Member Reviews

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

A couple meets through a chance wrong number call. Sweet romantic story about a couple that meets by chance.

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Firstly, a big thank you to Elle Cook, NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This story is touching, deep, and feels authentic but I don’t know if I would call it a romance. The man I never met reads more along the lines of a drama with some light comedic relief that’s centered around relationships.

With that said, I really enjoyed it.

Hannah receives a phone call from America and when she answers she speaks to Davey, who’s got the wrong number for a job interview. Hannah wishes him luck and assumes she’ll never hear from Davey again, but then he reaches out to let her know he got the job and will be moving to London in a month. So, these two begin to explore a friendship and possibility of more when he gets there. But a lot of things get in the way.

I found how their relationship developed from just a phone call to be very endearing, but I did start to struggle with the fact that Hannah & Davey lead separate lives for most of the book I would have liked to see more of their story together.

All the characters are so deep and rich, that I fell in love with them all especially Joan. There are plenty of moments I wanted to shake some of them, but generally I just wanted to become their best friend and be with them. Minus George.

I hope there's a second book that explores more of Davey and Hannah’s relationship together because I think it would be even better!

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Hannah receives a call one day by mistake from someone named Davey. He is trying to get a hold of someone in order to interview for a job, but has the wrong number. She later receives a text from him, letting her know that he got the job. Over the next upcoming weeks, they call, text, and video chat. Soon, Davey will be moving to London for his new job, which is where Hannah lives. They have discussed their developing feelings for one another and make plans for Hannah to meet him at the airport when he arrives. When Hannah shows up at the airport to pick Davey up, he never gets off the plane. Where is Davey? Why did he not get on the plane? The rest of the story is about Hannah moving on from the relationship that she had started to build with Davey and trying to build a life for herself from what she thought it was going to look like.

When I made it about 33% into the story, I was like “Oh no, please don’t do this!” We do find out what keeps Davey off the plane and this will have ripple effects throughout the story. I love how the author handles the relationship that begins with the two characters in the beginning. I also love the journey that Hannah goes through afterwards. I am not a huge fan of George. I think he starts out one way and is either not what he presented himself to be or we are only seeing him as Hannah wants us to see him. I know that Hannah does not give her all and what transpires between the two is mostly her fault, but neither does George and I do not feel his accusations to her were fair. I do not want to give any spoilers, so there’s a lot I want to say about what I loved about this book that I can’t, but I will say that the author has done a remarkable job with including friendship, struggles within oneself, and second chances. I love that Grant was a true friend in this book and I was so happy for Joan.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House-Ballantine for this advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own!

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This was a very touching story. The writing was easy to read and the story flew by at a decent pace. I could have done without George’s comments that a woman should go on the pill because he doesn’t like using condoms. A total pig that one. I feel like this story would have still worked with a nicer version of toxic George. The ending was satisfying. I’m always confused as to why an author would use a different pen name then unmask themselves in the acknowledgments. What’s the point?

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An accidental wrong number starts a chain of messages that turns them from strangers into friends and then to … well, they need to figure that out for themselves.

This one is a little tricky to review. I don’t want to say too much and give anything away but simply yelling "YOU NEED TO READ THIS" and leaving it at that *probably* isn’t the best review technique.

The book starts out nice and cozy and sweet, and I *could* have stayed in that bubble. It was a good bubble, a happy bubble, a bubble full of anticipation. The story had other plans though, and - since I couldn’t hardly put it down - sent me on a quick emotional rollercoaster.
Pretty sure I felt every single emotion at some point.

I regret nothing. Except maybe not hydrating well enough to cover tear related loss. But listen, people cry for all sorts of reasons. You just need to read this for yourself to find out which ones apply here.

Thank you to NetGalley/Random House Ballantine for the ARC
(pretty sure I’ll be needing a physical copy of this one when when it comes out in November!)

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Thanks Netgally for this e-arc, I absolutely loved this book. I had every emotion, I loved some characters and I hate others exactly how you’re supposed to. I didn’t want this book to end, I’d have loved to follow Hannah and Davey around their whole lives! I couldn’t put it down and finished it in a day while trying to force myself to slow down but the writing was so well done that I found myself saying one more chapter and then finishing the whole thing.

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This book made me cry like nobody's business.. like all the best books do! The plot is strangely relatable for a time where so many people meet online or through dating apps, and do mostly everything digitally. That being said, it doesn't take away at all from the connection that is built through the 2 main characters Hannah and Davey! I found myself rooting for them the whole way through and the suspense just building all along. Crazy unexpected obstacles were thrown at them, but the same thing happens in real life too, and seeing how they both respond to it makes the book more relatable and more human. It's as equally heartwrenching as it is hopeful, as life can be itself. I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it to literally anyone. Thank you NetGalley and Random House for an ARC of this amazing book!!!

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What a great read! I admit when I was just barely in, I looked to see how many more chapters were left because I had no idea how the book could already be almost done. But then....everything changed. And I got mad and didn't want to finish the book. But I kept reading because after all, now I'm invested. This book has everything. The characters are so real and relatable. After all, I am that person that lets life happen and does what's expected and rarely will make the decisions to actively pursue what I want out of life. But I kept cheering for Hannah because I wanted more for her. And I get Davey. More than I want to. And sometimes, the will always be the one that got away. But sometimes... And who doesn't love second (or third) chances?

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What a lovely story! The premise was so unique to me, which is rare for someone who reads as much as I do. Parts of the book were a little upsetting (especially if you’re sensitive to certain triggers), but never more than I could bear and enough to keep me riveted. Hannah and Davey had a very bumpy journey to each other, but the happy ending was beautifully depicted and I left this tale with a sincere smile on my face.

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This started off light and fun and then took a 180 degree turn in a more serious, thought-provoking direction. At that point I found the storyline compelling, but it was difficult to watch Davey and Hannah handle their crisis as regrettably as they did. That said, the storyline continues to develop and naturally unfold to a really sweet conclusion in beautiful Italy.

Thank you Dell Books and #NetGalley for the arc e-book.

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Not a new idea but done with panache and totally worth reading - this is indeed a sweeping will-they-or-won't-they love story and I'm planning on telling a lot of readers about it.

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I’m a sucker for a good rom com, and this one was a ride. The meet cute was sooo dang cute. And the characters were just perfect for each other from day one.

I did not see the plot going the way it did, and the rollercoaster the twist sent me on was rough. But ultimately worth it because the ending was perfect. I wish we’d seen more of one of the couples, no spoilers who but if you know you know.

All in all I loved this and enjoyed it from start to finish.

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I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for allowing me to read this eARC!

Overall, I did find this book enjoyable! The synopsis is what caught my attention initially. Come on, as someone who really feasts off parasocial relationships? This was an easy way to capture my attention truly. The writing was easy to follow and it was honestly a quick read. I would say this seems to be advertised more as a romance, but I don't think it is a TRUE romance. This dealt with heavier topics (check out the bottom of my review for trigger warnings and content details before reading this book) and I enjoyed Elle Cook's writing and the way she went about these topics.

I will admit I found the main character, Hannah, to be somewhat dull as a character. I could relate to her on some levels (now what is that saying about me.....) and other times I found her to be frustrating, but maybe that is what Elle Cook intended to do in her writing. However, the supporting characters were truly IT for me. They were hilarious, lovable, and made me feel comforted and wish they were my friends too. Lastly, I found the beginning of the book to have a strong start and as the story continued especially the remaining 40% of the book, I found myself finding it to almost be a chore to finish reading it. The ending was predictable, but in a comforting and wholesome way.

*Trigger/Content Warnings listed: death, depression, thoughts on ending one's life*

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Thank you, NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read an eARC of this book.

My rating for this book is a 4.5/5. I honestly was drawn to this book because of the classic rom-com cover and the blurb that said their “meet cute” was a case of misdialed number. I am a big fan of Beth O’Leary’s novel the Flatshare which has a similar theme of communication without actually meeting each. I did think this was simply going to be a cutesy romance, but it was much more! This book definitely put me through many emotions. I am drawn to reading about people’s relationships and this was the perfect book for that. In addition to Hannah and Davey's relationship, I loved the relationship between Joan and Hannah and the trio of Miranda, Paul, and Hannah. I really did not care too much for George’s character, but I understand his purpose in the story. I couldn’t put this book down which can be shown by the fact it took me just a little bit over a day to read this book. I am excited to read more of Elle Cook’s books in the future, and I would love to read a book focused more on Davey and Hannah’s relationship or even a book on Miranda and Paul’s relationship.

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Book Review for The Man I Never Met

My typical review format includes emoji’s for a “Book at a Glance” format, but that simply won’t do for this book and the emotion it conveys, so I am going to jump right in. This is a beautiful story of two strangers who are connected when Davey, the American, accidentally dials Hannah, in London. Davey is phoning for an upcoming job in London and curiosity strikes the both of them as their quick conversation of fate was so easy. The two keep in touch with promises of Hannah welcoming Davey and a deep bond is formed. All hopes and dreams are completely shattered when Davey doesn’t show up at the airport upon receiving devastating news. The two are left heartbroken and wondering if they can navigate their long distance relationship through this new trial. Hannah wants to be there for Davey, but ultimately, he pushes her away hoping to protect them both and continue with their lives.

We read through several months of agony for Davey and Hannah trying to resume life. Yet, each of them continues to fall back onto the memories of each other and what ifs. As you continue to read, the depth of the conflict, for both characters, has you cheering that they will both get their happily ever after with each other. Will he continue to be the man she never met? Or will they finally meet and overcome the trials of their lives?

This book was very emotional and very raw. It brought me to tears but also brought me so much hope for both characters and fate. Elle Cook does a beautiful job with imagery for London. Her words and descriptions brought me exactly to the setting of the story. I’ve never visited abroad, but Elle Cook took me there through this book. The character development was deep enough through the dual point of view that I was able to sympathize with both characters and feel the tone Cook was yearning for us to feel.

This read wasn’t the light hearted rom com I am used to, but so much deeper, genuine, beautiful and more. Add this to your TBR for a great long distance romance. Check the comments for trigger warnings (although they contain potential spoilers).

Thank you Netgalley, Random House Publishing - Ballantine, and Elle Cook for this eARC copy in exchange for my honest review of this beautiful story.

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Thank you NetGalley and Random House for letting me read this.

Boring. That’s what this book was for me.

The characters, especially Hannah were dull. The story line was just mediocre. It reminded me of The Fault in Our Stars a little bit. In my opinion, the ending was extremely predictable.

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Sometimes a special book comes into your life when you need a good cry. Sometimes you need a story that is full of lessons that you've already learned the hard way in your own life, but have forgotten and need a good reminding.

THE MAN I NEVER MET was that book for me. I don't want to give out spoilers, but I will say the main theme of the book is a tough one: not giving up. Whether that's not giving up on love and LIVING life, the story has a lot more to offer than a romantic accidental meeting.

Through dialing a wrong number, Texas resident Davey meets British Hanna. The two begin a long-distance friendship that is surely destined for more. Just when fate makes it possible for the two to meet and begin a real relationship, life gets in the way.

The story takes us through the next two years of each characters highs and lows - separately.

Again, not wanting to say too much, but having gone through a similar experience as one of the characters, I found this book incredibly relatable and realistic. The emotions, frustrations and hopes one of the character's dealt with is so real to life that I shed tears remembering what I, myself, went through as well.

This is a slow-burn. I loved the fact that the two characters lived in separate countries, but knew they had a connection that couldn't be ignored. I also loved Hannah's British culture and Davey's want to fit into it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for providing me an e-copy of THE MAN I NEVER MET to review.

I rate THE MAN I NEVER MET five out of five stars.

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"Do you remember where you were and what you were doing the moment your life changed forever? I do...But of course I didn't know it at the time. That's always how it is, though, isn't it? You never realize the true significance of a moment until later."

You know a book is going to be good when that's the opening paragraph to it.

Hannah's life changes forever when she decides to answer the incoming call from the American phone number she doesn't recognize. On the other end is Davey, who is trying to call through for an interview he has with a company in London. After saying goodbye to Davey, Hannah surely didn't expect to get a message from him later on letting her know he got that job. Leading up to Davey's big move from Texas to the UK, the two form a connection through texts, calls, and facetime.

After about a month, they're both ready to dive in and start a relationship as soon as Davey is close to her. Welcome sign and all, Hannah is at the airport waiting for Davey, but he never makes it. The reason to explain why he stood her up is something neither of them could ever had anticipated. With no idea of what the future will hold, and no move for Davey in sight, the two have no choice but to try and move on from each other.

This book takes us through the months that follow Hannah and Davey's "breakup" and how Hannah is moving on. Nothing about the time that follows is easy for either of them, but breaking that connection proves to be harder than they anticipated.

There was so much that I loved about this book. I loved the writing style, that you could feel what Hannah was feeling through every step. I absolutely LOVED Joan. Weekend coffee ratings and good friends talking was the cozy feeling you appreciate in the midst of the turmoil in Hannah's life. And I genuinely loved the connection between Hannah and Davey right from the start.

The things I didn't love? George. He was easy and convenient to have around while Hannah's heart was broken. His time in the book lasted A LOT longer than I wish it would have. The time between Davey and Hannah's breakup to their reunion felt so far between that the book felt less like a romance, more like fiction. I really wish their reunion would have happened sooner and that we would have gotten more from it. I think the book could also have really benefited from more in Davey's perspective.

Overall, a really good story about two people who were meant to find their way back to each other.

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House, and Elle Cook for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

↠ 4 stars

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I enjoyed this one. It wasn’t too fluffy as most romances can be. The characters were mostly likable and I appreciated the personal growth aspect of Hannah. I loved the TransAtlantic part as my husband and I are similar. (He’s the Brit) Well written and enjoyable.

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Summary: There may such a thing as love at first accidental phone call for Hannah. But, when unforeseen circumstances prevent her from meeting Davey in person it seems as though this love is impossible-if you can even love someone you’ve never met.

This was a book I wished for on NetGalley and was thrilled when my wish was granted and I received the eARC. I absolutely loved the characters and thought their journey was equal parts sweet and heartbreaking. While this may be Elle Cook’s first romance novel, I hope it is not her last! My favorite aspect about this story was actually the fact that the characters grew into themselves and you were able to cheer for their personal growth as well as cheer for the happy ending they each deserved!

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