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The First Binding

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Thanks to the Macmillan-Tor/Forge and Netgalley for the complimentary ARC. All opinions provided are my own.

The First Binding starts slow, introducing the main character as a mysterious storyteller in a pub. His identity is slowly revealed over the next few chapters. By chapter 5, I could get a taste of where things were headed, and by the end of chapter 6, I was hooked. The First Binding is a much longer book than most first books in epic fantasy, but it savors the journey. Readers will savor the journey as well.

Early chapters give the impression that this is a classic tale of good and evil, light against darkness. However, there is no clear force for good. Any reviews complaining about this probably never finished the book.

The First Binding isn't an epic fantasy with 20+ points of view or the sort with a straightforward plot. Instead, like The Ascendant series by K Arsenault Rivera, The First Binding focuses almost exclusively on one character, Ari. The plot shifts between the tired wanderer telling his story and various phases in his early life. All this slowly unveils the mysteries of the magic system and the mysterious forces Ari is hunting.

R. R. Virdi reveals just enough about the magic system and the mysterious forces he seeks to make for a satisfying conclusion and create a longing for the next book. The magic hooked me early on and held my interest until the end. The First Binding is a novel that rewards patience. I suspect many negative reviews were written by people who gave up early, wishing for more hand-holding.

Those who press on will discover a rich and magical world. The magic system is all the more intriguing because it is often only hinted at rather than explained in full detail. The First Binding is a stunning start to a new series that you will not want to miss, and I look forward to discovering more of Ari's story in the sequel.

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I had high hopes for this one after seeing a lot of positive early buzz. Unfortunately, for me, the prose was not strong enough to justify sinking many many hours into a book of this size. I had to DNF this one, I'm sad to say.

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The comparisons to the Kingkiller Chronicles are apt and this will please fans of that style. A recommended purchase for collections where epic fantasy is popular.

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A brilliant fantasy that is far and above the usual European fantasy that is often held up as a standard for the genre. Wonderfully original and breathtaking, I couldn't get enough and will have a full review posted on the blog shortly!

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Thank you to Netgally and Tor for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was my most anticipated release of the year... now, I've DNF'd it only 12% in.
I won't rate this book and I'm not going to tell you that this book is bad. I'm only here to tell you why I decided to not read on.

The First Binding was a 5* prediction for me and had my dancing in my room the day I got an ARC.
I love books about stories, especially if they are tragic yet romantic - as this book very much promised to be. Add to that a setting inspired by the Silk Road, a framed narrative and a very personable author (at least that's my perception given R.R. Virdi's twitter account and the interview he did with Petrik Leo), and I couln't be more excited to finally read this.

Futile to say, I'm dissapointed.
As I said before, I'm not here to hate on this book or call it awful - having only read 12% of the story, I don't think I'm in any position to do that.

Neither was everything about these ~100 pages I read bad. I did like the setting and what we learned about it. How it differs from other places Ari (the protagonist) has travelled to in such little nuances as tea and what makes this region in particular special and unique. There was particular attention payed to the food which I found very charming.
There's a story told by Ari in the first part of the book. With that, I was most fascinated by the way Ari interacted with the material and played his audience. It was such a cool way of presenting a story... sadly the story itself was very underwhelming which let even that scene pale in my recollection.

Now, let's get to the different aspects of The First Binding that had me call it quits so early into the story:

1. the portrayel of women in the book. It's been literally years since I saw a woman written so poorly. We have one female character that we actually see act on the page and that is Eloine. She's a singstress and in my opinion had mcuh potential to be really cool and interesting. When she first appears on the page, she's accomplished, flirty and confident. But Virdi's writung destroys that impression by totally objectifying her in the eyes of Ari and basically every man inthe room. Later then, she basically throws herself at our protagonist and turns in his presence from a seductress to a stereotypical damsel in distress - whom Ari of course honorably defends while sending her to run away from the imminent danger.
Aside from this very obvious instance of misogynistic writing, we have loads of sexist remarks sprinkled in throughout other conversations and scenes:

"'So, what is it?' His voice dropped conspiratorially. 'The woman, eh?'
'It's always a woman' I kept my voice level but gave him a knowing look."

Once, a remark like this might be forgivable to me, but this was the third time something like thta was said and at that point it becomes just blatantly noticable.
Another obvious example was:

"Eloine pulled away and flashed the innkeeper a smile that would have had any man tripping over his own feet, and any woman glaring daggers at the back of her when she turned around".

Excuse me, what?!

While a book inspired by The Name of the Wind will always be intriguing to me, please, dear authors, don't take this kind of inspiration from it. It's outdated, ages terribly and is, quite frankly, offensive to a vast portion of your audience.

2. Ari. If Kwothe from The Name of the Wind was an arrogant protagonist, Ari is worse. In my opinion, Virdi made quite a bad decision when he chose to write the framework to his story out of Ari's eyes first person. With The Name of the Wind, much of Kwothe's arrogance can be dismissed as vices of his youth as he's, at the time the story gets told, visibly changed and depressed. Ari walks into this story still inusfferably boastful and aloof. He's not only "good at everything" because of being an unreliable narrator - no, he's desplaying it in the present timeline full of glowing arrogance and is clearly overpowered.
Whilst we are told several times that his backstory in in fact quite tragic and sad, I never felt that in his behavior or attitude and I can't say that I believe it.
And in all honesty, I'm not even remotely interested in learning about his life's story for another 700 pages. No, not in the slightest.

3. The use of prose. I don't think R.R. Virdi's prose is bad by any means. There are at times beautiful quotes of which I even highlighted a few. The problem is, he uses the beautiful writing he has for the worng things. Describing across several paragraphs the unboxing of a chest but not taking his time to fully appreciate the gorgeous scene of the roof - which I don't think I have to explain left me dissatisfied. I did still decide to at least read until Ari finally starts telling his story, as the prose was to me very consumable and easy to fall into. But then, the first chapter of his backstory doesn't read like it's told at all. It read like a flashback or mundane scene in another timeline. There was not magic to it, no atmosphere. And after the fascinating performance earlier in the book, I simply expected more.

And so fell the last saving grace of this book and I decided, that no, this book wasn't worth my time. It's the first ARC that I've DNF'd and not gonna lie, I feel terrible doing so.
On the other hand, this book still has an average rating of 4.5* and probably won't suffer too much. And this way, other readers will hopefully be able to go into this book prepared or find a review they can relate to if they have similar struggles. I myself, was quite relieved to see other people DNF'ing this book or gibing it 1 or two stars. I made me feel less alone with my opinion.

Still I'm glad I gave this book a chance and wish the author all the best. Maybe this book will be for you if it's wasn't for me.

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4/5 Stars Loved the cover for this one. Loved the writing style. Characters were layered and vibrant and leapt of the page better than some of the other books in fantasy I've read this year. Really feel like this will make a great audiobook. Thank you, Net Galley, for providing me with an ARC!

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When I read the description of R.R. Virdi's THE FIRST BINDING, I was excited--it was compared to the Kingkiller Chronicles, and I love that style of epic fantasy. Then I tried to actually read THE FIRST BINDING, and I was...bored. It starts with a guy. In a tavern. Trying to draw attention by being mysterious and inscrutable. Which, of course, was exactly what the author was doing, along with a great deal of metatextual commentary about storytelling. It was incredibly annoying, not to mention boring. I really, really wish I'd liked this book, but after that opening, it never took off for me.

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The First Binding is a South Asian inspired high fantasy debut reminiscent of The Name of the Wind. I walked into the book in search of the most important thing in the world of escapism. An unforgettable story. And I ended up swept into one of the most memorable ones.

“All stories are true from a certain point of view. But, I know you want a clearer answer than that. To be honest, I don’t. But I’d like to think so. I’ve often thought that might be the most important part of belief and stories, choosing to believe the pieces we want. Otherwise, what good and fun are they?”

The year 2022 so far has been full of great reads for me; in all the books I’ve read in the past four months, none of them received anything below a 4-stars rating. But there was a downside to this. Despite all the wonderful books I’ve read this year, there was only one book (Illborn by Daniel T. Jackson) that received a full 5/5 stars rating from me so far this year. The First Binding will be the second one. I haven’t read anything by R.R. Virdi before this book. And still, The First Binding made it to my list of most anticipated books of 2022 due to its gorgeous cover art by Felipe de Baros and its strikingly similar blurb to one of my favorite books of all time: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. Despite the immense popularity and praises for The Kingkiller Chronicle, I can count with my hands the number of superb fantasy books/series that utilize the same framing narrative as The Kingkiller Chronicle did. I cannot get enough of it. Framing narrative is one of my favorite types of narrative to read in a fantasy book, and The First Binding is another example of an excellent framing narrative usage.

“Stories have grains of truths hidden within them. The problem is pieces and things are lost to time and translation, especially when told distance and traded through different languages. But there are always kernels to find. The wise one knows how to do so.”

Before I get to the meat of the long review, I need to mention, first and foremost, that Rothfuss didn’t invent the framing narrative in the fantasy genre. He popularized it for modern fantasy, and he’s in my opinion a master at it, but he didn’t create it. It is easy to immediately call a newly released fantasy book that uses a framing narrative as The Name of the Wind inspired. Sometimes that’s rightfully deserved, but the opposite tends to occur more frequently. I will, however, say as a huge fan of The Kingkiller Chronicle, whether it’s subconsciously or not from the author, The First Binding is HEAVILY inspired by, at least, The Name of the Wind. I could list you all the similarities, but that would end up spoiling things for readers who haven’t read The Name of the Wind and The First Binding. Basically, almost all the key events that happened to Kvothe in his past timeframe told in The Name of the Wind happened to Ari as well, one way or another, almost in the exact chronological order. But this isn’t me claiming The First Binding straight up copied Rothfuss’s debut novel. I mean, there’s even an Easter Egg to The Name of the Wind in the book!

“I made my way to the bed, setting my belongings down at one side. My hands went to one of the journals I always carried, turning it open with a brush from my thumb. An old and familiar story flashed before me and I smiled.
It was of a red-haired boy who grew to be a man many thought a demon. Partly on account of his odd hair color, but more so for the deeds he came to be known for and by. By the end of it all, they say he killed a prince. Some say a king. Wizard. Bard. Hero. A villain.
The world saw it easier to mark him both, none, and sometimes, pick between depending on the day. Only he knew the truth.
And now I found myself understanding why he never told us the true accounting of things.”

As I said, The First Binding is definitely inspired by The Name of the Wind, but there are enough originalities and distinctions unique to this novel that helped The First Binding stand strong as its own thing. All of this is to say, if you don’t like The Kingkiller Chronicle, I doubt you will like this one, too. This review is almost four months ahead of the book’s publication date, and I feel it’s important to set the right expectations for future readers as best as I can. But if you’re a fan of The Kingkiller Chronicle, like me, and you crave a dose of the magic told in The Kingkiller Chronicle again, well, The First Binding is for you. And let me tell you why.

“Everyone wants their story to matter, and they do. But people forget that. Everyone wants someone, just that right someone, to listen attentively with wonder and happiness to the greater moments of their life. And everyone wants someone who’ll sit by and listen without judgment over the moments we fell. Especially when we’ve gone too far, at least for ourselves.
I think I found that person in Eloine.”

The First Binding is the first book in the Tales of Tremaine series by R.R. Virdi, and although this is not the author’s first published book, this is indeed his first high fantasy novel, and the genre is better off with Virdi’s contribution to it. The stories in The First Binding revolves around Ari, the Storyteller. The novel begins with a beautiful passage about stillness, silence, and its breaking in a similar fashion to A Silence of Three Parts in The Kingkiller Chornicle. And then, within the Three Tales Tavern in the current (the present) time frame, Ari encounters a mysterious singer on the run that he named Eloine. As their chemistry with each other sparked, Ari then proceeded to tell her the truths behind his many deeds, fame, and titles/names. Right from his childhood, entirely told through his first-person POV. It’s worth noting that the past timeframe itself didn’t begin until page 80, and my recommendation to you is to be patient. The narrative jumps back and forth between the past and present time frame, and I enjoyed reading both time frames, but the main highlights of the storytelling strengths in The First Binding undoubtedly lie in the past time frame. It is a novel about coming-of-age, found family, kindness, empathy, storytelling, magic, truth, and lies. And most of all, The First Binding is a novel about stories and their importance.

“The hardest thing anyone has to go through in their lives is exactly that, Dannil. It is the hardest thing for them. No one can take that away from them. No one can dismiss it out of hand. We are, all of us, given the difficulties we are, and it’s not our place to try to put the hardships of others into places of value. They are hard. That is enough. And they need a place to forget those hardships. And so do you.”

One of the many ways Virdi renewed the intensity and the compelling factor of the book was by frequently emphasizing how easily stories and legends get twisted, voluntarily or not, from their origin. Whether we realize it or not, in telling a story to someone, little by little, a story could transform constantly. This is how Ari earned his many titles. There is truth to his names, but the audience’s ignorance and willingness to submit themselves to a specific story also played a huge part. When a story has been told multiple times, will an individual choose to believe the truth revealed that differs from the story they’re used to, or will they choose to believe in the familiar stories they know? One of my favorite books, Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau, mentioned: “Once the mind commits to a story, the facts become secondary. Truth bows to bias.” And I do honestly believe there is a lot of accuracy to this statement. This is also what Virdi highlighted a lot in The First Binding, and I loved it.

“Knowledge. The first things told and recorded were stories. Not great started with stories-lore-and the tales those people told their families first, before letting them spread wider in the world. You eventually learn everything is a story of something. A story of empires fallen and the ones that took their place. Stories of great men… and the worst of them. Stories of bindings and how they came to be, or how we think they did, and stories of how coinage systems work. But they are all stories first. Before any of the facts, the first keepers of knowledge kept stories.”

And great stories are not exclusive to Ari. Powerful tales exist behind everything and every individual, and all of them are unique depending on your perspective. After all, there is a story behind everything and everyone. But for the purpose of reviewing this book, we will, of course, be talking about the main character, Ari. It has been a few years since I’ve reread The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss or Blood Song by Anthony Ryan. And my goodness, I forgot how satisfying it can be to witness the truth behind the attainment of a specific title or fame. For example, Ari mentioned that he buried the village of Ampur under a mountain of ice and snow before he started telling about his past. Then he killed their god. We, readers, get the opportunity to read these events, and personally speaking, I highly enjoyed reading every revelation behind Ari’s fame so far.

“Names are parts of our story. The ones we are given, the ones we choose to use, and the ones we let others call us by or gift to them. Together, they form parts of us and our identity, and with that knowing, you come to understand the heart of that person. And a heart, like many things, can be bound.”

Finding out why Ari earned the title of Khoone (Bloodletter) or Unburned, among his many names, was rewarding to me. Ari is thick-headed, quick to anger in his journey for revenge, and obsessive about learning. I have no doubt that whether this book will click with readers or not will depend a lot on the prose (I will get to this later) and whether they could overlook Ari’s brilliance and flaws to feel invested with him. I personally could. We can tell that Ari as a storyteller in the present timeline is of legendary status. But Ari, in the past timeframe, has suffered a LOT. Similar to Kvothe, his brilliance is balanced frequently by his torment, especially during his time as a Sparrow in the streets of Keshum. Or even the bullying and prejudice he has to overcome in the fabled Ashram. He learned, multiple times, the hard way that there shouldn’t be a cost to kindness.

“Bondage isn’t done with ropes and chains. No. It’s done with honeyed whispers and poisoned promises never meant to be kept. And if you follow them—believe them—you may never live long enough to realize those promises and dreams on your own.”

I found Ari’s pursuit of knowledge, Bindings, and the art of storytelling to be admirable. Though he is prone to anger, he can’t keep his mouth shut most of the time, but Ari has some appealing qualities to him, especially in kindness which he proved time and time again to his friends. Ari’s friendship with the member of The Sparrows and Ashram, especially Radi, were some of my favorite scenes to read in the book. I think with coming-of-age fantasy with a magic school (yes, Ashram is a magic school) setting, it is mandatory for the main character to be accompanied by precious friends who genuinely care about each other. It’s even more necessary when there’s a rich and spoiled bully (like Ambrose from The Kingkiller Chronicle) in the book. Ari got that friendship in Radi, and hey, have I mentioned there’s an animal companion for Ari, too? A stray cat named Shola, and what a riot Shola is.

“Is he here to perform? Even though I hadn’t developed a keenness for music at that point in my life, I wanted to see my friend in the heart what he loved most. It was right, and more than that, I owed it to him. But, there is a simpler reason well—a better one.
He was my friend.
And that is always reason enough.”

I should note that if you’re starting this book expecting a lot of actions or battle scenes, it is very likely that you’ll find yourself disappointed by it. The First Binding is not a novel with many battle scenes, it did contain a few battle scenes in the last quarter, but battle scenes and actions were not the main charms of the book. The First Binding do, however, have more than enough intrigues, manipulations, and so many mysteries in its rich mythologies to strengthen the core of the narrative. I actually think the Game of Families at the end of the present timeframe was the least captivating part of this entire book for me. The Game of Families was not bad per se, but it fell in quality compared to Ari’s retelling of his past. I certainly loved the kite fighting more, and I cannot wait to read more revelations of Ari’s names in the next book.

“There’s something to be said in practicing old skills, no matter how impractical they might seem. Trials a lifetime ago had taught me nothing ever loses its usefulness. And that being prepared pays well, sometimes in saving one’s life.”

To put it as simply as possible, it feels appropriate for me to claim The First Binding as The Name of the Wind inspired novel infused with a South-Asian world-building. The world-building, the magic system, and the prose are the factors that transformed The First Binding to be its own thing. The world is extremely rich in its myth and history, and there is a myriad of room for theory-crafting if you’re into that. The stories within stories were enchanting. Reading every section about Ashura (think of Ashura in the book as a mix of The Chandrian and Halifax), Brahm (The Creator in Trimurti), Abrahm, Radhivahn, and more were alluring. The Indian-inspired Mutri Empire and the brutality of the caste system felt well-realized. And lastly, the magic that revolves around the principles of faith and beliefs proved to be a good decision. The binding is a combination of soft and hard magic systems influenced heavily by the power to believe. This means the user must REALLY believe in something even when the reality is different than intended. Essentially, it is like rewriting reality. For example, fire always burns, but a successful binding can turn the burn effect into freezing when they truly believe in it. The foldings and the bindings were complex, and they never failed to be interesting to me.

“Believing is easy. And it’s the hardest thing ever. Just forget everything you’ve learned about how the world works, and believe it works how you want it to, no matter what. And no matter the cost.”

I loved this book. This book is 800 pages and 350,000 words long, but I never felt bored reading it. I felt distraught the sequel is not available for me to read yet. The First Binding is Virdi’s first high fantasy performance, and the immersive stories he put on this tome have ensured him a spot as a high fantasy author to keep an eye out for. I thoroughly enjoyed Virdi’s accessible and lyrical prose. I shared many quotes in this review, but I actually highlighted more than 40 passages in the book. I wish I could share them with you, but I will leave the rest for you to read and find out for yourself.

“Belonging is one of the oldest calls and cries our hearts make. And when they go unheard, pain fills those empty spaces. It makes that part of us go distant—grow cold. Ice forms and it’s ever harder to let anyone ever come into those places again.”

My instinct says the sequel will be even better. If that’s indeed the case, it’s only a matter of time until Virdi and the Tales of Tremaine will be remembered for many years to come. The First Binding is the first volume in a new magnificent and ambitious high fantasy series to obsess over, and I can see myself coming back to this world multiple times. The First Binding even made me pause playing Elden Ring for a week. Let that sink in. It requires something exceptional to stop me from playing that masterpiece, and Virdi’s high fantasy debut fulfilled the requirements. If you are a fan of The Kingkiller Chronicle or keen to read a great take on framing narrative, be kind to yourself and the author by pre-ordering and reading this incredible book when it’s out. Tor Books promised to get R.R. Virdi a Trex with a laser beam cannon if The First Binding attained 100,000 pre-orders. Let’s get Virdi his Trex.

“Kindness is freely given, without the want of reciprocation, let, obligation, or lien.”

You can pre-order this book from: Amazon UK | Amazon US | Blackwells (Free International shipping)

The quotes in this review were taken from an ARC and are subject to change upon publication.

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When I initially read the premise of The First Binding I was intrigued. The line: "This is how I let loose the first evil", sent chills up my spine and the summary gave me D & D vibes. The length of the book didn't intimidate me, there had to be substance to all these grand claims that were being made. I wanted to know about the death of Gods, old magic, and curses. I needed to know. I requested the arc and was overjoyed when it was accepted. Immediately I downloaded The First Binding and tried to start on this literary adventure, Key word here being tried.

I didn't get very far. The minute detailing of the first character sitting at a bar and ordering a drink was painfully slow. I'm assuming it was to draw the reader into the story, similar to how the character was trying to heighten anticipation to the tavern goers, unfortunately it did the opposite for me. The 800+ pages now felt daunting, my enthusiasm quickly waning. I've tried to pick it up multiple times but so far haven't had a desire to continue and at this point I doubt I'll get it back.

I DNFed it within the first chapter out of lack of interest and boredom, maybe the story picks up but I don't have it in me to force myself through more of it to find out.

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I have been loving the amount of diverse books we have been getting in recent years and I am so glad that The First Binding is included in that list. This book is a breath of fresh air for the fantasy genre. It is deeply imaginative, lyrical, and overall gorgeous. The magic system is so fun and I'm sure that a lot of readers will love it!

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Beautiful, lyrical and atmospheric. The opening grabbed me immediately.

**More extensive review to come**

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I usually try to give a book 40-50%% if I've requested it for review. Failing that, I aim for 20% as a bare minimum. So sorry to say I didn't make it past 7% for this one,. The voice/style was off-putting from the get-go, and I was ready to put the book down at 4 or 5%, but felt that was unfair, so I stopped for a day, then picked it up again, thinking I'd at least get to my 20%. But wasn't to be. Sometimes a voice or style just isn't it for you, and that's the case here. So apologies for the lack any true substance here.

All's I can say is that the level of detail felt excessive to a fault, an incredibly frustrating fault. To be clear, I don't mind detail or length. Bleak House is one of my favorite books to give an example, and I've read the entire double-digit Malazan series of book 4 or 5 times. So I don't mean detailed as in the book has a lot of detail or description. I mean excessive detail in that I was constantly given information that served no purpose: it didn't propel plot forward, didn't enhance characterization, and didn't create mood/atmosphere. We're talking four paragraphs on opening a dresser drawer (not a made-up example). Add to that conversation that was similarly frustrating and felt overly mannered, and beginning the story with a told tale (the main character is a storyteller) and two songs (by two other characters) rather than, well, the story, and it was just too much. Obviously, mileage may vary.

If the premise intrigues you, I'd suggest using a library, and if you respond more favorably, keep going and good for you.

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I was so excited for this book; I'd heard it compared to The Name of the Wind, and regardless I always enjoy a long fantasy epic. However, this book didn't work for me at all. I absolutely hated the main character. He struck me as the kind of person who loves the sound of their own voice. He was incredibly pretentious and such a huge part of the book was him using overly poetic language to describe the most mundane things, like the counter at a tavern. One thing I did really like was the setup of the world; I would've liked to get some more background and learn more about the government, mythology, religion, etc. of the world, but Ari constantly talked about completely irrelevant things instead. The world has a lot of potential, and the author has a nice writing style, but the main character has a lot to be desired.

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The First Binding
Gorgeous Cover!!!!
Middle ground Magic…
Story telling at its finest from a traveling performer/ Storyteller ( I know that doesn’t sound familiar and in a bar. Mmmmm…..

But I needed to get the obvious out of the way.

Ari …the traveling performer/ Storyteller.. is very detailed oriented, energetic with great connections with people. Reminded me of the singer of Iron Maiden ( Bruce Dickinson) that type of entertainer!!!

Great storyline….
Awesome Character /World building development

I loved the premise

It’s told through Ari performance 🎭 was very impactful

Note: I was given a advanced reader copy for a honest review. NetGalley

I give it 4.5 ✨ stars even though Goodreads doesn’t give this option

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The premise was promising, but I didn't derive pleasure from reading this book. The tropes felt a bit cliche and overdone (lots of light/dark dichotomy, as another reviewer pointed out). I also disliked how the narrator of "The First Binding" introduced the first female character in an objectifying way.
Despite not liking the depiction of women in the book, I did find the world-building well-done, and the commentary on caste systems was important.

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Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to hold my attention for the several hundred pages of the text—the storyline felt really familiar as a fantasy reader (too much light/dark dichotomy for me, which I've seen so so much in the genre). But I'm looking forward to checking out more from the author!

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A disclaimer: I did not get far into this book at all. My usual rule is to not DNF a book before at least the 20% mark, but readers, I didn't even make it to 10% before I wanted to throw this thing out a window. So it is very possible that First Binding gets much better after a rocky start. Take my following review with a fair bit of salt.

The biggest issue I have with it is something that I doubt other readers will even notice: the 'rhythm' of the prose is off for me, like listening to a song that's just a little out of tune. I really wish I had the technical knowledge to be able to explain this, because it's an issue I run into a lot - often with books other readers enjoy, so I do think it's more a me-problem than a book-problem. But when you put a comma after 'but' and 'though' at the start of every sentence, my eye starts twitching, and I'm not a fan of first-person anyway, so The First Binding was already working at a disadvantage.

But this is just so pretentious. It's over 1000 pages on my Kindle, and I'm willing to bet that's because the entire thing is the main character loving the sound of his own voice way, way too much.

The worst sort of prison held the Three Tales Tavern.

An emptiness.

A stillness.

And that is always meant to be broken.

It hung like a cord gone taut, quivering and waiting to snap. It was the quiet of held breaths, wanting for a voice, but ready to bite at any that dare make noise. It was the soundlessness of men too tired to speak and with an ear to hear even less. And all the stillness of an audience waiting for the play to begin.

This opening reminds me, painfully, of the opening to the first draft of the first book I wrote at 13, which was an awful lot of purple prose about the fact that it was raining. I just Cannot. It's so...I'm blanking on coming up with anything other than pretentious again. I think it's largely because this is in first-person. You can get away with this kind of thing in third-person, I think, sometimes, if you're a good enough writer. But first-person? If you speak like this in first-person I already think your narrator is a jackass, and that's not a great way to begin our relationship.

It just gets worse and worse from there. The magic system is intriguingly different to anything I've seen before - it involves 'folding' the mind like origami, as best I can make out - but that can't trump describing the first female character you take notice of as having skin like cooked sugar. I really hope she turns out to be an ice-cold assassin or something, but she's introduced as a singer who strokes men's collars and bats her eyes and is The Most Beautiful and wow this is a very Straight Male book, isn't it?

None of the drink left a trail of foam and froth across her lips. It was like it refused to adhere.

I'm having flashbacks to Kvothe obsessing over Denna in Name of the Wind.

And the singer isn't even the first time we get these vibes; before she's introduced in chapter 2 (in a chapter titled A Dark and Wild Woman, which, how about NO) we get this;

"It's a silly thing--a woman was involved."

There always is--always.

And this

Her. How so many stories start.

I really hope I'm wrong, and this book subverts all my new expectations of it, but everything I read screamed 'dudebro book' and I am just not here for that.

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