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One Last Gift

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While this was released. around the holiday season, it is not a Christmas book. It actually is very emotional as a woman loses her brother but continues a long tradition of a scavenger hunt for a final present. Though I did tear up at parts I really did enjoy this story. It's sweet and quiet and makes you want to hug the ones you love. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Such a charming romance! So glad I read this during the holidays. Make sure you add it to your TBR pile this holiday season!

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Emily Stone has almost done it again. I would not call this a Christmas book but more of a dealing with grief and how to forgive book. Just a bit to much of poor me and he is a jackass. If the book had been 100 pages shorter might have been a 4 star.

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I love Emily Stone. Her books remain some of my favorite holiday books. Always In December crushed me with the ending last year. But I still loved the book. I was so happy when I was approved for One Last Gift. I couldn't relate to losing your parents at a young age. Or having a brother. But I enjoyed this story. It was another one that left me a little sad at parts. I enjoyed watching Cassie's journey through the countryside to rediscover herself.

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One Last Gift by Emily Stone - thank you to NetGalley & Random House Publishing for the e-ARC

This is my second book by Emily Stone and I am a big fan. This book was perfect to read over the holiday. In the same vein as her first book Always In December, this book is emotional. It has depth and it addresses grief, loss and healing. It for sure made me have some big feelings.

The main character, Cassie and her brother Tom lost their parents when they were young. Many years later Cassie also loses Tom. The story follows Cassie’s first year without him. As she learns to trust herself, and also grieve her loss.

I could identify with some of the experiences that Cassie went through. I lost my own brother 10 years ago. Although it was not in the same sudden way as Tom, I could still identify with the grief and the sadness of losing someone in your life, and thinking about what kind of person they may have been in the years to come. I think that’s what I appreciated most about the writing, was that it addressed grief in a beautiful way, and acknowledged that it’s a part of so many peoples daily life.

I’m looking forward to reading whatever Emily writes next.

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One Last Gift is my favorite holiday romance I read this season. It's deep and heart wrenching and beautiful. The characters deal with loss, grief and heartbreak. We get to see them grow into themselves and find eachother again when they are ready. This one definitely broke my heart and put it back together again. Get the tissues ready.

Cassie and her older brother Tom lost their parents at a young age. Tom along with his best friend Sam have always looked out for Cassie. Tom creates a special scavenger hunt for her the Christmas after their parents pass away and continues the tradition year after year. Now, twenty years later Cassie has lost Tom as well. She has never felt more alone until the scavenger hunt envelopes with Tom's handwriting start showing up again. Tom had promised her that this would be the grandest Scavenger Hunt yet. Tom's clues set Cassie on a beautiful journey of self discovery where she overcomes personal obstacles and finds love again. With the final clue at hand, will Cassie be strong enough to accept the gift her brother has left for her?

A special thank you to @netgalley @randomhouse
and @emstonewrites for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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One last gift

Short synopsis: Cassie and her brother Tom lost their parents at a young age, when Tom dies unexpectedly he left Cassie with a last annual Christmas scavenger hunt.

My thoughts: This has elements of women’s fiction and a little piece of romance, with finding oneself mixed in.

There’s definitely slow burn romance with a childhood friend, and brothers best friend. This was done very well and liked how the relationship wasn’t rushed. Both Cassie and Sam had a lot of things to go through before they could be emotionally stable enough for each other.

There is also lots of talk of grief, death of loved ones, and ultimately moving on.

It reminded me somewhat of the movie P.S. I Love you, where a loved one dies unexpectedly but leaves messages and clues for after.

Read if you love:
* Emotional reads
* Friends to lovers/brothers best friend
* Stepping outside of comfort zones
* Scavenger hunts
* Amazing best friends
* Books dealing with grief

Thank you Dell- Random House for the gifted book! This is out now!
While the majority of this is set around the Christmas holidays I think you could appreciate it Year round.

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This book was just too slow for me. I saved it for Christmas and yet the book never really grabbed me.

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I read Emily Stone's debut, Always, in December, last year and even though it left me sobbing, I knew I wanted to read this novel too. While this one didn't leave me sobbing, I did shed some tears once again.

This story starts with a teenage Cassie crushing hard on her brother Tom's best friend, Sam. After they share a few kisses while on vacation, Cassie thinks it's finally the time for her and Sam to be together. But Sam doesn't see it that way, and after making that clear to Cassie, their friendship is essentially over. Fast forward 5 years, and the two are still pretty much estranged, except for when Tom brings them together. But when Tom tragically passes away, both Cassie and Sam are left reeling.

For years, Tom created Christmas scavenger hunts for Cassie and after he passes away, Cassie finds the first clue for that years' hunt. It takes her a few months to finally start, but Tom ends up leading her on quite the adventure. It's through those clues, and some sneakiness from Sam, that her and Sam begin to reconnect. But are these two really going to be able to overcome their past and create a real future for themselves?

While this book does explore grief through a lot of the story, there are still sweet and light-hearted moments as well. It is also not super Christmas-y, so if you're in the mood for a wintery read, this one might fit the bill for you!

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This one is gut wrenching, yet so beautiful. Cassie and Tom lost their parents when they were young but they had each other and a group of friends, but when Cassie also loses Tom she feels so alone.. When an envelope appears she knows immediately that it is Tom's writing on the envelope. It's his famous Christmas scavenger hunt. She is unsure if she even wants to open it but she does and sets off on a journey that is going to change her entire life.
Beautifully written but be sure to have tissue nearby while reading this.

Thank you #RandomHouse and #NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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sucha. cute and sweet holiday romance that was perfect for the cold weather, Thank you to Putnamfor the advanced copy

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Initial Review 09 Oct 2022:
This one was a DNF for me. It wasn't that the story was bad but rather that the plot was slow to develop. The emotions were so strong from the start of the book but I had a hard time staying interested with the jumping time line and constant let downs for our heroine.

Updated Review 28 Dec 2022:
I’m definitely a mood reader. When I initially tried to read One Last Gift I couldn’t get through it, this time around the audiobook had me hooked.

As a reader you need to be ready for the emotional content the author throws your way. Trying to read a book about coming to terms with the grief of losing a loved one, while your baby is in the NICU wasn’t the best idea. Thankfully he’s home and thriving, and I can now binge this book and fully enjoy it ❤️

That being said, this book is a beautiful exploration of processing the grief of losing a sibling and having the courage to take chances in life.

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This is not the book you read if you want a fluffy holiday rom-com. I repeat, despite the cover, this is not a sugar plum, fairy dusted romance.

That's not the type of story that Emily Stone provides. See: Always, In December.

That said, One Last Gift is a book about coping with grief and perhaps finding a way forward.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.

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Read if you like:
❤️ Heartfelt Stories
💔 Grief storylines
💜 Character Growth
💘 Some Romance

This one definitely isn’t for the faint of heart or to be read as a light holiday read. This one deals with the death of parents and the grief and hole that that leaves in your life.

This one was so beautifully written and I can see why Emily Stone’s prior book did so well because this one was just so well written and the beauty in the story was unmatched.

If you are looking for something deeper to read, I’d highly recommend digging into this one!

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Oh my gosh! This book has gotten me so emotional. Tom and Cassie grew up without parents, they both lost their parents at a very young age. Sam is Tom’s bestest friend and has somehow in his own little way, have provided the warmth and love to surround Tom and Cassie. Many years later, Cassie lost Tom and that in some way has got her disconnected with Sam as well. But, Holidays is for miracles and if this remarkable, emotional and romantic turn of events for Cassie and Sam did not feel you with warmth… I will rest my case.

I think this book is sad, I have teared up a bunch in some parts but I totally get the emotional depth from where the author is getting this from. The writing is beautiful and the feelings that comes with every page is so surreal. It has it’s own completely unique character that separates it from any other rom-com for holidays out there! I enjoyed it and recommends it to you all!

Thank You Dell via Netgalley, PRH Audio for the complimentary audiobook for the Advance Readers Copy in exchanged of my honest review.3.5 Stars!

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4.5 stars!

After losing their parents at an early age, siblings Tom and Cassie could not be any closer. Sam, Tom's best friend and Cassie's first crush, has also been there every step of the way. Every Christmas, Cassie looks forward to the scavenger hunt her big brother puts together for her... that is, until Tom unexpectedly passes away. After hearing of his passing, Cassie realizes in a way she's lost Sam too. Then, Cassie discovers Tom had one last scavenger hunt planned for her, leading her to jump out of her comfort zone and ultimately follow her heart.

Emily Stone takes her readers on a journey of friendship, growth, forgiveness, love and loss. I went into this book thinking it would be centered around the scavenger hunt but was surprised at the subplots making this book particularly enjoyable. The characters were multidimensional, my favorites being Cassie's friends, Josh and Hazel. I was touched by Tom and Cassie's siblinghood, the flashbacks, the alternating perspectives between Cassie and Sam, and found myself tearing up as I finished the book. One Last Gift is a quick read that goes a little deeper than the traditional Hallmark-style holiday books.

Favorite quote: "...I think I've figured out that sometimes the best gifts in life are the ones you don't expect."

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Dell, and Emily Stone for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Emily Stone sure knows how to break your heart in half. This book is sweet & hopeful, yet sad and heartbreaking. If you are a fan of deeper romances with themes of grief and overcoming tragedy - this is for you! This was almost more of a coming-of-age contemporary fiction than a romance, but I loved that aspect of it. My biggest complaint is that it felt so slow at times - and pretty repetitive. The miscommuncations got to be way too much for me. Overall, this was a good heartfelt holiday read.

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I absolutely loved this book. I thoroughly enjoyed One Day in December, so had high expectations for One Last Gift and this did not disappoint.

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One Last Gift is amazing. Emily Stone has created an emotional Christmas story with just the right amount of holiday warmth. The characters are extremely likeable and relatable. The humour is so well placed, as is the hint of steaminess. It’s a great addition to your holiday book pile.

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This was a pretty quick read, despite the tough subject matter. There were aspects I liked (friendship, found family, small town charm), and others that fell flat (pacing, off-page plot developments, the romance). I found much of this equally cheesy and unbelievable, which detracted from the emotion and engagement as a reader. Also, there were so many time jumps — I think so the author could have the characters “heal” without actually having to show them work through things and change, however then just led to each character being disconnected from their former selves. Meh. I loved the premise, there were some good bits, and despite the flaws I enjoyed reading it. Also - not really a Christmas book.

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