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High-Protein Plant-Based Diet for Beginners

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This cookbook book starts with an introduction to the Plant-Based Diet with easy to understand information and advice.

Each recipe is well laid out with easy to follow instructions. The cookbook has plenty of photographs throughout the book that highlight recipes. This is,a great book if your interested in going more plant based in your diet.

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I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

High-Protein Plant-Based Diet for Beginners is a healthy, plant based cookbook jam packed with delicious recipes.
The book starts with an introduction to the Plant-Based Diet for Beginners with easy to understand information and advice. This would also make a great book to refresh people on this Diet and support people who have had a break and are returning. Each recipe is easy to follow and there are photographs spotted through the book. I just wish there had been a photo for each dish as I enjoy seeing each dish as I go through a recipe book. If you're looking for a healthier way of eating that is eco-friendly and nutritious, you definitely need to read this!

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This book is great for individuals who want to begin a plant-based diet journey. It gave a basic guide of how you would want to do your meal plan and there were lovely recipes. My favorite two are the Kale Caesar Salad with Chickpea Croutons (been wanting more recipes with chickpea in it besides hummus lol) and the Lentil Shepherds Pie. And the honorable mention to the Black Bean Fudge Brownies (YUM!) When you're going over the Meal Plan, the book also gives you the recipe to follow along and a grocery list to do the shopping. And at the end of the book if you need cooking conversions that are available as well!

Overall, this is great for beginners. And if you have even the tiniest of interest in plant-based meals- check this out.

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High Protein- Plant-based diet for Beginners
by Maya A. Howard
Pub Date: Sept. 7, 2021
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book. I am trying to eat a more plant-based diet and this book is fantastic. It gave lots of good recipes and substitutions for common items. The only thing I counted down for was the pictures.
I am recommending this book.
4 stars

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I've been vegan for just shy of 5 years now but I always enjoy reading recipe books for new ideas or different twists on my favorite recipes. Maya did an amazing job with this book and gave so many yummy sounding ideas that anyone considering switching to a plant based or vegan diet will be set because she literally breaks it out unto a meal plan. There's weekly shopping lists and everything. If you're starting from complete scratch with this wat of eating, expect to spend a little bit up front buying ingredients you may need as staples for many of the recipes. Overall, I'm definitely impressed and have saved several of the recipes I want to try.

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I am always looking for new plant based recipes and this cookbook did not disappoint. The recipes were easy to follow using ingredients I could easily find. There were recipes that I have come across before, but what really impressed me were the unique recipes! All of the recipes I made were really delicious and fun to make. I definitely recommend this book.

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This book is a great start to understanding plant-based eating, and addresses the problem a lot of people have when going plant based (how to stay full).
There are a range of recipes to try, but the stand out feature was the substitute recommendations for things like eggs, and the dietary suitability for things like Nut free or Gluten Free options in some of the recipe listings.

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This is truly a great resource for people who are just starting out on a plant-based or vegan diet. I wasn’t 100% sure it would be, as the author admitted to being raised WFPB. I couldn’t imagine such a book being written well by someone who hadn’t really “begun” their WFPB journey as the one cooking. I was pleasantly surprised to find this wasn’t the case. The introduction is well researched, giving many facts and examples along the way. I appreciate that this book focuses on the concern that most omnivores have that you can’t get enough protein without meat, dairy, or eggs. The author, Maya Howard, does an excellent job of explaining how much protein people actually need based on their weight and activity level. She even covers other concerns such as going plant-based on a budget.
I enjoyed the variety of recipes included. Many are simple to make, so they won’t overwhelm someone who isn’t used to cooking often. There is also a good mix of recipes made with common pantry staples and ones made with less common ingredients like hemp hearts, acai, and nutritional yeast. As a long-time vegan, those formerly “exotic” ingredients are now staples in my pantry due to their nutritional benefits. They are also available in most grocery stores these days.

I was also impressed with the creativity in the recipes. Many vegan cookbooks tend to rewrite the same handful of recipes over and over again. This one has a plethora of creative reimagining of typically meat, dairy, and egg laden favorites. Usually, I don’t advocate for trying to veganize meat dishes, as it makes people expect it to taste the same (and then be disappointed). However, these creative recipes sound like they would be delicious as is. I definitely see several of them becoming regular meals for me. Because of this, I would say it is also a good book for veteran vegans as well.

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Very nice book for anyone wanting to try out being vegan. I like the 4 week plan, and the recipes sound delish. I deducted a star for the lack of photographs, which, tbh, is a must in a recipe book.

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I wasn’t crazy about the format of this book. It was really dense as far as text to image ratio, which isn’t great for a cookbook. It had a lot of basic information, which is all useful when starting out a diet like this. I don’t know if the author really has the authority to tell me all the diet info though and have me fully believe them. I guess maybe I’d want more sources and such. I found a lot of this stuff to be Pinterest type stuff but all put together in a book.

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As a longtime vegatarian (yes, I spelled it the way in purpose) sometimes I'm all vegatarian with vegan tossed in. I Loved this book from the title through the pages. I'm an intermittent faster and one of the things that can sometimes be a challenge is protein when you're fasting. You want to make sure to get it off protein when you're breaking your fast and the right kind. I'm also a breakfast lover anytime of the day and felt that there was just loads of amazing recipes. This is definitely been a great step up to my eating lifestyle. I think the well written simplicity mixed with the great recipes makes us a great book for anybody. Even if you're a vegetarian once a week. One of my favorite cookbooks this year so far.

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This one I found to be very user friendly, the recipes are easy to follow and it so inspiring really, will be doing a lot of this for my meal preps and try lots of different variations too.

Loved the breakfasts recipes i’m very picky sometimes and get bored easily but I think this will change that fast.

I loved that it was very informative too an have lots of tips for beginners.

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I am trying to transition to a plant based diet and High-Protein Plant Based Diet for Beginners answers questions I didn't even know I had. My main concern in switching to a plant based diet is making sure I get enough protein. This book makes me feel confident I can make the switch, it lists foods with their protein content and a formula for calculating how much you need based on weight and exercise both of which I was very happy to see. Then it goes on to tell you about how to eat a combination so you get a proper balance of essential amino acids. It will also help you learn what to look for on nutrition labels to spot if it has any animal based ingredients. Helps you set up your kitchen so you are ready to make the transition and tips to save money while buying the proper groceries. It also lists substitutes for items like eggs and cheese and includes some recipes you can use for substitutes. After preparing you for making the switch it gives you a 4 week meal plan with links to each recipe and then afterwords a shopping list for the week and lists day by day prep steps. I have enjoyed most of the Recipes and the others I Will hopefully get used to as I Accustom to being on a plant based diet. Overall I am really excited to make the transition to a plant based diet and this book will be 1 I refer back to for years to come.

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A lot of times, I'll buy a vegetarian or vegan cookbook only to learn that either the recipes are too involved or include ingredients that I personally don't like.

What I liked about this book is that the recipes sound appetizing, the photos are inviting, and there are no icky ingredients . I already have a list of recipes that I'm excited to try!

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I have been trying to add more plant base meals to my diet for several years, and it has been hard to find recipes that have higher protein in them. In enters High-protein Plant-based diets for beginners. This book was exactly what I was looking for. It was especially helpful to have a four-week plan all laid out and while I did substitute meals here and there, this book was exactly what I was looking for to get me started on a more plant based diet. The recipes are easy to follow and have ingredients that are easy to obtain. Overall a great book.

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This book is true to it's title - the protein intake count per recipe is very prominent. It comes with a 4-week meal plan, which creates direction for those who may be indecisive or not know where to start, and there's a good number of delicious sounding recipes.

I did find the cookbook to be overwhelming from a beginner's perspective. The photo to recipe ratio was unbalanced (I think I counted one photo for every five recipes in the breakfast section), and for someone who's a beginner, photos are helpful in my opinion. They also help entice to make the recipe. Many of the recipes also require you to pre-make ingredients needed to make the overall recipe (sauces, toppings, etc.), which is a little intimidating when looking at the amount of work going into it.

That said, this cookbook is great for those looking to up their protein intake on a plant-based diet. It may be better recommended for those who don't mind spending extra time in the kitchen.

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This is a great guide to recipes that are normally quite difficult to find accessible. Simple and tasty!!

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Simple recipes, well explained. Overall nothing too special or fancy so I’d recommend if you’re starting on a vegan journey or don’t own any vegan cookbooks but want to include more healthy vegan options. Maybe as a new years resolution or as part of a diet change.

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This cookbook is a helpful guide for those looking to get started with a plant-based diet. It offers detailed information on the protein content of fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts and seeds and explains the nutritional recommendations based on your weight and physical activity level. To simplify the process of getting started, the author outlines 4-week meal plan, complete with shopping list. I look forward to trying some of these recipes!

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I am always looking for more recipes and ideas for what to create in the kitchen. High-Protein Plant-Based Diet provides you with not only a plethora of recipes to try out, but a very handy meal plan to guides you how to make your food work for you.

Plenty of the recipes include a single serve as a base, which makes things very easy to adapt compared to having to go from a 4 person size dish downwards. 6 seperate chapters are devoted to the different meals: Breakfast, Smoothies & Drinks, Soups & Stews, Main Meals, Snacks & Desserts, and Everyday Staples: Sauces, Spreads & Salad Dressings. Each dish includes nutritional information such as calories, total fat, carbohydrates and protein (almost like what you would when looking at food packages in the supermarket). While this information is very useful, I could see how it could very easily negatively influence some individuals to worry more about the numbers instead of the actual overall benefit of the meal.

Since this is a plant-based diet, most people will be put off by this. Actually, this book shows that you are able to get good tasting food with it being nutritious. Even if you are an avid meat-eater, I am sure that there will be recipes in here that you will enjoy.

If you are looking for more recipes to try then this is defiantly worth looking at.

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