Member Reviews

We all need grace in our lives and this book is a perfect reminder of that. I loved the Celtic wisdom and the resources it gave me when my places in life were feeling too thin.

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It is a Christin Celtic point of view, though can relate even if not. The authors one story mixed with lessons trying to tell the reader.

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Wonderful book - I'm glad I read it. Thank you for sharing it with me.

My review:

This is an enlightening and interesting look at Irish spirituality as explained by a woman who was raised in Ireland but has since immigrated to the USA. She mixes her knowledge of Irish legends and customs with Christian philosophy.

I found the book to be of great benefit to me. I was interested especially since a lot of my ancestors were natives of Ireland. I appreciated that she started each chapter with an Irish saying and included the Irish Gaelic words. I have tried to study Gaelic but find it very confusing as the letters are often used for different sounds than we use them for in English. However I have a hunger for hearing the language of my ancestors so I'm glad she included that.

Each chapter ends with a series of thought provoking questions and suggestions for personal actions or research. The questions could be used for journaling prompts.

When I started the book I had no idea what a "thin place" is or how they relate to our journey as Christians. Gradually this concept became clear to me and I now understand why we must all have thin places and how they are bringing us closer to God.

I learned many things about Irish culture from this book. I've never read a better book for learning about Ireland, the people and their customs. I'm grateful to NetGalley and Loyola Press for sharing this beautiful book with me. I was not told what to write in my review - all these thoughts are my own, sincerely given, based on what I read in the book.

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The synopsis of Braving the Thin Places was intriguing to me. I was drawn to the idea of a thin place. So often we want to glide over the hard stuff in life; only absorbing the good. Stanz repeatedly shows how beautiful things can be found if we are brave enough to walk through the thin places.

Braving the Thin Places was a book that I found myself absorbing slowly. It was a book that I didn't want to rush through or miss anything.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is a wonderful book about how to apply Celtic wisdom to your life. A thin place is where God and humanity meet in a mysterious way, and this book is a great instruction manual on how to take advantage of that place and make the best out of the important things in your life.

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Braving the Thin Places: Celtic Wisdom to Create a Space for Grace by Julianne Stanz
4 bright stars
“Thin spaces are wild, messy places where God is at work.”

“Thin spaces do displace us – from our comfort zones, from the way we think life should be - and they invite us to consider what to do with our pain and our longings.” I like that Ms. Stanz is grounded in faith and that the book, like life, is not all beautiful transcendent experiences. “Light and darkness are at the heart of life just as they have been for all cultures and many ancient civilizations such as the Celtic people.”

The author has a broad accepting, yet biblical view of God. Stanz’s writing is clear, descriptive, and welcoming. “You do not need to have any background in these traditions to draw from their strength and wisdom. Instead, we will journey together as pilgrims who dip into a sacred well and drink from all these practices that will strengthen, comfort, and restore.

A few tidbits of wisdom: “Soul, then, is the spark of God’s immortal love within you.” “Striving to understand who we are is not selfish but an act of courage and love.” “Prayer is cultivating a friendship with God.” “Prayer changes us, not God, for we are the ones in need of change.”

The author poses thoughtful questions for reflection. The writing flows serenely, like poetry. “The pubs and hearths of Ireland are fertile ground for music, mischief, and the magic of storytelling.” “Healing words are like droplets of water that come together as a river of story for those who listen to its music.”

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 rounded up to 4 stars.

Spoilers ahead. I will not reveal anything big - most of the review vaguely alludes to plot, structure, and characters.


An excellent book for people that are looking to connect to Irish culture, while helping them learn more about themselves and how they can cope with the world around them. I will note that it does get religious, so if that is not your thing I would at the very least be mindful of it as you read. I, personally, am not religious - but I am spiritual and still found the book worthwhile. The writing is very sincere and heartfelt and is likely to pull you in if you are looking for a sort of spiritual kinship in hard times. The Celtic translations and sayings added such a lovely layer to the spirituality as well. Overall, a worthwhile read if you are looking for a deeper connection to Celtic spirituality - especially if your brand of spirituality involves Christianity and that god.


Again, thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Great read loved it and easy to read. Definitely a must have to add to your library. I really recommend just picking up this book and trying it if you have any interest in Celtic at all,

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This book wasn't for me, but it is incredibly well written and interesting. I think this is a great book for anyone who has even a passing interest in Celtic Lore.

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I don't think I'm the target reader for this book. Unfortunately it wasn't for me on this occasion. I am grateful for having the opportunity to read this book. I would recommend it to those already open to religion/faith, rather than those reading for academic interest.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC copy of this book. I loved the book and will be purchasing it for friends and family. This book touched my soul in a way that is hard for me to explain in simple words but I will try. Before I start I do have to say the ARC copy I received had the words "NOT FINAL" stuck everywhere and in random places (middle of sentences, Not in one place, and a few words later final). I found this so distracting and frustrating that I almost didn't finish the book. Yet the book itself is so overwhelmingly good and as I said spoke to my soul that I pushed on and finished and I am so glad I did. My review only reflects the wonderful story, not the crazy format as I am sure it will not be in the final addition.
Julianne Stanz describes "Thin Places" as the place where the worlds of heaven and earth seem to meet, those moments where you can see and feel God. This can be achieved through a life-changing event, giving birth, or being with someone when they die. She also talks about Soul friendships as being a time we can experience Thin Places. I loved how she described a Soul friendship and I agree that for the most part people think this is a romantic relationship but she describes a true Soul friendship and does a beautiful job of it. I have experienced Soul friendships and they may come at a time when we truly need someone physically with us. Some think of them as Angels sent from Heaven to help us. She does a beautiful job of describing Celtic spirituality and how this ancient belief is relevant today. I loved the Celtic sayings in Gaelic and then translated them into English at the start of every chapter. This book is such a gift and a recharger for the soul. This is my own opinion. Thank you to NetGalley and Loyola Press for an ARC copy,

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC digital copy. I was not compensated for this review and all opinions are my own.

2.5 stars rounded up to 3 out of respect for the author.

Did not finish. Just could not get into this one and the task was made more difficult by the large “NOT FINAL” that too often broke up text in random places.

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With BRAVING THE THIN PLACES, Julianne Stanz offers a totally different perspective on living a good life. Her lyrical, heartfelt prose took my breath away even as she addressed directly the schisms and disconnects of our modern world and offers a broader, deeper view into being present and enjoying a full, rich experience. This is a beautiful book that I will return to for a breath of peace, calm, and joy. I received a copy of this book and these opinions are my own, unbiased thoughts.

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What I can read is excellent, thought provoking and uniquely cultural- particularly for an American born Celtic woman living in Scotland trying to navigate her own thin place.

But the formatting of this version makes large Swathes of it unreadable which makes me sad. I could read enough to know I’ll buy the final copy.

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Faith imbued with Celtic spirituality, Ms. Stanz invites us in to the "thin places" - places where we can hear our heart beat, feel the shifting of life, experience the liminality of being - and she begs us to dive deeper into how these places reflect and expose our relationship with ourselves, with God and with others.

Some books find you exactly when you need them to. I am lucky to have found this book, as an advance copy. The opinions are my own and freely given. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher!

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I received an ARC of, Braving the Thin Places by, Julianne Stanz. I was so looking forward to reading this book, but I could not get to into the book because, the words Not Final was emblazoned on every page. It was way to distracting for me.

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This book retrieve our faith in God.. God is the most supreme thing in the world.. This novel is the best thing happened to the world

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In this short but powerful gem of a book Julianne Stanz explains Celtic spirituality and practices from her own experiences. The focus here is on what the Celts call the thin places - when the the worlds of heaven and earth seem quite close, those moments where you can see and feel God at work.

The author shares practices we can follow to be more aware of and open to these extraordinary moments.

A very interesting and enlightening read!

My thanks to Loyola Press for permitting me access to an e-copy of this book via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and are freely given.

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The author of this title describes the thin place as the space where one feels a breakthrough from the ordinary into the extraordinary. This space may be found in major life events such as birth or death when one is deeply moved, but may also be present when one is deeply touched, as by a piece of music.

The author views the thin place as a religious one where there is a “discernible sense of sacredness.” She notes that this concept began within Celtic tradition many years past and is still useful today. Ms. Stanz observes that these spaces are important because they allow us to slow down and find what is most important. Some of these places are very real, as for example Glendalough in Ireland, while others may be found within.

This title is both spiritual and religious. Those to whom it speaks will feel that is is something special. Here is room for thought and reflection.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Loyola Press for this title. All opinions are my own.

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