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Razorblade Tears

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Ike and Buddy Lee make an odd partnership, but despite their many differences they have a few similarities. One is they are both ex-cons with dark pasts they are trying to distance themselves from. The other, and more important, is their sons were married to each other and neither father was accepting of their son's lifestyles.

This main factor brings them together when their son's are found brutally murdered. After burying their sons and the police making no progress they decide to take the matter in their own hands. Throughout their journey the learn about each other, they learn about their sons and they have the opportunity to reflect upon their past selves.

I loved this book, If you enjoy crime thrillers, if you enjoy books about LGBTQ acceptance if you enjoy vigilante stories definitely check out this book.

The narrator was new to me but I immediately went and downloaded another book narrated by him because he's on the fast track to my favorite narrator list.

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Razorblade Tears - 12:00 - 336

This wasn’t what I thought it was going to be! It’s brutal retribution!

Author gets an extra star for the multiple use of the words … “wood chipper” in a meaningful way!! Yeahp, that gruesome!!

So why are the MC’s on the war path? A black father (Ike) & a white father (Buddy Lee) have one thing in common (the wood chipper comes later) … the murder of their two sons (Isiah & Derek).

They are familiar with incarceration, bad people, bad things, the mob, all from their past, neither were close to their sons & they both regret it.

The quest for vengeance has them learning things about themselves, each other, their sons & their families. A coming of age story for the fathers of two gay men on the hunt for their killers!

It’s difficult. It’s raw. It’s fast paced! It’s emotional. It’s brutal!! You’ll zip through it in one sitting.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with the audio version of my July BOTM pick! It ROCKED!


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Razorblade Tears by S. A. Cosby is an incredible story about two fathers, Ike and Buddy Lee who recently lost their sons, Isiah and Derek in a horrendous murder. Isiah and Derek were a married couple with a young daughter and a family who did not support them as individuals or as a couple. After they are murdered, Ike and Buddy Lee are left with regret and questions as to why their sons were killed. Ike and Buddy Lee are both reformed criminals, and even though they reformed in different ways, Ike a successful businessman and Buddy Lee as an alcoholic, they still have connections to the world they left behind. Together they try look for answers and find out what happened to their sons.

What I loved:
➖LGBTQIA+ issues. We see the emotional impact of not accepting your children/people for who they are.
➖Racial issues. Ike, who is black is treated much differently by the police and citizens in the community than Buddy Lee who is white.
➖The twists and turns in this story are unexpected but it is so much more than a thriller/mystery.
➖The attention to detail in the story was phenomenal for both characters and the plot.

Loved the narrator! He put so much emotion I to his reading. Extremely powerful!

Publication date: July 6, 2021

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillian Audio for this audiobook copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book follows Ike and Buddy Lee as they aim to avenge their son's deaths.

THIS BOOK HAS TO BE MADE INTO A MOVIE!!!!!! WOW! I was hanging on the edge as I read this!!! I would most definitely go out to watch this! Ike and Buddy Lee are sheer badasses!!!

Excellent writing! Excellent action scenes! This book was exceptional!

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Thanks to Netgalley for an advanced audiobook copy.

I thought the narration was good. I usually have a hard listen to male narrators, but this audiobook was good.

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Thanks so much to the publisher for a free ARC of Razorblade Tears by SA Cosby through Goodreads giveaways and a free copy of the audiobook via NetGalley. I switched back and forth between both. (The audio narration was good, but the voice that the narrator did for Buddy Lee was hysterical in my opinion.)

So I read Blacktop Highway last summer and it shot to one of the top reads for me of 2020. SA Cosby has convinced me with Razorblade Tears that he is nearly perfect at presenting characters in such a way that anyone who has any empathy in their soul can relate with. In Razorblade Tears, he took four three distinct character types and made me relate and feel strongly for each one. I wanted to learn more. I felt I understood these types more. And I wanted to revisit how I think and react to those types of characters in real life.

The best part about SA Cosby is he is writing really profound, eye-opening, soul-scorching stories all amid a gritty, action-packed, revenge-thriller that would satisfy readers who DON'T read for anything other than entertainment. You never feel lectured to with his books. I just find myself nodding my head, laughing, crying, and relating throughout. And more importantly, I want to talk about the book, the themes, the characters, the events. They feel so real! I want to help the characters. I root for them. I root against the bad guys. I root for the ex-criminal-turned-law-abiding-citizen to keep his goodness even though he clearly has tapped back into the side of himself that has little value for human least for those who have hurt his family. I also loved the odd couple relationship between Ike and Buddy Lee, two fathers who lost their sons to violence, determined to avenge their murders in the hopes of righting some of the wrongs they did to their sons by denying their love to their sons because of their sons' sexuality.

Razorblade Tears is a good thriller. It s a great book for having readers better know about people who have lives they don't normally interact with. I have given both SA Cosby's books I read 5 stars and cannot WAIT to read more from him.

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Audiobook review: Razorblade Tears by S.A. Cosby
A Macmillan Audio production from Flatiron Books, July 6, 2021

★★★★★ (5.0 Stars)

Author Sean A. Cosby takes on some of the most divisive and contentious issues facing American society today and bridges the divide with one of the most compelling family drama /suspense thrillers of late.

Audiobook narration: Up there with the best!

Outstanding performance by the entire cast rather than by a single narrator, led by a deep-voiced, all-business "James Earl Jones" doppelganger paired with a witty "Matthew McConaughey" happy-go-lucky, all's-fair-in-life southern drawl, both on target and true to the author's characterizations.


When police investigators set aside the case of a brutally murdered, same-sex couple for one reason or another, the victims' dads - one, Ike Randolph, a black man who's happily married to a retired nurse, lives in a nice home in a middleclass neighborhood and owns a thriving lawn and garden business; and the other, Buddy Lee, a divorced redneck, jobless, ailing with some kind of terminal disease and lives in a trailer park - reluctantly team up and take matters into their own hands, hound their sons' killers to hell, and bring them to justice - in one form or the other.

Both dads street-savvy, hardened by lengthy prison sentences, grievously rueful shedding "razorblade tears", and in full atonement for their own mistreatment, shame and unacceptance of their homosexual sons. In the end, they recognize that both were persons of character far better than themselves, their own flesh and blood, and nothing else mattered.

This is one pair of dads everyone will root for.

A must read!

Review based on an audiobook galley from Macmillan Audio and NetGalley.

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Razorblade Tears is my second novel by S.A. Cosby. I loved his 2020 release Blacktop Wasteland, so I was very excited but also nervous to read his newest release. But ya’ll this book is just as good or even maybe better than Blacktop Wasteland.

At it’s core, Razorblade Tears, is about two father-son relationships that end to soon. Set in Virginia, and covering hard topics such as race, homophobia, and fatherhood, Razorblade Tears follows two fathers who stumble upon an unlikely friendship.

Ika Randolph has been out of the Coldwater State Penitentiary for the last 15 years. He’s built a business from the ground up and has washed his hands of his criminal past. Buddy Lee Jenkins another ex-con is an alcoholic and struggling to find something to live for. Jenkins and Randolph are polar opposites and grew up in very different worlds, the only reason their paths even cross is because of the love their sons have for each other. When their boys are murdered, both men are struck with grief not only for their lost son but also for the regrets and guilt they hold over how they each treated their gay son. That might be all to the story, except neither father is satisfied with how the investigate into the murders are being handled, so they decide to do a bit of investigating themselves, which leads them into the middle of a criminal bike gang and political corruption. Randolph and Jenkins may be old men now, but they still know a few tricks from their past lives, and their need for vengeance on those who killed their sons will feed them all the way through the end.

Told through various POVs, but mainly through the eyes of Randolph and Jenkins, we watch as the two fathers not only come to turns with the types of fathers they were, but also try to understand the lives of their sons better. I really enjoyed the multiple POVs in this story. Cosby does a fantastic job of creating flawed characters that will resonate with readers across the board. Yes, the mystery and the plot are great within the story, but it’s really the character building and the theme of redemption that truly makes this story stand out.

This book does have a bit of graphic violence, but don’t let that scare you away from picking this book up. I would also highly recommend the audio version of this books as narrator Adam Lazarre, does an outstanding job of voicing our characters.

This southern noir is one you won’t want to miss. The intense prose and deep characterizations will keep you reading. I highly recommend this for my crime and mystery fans especially those who are looking for raw and character driven stories.

Razorblade Tears is out July 6, 2021. Huge thank you to Macmillan Audio for my advanced copy for my honest review. If you liked this review please let me know either by commenting below or by visiting my Instagram @speakingof_books.

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There are some books that when you read them, you know they'll make your list of best books of the year. Razorblade Tears will absolutely make my list. Ike and Buddy Lee weren't there for their gay sons in life, but the pair of hardened criminals are determined to find out who killed their sons and avenge their death.

It's poignant, it's grit lit, it's an examination of race and sexuality in America, and it's incredible writing. Once you pick up Razorblade Tears, you'll have a hard time putting it down.

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I’ve got another contender for my favorite book of 2021! With thanks to @flatiron_books for the ARC.

BLACKTOP WASTELAND, S.A. Cosby’s 2020 release was a favorite for last year, so I had high hopes for this one. In fact, I called it my most anticipated release in our @booktalketc Summer Bonanza episode. And I’m so happy to say I somehow liked RAZORBLADE TEARS even more than Blacktop!

Ike and Buddy Lee are not friends. It’s unlikely that their paths would have ever crossed, if not for their sons. The boys got married, had a wonderful life together, and adopted a daughter… and it all came to a screeching halt when someone murdered them. For what reason, Ike and Buddy Lee don’t know, but they make it their life’s mission to find out. So begins one of the more propulsive and cinematic books I’ve ever read!

What Cosby does so well is get you to really understand and care about his characters. Both men are flawed and prejudiced in their own way, but through their quest for the truth they explore their own biases and regrets. Things get pretty brutal and hard to read at times- but if you’re like me you’ll be all in. It was a book where I could see the action unfold in my mind as I was reading.

It’s worth mentioning that the two men did not agree with their sons’ relationship, at least initially, and there’s homophobic language used. I thought it made sense within the context of the story, but you might seek out an own voices review for their opinion.

If you like stories of revenge, fatherhood and family, generational trauma, parents struggling to accept queer children until it's too late, and/or southern grit lit, I think this will be for you. I hope this review has done this book justice!

PS- If you are able to get this on audio- I highly recommend it! The narrator (Adam Lazarre-White @realadamlw) does a wonderful job.

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This was my first S.A. Cosby and all I can say is wow! The beginning felt a little choppy, so much information being put in to get the book rolling. But once the groundwork was laid this turned into a beautiful story of redemption and unlikely friendship. While this was more of an action/vigilante type book than the mystery/thriller it’s labeled, it didn’t let me down a bit. Cosby has a way with weaving the messages of injustice into a story and people you can relate to. I will think of Ike, Buddy Lee and Tangerine for many years.

I really enjoyed the narrator. His voice was soothing to listen too and easily sped up.

Tw: violence, homophobia, transphobia, racism.

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I have heard such amazing things about this author, but this is the first book I've read by S.A. Cosby and it definitely lives up to all the wonderful accolades I have seen online and heard from other book lovers.

Razorblade Tears is a profound piece of literature full of complex characters, emotional situations, and a story that keeps you engaged from start to finish. Just when I thought I had things figured out, Cosby presented something to make me have to rethink everything, which I personally loved.

This book had a little something for every reader, and I highly recommend it.

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Wow - where to begin with this story? Two ex cons have nothing in common, except their sons are married to each other. Neither Ike, who is black, or Buddy Lee, who is white, understands or approve of their sons’ sexuality. When the two sons are brutally murdered, it is too late to mend relationships and tell the sons that they are loved. Ike and Buddy Lee are not good people - they are homophobic, violent and dangerous. And yet, the reader will feel for them as they navigate their grief and try to find out who killed their boys.
The story is fast paced and moving despite its violence, and touches on a wealth of important topics. Thank you S.A. Cosby for writing another amazing book, and Flatiron books and NetGalley for the chance to read this ARC.

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Don’t go into Razorblade Tears expecting some odd buddy story. Yes, Ike Randolph and Buddy Lee Jenkins come off like the odd couple. Ike, formerly known as Riot, served 15 years in prison but has since gone on to own his own landscaping company. Buddy Lee is a drunk. He’s also served some time but he was a minor criminal. What they have in common is that their sons were a couple, with a little girl. And then, they were brutally murdered. Was it because they were an interracial gay couple? When the police deem the investigation cold after two months, the fathers
take up the investigation themselves.
Cosby tackles the two fathers belatedly trying to accept their gay sons. The writing is raw, the scenes darkly atmospheric, the characters are flawed but deep, the tension palpable. This book drew me in immediately and kept me in its thrall. There’s very little down time. I did get a kick at these two “old men” learning how to use google for all sorts of things, and one special effect at the end.
Once again, Cosby has written a heartbreaking, action packed thriller. Five big stars.
Warning, this book contains graphic violence.
While I adored the book, I felt Adam Lazard-White’s narration was less than successful. Many of his voices sounded the same.
My thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advance copy of this book.

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This story has so many layers of content and context that giving a simple review of the plot doesn't do it justice. On the surface it's a gritty mystery about two dads whose married sons are murdered and when the police seemingly lose interest in digging deep, the dads decide to take matters into their own hands and find out what happened.

And yet there's so much more.

One of the dads is white and the other is black and there are a lot of statements, observations and nuance around race and racism in this story. Neither of the dads was ok with their children being gay and it tackles homophobia and more. It tackles incarceration and the aftermath of what it does to a family. It tackles trust, revenge, family, and of course love.

This is a fast paced novel with a lot happening, the setting and mood are a part of the story, the characters are complex and jump off the page with their aliveness. The story tackles complicated and nuanced issues and pulls all these elements together with grace and ease.

You will remember this story long after you finish the book.

with gratitude to netgalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for this advance listener's copy of Razorblade Tears, written by S.A. Cosby, narrated by Adam Lazarre-White.

Having read S.A. Cosby's last book, Blacktop Wasteland, I went into Razorblade Tears expecting something similiar and it was but it was also so much more than that. Let me explain. Razorblade Tears is a redemption story. Two fathers come together to make amends for their inability to accept their sons' homosexuality until after the young men were brutally murdered. Ike Randolph and Buddy Lee are two entirely different men. They come from different backgrounds, one is black and one is white. What they do have in common is that their sons were married to each other and neither one of them was able to come to terms with that until well after the double funeral. When they do finally come together it is to find out why their sons were murdered and avenge their deaths, even if they lose their own lives in the process.

To say that I was impressed with the depth of this book would be an understatement. Yes, there is a very simple revenge plot at the heart of Razorblade Tears but there is so much more to it than that. Ike and Buddy go on a real journey together, not in miles necessarily but in the way that they view and understand the world over the course of the book. Readers will also get to learn along with Ike and Buddy as they become more open-minded and willing to see things from other poeple's points-of-view. I don't intend to include any spoilers so I won't go into details but what an amazing read.

The narration by Adam Lazarre-White was impeccable, from Ike's deep bass to Buddy's Foghorn Leghorn-esque southern accent. I will admit that it took me a few chapters to figure out which character was black and which was white but once I did it was easy to tell. My last note will be to any filmmakers out there considering making Razorblade Tears into a movie (which would be amazing), if you don't cast Sam Elliott as Buddy Lee you are making a huge mistake, just putting that out there.

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Razorblade Tears - the title says so much about the emotion and grit that follow Ike and Buddy Lee as they work together to track down who murdered their gay sons. Cosby is a master at character development and I loved the dialog between the two main characters. The love of two fathers knows no end and you'll be on the edge of your seat as the action plays out. S.A. Cosby is quickly becoming one of my favorite thriller writers.

The narration was fantastic. Adam Lazarre-White mastered the banter between the dads and Buddy Lee's accent was so heartfelt and funny at times. I'll be looking for more titles read by this narrator.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for this highly entertaining ARC.

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Razorblade Tears was nothing short of phenomenal. I love that Cosby delivered an edge of your sheet action novel that played out better than a movie on screen. It spoke to the power of second chances and conceptions of right versus wrong in various circumstances. I typically don't do well with graphic violence but it was so delicately interwoven with emotion ridden aspects of the story that I was able to rally through. It does not sugarcoat the complexities of family, love, and the LGBTQ+community or the reality that we all are capable of becoming better allies.
I missed out on the hype of Blacktop Wasteland last year but am pushing it up on my TBR list and looking forward to reading more from what this talented author delivers going forward.

Thank you Macmillan Audio and Netgalley for the gifted copy.

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It would be all too easy to gloss over the title of this novel, but it’s one well worth a pause for reflection. “Razorblade Tears.” Imagine a sadness or grief so palpable that your body’s physical expression of it is harmful. Quite a visual, isn’t it?

On the heels of 2020’s much-lauded Blacktop Wasteland, S.A. Cosby has delivered a gut punch of a novel that’s grit lit at its finest. The story itself seems simple: Two fathers band together to seek vengeance against the people that killed their sons. But it’s not that easy.

One father is Black (Ike), one is white (Buddy Lee). Both are ex-cons, and while one has found redemption in living life on the straight and narrow after release, the other finds solace at the bottom of a bottle. Their paths would never have crossed had their sons not gotten married… to each other. Both fathers turned their backs on them, refusing to accept this same-sex union.

The story begins at the funeral and follows Ike and Buddy Lee as they unravel the mystery of what happened to their boys. Be forewarned though, their vengeance is violent. There are guns and bombs and even machetes - it’s that kind of story. But what elevates this Southern noir tale above gratuitous splatter fiction is the pervasive tone of redemption. One can’t help but feel that the outward rage Ike and Buddy Lee exhibit is a reflection of the inward shame they feel for not accepting their sons when they were alive. Their tears are like razor blades.

I listened to an advance copy of the audiobook courtesy of the author and Macmillan Audio via NetGalley. Narrator Adam Lazarre-White’s gravely voice is well-suited for the gravitas of the story. Razorblade Tears is slated for US publication in all formats on July 6th.

The novel has already been optioned by Jerry Bruckheimer and Chad Oman for a film through Paramount Players. I hope they don't screw it up.

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Wow. Such an amazing book! Thanks to @netgalley and for an advanced audiobook copy of this book.
A gay, interracial couple is murdered. The police have no leads and the case has gone cold. The two men’s fathers, Buddy Lee and Ike, decide to do some investigation on their own. Both fathers have criminal records and go about it in a no-holes-barred kind of way. (Be prepared…this book has some strong content. There is violence and some language.)
I will never forget this book. The regret and anguish the Buddy Lee and Ike feel for how terribly they abused their sons for being gay is very moving. This book has definitely changed the way I view my relationships with my kids. Not that I would ever inflict that kind of abuse and torment on any human being but it’s sobering to think about what I would do if my kids took an unexpected path.
The book will be released on 7/6/21.

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