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The Villa

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Member Reviews

I'm always a fan of a duel timeline and this was not exception. This book was a bit slow to start but picked up quickly. An excellent psychological thriller, but nothing to crazy or intense. I loved how cleverly the timelines were woven together, which made it a very fun and quick read.

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This book was an entertaining thriller and read like a gothic romance. I enjoyed the dual point of view format and felt it advanced the plot well. I loved the time period (70s) and found myself very invested in the characters. The ending seemed a bit rushed but did not disappoint. I will for sure be picking up more books from this author.

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Love a dual timeline and slow burn! Rachel Hawkins is a master of her craft and every book of hers is a joy to read.

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While I’ve loved her other works this one didn’t hit as hard for me. However with my relaxed personality and reading ratings it’s still an easy four star read. As long as I enjoy I’ll pass along the good mentions for any book

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Great, quick thriller for the warmer months. Nothing ground breaking about this concept but highly enjoyable.

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Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, and Murder - If these topics interest you, you'll enjoy this book!

This book by Rachel Hawkins was a miss for me. The dueling timelines did not hold my interest and I did not like the main characters Emily and Chess. There were a few points during the story that I thought things might pick up, but it just wasn't so. While it wasn't for me, there are plenty of higher rated reviews and people seem to love it - you might too!

Thank you to the author, publishers, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Holy smokes! I've had this one for a while and am totally kicking myself for waiting to read it. It's good. Like real good. It's dark and suspenseful and gives off those Gothic romance vibes that I adore. I loved every word. The dual stories, taking place in 1974 and today, fed off each other. And the twist at the end? GENIUS! I loved this!

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While this wasn’t the worst book that I’ve ever read, I think I’d have to say it’s my least loved Rachel Hawkins Novel. However, I will keep reading her!!

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I really enjoyed The Villa and finished it in less than a day. It was gripping and had the right amount of twists and turns along the way. This is my first mystery thriller of Rachel Hawkins but it will definitely not be the last. Highly recommend!

I had a chance to listen to some of this via audio and the audiobook adds another level, so I recommend checking that out as well!

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Very interesting book! My only complaint is that there was so much detail in the beginning that by the end it felt rushed and I hoped it would be more consistent with the flow in the start.

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Rachel Hawkins has been hit or miss for me. Her books are well thought out but they don’t really pull me in. The mystery and thrill is almost too obvious in my opinion.

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Sadly this wasn’t my favorite book by this author. The dual storylines didn’t mesh as well as I’d hoped, and I found myself bored with the characters. Fun premise, poor execution.

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Rachel Hawkins gets better and better at the-for lack of a better term-sagas. I loved the almost gothic elements of this one, and it was an exciting ride, up to the very end.

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Dual timeline. Patience needed to follow and have it all tie together. Past catches up with present. Twists were predictable. Characters were annoying. Blah blah. Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for ARC read in exchange for my review.

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The Villa was one of my most enthralling reads of the year! I felt like I had been reading for a few minutes and realized hours had gone by.

Rachel Hawkins is an insta-buy author for me now. I have loved all of her adult thrillers thus far. The real star of this book is the enchanting setting that leaps off the page. I really felt like I was in this old villa with the characters - both in the present and past timelines. I loved following the two sets of characters and felt that the story flowed together so well.

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I love books with dual timelines. I thought a lot of the characters were unlikeable but I cared and wanted to know what happened in both timelines. It was a book that was easy to get into and quick to finish. I enjoyed reading it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the DRC.

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I did not finish this title in advance of the publication day, but do intend to finish reading later down the line. I'll update my review then. Thanks so much!

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I love this author and was so excited for this one! However, the ending fell short for me. It felt rushed. It's almost like the author was over the story herself. I still love her and will read anything she writes though!

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The twist at the end DID suprise me, but I'm not sure that is a good thing since it didn't really make sense to me. Unfortunately, the entirety of this book fell flat with me. I'm not sure why the book is considered a "Thriller," and I had a hard time making it through the entire book - which it a rarety for me.

I actually own two more of the author's books and fully intend on reading them, so I'm hoping this one was just a dud for me!

Thank you to Netgalley & Publishers for access to an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Villa. I think this one is my favorite by this author so far. I love the back and forth time period stories, the array of characters. The intertwining is done so well in this book… I’m sure this book will be one of the few that stays with me long after it’s read…thanks to Netgalley, St. Martins press and Rachel Hawkins for this ARC.

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