Member Reviews

I was granted a copy of this audiobook by Netgalley, in exchange for my honest opinion.
The gravity inside us, was beautifully made great collection of poems gives us subjects such as love, heartaches , moving on, finding yourself and so much more.
It was written and narrated by the author. And it’s so well made the pace the delicacy of the words and the tone of her voice.
I recommend it was my first experience with poetry in an audiobook and was very beautiful.

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Nope... I just wasn't feeling this one: not the poems, not the delivery. I regret not bailing, but it was so brief...

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This collection of Poetry worked well as an audio, there is a way in the telling that you just don't get from reading it yourself. The narrator, the author, puts a lot of feeling and meaning into the words. As a collection I felt what the author was trying to get across, the experiences we have in life and the growth we get from them.

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I want to say up top that I listened to the audiobook only, I love poetry audiobooks but I usually like to read along with them to get the full experience. That said, I've enjoyed poetry collections via audiobook alone in the past so I thought this one was well worth trying. The author's readings of the poems were great, a little flat at times but appropriate for the themes and imagery. Unfortunately this production also includes some snippets of music which are often jarring and not particularly well mixed - this really lets the entire audiobook down.

Overall I thought this was a competent, thoughtful and, at times, quite beautiful collection of poetry. Chloë Frayne has done an excellent job of crystallising feelings like longing and heartbreak. I didn't feel like this collection was breaking any new ground but all the poems showed skill and consideration.

I would recommend this collection for fellow queer girls who are intensely up in their feels and anyone who has exhausted all their break up playlists and desperately needs to feel like someone gets you.

Thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing and Netgalley for providing me with access to an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for the audiobook!
I have loved Chloë's poetry ever since I saw her posts on Instagram and was very excited when I got the audiobook of her latest book! This book is a collection of poems mostly about love but also covers other topics like healing, hope etc. I really loved the poems, they were very touching but the problem I had with the audiobook was that the music in the background drowned out the author's voice and often times a few of the words she said were inaudible. Would recommend a physical copy. Other than that, I really enjoyed it!

3 stars!💖

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I have listened to this audiobook at least twice and will probably listen to it many more times before I am done with it. When I requested this audiobook, I wasn't sure if I would like it, because while I really enjoy reading poetry - I have struggled with enjoying listening to audiobooks. But this completely surpassed all my expectations. The audiobook as a whole is only about an hour long, so the time seems to just pass by.

The actual content of the audiobook is all about love; the feelings of falling in love, the hurt that occurs when you are no longer in love, the fact that no matter what happens the people that you were in love with will always be with you and you will probably always carry a little bit of love in you for that person. Then the last part of the book is about falling in love again with another person and the feeling of letting go of your previous love.

If I could give this audiobook ten or twenty stars out of five - I would. This is an incredible experience and the more I listen to it, the more of a meditative experience it becomes.

5 out of 5 stars

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The Gravity Inside Us is unashamedly about being a woman who loves women. Dealing with homophobia, judgement, dating someone closeted. It's about breaking up, but also there is so much hope here.

The author tends to be a bit repetitive but ultimately I think she's talking about gravity in a really beautiful way. Sometimes we are pulled to people, it just IS.

There's an instrumental track playing behind the author's narration that only occasionally distracts; it was really pretty and felt super atmospheric. Her poems became a bit more lyrical. As the author, Chloe Frayne was the ideal narrator, and she has a lovely voice.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to spend some time with love and hope.

I received a copy of this audiobook for free from NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Audio in exchange for an honest, voluntary review.

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In <i>The Gravity Inside Us</i>, poet Chloë Frayne reads us her latest collection. As for the poetry itself, I could feel the emotions Frayne put into her work. Normally, I love when an author narrates their own work because we get to hear the cadence/tone behind their words. However, Chloë's reading of her poetry was often flat and monotone. For this book, I would recommend checking out the written word instead of the audiobook.

Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me an audio ARC of this book.

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Chloe Frayne is an LGBT writer from Australia. She published LETTERS, AND WHY THEY'RE ALL FOR YOU in 2016 and INTO OBLIVION in 2018. THE GRAVITY INSIDE US was published on April 6, 2021.

"They ask me why I didn't kiss you goodbye. I told them I would not have known how to leave."

Diving into THE GRAVITY INSIDE US feels like being swept up by an ocean wave. Her pacing also resembles the current with its consistent rise and falls of emotions. She brings us into her world through truly unique imagery. This collection is about knowing the vulnerability of hope and opening your heart regardless. It's ambitious, hopeful, and joyful. The audiobook's backtrack also adds a cinematic quality and follows the intensity of the poems.

"My heart splits somewhere down the middle and an ocean floods in. I go around it. The moon shifts the water inside me and I wrap fiercely around something untamed, somehow find space for the changing tides, the rise and fall, the unapologetic crash for the infinite sea."

Frayne is a poet, through and through. This collection discusses romantic love, familial love, heartbreak, healing, and mental health. She invites her readers to fall in love with the people in her life. I highly recommend THE GRAVITY INSIDE US.

This post was possible thanks to an audiobook provided for free by the publishers via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This collection is intimate and so, so beautiful. I especially recommend the audio; the author narrates and this collection is even more beautiful when read by the author.

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*Thanks to Netgalley for proving a copy of the book in exchange of an honest review*

The narrator who was the own author was the fantastic choice for this poetry book. It was shooting, yet heartbreaking and filled with loss of relationships and love. I could feel the longing, the desperation, and the heartbreak perfectly.

I would recommend this piece for reading. The audiobook was perfect. Really enjoyed the poetry.

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Loved the narration and loved that the author was using poetry to figure things out. But I didn't find the poems all that interesting or gripping. The idea of gravity connecting people and pulling them together was interesting, but it execution it felt less of a metaphor and more of a pseudo-scientific woo concept.

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I've always had problems understanding written poetry, so I thought I might give this collection a try since I got the chance to get it in a form of an audiobook. I thought hearing someone read it out loud would make it easier to focus and hopefully understand what the artist wanted to say. This book was narrated by the author Chloe Frayne. That made me very excited because I thought nobody could transfer emotions as good as the author herself. However, I felt like most of the time she talked too fast and if not, it was very quiet and unclear and again, hard for me to understand. Besides that, I think she lacked a lot of emotion. To be exact, I did not feel an emotion in her voice even once in a little bit over an hour of listening. I actually needed to put in the effort to listen, rather than just relaxing and taking in what was being said. It was a little bit stressful. Once I finally focused hard enough to actually understand what was being said, the music interrupted it. I really didn't like the music. I think it was so unnecessary and didn't add to the book in any way other than as a distraction. I could barely ever determine when one poem ended and when the other one started. I sadly can't say that something from this book is memorable. I don't think it is about the writing itself, I got to hear a few beautiful lines, but the bad narration ruined it for me and I am sure that I missed on a lot just because I was struggling with listening.
Apart from that, I could not relate to what was being talked about. Her experience of heartbreak was very different from mine. I could not see anything in this book, other than an obsession with an ex-girlfriend and not accepting that it is time to leave her behind. I hoped to get that conclusion in the third part of the book because the second part talked mainly about the relationship itself, but no - the last part was, in my opinion, just the same.
I am really sorry to rate this book so badly and write such a bad review, but my experience with this book was very bad. If you are interested in reading this book, I would recommend getting a physical copy.

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Hacía tiempo que no disfrutaba tanto de un libro de poesía. El audiolibro está narrado por la autora de una forma tan relajante y amena. Habla de amores pasados y presentes y de cómo las personas llegan a cambiarte a lo largo de tu vida.

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I really enjoyed the nautical theme of this one. I was quite surprised I related to so many of these poems and a few moved me to tears. I highly recommend if you are into poetry.

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I want to thank the author for giving me an ARC of this book via Netgalley.

This is a poetry book, which I enjoyed a lot, and I finished it in 1 night, proud to say I liked it, it has been a really long time since I have read poetry, not only that, it’s been a long time since I have read a book, especially because I was busy, I think the voice in my head was making me fall asleep because I was so tired when I read/listened to it.

Note: I first listened to this as an audiobook, where I guess the same author was narrating it, I fell in love with her voice and her accent, the instruments in the background and everything she was telling me.

“All I know is that if you offer me your hand I would take it”
“I promise this, I will never leave you with my head full of questions and no one to answer them”
“I just want to be for you something more than a chance you didn't take”
“People ask me when am I going to date again, and I answer when your smile is not my favorite sound in the world”

Those are some of my favorite phrases in this book, they just stayed on my soul, It felt like nothing I have ever felt before reading a book, I thought about someone I fell in love with, and this made me feel like my heart was getting only the happy moments of it, I felt Nostalgic, so I’m giving this some 4,5 stars rating.

I would love to listen to her voice all over again and make me not to fall asleep with the love I emanate with your sound.

This is my own opinion based on my own experience, and I bet everyone has something different to say about this.

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Disclaimer: I'm by no means a poetry expert and I usually stick to reading novels, so this was out of my comfort zone. I should also say that I listened* to this instead of reading it, so maybe my experience would have been different if I read it in a more thorough manner.

The Gravity Inside Us is a collection of poems by the Australian author Chloë Frayne. Her name sounded familiar and I realised that I had previously read some of her poems on Instagram.

The main topics of the book were the following: love, breakups, loss, heartbreak, the influence that others have in your person and finding "the one". I loved some poems and the fact that the author writes so naturally about her love and attraction for other women. I think that was my favourite part! We definitely need more queer and sapphic published authors and representation and I'm always extra happy to read about it <3

I really enjoyed the beginning and the end of the book, but the middle part got a little repetitive for a while. I felt like a was reading the same poem over a over with slightly different words.

*My problems with the audiobook:
- I personally like reading audiobooks on a faster speed, but I had to listen to this on at the regular speed. And still, it sometimes felt like it was too fast and I could not fully enjoy and process all the words.
- I liked the background music, but I don't understand why they put it over some poems but not over others. I suppose it was to highlight them, but I would have preferred to either have music all over the poems or not to have it at all.

Final thoughts: If I were to read this book again, it would definitely be in book format instead of audio!

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I absolutely loved this collection of poetry and prose. It has been years since I picked up a book of poetry. I listens to this while at work and it helped enrich my day. The writer has a beautiful way of putting even despair into poetry. I would recommend this to anyone.

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I received an audio book version of this book to listen to and review via netgalley and the publishers.

The gravity inside us is a beautiful collection of poems that reflect on love, lost love, heartbreak, sorry, moving on, finding yourself and much more.
I found the physical copy of this book fantastic at the beginning and end but a little stagnant in the middle, however upon listening to it I liked the middle section of poems much more relatable and likeable. Which goes to show that poetry should be read aloud!

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THE GRAVITY INSIDE US is beautifully written, and full of sentiments about the universe and our place in it. The author is very sure of what they want and what they will do to get it, and that assuredness is comforting. This LGBTQ+ book of love poems is a refreshing glimpse into love and all of the facets of it. Something that I struggled to adjust to was the monotone voice of the narrator.

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