Member Reviews

I reviewed this book before the publish date. It was great and a must-read. Since then, I’ve recommended it to a lot of people looking for the “pro-life” argument.

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This powerful memoir was so inspiring! Lila has been an activist from a young age and has poured her heart and soul into defending life. She has encountered horrific things along the way and fights back with strength and grace. She does not care that her fight for the defenseless may currently be unpopular or against media's preference, she still fearlessly comes to their defense. However, this book is not just about her activism. Lila vulnerably shares struggles throughout her own life and the importance of valuing our loved ones and time with them. This book was very moving, and while some parts made me cry entirely too much, I'm glad she has shared the ups and downs of her journey. She navigates with such humility and grace, no matter the feedback, and has used her experiences and criticism as learning experiences. I think this is a great lesson for anyone. Her writing is engaging and was very enjoyable to read.

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What an amazing book. The fight for life is so important. I think this book is good for all humans to read. And the honor of reading in advance I am so grateful on. Thank you

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I feel like this book didn't quite know what it wanted to be - memoir or a guide for people wanting to help with the pro-life movement? There's not a clear direction and the writing is lacking. I think it could have a benefitted from some editing and guidance for the author to write one or the other.

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Fighting for Life is the account of one pro-life woman's courageous fight to expose the horrors of the pro-abortion industry. Lila Rose's story shows how one person with conviction and determination can make a difference in the world.

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Incredibly good! I love her view on life and how much she values life itself! I think everyone should read it!

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I was a bit hesitant about reading this book, as I expected it will be a bit heavy. And was it heavy? Yes. Did I cry on every second page? Of course. Was it worth it? So much.

The book follows Lila Rose's journey in pro-life activism, from her childhood to now. She shares the lessons she learnt, obstacles she overcame, and different turns her journey had. I felt maybe I am not the intended audience, I do plan to start any activism group, I do not plan to become a leader. But maybe despite that this book was also for me, I have learnt a lot and discovered that I can be a change even in small things. That what matters is standing up for what is important in everyday life. You never know what impact it will have. Overall, I have enjoyed this book and I would recommend it to everyone, even if you are not the targeted audience. And if you are the targeted audience than make sure to read it.

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I really enjoyed this book. I found Rose's writing style easy to follow and, frankly, a bit of fresh air among other books I've read recently that were not nearly so approachable or understandable. (Of course, several were verbose "classics", so there's that.)

I will freely admit I am pro-life, like Rose. I am Christian and conservative, also very similar to Rose. Her conversion to Catholicism was interesting, and I would have enjoyed reading more about that--but I'll also admit it would be out of place to a degree in this book, which focuses much more on the pro-life movement and her activism. Her faith absolutely plays a role in her activism, as it should, but the conversion wasn't the story here.

A lot of folks that pick up "Fighting for Life" are likely going to be in a similar "bucket" as Rose and myself, sharing similar views on the world. And I think they (as I did) will get a ton out of it. I'd love to see others not in this bucket, though, read it to, perhaps, understand and dialogue further. The topic is incredibly polarizing, and hackles go up so very quickly on both sides--I feel like "Fighting for Life" could also fight for conversation across lines.

Only after reading most of the book did I connect the dots between some of the names dropped here and the Planned Parenthood video exposes in recent years. Googling those events and their backlash, in light of the book, was really eye-opening. Many decried the exposes as unethically gained--yet ... how many decried the actual practices Rose details here? So ... to me, this book is as much about the pursuit of truth as it is a fight for life.

Anyone looking to get more involved in activism (of any kind) could learn something from this read. It's thought-provoking, eye-opening, heartbreaking.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I knew I had to read this book as soon as I saw it would be published. I have been pro-life as long as I can remember and came from a family that stands for life. Sometimes we throw around terms without digging deeply into them, but I have always been blessed to know what I believe in this area. In some sense I read this book just to be reminded there are others standing up in this fight for life.

I appreciated the easy flow of the book, the heartfelt feeling of Lila Rose, and her desire to speak out against the abortion atrocities. Sometimes the self-help aspect of the book wasn't that encouraging for me and there was sometimes very trite overuse of phrases and quotes, in my opinion. Personally I would have liked to see a bit more detail of Live Action, but I realize that's not the whole purpose of this book. It is a sobering read, and I pray it will be eye-opening to those who don't know where they stand on this topic. I think it's easy to try to make certain topics sound better than the reality, but Lila Rose didn't do this in her book. She laid it out, the hurt, pain and suffering behind abortion, while digging into the needful ways to fight against it.

Overall, a book everyone should read today. I hope it is a book that gets into the hands of those who need it most.

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Almost universally books about activism, including autobiographies of activists, are from people who are on the side of the currently fashionable causes. Rose's voice is an appealing counterweight to these. Starting in her teens and continuing to this day, Rose has been a fearless activist in what may be the most unfashionable cause of all -- defending the lives of the unborn. From exposing the support of human trafficking, statutory rape, and child sexual abuse by abortion providers to working to pass legislation protecting the victims of abortion, rose deftly weaves the story of her life.

The book is far more than just a biography. It includes good practical advice on activism, especially for young people.

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Reviewing this book is both difficult and easy, it is easy because Lila Rose has written a heartfelt, very personal book that details and explains her journey not just with the organization Live action, but with her family and own struggles. It is difficult because the topic naturally polarizes people.

I come from a country where pro-life isn’t really a thing, there is a more vibrant debate about e.g. if pets should ever be allowed to be euthanized or if it’s more ethical to wait for them to die a natural death, which ever way that happens. It wasn’t until I was in my 30’s that there was a public debate about abortion partly because of some new political parties but also because a doula refused to perform abortions became big news and had to go work in another country because the argument that it went against her conscience didn’t get any traction here.

That was kind of when I woke up to the question and started to really consider how wholly good abortion is considered, when I know from women around me that even modern abortions are rarely as safe as they’re purported to be, and the mental health status of many women after the procedure is not reported on enough because the topic is sensitive. I found that I had kind of a “we don’t talk about this” emotional block when I tried to consider the question.

So I wanted to read this book because I wanted to get a calm and rational pro-life stance that I could consider and try to grapple with. And from my perspective I got that, as someone who is probably a frustratingly moderate fence sitter on this question to advocates on either side, and as someone who has had no previous information on Live action to color my views, I think that this book does a good job in making you think about the question and about your own position in it, and especially what information you have about the practices you may support in theory (not just the termination and extraction, but e.g. where one stands on say the idea of aborting a baby because it has Down’s syndrome). As someone one with a more philosophical background for me this turns into questions of what choice is, from what (perhaps subconscious) metaphysical system it is valued, and how this effects our bias in the matter at hand.

Basically this book gave me a lot to think about, I will probably be getting a copy for friends to read to discuss these things. Though it can be challenging in many ways it is a book I would recommend to people who aren’t afraid to reflect about their own feelings and thoughts in this hotly debated issue. Whichever side one is on, it can always been beneficial to learn more and to understand how others think and feel in a question that seems to spawn overwrought screaming matches rather than discussion.

I’m rating this four stars because to me this book was brave, and then I mostly mean bravely vulnerable from the author’s part and I wanted to commend her openness and vulnerability, which I see as inspiring. Now, I’ve got some more thinking to do, and this review is already an essay, but to anyone with a slight interest in this issue, I think this book is a good place to find some food for thought and insight into a pro-life perspective.

One critique I have of the writing is that the detailed conversations between Lila and her sister are painfully stilted, and I think the insertion of an unnatural amount of “Sis”, is to make sure the reader knows who says what, but it mostly came across as a badly written play and I refuse to believe they actually talk like that to each other. If I could that is the one thing I would probably edit in a text to that otherwise flows easily.

**Thank you to a NetGalley and the publishers for a copy of this text in exchange for an honest and fair review**

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Lila Rose is a powerhouse - she has accomplished so much and is wise beyond her years. This book is part memoir and part guidebook, giving the reader an inside look at Live Action along with tools for personal development and for activism. I knew who Lila Rose was and I was somewhat familiar with her organization, Live Action, before reading this book, but I didn’t know the full extent of their work. It was heartbreaking to read about the evils their group uncovered at Planned Parenthood, but at the same time hopeful and encouraging to read about their successes, and the hearts and minds that have been changed.

In this book, Lila tells her story of her work in the pro-life movement, but it’s also written for anyone who wants to make any kind of difference in the world. If you already have a cause you’re passionate about, or if you know you want to make a difference but you aren’t sure how, this book will give you the tools you need to take the next steps. Reading Lila’s story is like getting to know a new friend or a big sister - someone who can share some wisdom and experience while encouraging you in your faith and encouraging you to take action on something that matters to you. It will challenge you in the best way!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This is part memoir part business book. Lila Rose created and leads the prolife nonprofit, Live Action. Lila details her own story and also gives advice and practical tips for how to fight for a cause. Lila also infuses her story with Bible verses and some background explaining her Catholic faith. If you are interested in the ProLife cause, the story behind Live Action's organization, or work in the nonprofit sector, this book would be interesting for you! Lila also details some of the history of the abortion industry and gives clear explanations about abortion. I enjoyed learning more about Live Action and Lila through this book, though I wish there had been more stories and background about Live Action's work and less Biblical explanations. Since I wasn't reading the book seeking advice for working towards a cause, I didn't enjoy those practical aspects of the book the way some other people might. This would be a good book to read if you are interested in working in a nonprofit or in the prolife domain.

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Lila has an incredible amount of knowledge and experience and I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn more about the abortion industry and/or how it effects women today. An intensely honest and motivating story of how Lila Rose built Live Action, a non-profit human rights organization seeking to de-fund Planned Parenthood and see an end to the abortion industry in America and across the world through investigative journalism efforts and educational resources. I was inspired by the personal stories of Lila's journey and the many lessons learned along the way, her compassionate heart for the thousands of women and babies abortion hurts every year and her passion and determination to create change. I am reminded once again of what a difference one young person with a vision can make if they allow themselves to be used by God.

*note: As a part of the launch team I received a complimentary copy of Fighting for Life: Becoming a Force for Change in a Wounded World. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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I appreciated that this was a fact-based book but also with advice sprinkled in. I think Lila's work with the creation of Live Action speaks for itself but this book was really something. I will definitely read whatever she writes.

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This book is a must read for anyone wanting an insider view of the ongoing battle between the pro-choice and pro-life movement. Lila is on an unstoppable mission to advocate for those that have no voice. In Fight for Life she shares about the passion that was ignited within her at a young age after being exposed to the reality of abortion. The horrors she saw would go on to pave her life’s goal — to live in a country where even human being has the right to live. As Lila says “Social action begins with heartbreak”, and it was that very heartbreak that caused an ordinary American teenager to step into an extraordinary world which would involve taking on the billion dollar industry that aborts children. She writes with compassion and eloquence to remind the reader why we should all be a little more outraged. And why we should all work a little harder and louder to enact change in a horrifically violent industry in our society. She reminds us that we need to work harder to be the strongest and loudest voices in the room, especially when speaking up for the most vulnerable members of our society- those with no voices of their own.

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Live Action is a very well known Pro-Life organization, but just how did it come to be who is the person who started it? Lila Rose was young when she learned the horror of what abortion is and that shaped what she wanted to do with her life; to somehow be a voice to help protect unborn babies.
Fighting For Life is more than Lila Rose’s story of how she started Live Action, it’s an invitation to take action and get involved.

I graciously received an advance e-copy from Netgalley for review. All opinions are my own.

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This powerful memoir encapsulates one womans passion with determined focus in defending our most precious and innocent lives.

Lila Rose's displays her courage compelled with brave activism that combats lies and deceit in a powerfully and honestly written memoir.

I was fascinated with her journey and praise her work in defending the most vulnerable. This was a beautifully written memoir that leaves the reader reflecting how their own actions can create change.

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I am part of the launch team. I asked to join the team because I knew a little about the author and what she stood for. No matter how you feel about the issues surrounding life you should read this book. An honest feminist will love this book as a testament to what a woman can accomplish but I fear the prejudice many have against life will keep them from admiring the accomplishments of Lila Rose. Or appreciate her sharing about the common obstacles she overcame. When you read this book, even if you do agree with her positions, you will be blessed to learn how you too can be effective and achieve meaning in your life.

I was impressed with the transparency of the book and how she did not hold back when discussing the issues in life she dealt with and overcame. This alone is reason enough to read the book. I know many face similar problems. I also know many try to hide things that detract from their image. Lila shares them openly in a way that says "you can beat this" while not making herself out to be arrogant or egotistical. The message is that there is hope and anyone can win. Much of the book directs the reader to how to overcome and master their own issues.

A lot of people, who have great accomplishments, write books that come off sounding like "look at me and what I did". In this book the author says here is the map, follow the path and you too can enjoy success. She also is not ashamed to give credit to God for making her successful. She quotes a number of passages from the Bible where they are meaningful to the topic.

Lila Rose is an effective voice for the unborn and an accomplished political activist. I agree with her position on life and admire the impact she has had in the political arena. I also admire what she infers in supporting the idea that making abortion illegal, while it would be good, is not enough to defeat the forces that push for the death of the unborn. We share a common bond in the knowledge that the only way this evil will end is if hearts are changed to uphold the sanctity of life made in the Creator's image. Laws alone won't end abortion but helping people embrace the unborn baby from the perspective of the value of life.

I could continue rambling on but think it is more important to encourage everyone to read the book. The understanding you will gain is worth the brief time it will take you. I once read a book written by a supposed Christian doctor who is an abortionist. In his book, Willie outlines the rationalizations that allow him be an outspoken proponent of the abortion industry. He reveals in the book things in his lifestyle that make his claims to be Christian suspect based on his defiance of obeying God. Lila, shows her humanity in the issues she faced and overcame, and demonstrates the heart of one who seeks to know and obey God. You will be better off for seeing what she faced and how she succeeded.

I have chosen a path in support of life that does not include political activism but I am glad to have a better understanding of how Lila has been led to serve on this path. We both want to see the abuses end based on people learning how to embrace a more abundant life based on their growing faith and obedience to God.

I normally do not make my highlights visible but am doing so with this book so you can see the passages I found profound and influential.

#FightingforLife #NetGalley

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