Cover Image: Two Wrongs Make a Right

Two Wrongs Make a Right

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This is my first Chloe Liese novel and I loved it! It is hilarious, witty and super steamy. There is a slow burn lead up to the main bedroom scenes, but it is worth it.

Jamie and Bea are opposites who after a brief stint as enemies very much become lovers. My favorite part about this couple is that they are very open with each other and have a level of communication every couple should strive for.

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It took a couple starts and stops but once I got into this book, I devoured it. Honestly, I knew I was going to love it. Chloe Liese is a new author to me this year but I’ve adored all the books I’ve by her and Much Ado About Nothing is my favorite Shakespeare play. This book included my favorite parts of the story, like the banter and even showed how horrible the Claudio character is. The first meeting of Jamie and Bea gives us the humor and banter between them and that is kept up throughout the whole book. We get a really good sense of a little uptight Jamie and exuberant and colorful Bea early on. Like Much Ado, Bea and Jamie’s friends are the ones pushing them together. And in the midst of that, texting without knowing each other’s identity, comes my one complaint about that book: the multiple names of Jamie. He has like four different names through the book and it’s just too much. Anyway, once Bea and Jamie meet up and discover who their friends have set them up with, they decide on the classic romance trope: fake dating. Which usually I don’t love but really works here. Especially because those fake dates are a great time for them to get to know each other and they actually go on dates, just the two of them. The “fakeness” is just social media pictures but it lets the reader see them start to fall for each other.

There’s just so much adorableness in this book: a hedgehog, tattoos, elderly cats, cupcakes, painting, I could go on and on. Each moment just warms my heart. There is heartbreak and difficult moments too, especially with Jamie’s family and when Bea talks about her previous relationship. But throughout the book, we really get to see how perfect Jamie and Bea are for each other. Bea’s cares for Jamie and his anxiety while Jamie is always aware of Bea and when things are too simulating for her autism, as seen in the painting class. Chloe Liese often writes characters with disabilities and they are handled with such care that I knew she would do so in this book as well. This book worked so well for me and I can’t wait for the next one!

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Favorite Quotes:

Jamie smiles. It’s soft and small and crooked, but it’s there. I watch it unfurl, and my heart morphs into a gilded balloon that bursts, a shower of gold-leaf glitter sparkling in my chest.

“Don’t downplay your work,” she says fiercely. “Don’t make yourself small just because someone else has.”

He’s stuck around. Like a bug on fly paper. are exquisitely precious to me.

My Review:

I delighted in this cleverly penned tale and have added this crafty author’s entire listing to my TBR as I have become her most rabid and fervent fangirl. Her deft storytelling kept a smirk on my face and caused the little pea in my brain to spark as I fell into her bewitchingly engaging tale which featured deliciously quirky yet authentic characters that were well-textured and are now indelibly etched on my gray matter. I adored them and their amusing vengeance plot of having an “Instagrammable romance”/fauxmance that quickly morphed into something much more carnal and delightfully steamy. I have a new favorite author to add to the top of my To Do list.

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Thank you @berkleypub @prhaudio [partner] for the gifted copies!⁣

I was introduced to Chloe Liese thanks to @mybooksandplants last year. I absolutely love everything I have read and will continue to shout from the rooftops about her books. ⁣

This essentially hit my favorite trifecta:⁣
- enemies to lovers⁣
- opposites attract⁣
- fake date⁣

Bea and Jamie were so good. So freaking good. They understood each other on a deeper level and were so patient. Sometimes it’s hard to have conversations for the fear of being misunderstood, but the validation is everything. They were just too good for words for me. (Calling Jamie’s tea Pine-Sol is textbook me)⁣

The audio was wonderful. Charlotte North is a favorite of mine in romance reading. I’ve listened to a Jenny Holiday and Tessa Bailey book before and loved the narration. She’s got the sass and smut down pat. Stephen Dexter was a pleasant surprise. That voice is perfect for any male MC. Definitely brought Jamie to life.⁣

Another solid Chloe Liese hit with amazing neurodivergent rep, steamy steam, and playful banter. Two Wrongs Make a Right is out now!

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With humor, romance and heart, Two Wrongs Make a Right was so easy to love! Enemies to lovers was mixed with fake dating, and it played out beautifully! The characters were vivid and ones that you will be rooting for, the story-line was so much fun and I left this book knowing I had to read all of Chloe Liese's books!

Beatrice Wilmot aka Bea and Jamie Westenberg didn't get off on the right foot. They rubbed each other the wrong way and Bea had no problem slaying Jamie with her words. It didn't matter that something was there and that the chemistry could be felt. That first impression did them in. But when their friends wouldn't give up and set them up on a blind date, that was when they realized they could finally agree on something. Revenge. So what's a little fake dating to trick their friends into thinking they did what was best, and then breaking up once their friends were truly invested. It was a solid plan, yet feelings don't always seem to go the way you want them to.

I adored Bea! I loved listening to her thoughts and watching how she saw the world. She was an artist who had a twin sister and a wonderful group of friends. She claimed they were her sister's friends, but you could tell they loved her just as much too! And I loved how much fire Bea had in her! Her words and even her flying carrots had me cracking up! Ohhhh and her second hand embarrassment was all of mine too.

Through Bea's eyes, Jamie came off as so cold. But we also got chapters in his voice and Jamie was definitely one of the good guys! He could be so thoughtful and sensitive, it was heart melting. As we spent more time with him, you realize that there was a whole lot more going on with Jamie then meets the eye. Anxiety clung to him at times. That representation was so relatable to me, so Jamie was so easy to click with and love.

Bea and Jamie fought and bantered so fabulously! Yet they both had a lot more in common than they thought. They had been burned in the past and hearts will hurt listening to their stories. So they both lied to themselves for how felt towards the other, even though they wanted each other! I loved watching how they both surprised one other with kindness, insight, understanding, and generosity. It was impossible for them not to become friends with the path they were going down. Especially when you have to tell each other personal stuff. True boyfriends and girlfriends would talk about that right?! *smirks* Eeps, their fake dating was a ton of fun. And when emotions got involved it was difficult not to be giddy!

With friendships that were strong and beautiful, self-doubt, pushing the line and fabulous date nights, this book was so much fun! There were sentimental moments that made tears gather in my eyes, and steamy moments that fit so well together. And even watching wrong choices being made, I was cheering them on! Two Wrongs Make a Right was lovable, entertaining and such a fabulous mix of enemies to lovers and fake dating!

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I can't believe this is my first time reading a Chloe Liese book. I've been adding her backlist to my TBR for ages, and I have no excuse for not picking one up sooner!

I loved TWO WRONGS MAKE A RIGHT. Both leads are fantastic, their chemistry is amazing, and all the characters just felt so real and relatable. Bea was so easy to fall in love with: she is unapologetically herself, and although she sometimes worries how her personality will fit with a significant other, she knows what she is worth. Jamie pretends to be a grump but is really a cinnamon roll, and I loved how well he and Bea fit together.

The steam takes a long time to show up, but it is worth the wait. In the meantime, Bea and Jamie's chemistry and banter is a joy to read.

Liese is known for her neurodivergent/mental health rep, and both were so well done in this book. Bea is autistic and Jamie has anxiety, but these traits don't come anywhere close to describing either's whole personality. I've never read/seen Much Ado About Nothing, but the message of Two Wrongs Make A Right is that everyone is worthy of love.

I feel like the ending was a perfect setup for a book about Christopher and Kate, and hopefully we get a Jules story next. I'm certainly a Chloe Liese fan now, and will be moving her other books up higher on my TBR.

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𝚁𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
(𝘮𝘺 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴)

𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙸𝙵 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙻𝙸𝙺𝙴/𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴/𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
◾️ Enemies to lovers
◾️ Fake dating
◾️ Opposites attract
◾️ Neurodivergent rep (Autism/Anxiety)
◾️ Astrology
◾️ Chess
​​​​​​​​𝙱𝙻𝚄𝚁𝙱 𝙾𝙽𝙴-𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚁: Opposites become allies to fool their matchmaking friends in this swoony reimagining of Shakespeare’s beloved comedy, Much Ado About Nothing.
𝙼𝚈 𝚃𝙷𝙾𝚄𝙶𝙷𝚃𝚂: I LOVED this book so much! I alternated between the audiobook and my kindle. The author's note at the beginning was lovely, and I love how this romance told a story of different "normal" people. As someone with ADHD/anxiety/and depression, these neurodivergent characters really draw me in.
Thank you @netgalley @berkleyromance @prhaudio for the eARC and audiobook! I loved it so much that I had to purchase a signed copy with the beautiful artwork!

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I absolutely loved this romance from Chloe Liese. The characters were incredibly nuanced and the chemistry between our two leads was off the charts. Fake dating for revenge was a fun twist on a popular trope. The representation, especially of neurodivergence, was exactly what you’d expect from Chloe if you’ve read her indie work.

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Happy Book Birthday to this one!! Jamie and Bea could not be more opposite. Bea’s twin and her boyfriend, along with their group of friends think they would be perfect together and try to orchestrate a meet-cute but it’s more like a meet-disaster.
It turns out they do have something in common, revenge. Obviously, the only answer to a set up is to fake date and become “obnoxiously in love.” As Hamlet said, “ah, there’s the rub!” Of course, a couple with this much chemistry can’t fake date long before it turns into actual love.
I love @chloe_liese books. She writes with such humor and heart and I’m
always eagerly awaiting what she writes next.

Thank you @berkleypub and @netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an Honest review.

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Jamie and Bea have nothing in common when they’re thrown together at a party. But Bea’s sister and Jamie’s best friend think otherwise and trick them into a setup. Furious that they were tricked, Jamie and Bea decide to have their revenge. They craft an elaborate scheme to fake date and convince their matchmakers that they are madly in love, only to crush their dreams once they swiftly break up. The two think they’ve found the perfect revenge plot, only to realize that the meddlers are on to something.

Two Wrongs Make a Right is told alternating first-person perspectives between Jamie and Bea. I listened to the audiobook version and found both narrators were perfectly cast for both leads. I loved getting to hear each of their perspectives, especially when it came to their own issues and insecurities.

Bea is a neurodivergent artist. She is smart and sharp-tongued. Her last partner was incredibly toxic and ever since she’s been hesitant to fall in love again. She has the absolute cutest hedgehog. He might be my favorite character.

Jamie is a pediatrician. He suffers from anxiety and that plays a significant role in his life. He’s incredibly straight-laced and orderly and has the sweetest cat.

One of the things I loved most about this story is that you can feel just how perfect the two main characters are for each other. They have a deep understanding and respect for each other, including things that others have criticized in the past. They are deeply honest with each other and love each other because of who they are, not in spite of them.

I highly recommend Two Wrongs Make A Right to anyone that loves a romance with banter and mental health representation.

Thank you to @berkleyromance and @prhaudio for the advanced listening copy. All opinions are my own.

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Fake dating, a strait-laced, glasses-wearing hero, AND a Shakespeare retelling -- TWO WRONGS MAKE A RIGHT was a novel practically written with me in mind! While I did enjoy the story and James/Bea, I would not have wanted to be friends with any -- A N Y -- of their friends. Ever. Their meddling was so over-the-top, even for a rom-com, and completely rubbed me the wrong way. Come for MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, stay for the senior cats.

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I have long been a fan of Chloe Liese and have devoured each book in the Bergman series the first minute they were available to me. Hearing that Chloe was coming out with a new book that would be a modern twist on Much Ado About Nothing, I was excited! While having not read the original, I would read her grocery list - Liese has a way with creating such unique characters that always celebrate their diversity and uniqueness, rather than "loving them in spite of it" - which I find to be such an important distinction. Jamie and Bea were a great enemies to lovers, fake dating couple and I really enjoyed their journey.

Thank you to Berkley Romance for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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This book is SO cute! With it only being my second book read by Chloe Liese, I definitely am a new fan girl. This isn't a holiday romance, but I was still feeling all the warm and cozy vibes. James and Bea were a match made in heaven and I absolutely adored watching their relationship grow.

This is a "fake dating" trope, but really both Bea and James fall for each other pretty quickly... they just don't tell the other person. The neurodivergent representation was especially sweet after I learned more about the author herself. Actually, the diversity in the cast of characters as a whole was so nice!

Pick this one up for a light, sweet, and steamy romance!

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Rating: 3

I’ll be honest I was hesitant about this one from the cover. I think the cover is pretty but something about it isn’t for me. I still decided to read the blurb and it sounded like something I’d enjoy so I gave it a try. Unfortunately, this one just didn’t do it for me. It took me months to finally finish it because I kept picking it up and putting it down for other books. From the beginning I immediately had trouble connecting to both main characters. Everything felt too one note and neither of them had that spark. They were a mixture of bland and cheesiness and I was expecting more from the tropes. The writing wasn’t my favorite and I kept finding my mind wandering while trying to get through it. I don’t think this was a bad book, it was just okay. To be honest, I don’t have much thoughts on it because it didn’t make me feel anything except bored at times. Overall, I would recommend this one because people seem to love it. So it’s most likely a me thing and not an everybody thing.

Thank you so much @berkleyromance for the gifted copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was an absolutely wonderful romance book, and the fact that it was a modern retelling of Much Ado About Nothing made it even better! All of the characters were so entertaining (except for Jean-Claude, he can go jump off a cliff), and I love the found family dynamic that they created.

I loved Bea and Jamie's love story, and watching it unfold through both their perspectives was so much fun. They are total opposites, which is what makes them so well-suited for each other. In an attempt to pay their friends back for their matchmaking efforts, the pair hatches a scheme- they will pretend to date, only to orchestrate an explosive blow up. What could go wrong? Fake dating will always be one of my favorite tropes, and this one was executed so well. It was so entertaining to watch Bea and Jamie fall so seamlessly into the "act" of being a couple, only to have the lines between what is real and pretend be blurred almost IMMEDIATELY.

Overall this was a fun and swoon-worthy romance book, and you're telling me it's going to be a series?! Sign me up (though if Jules doesn't get a happy end soon I will fight)!

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Thank you @berkleypub for the #gifted eARC of TWO WRONGS MAKE A RIGHT!

Somehow this is my first Chloe Liese book, but it most certainly won’t be my last! I loved how she wrote a love story with a neuro-divergent heroine and a hero with anxiety; and then included a little blurb at the beginning reminding readers that not everyone experiences these things the way that the characters do. It was just all so refreshing!

I think that grumpy/sunshine is becoming one of my new favorite tropes. I adored Bea and Jamie (once they got over their mutual prickliness/disdain for each other). The care and communication they had with each other was just *chef’s kiss*. This is how you adult relationship people! Well maybe minus the whole revenge/fake dating part.

I’m hoping that this is the first in a series for the Wilmot sisters and we’ll get a Christopher and Kate romance next!



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Chloe as an author has this really amazing gift for creating characters that make you not only root for their love stories but feel this immense hope for your own. Looking back at the original quotes I highlighted during my first read, this may be the most impactful book for me that she's written so far. Bea and Jamie were such wonderful characters to fall for and I've definitely been inspired to check out the 1993 version of Much Ado About Nothing!

I love the way Bea sees the world. She describes everything as a work of art: her feelings, sunsets, Jamie. It's such a beautiful perspective that made small parts of her day really stand out. She and Jamie are also both lefties, as am I, and that was a cute little bonding moment for them earlier on that I found adorable. There are some super sweet and loving moments throughout and in true Chloe fashion, there are some deep topics broached with care and understanding. Healing from toxic relationships, both familial and romantic, was such a huge part of their journey and I loved seeing the way they were able to understand one another.

Bea's descriptions of Jamie had me dying laughing at times. And the way they both kept accidentally revealing what they felt were their more embarrassing sides, just for the other to not be phased at all. Jamie is at the top of the book boyfriend list and it's going to be hard to knock him down from it.

I'm also so excited to see what happens with the other Wilmot sisters! The set up for the next book was fantastic and I'm already waiting for it. If this is your first Chloe Liese book or if you've already become a fan of her writing, you don't want to miss this one.

Thank you to Net Galley, Berkley and Chloe for this eArc!

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First off, Two Wrongs Make a Right has wonderful representation of a neurodivergent heroine (Bea) and a hero (James) with anxiety. The story includes Bea’s sister and family who add some quirky fun to the story. What I really enjoyed about this book is that even though there are great side characters, the book is really focused on Bea and Jamie. I tend to get immersed in a book and sometimes find myself speed reading through side characters to get back to the dialogue between the love interests. This is an opposites attract, fake-dating story with great chemistry and lots of humor. They also both share openly about their needs and struggles and I really appreciated the honesty between them. I read through it quickly because I enjoyed the characters and their relationship so much that I didn’t want to put the book (or my AirPods) down. I did a mix of ebook and audiobook so that I could listen during the day and then read it at night. This is a steamy romcom, so if that’s your jam, I recommend grabbing it now. This was my first book to read by Chloe Liese and I will be looking to read more by her soon.

Thank you to @berkleyromance for a digital ARC and to @PRHAudio for the complimentary audiobook.

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Chloe Liese continues to catapult up my list of favorite authors. I adore the Bergman Family and each new installment somehow becomes my favorite. Chloe knows how to write steam. She writes characters with so much depth and challenges many people face but these challenges don't stop them - they are some of the strongest, most admirable characters out there and Two Wrongs Make a Right continues this.

Bea and Jamie are so authentically themselves and so beautifully accept each other for exactly who they are. Often in a fake dating trope you get some miscommunication and/or people not revealing their true feelings and I loved that there was none of that here. Bea and Jamie were so honest and upfront with one another and it was refreshing. Jamie was so thoughtful - the soup! - and I loved how he saw Bea "all the better" when she let her guard down. I cringed and laughed through their tornado-esque meet cute and even more with the scenes with Jamie's family. The sister dynamic and dino nuggets made up for it.

A top notch love story with steam, depth, amazing inclusivity and a swoony book boyfriend. Can't want much more than that!

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Synopsis: After a meet-disaster, Bea and Jamie find themselves being secretly set up by the two people closet to them. To get back at their meddling family and friends, they devise a plan to fake date then stage a break up so bad, so no one will ever intervene again. However, as Bea and Jamie get to know each other, the need to pretend quickly goes away and their relationship feels more real than fake.

Thoughts: What made this book SO good was that there was no miscommunication at all. Since the start, Bea and Jamie said they were going to be honest and open with each other, and this led to the most touching and imitate conversations, particularly when discussing past relationships, personal struggles and identity. Jamie was the sweetest, most caring and attentive hero who worked so hard to earn Bea’s trust. I promise, he will be your next book boyfriend. Bea, on the other hand, was sassy, guarded, and bit emotional, but I found everything about her so relatable. Like in all of Chloe’s books, the diverse representation across the cast of characters was something special and to me, makes this romance stand out from the many others. I listened to the audiobook (thank you PRH Audio) and loved both narrators.

Read if you like:
-Fake dating
-Slow burn romance with steam
-Frenemies to lovers
-Opposites attract
-Neurodiversity/Anxiety/LGBTQIA+ Representation
-Bergman Brothers series, Say Everything series

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