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Lucie Yi Is Not a Romantic

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This one was just not my cup of tea. I guess the idea of platonic partners just isn’t something I’m interested in.

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I enjoyed this book! Lucie had great character development and the love triangle had me back and forth. I'd recommend this book.

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While readers might sometimes question Lucie's decisions, this book shows that despite opinions and challenges, families can be made in many different ways and love can come in different ways.

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Very well written book. Really enjoyed this author, would definitely read more by this author and recommend on my book IG

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I loved Lauren Ho's "Last Tang Standing" and I knew I had to read her second book --heck, it could've about folding laundry and I would've read it. I went into this book blind and enjoyed every minute of it.

Lucie Yi is in NYC on secondment (a term which I had to look up!). Longing for a child, Lucie's besties convince her to try an unconventional new app for co-parenting partners and finds... Collin… and they match in every way. She and Collin decide to parent together, but when they move back to Singapore...the "co-parents to something more" trope suddenly becomes a love triangle when Lucie's ex-fiance comes back into the picture. Swipe for the full synopsis!

Lucie Yi is Not a Romantic is such a fresh, modern romantic tale. There was just something so charming about Lucie Yi's story that I just had to know what happens next. I read this book in one sitting -which is something I haven't done in quite a while. I was pleasantly surprised at the twists and turns in Lucie's life. I found myself nodding along, relating to some of the same expectations that Lucie's family places on her. (And don't get me started on how women are treated in the workplace!)

Ho writes with wit, heart, and keen observation about self-discovery, relationships, found family, and love. And can I mention the food?! I've been to Singapore and the food is amazing, but this book made me want to go there to try out all these new dishes that I've never heard of before but WANT. Lastly, I appreciate how she thanked #bookstagrammers in the acknowledgments ❤️❤️

Thank you to @hellolaurenho @netgalley @putnambooks for the gifted #ARC!
I attended the chat with the author hosted by @mystgalaxybooks and it was awesome! Lauren Ho chatted with us at 3 am and was brilliant ❤️

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This was an interesting story that I don’t know how to categorize but really enjoyed ! This book follows Lucie a career driven lawyer who placed all her time and effort into her career. After deciding she wants a child but not a husband she decides to try a parent matching site where two people could set up an archenemy to have a child but in a non romantic relationship. Enters Collin, Lucie’s perfect match but who has his own past issues. We follow the two as they become pregnant and deal with all the drama to follow.

I really enjoyed this book and flew through it with its fast pacing and cute banter. I will say I hated her ex in this story and I felt like they were trying to make him a good guy at times and struggled with that. Otherwise I really like the main character and Colin I loved the banter between them and their honest discussions about contributing to family household and the place that med hold in families. I will say I am not sure if this is considered romance or women’s lit but I felt it straddled both genre’s perfectly. I would say if you enjoy Emily Henry this is definitely a book you may want to pick up. To me this book felt more focused on Lucie’s life than her romance and I really enjoyed that. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future. I would like to thank NetGalley and the publishers for a chance to read this book for an honest review.

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This is a cute romcom. First of all, I must say I love the name Lucie spelled like this. I feel like this story has been told many times (a trope of the forever alone person) but it worked for this book!

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Lucy is at that point in life where she is ready to have kids, but she doesn’t have a partner. Her friends talk her into joining a site to find someone to have a kid with based on all the boxes wanted. Lucy finds Colin who checks all those boxes off and they move forward with having a child. Lucy’s ex-fiancé enters back into her life and her parents are giving her a hard time about not being married.

Pieces of the book fell flat for me and Lucy was a hard character for me to resonate with because she was one-dimensional for me. However, I did find the book entertaining.

Thank you #NetGalley for the advance read

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I was pleasantly surprised by Lucie Yi is Not a Romantic. The world of platonic parenting was completely new to me and definitely an interesting conceit for the foundation of a romance. I found Lucie both relatable and infuriating at times, I wanted her to tell Mark off so much sooner than she did. Lucie and Collin were a fresh look at the friends to lovers trope and I highly encourage everyone to try this book out! Definitely a roller coaster of emotions, after all Lucie is pregnant for a large portion of this book. I hope more romance's explore alternative relationships in the future!

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this was interesting, instead of fake dating, it's about finding someone to co-parent with and how that turns out.

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This title touches on a lot of things that modern women are facing today. Busy, single (by choice) and still wanting to be a mom, you have to work hard and seek out alternative ways of doing that.

I think that trying to find a partner through a parent app is a little strange, but im not here to yuck anyone's yum.

I know it is supposed to be a romance, but I found myself wondering how the heck this pregnancy was going to be handled legal wise, but that is likely just my overthinking brain.

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Read for:
- friends to lovers
- love triangles
- closed door romance

Summary: Management consultant Lucie Yi is done waiting for Mr. Right. After a harrowing breakup foiled her plans for children—and drove her to a meltdown in a Tribeca baby store—she’s ready to take matters into her own hands. She signs up for an elective co-parenting website to find a suitable partner with whom to procreate—as platonic as family planning can be.

I loved Lucie's journey to becoming a mom! I'm not always a fan of love triangles, but I think Collin and Mark both made strong plays for their relationships with Lucie. Getting to know Lucie and her sense of humor, seeing her juggle not only her love life, but now impending motherhood was such a fun journey. Overall, this book leaned more towards women's fiction than romance, but if that's your cup of tea, this is definitely one for your tbr!

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I wanted to love Lucie Yi Is Not a Romantic, but it fell a bit flat for me. The plot was intriguing, but I was frustrated by the characters and I'm generally not a fan of babies and/or pregnancy plots (which isn't a knock against the book, it just means it's harder for me to feel invested in the story).

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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As a Malaysian American, this Southeast Asian love story was so special to me.
Romance readers everywhere need to read this book!! This was one of my favorite books I read all of 2022. I loved the nuance around the family drama, how real and mature the relationship felt, and even the parts talking about traditional Chinese medicine. This book me feel so seen as a Malaysian Chinese person myself, especially when it comes to love and family!

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This book really didn’t work for me. I really liked the premise, where two people decide to co-parent a baby together but they aren’t in a romantic situation. Lucie and Colin seem great on paper, and they even have a great rapport together in person. But it didn’t seem like they ever really thought long term about how to do this and they projected so much of what they wanted in a ideal partnership onto each other.

Thank you to Putnam books for my gifted copy.

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I loved Lucie Yis character in the beginning. She went downhill in terms of likability. While the writing was fast paced and great, the book wasn’t for me. I could relate to her concerns with family and their pressures as well as societal pressures. The author did a good job of captivating the Asian culture and society. All in all, good writing but not for me.

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I wanted to like this book but I ultimately ended up not finishing it about 40% in. It just didn't seem like it was going anywhere.

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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I truly enjoyed reading this book. I tend to like women fiction genre more when we focus more about the main character journey than their love life. And Lucie Yi is really going through the ringer after her plans fail. She is more than determine to do it her way since she is ready to be a mother. And I kinda love that for her. She is more than willing to do her part that may not be easy to do but it's something she wants. I just wish she adjusted her expectations. Plans never go as they plan. Life is always changing so plans will change as well. And it's something Lucie Yi needs to realize as she navigates her messy life.

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I really loved the plot and the intentions of the book. This book was advertised as a romcom novel but I did not feel the funny vibes. Instead, Lucie is a workaholic who barely shows any feelings except her mid-life crisis when she realizes she wants a child and is already 35 years old and single. It was sometimes rather melancholic to read her thoughts. But I think it is really great that the author wants to show that a pregnancy is not always unicorns and pink balloons. Also, having a romantic relationship is not mandatory for raising a child- this opinion is progressive and I liked it very much knowing that Lucie's family is a conservative, wealthy family from Singapore. The end was predictable, but I guess a lot of readers will love the romantic end.

So even though this book is full of good intentions, it could not catch me. I missed the feeling of being drawn to the book. Maybe this was because of the lack of funniness or Lucie as the protagonist being a strict, typical management consultant person. Maybe female readers in a similar job position can better identify with Lucie.

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Perfect for fans of Emily Henry and Helen Hoang, not a first purchase for most libraries, but a definite second purchase

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