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘒𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 hooked me from the first page to the last, and I can’t remember the last time I related to a character on such a personal level. Ren’s journey for acceptance, self-discovery, respect, and a home free of prejudice reaches through the pages and makes the story shine.

As someone who is half Asian and loves their family more than anything, I was able to quickly connect with Ren and understand what drove her actions and decisions. I love that she’s an antiheroine and is relatable. The issues explored in this book aren’t pretty, but they’re real and still relevant today, which makes for a compelling read.

The author also does a masterful job at world-building and weaving in Shinto mythology and Japanese folklore. I used to live in Japan, and even though the time period is different, this book had me yearning to go back (more so than usual). I felt like I was there, and combined with the fast-paced plot, I flew through this one. The ending managed to surprise me, which is hard to do, and I’m dying to know what happens next.

Overall, this book is refreshingly original and atmospheric, does an excellent job at shedding light on racial prejudice and purism, and I enjoyed how different types of love—self, sibling, and romantic—were explored.

This perfectly spooky read is a 2021 favorite. I eagerly await the next book in this haunting duology and have high hopes for it.

ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ if you enjoy Own Voices books rich with world-building, multidimensional characters, and Japanese folklore.

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Happy Tuesday y’all! This has been such a long week already and I’m so ready to sleep and the weekend- unfortunately, it’s still a few days off haha but we can make it! Happy release day to The Keeper of Night! I was able to read an eARC of this one (thank you so much to Inkyard Press and Netgalley for letting me do that) and man y’all, this was such a cool book!

The Keeper of Night 4/5 Stars

Summary from Goodreads:

Death is her destiny.

Half British Reaper, half Japanese Shinigami, Ren Scarborough has been collecting souls in the London streets for centuries. Expected to obey the harsh hierarchy of the Reapers who despise her, Ren conceals her emotions and avoids her tormentors as best she can.

When her failure to control her Shinigami abilities drives Ren out of London, she flees to Japan to seek the acceptance she’s never gotten from her fellow Reapers. Accompanied by her younger brother, the only being on earth to care for her, Ren enters the Japanese underworld to serve the Goddess of Death… only to learn that here, too, she must prove herself worthy. Determined to earn respect, Ren accepts an impossible task—find and eliminate three dangerous Yokai demons—and learns how far she’ll go to claim her place at Death’s side.

This book had such a cool concept- I love the idea of different kinds of servants of death depending on where in the world you’re located and them having different traditions and not being able to fit in if you weren’t 100% one type or the other. There were times where I loved Ren and there were times where I hated the decisions that she made, but I always understood why Kylie Lee Baker had her make the decisions that she did- Ren needed to make her mistakes in the way that she did in order to grow from them and come back even stronger in book two (and y’all, I am the most excited about book two). I really liked Neven and loved how he was always there doing everything he could to help Ren out- yay for sibling bonds! I also loved my flawed main character- Ren just wanted to belong and not feel like an outsider for who she was- and she wanted to make the choice of where she belonged and I don’t think that’s wrong at all! Hiro was such an interesting character and I really liked getting to know him throughout the book. Plot wise, I was always really interested in where things were going. I thought the author did an amazing job really showing how Ren felt like an outsider no matter where she was and was willing to do whatever was needed to get rid of that feeling. I definitely think that should should go out and grab The Keeper of Night ASAP and then as soon as the sequel is out, we all need to go ahead and read that one too!

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Ren is a servant of death who takes us on an adventure of Japanese folklore.

In the world of Death, there is room for many religions even if the members are not accepting of each other. This causes problems for Ren who is both a British Reaper and a Japanese Shinigami. She is an outcast with even her father disgusted with her. Her half-brother is the only one who loves her for who she is. One day, her Shinigami powers blossom out of control and the Reapers no longer have patience for this woman who collected souls for them for centuries. On the run, Ren only has her brother and a dream of finding her mother. They reach Japan and coming “home” wasn't as easy as Ren thought it would be and she finds herself on a dangerous mission with a stranger she meet in Death's realm.

Ren's outcastness is something many readers can empathize with. Her journey is real and honest. She is not always the best person; her anger and needs to belong overtaking her morals. This is very realistic and, at points, you want to not like her. Understanding Ren is complicated and gives a female lead that isn't stuck in a sappy love triangle.

The ending is a surprise. I feel like it was rushed a bit but I loved the twist Kylie Lee Baker threw at the readers. Honestly, I should have seen it coming as it follows the themes of the tales Ren learns along the way. But I won't spoil it for you; you have to experience it yourself.

The title leaves a bit to be desired after finishing the book. I believe I understood what the author is trying to do but by changing one word for several others it would be more appropriate. But, as this is a duology, it is possible I should read both of them before deciding.

Overall, this is an ingenious story with originality while honoring cultural history. I would recommend this to friends and look forward to the second book.

Publication Date: October 12

I received an ARC from the publisher; all opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and Inkyard Press for a digital ARC of The Keeper of Night!

CW: racism, sexism, ableism, gore, murder, death

The Keeper of Night is the dark fantasy, morally grey, Wasian led book of my dreams 🤤

This book is OwnVoices for biracial White-East Asian rep and oof did it hit. That feeling of “otherness” no matter where you are and the journey to accepting all parts of yourself was so real. Much like Ren in the story, it felt amazing to be understood and represented through this book.

Even beyond the representation, this book was a fun and spooky ride. Ren is half British Reaper and half Japanese Shinigami - a soul collector. An outcast in London because of her mixed heritage, she flees to Japan where she will do anything to be accepted. Ren is, by all means, a bad person and she accepts this as part of being a long-lived creature of Death. But, throughout the story, we start to see that maybe everything isn’t as clear-cut as she thinks.

If you aren’t familiar with Japanese folklore, be warned that it can be VERY creepy and this book fully embraces that. From the act of soul collection, to the dark domain of Yomi, to the Yokai demons themselves, this book is gory and atmospheric (aka the perfect spooky season read). The Keeper of Night intertwines both action and introspection to create a character-driven story that still delivers in terms of plot. The ending had me begging for more and I can’t wait to see what Ren will do in book 2.

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The Keeper of Night is the first book in the series by Kylie Lee Baker. This young adult fantasy novel inspired by Japanese folklore had me hooked from the very first page. I cannot wait for book two in this series.

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Release Date: 10.12.2021
Review Date: 10.12.2021

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review, opinions are my own.

A girl of two worlds, accepted by none… A half Reaper, half Shinigami soul collector seeks her destiny in this haunting and compulsively readable dark fantasy set in 1890s Japan.

I'm not sure how to feel about this one. On the one hand the world building was great. I always love a good story involving Japanese folklore like the Yokai and the Shinigami. The story itself was good. It started out stronger than it ended but I still enjoyed myself. Neven was a sweet bean and a precious angel. But on the other hand there were only stupid decisions at the end. Not to mention the semi-insta love with the lying toxic-ish guy who was obviously shifty. There is going to be a sequel though so that's promising because the end was pretty rough. Will probably pick that up. There were a few creepy moments too, so there's that. Overall recommend.

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Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of The Keeper of Night!

This is an awesome book!! It's got a super fast-paced plot filled with non-stop action, while also giving the characters tons of depth and internal turmoil. The main character, Ren, is incredibly well-crafted, and I absolutely love books where the main protagonist is not necessarily a "good guy." This book does the dark protagonist particularly well, and I was so interested to find out where Ren ended up both physically and emotionally that I read it practically all in one sitting. The side characters, especially Ren's brother Neven and the mysterious Hiro, are also deep and interesting, and I would especially like to get to know Neven a little better (could have been cool to have some parts from his perspective, maybe?). I loved the Japanese folklore that inspired this book and the major role it played in the story, and I found all the monsters to be deliciously creepy in the best way possible. There are plenty of twists throughout the story, and I was absolutely not expecting the ending to be what it was. I can't wait for the sequel!!

Highly recommend!!

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I was so excited to read The Keeper of Night from the moment I first learned of it, and boy did it not disappoint! I love reading stories steeped in cultures other than my own, particularly those not set in the Western world I’m used to. I’m also fascinated by the lore of death and the idea of Death personified, whether we think of that as one Death in a long black cloak with a scythe or as minions of Death who do the work, like reapers and shinigami. So really, this book was a perfect amalgam of these things that I like to read about!

I love that the author went dark - I mean, it is death we’re dealing with here, which isn’t exactly pretty - and that Ren doesn’t hide the fact that she’s dark inside and isn’t ashamed of it. She’s not empathetic or moral like her brother, yet still they make a good team, and when she’s forced to leave London, he doesn’t for one minute hesitate to go with her. In these pages, the author explores love in various forms - sibling love, parental love (or lack of it), romantic love - and how these different types of love compare and contrast. Ren’s relationship with her brother is definitely one of the things I like best about this book.

At heart, of course, the story is really about the feeling that many biracial people have of not fitting wholly into any one world. Ren is half British Reaper and half Japanese Shinigami, and as she laments, no one ever lets her forget that; they are always defining her as what she’s *not*, whether that be in London or in Japan. I think there will be loads of young adults that will identify with the struggle Ren goes through, and her desire to figure out just who she is and where she fits.

The very, very end of the book, where Ren imagines her new story, made me cry, and now I can’t wait to see what happens next. I encourage anyone who loves fantasy or likes to explore cultures other than their own to pick up The Keeper of Night. I highly recommend this one!

Rating: 5 stars!

**Disclosure: I received an eARC of this book for purposes of this blog tour. This review is voluntary on my part and reflects my honest rating and review of the book.

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I was attracted by the blurb but the book exceeded any expectations.
A mix of Japanese folklore and urban fantasy that kept me turning pages. It's dark, creepy at times, gripping and highly entertaining.
A fabulous world building, great characters and excellent storytelling.
I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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4.5 // 5

I received an e-ARC from Inkyard Press and NetGalley in exchange for a review. This is a spoiler free, honest review and all thoughts and feelings are my own. 

The book is a rarity. There were no lagging parts, no content that felt unnecessary or slow, nothing but pure adrenaline and chaos. And I loved every minute of it. From the get go, this book held me by my throat, freezing me in time while I read, only to rip my soul out at the very end. Words cannot describe how much I loved this book and how desperate I am for the sequel. 

Ren is an anti-hero. She is not a good person, nor does she try to be, though her brother Neven is the sweetest being in the entire universe! The dichotomy between these two siblings was excellent. Where Ren is cool, Neven is warmth. One is darkness, the other light. But though they are so different, they love each other and it just warms my heart. Neven is like a loyal puppy dog, following behind Ren, ready to go with her and protect her at any cost. Though, I feel like he would do that with any innocent person. 

Then we have Hiro - an outcasted Shinigami, now a fishing spirit, who agrees to help Ren and Neven with their three impossible tasks. Hiro is a little strange, though all those who work with Death tend to be. He makes inappropriate jokes and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, especially for Ren. It was hard not to like him and start to fall for him like Ren did. He was a great addition to the team and helped bridge the gap in Ren's knowledge about Japan and its legends.

And speaking of legends, the mythology in this book was amazing. I am not well versed at all with Japanese mythology, but I loved getting to learn about it. The different kinds of Yokai and their stories. The creation of the world and its gods. Set in the 1800's, we see Japan after it reopens its borders to the world for the first time in decades. I knew a little bit about the isolation and why it happened, but getting to learn more about it through Ren and her travels was really cool. I'm a total history nerd, so this was a fun book for me to get to learn more about Japan and a snippet of its broad history. 

I could go on and on about this book. I loved every second of it! Ren's journey is unlike anything I've ever read and I loved the fact she wasn't some heroic person, or even a person who must become a hero. She does this for her own selfish reasons to become the thing we all fear the most: Death.

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For centuries, Ren Scarborough has been collecting souls for the British Reapers. Despite her contribution, she has never belonged and was truly accepted by them. An unforgivable mistake forced her to escape to Japan, where she hoped to become a part of the Shinigami, the country’s version of Reapers. Ren’s soft-hearted step-brother followed her out of Britain as well. He wasn’t cut out for the life of a Reaper and rather be tinkering with his gears. His unconditional support and love helped Ren through tough times. However, this trip created a rift between the siblings that seemed to constantly widen.

Each country collects souls differently. In Britain, every Reaper owns a clock that allows them to stop time. Each second that they use will be siphoned from their own lifespans by Ankou, their Death. Unlike the Reapers, Shinigami controls light. The way they extract the souls is pretty gruesome too. Before reading The Keeper of Night, I never knew how haunting and terrifying Japanese folklore regarding the realm of the dead and the Yokai are. We were first introduced to Jorogumo, a spider woman who likes the taste of man’s flesh. Each of the Yokai that Ren is tasked to kill is scarier than the next.

The first person Ren met when she ventured into the realm of the dead in Japan was an ex-Shinigami. While Neven was always suspicious of Hiro’s motives, Ren brushed off his concerns as being too cautious and sensitive. The dynamic between Ren and Hiro was fascinating to read about because Kylie Lee Baker is consistently dropping in hints alluding to how things might just go awry quickly. Indeed, this relationship went in a direction, though predictable, that was incredibly dark and twisty.

Ren’s desire to belong and be accepted motivates her to do things without questioning the motive behind the tasks. Her dynamic with her brother started off really sweet but cracks soon started showing. When Neven voiced his worries, Ren’s insecurities about her being biracial resurfaced. She assumed that Neven was trying to stop her from “truly belonging as a Shinigami.” Regardless, her character was compelling.

Kylie Lee Baker is a brilliant storyteller. The Japanese folklore in The Keeper of Night was gruesome and dark yet I couldn’t stop wanting to know more about the various bloodthirsty Yokai. One of my favorite aspects of the book is the lore of the Reapers and Shinigami. I need book two so desperately! The ending tore my heart out. I’m not even sure what will happen from now on.

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