Member Reviews

I had heard several positive reviews for this book and so I came into the review predisposed to like it. I admit that Done's writing style is engaging and he had points that were worth consideration. What I started to struggle with was the way he interpreted Scripture. One small example was in how he defined the term "sin." His assertion that sin "misplaced desire." Given the word's origin, that seemed like a very creative twist on Biblical doctrine that has long been studied.

There were other examples in which the author's conclusions seemed to be a stretch and I just kept feeling like there was more motivational content than deep theological study. Were there nuggets that might encourage believers? Absolutely. I just became increasingly uncomfortable with the Scripture he used to assert his views. For that reason, this is not a title I would purchase for my own library, nor recommend to others.

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of Your Longing Has a Name from NetGalley for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.

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