Member Reviews

This heartwarming story of loss and love could speak to the very heart of every reader. Its diverse range of characters covered every base and made for laughs and tears. Bringing hope and light to the grieving while enlightening us to the problems all families face in this culture of varying interests and back stories, I think this one is one of Danielle Steel’s better feel-good books. My only complaint? I frequently feel this way about her books: I’d love to know where the (fictional) characters end up 5-10 years after the plot concludes!

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Danielle Steel Never ever has a book that i don’t love.

This is about Preston and Constance Whittier and their 6 children. What a house full. What a family. Preston and Constance madly in love forever. Even now they take a honeymoon vacation every year. They go Skiing. But this year there is a horrible accident and they both die. Now what do they do. The whole family gathers together to be told and decide what to do with the family home. It is a huge home and is very hard to sell. Plus to keep it will be a big expense for up keep. Before you know it most of the family is back living in the house. It is a wonderful story of love and family. How they are all there for each other.

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Family is so important and big families are so much fun. The Whittier’s experience love and loss and help each other every step of the way. I fell in love with all of the characters. Such a good read!

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I haven't read any Danielle Steel books in years because they all seemed so repetitive and predictable. So I found "The Whittiers" to be a pleasant surprise. The plot and setting was unusual, and the characters interesting and relatable. The Whittiers are a close knit clan of 6 adult children and their loving parents who are almost empty nesters in their huge mansion in New York. Their youngest daughter Annabelle is now 21, and a bit of a wild child but is still living at home since she dropped out of college. Their son Benjie is also lives at home since he is developmentally disabled, though he holds a job at a vet clinic. When the Whittier parents go away to their annual ski vacation in Europe and are caught in an avalanche and killed immediately, all 6 of their children are stunned; they should have had many more years together.

We get to know each of them, their jobs and expectations and love lives. They come together to assure Benjie that he will be taken care of, and to try to rein in Annabelle before she does any lasting damage to herself. Through their grief and the challenges of unwinding the estate, including deciding whether or when to sell the valuable mansion that none of them can afford to maintain individually, we learn what a loving and caring family they are. There are setbacks and triumphs for each of them, but they never lose their respect or love for each other.

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I have read all of Danielle Steel's books over the years. This one is about how the siblings in a large family pull together after an unexpected tragedy. We follow the family through the course of one year and we see how each of them deals with the death of their parents. This was a quick moving story that I was able to read in one day at the beach. It was not extremely exciting but I did enjoy getting to know each of the 6 siblings and I was happy with the outcome. Thanks for giving me an ACR of this book.

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Danielle Steel's latest novel , The Whittiers makes readers appreciate their family. The dynamics of this family is from the oldest sister who distances herself from the family to the twins who end up parenting the youngest who becomes the rebel after the death of her parents. Will the power of family keep them together or rip the siblings apart? Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this novel prior to its publication date.

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I’ve read many of Danielle Steele’s books over the years. She’s a great author and her stories can be counted on for plenty of family and relationship drama. The Whittiers is about a large, wealthy family in New York. When tragedy strikes, they must all come together to make some major decisions. It’s an easy, quick read I think readers will enjoy.

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Danielle Steel is a fantastic storyteller, and her newest read, "The Whittiers", is a gem! this title focuses on a tight knit family that experiences a terrible loss. Each sibling is so different and reacts in a different way, but love binds them together. This was a charming read - thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC!

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I adore Steel and this book did not disappoint! I loved the close family relationships and friendships among the siblings. Twists kept the story moving along and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Danielle Steel is the only author who can write about the intricacies of family. In "The Whittiers" we see the love, the drama and the rebirth of a family. Through this family we can find reasons to value our own relationships and hold loved ones close.

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Typical Daneille Steel. In this tome, six mostly-adult Whittier kids find out their storybook-in-love parents have died in an avalanche.. All have to work together to find their path and rely on each other to solve various problems (an unhappy marriage for one brother, a hard-edged sister who cannot find love, a brothercoming out as gay, a sister who feels she has to step in as the mom, everyone figuring out how to deal with a brother with Aspergers and a pregnant 21 year old). Very happy endings for all (of course).

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Danielle Steel is a master at interweaving stories and plot line. This book is no different. We are introduced to the lives to the Whittiers, and then the book focuses on the lies of their children and the ups and downs a large family. You will enjoy getting to know these characters and fall in love as they do. You will be disgusted by some of the actions of others, and see that these things really do happen in real life.

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This was my first ever Danielle Steele book and after loving it, it definitely will not be my last! I loved this one!

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The Whittiers is another wonderful book by Danielle Steele. The Whittiers are a family that has experienced love, loss and life changes. After the tragic loss of their parents, the children must come together to make choices that will help bind the family closer together or tear them apart.
Thank you NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the early read and feedback.

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This book focuses on a family living together and trying to move past a tragedy. The Whittier family, composed of two parents and six siblings. When the parents die unexpectedly, the siblings join together in the family home to provide emotional and physical support to the two youngest. The siblings are each facing a difficult situation. Lyle's marriage is unraveling, Gloria is a workaholic, the twins Charlie and Caro have a successful fashion business but need an influx of cash to join the big leagues and the younger siblings Benjie and Annabella have a few surprises that unravel. The story was a great read.


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I loved the family in this book because it reminded me of my own. When siblings are this close, many people criticize but you can tell Danielle Steele has lived this life with her own children. A great story of how siblings take care of each other and how family evolves based on their experiences. I highly recommend this one as a great summer read. Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced reader copy.

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The foundation of the Whittier's family strength is their unconditional love and support for each other. Whether it be Caro, Charlie, Gloria, Benji or Annabella, they are all good, hardworking people that knew what they had was something special. Yes, the family experienced a tragedy but as a unit, they grew together. A line that resonates with me is how just a sudden and often unexpected change makes dreams come true. Being together makes life so much more fulfilling. That is why in opening themselves up they found those partners they were meant to have. A truly special book.

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In these days of strife and disconnect it was a wonderful respite to meet The Whittiers. We are introduced to Constance and Preston (Mom and Dad) having had a long and successful family and professional life, their grown children in various stages of life and living, all close knit but living separate fast paced lives.
Still very much in love, the couple enjoy a three week "Wintermoon" every year, often escaping to their favourite snow skiing in the French Alps. Sadly, disaster strikes and the loving parents are killed in an avalanche, dying together.
Thus begins a year of coming together, supporting one another and meeting new challenges and relationships. The characters are deep, engaging and well developed.

I truly enjoyed this lovely read and would absolutely recommend it.

As Always, my thanks to NetGalley, Random House Publishing and Danielle Steel for the advanced read in exchange for my honest review.

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While I enjoyed the family aspect, I miss the old Danielle Steel writing. Where everything doesn’t necessarily turn out happily ever after. More emotional oomph.

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Oh my! I absolutely loved this book! I would definitely recommend this to everyone. I love the characters in the book, and how the family came together for each other when tragedy struck. The brothers and sisters were there for each other. I know this isn’t real, but it makes you wish how family’s come together when tragedy strikes and stay together. This book was a great read and I would definitely recommend.

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