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Take the Lead

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Alexis Daria writes the sexiest, spiciest romances of all time. They feel good, they make me excited and my heart swells while reading. This was a solid win for me.

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i love dwts, so i was so so excited for an arc of this one! unfortunately, it just didn’t develop in a way that worked for me, but i still enjoyed some elements.

for one, the actual concept of the show and the mismatched partnership set up a really fun story. i love the city girl/country boy concept, and the visuals of the show and dances were super fun.

this book, however, is blatant insta-lust. that’s not my preferred trope, and it felt like that element never really let up, especially in the second half of the book. their height difference seemed to be their biggest connection (lol but actually) and ultimately the love story just wasn’t enough for me.

i loved the elements of interesting background relationships, the spanish speaking, and some sections of the writing were really vivid and fun. i do wish the conflict was a bit stronger and that it differentiated from what was happening on camera more.

ultimately, this book was gorgeous on the outside (this cover!!!!!!) but missed some of the substance on the inside for me.

thanks so much to the publisher and netgalley for the earc!!!!!!!! <3

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This is a rerelease of Alexis Daria’s debut, and I liked it even more than [book:You Had Me at Hola|52886627].

This takes place on a version of Dancing with the Stars, and I am always a sucker for reality tv romances. Gina is a professional dancer who has spent her whole career acknowledging that dancing won’t last forever and working to break the “promiscuous Latina” stereotype. Stone is her celebrity partner, known for his family’s Alaskan survivalist show, but he’s got his secrets. I loved the behind the scenes of reality tv, and I really liked these two characters and I loved watching their growth throughout the show. Their chemistry was fantastic and their issues/miscommunication made sense, though did drag a little towards the end for my tastes. I also love how casually diverse this cast is, with side characters of various ethnicities and sexualities.

I’m not sure if St. Martin’s is going to pick up the rest of this series, but I hope they do because I would love to see more of this world. And I think the sequel was Natasha’s book!

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I love this! As someone who is a sucker for reality tv, I loved the underlying plot that there just *has* to be a romance on screen to make the show loveable and how this affects the MC. A dancer from Alaska with a big secret? Another huge win!

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A frothy, glitzy famous person romance is right up my alley, especially when it's set around a reality TV show. Love! I loved Daria's "You Had me at Hola," and really enjoyed its sequel, "A Lot Like Adios." Her romance is so good– incredibly sexy and still sweet and romantic at the same time.

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After 4 seasons on the show The Dance Off, Gina is determined this will be the season where she wins it all. Her partner, Stone, is the star of an Alaskan wilderness show and actually might have what it takes to make it to the finale. The producers are setting them up for a showmance, something neither of them wants. But their chemistry is off the charts and it becomes harder to hide their obvious attraction.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably already know my love for reality tv. Dance competition shows are no different, so I loved the behind the scenes into this ballroom dance competition show. The dance aspect was so fun to follow and worked so well because of the amazing chemistry the characters had. I loved both Gina and Stone for different reasons, and while they were complete opposites they worked so well as a couple. This book was such a fun read!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the advance copy.

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This couple is so cute! I absolutely love this book, especially the ending. I love the reality show trope, I don't watch this kind but in books? it is super entertaining to read what they will choose!

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This is a cute read! first time reading this author. I loved the story of a reality star, somewhat reclusive, paired with a dance competition participant. The slow burn of this book makes for a beautiful romance.

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I really loved this book! Who knew I needed the book version of dancing with the stars in my life?

The characters were all really enjoyable. I'm a sucker for a grumpy/sunshine kind of love story which this was.

It was also interesting having both main characters from TV shows but having them be soooo different. I liked that they understood each other in that sense but also have enough differences that it kept things interesting.

Overall, it was a really fun book. The dancing was entertaining. Loved the reality TV setting. The romance was sweet and I was rooting for both of them to succeed the whole time!

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TAKE THE LEAD is an adult contemporary romance set in the world of reality tv. It follows Gina, a veteran dancer on a ballroom competition show who is hoping to finally earn the coveted trophy. Her plans go awry when she learns her producers are trying to set her up for a showmance with her reality tv survivalist partner, Stone. Neither of them wants to follow along with the ruse, but their chemistry and attraction to each other could change their plans.

All I can say about this book is FINALLY! I am so happy to have finally read a Latinx romance that I actually really love. I really liked Gina as a character, her integrity and passion jumps off the page and makes her such a great protagonist. Stone is the mountain man of my dreams. He’s so earnest and sweet. I wish the romance would’ve developed differently, it was hard not to feel like it was doomed from the start. But I really enjoyed the ending! I really hope the second book in the series gets re-released because I would jump on it. Definitely recommend this book!

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4 Stars - 2.25 Spice

I thought this was a fun Dancing with the Stars spoof book! I loved the strength of Gina's character, and how Stone is a big softy! I haven't decided if I will continue on in this series, but I've read other books by Alexi aria in the past and always enjoy her books! Just nothing had the romance or plot stand out for me to make it higher than a 4 star read, in my opinion.

Brief Plot: Gina Morales has worked as a dancer for The Dance Off for years and has never won. Now paired up with reality-tv star Stone, she hopes she can coach him to success. But as the producers of the show try to cast them as this seasons show-mance, the real chemistry between the two becomes hard to handle. But Stone has his own secrets he's hiding from real-world spotlight, but both may have to learn to confront their secrets, and how everything can show up on Live TV.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, for an eARC of Take the Lead, written Alexis Daria. This is my honest review!

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This was a very fun read. It started off quite strong and kept me entertained. The main characters were well developed and the tension between them was impeccable. The main obstacle was great. It didn't feel formulaic and it felt like a real, almost impossible to resolve, challenge. I read the re-release of this book. It was the author's debut and really well done for a first book. I will definitely be reading the next book in the series and other books by this author.

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Stone Is one of the celebrity dancers on this seasons Dance Off TV show. He's on loan from his regular cable TV show as a survivalist with his family in Alaska. Dancing in the show will enable thee family to pay some of his mother's medical bills. He doesn't see a difference in taking his shirt off to cut wood vs. dancing in a costume. He will be a professional athlete and listen to instructions, practice and do his best.
Gina is a professional dancer on the TV show and while she is attracted to Stone, she is not going to participate in the showromance that the produces are pushing for. She is extremely careful with her reputation and she is not going to be the subject of anyone gossip. Too bad the producers aren't willing to let the chemistry between Stone and Gina go unnoticed.

Ugh I love Alexis Daria! Her books always have the perfect plot to spice ratio and this was no exception. I’m not really a dancing reality show type of gal but this really made me reconsider, especially if there is this much drama behind the scenes. I also appreciate a rom com with characters not in their early 20s. I feel like that’s a rarity these days.

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This book is an absolute blast! Gina has been competing on The Dance Off (think Dancing with the Stars) for years, but has yet to come home with the trophy or even make it to the finals. When she is paired with Stone, one of the brothers of an Alaskan reality show, she’s unsure what to think. She desperately wants to make it to the finals but at what cost? When she finds out the producers are setting her up for a showmance she doesn’t want to put her integrity at risk but what happens when she actually falls for him?
I absolutely loved the dance aspect of this and their relationship. This one had me quick stepping to the end.
Huge thank you to #griffin and #NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I had read and love some of the other books from Alexis, so I was excited to get to this one.

I really liked Gina and Stone. They're both good, loyal people and hard workers. The chemistry between them was instant and I did enjoy how it slowly and organically turned into something more. Of course Natasha was delightful and I might have to read her book.

Plot wise, it was good. I was a bit hesitant at the competition part of it, but the rehearsal and dancing scenes never felt repetitive. The angsty part slash break up didn't last long and the ending was fantastic.

Overall, this was a quick read, a fun story, and the characters were easy to root for. I can't wait to read whatever is next from Alexis.

**Huge thanks to the publisher for providing the arc free of charge**

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Fun and spicy opposites-attract romance featuring a burly Alaskan wilderness star and a saucy pro dancer who are partnered together in a Dancing With The Stars type of competition. Perfect for fans of reality dance shows.

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor or expectation.

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I binged this book and I'm obsessed! It's such a fun book and I loved both Gina and Stone. The celebrity dance show/reality show aspect was way more fun than I expected. The romance was perfect and I loved the tension of "will they or won't they" and how their careers would affect their relationship. This was a lot of fun and I'd love more of these characters.

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Take the Lead was such a fun romantic riff on Dancing with the Stars. When a burly Alaskan mountain man is paired up with a sassy Latina professional dancer on The Dance Off, sparks fly. Stone Nielson is the strong, silent type. Literally. That's the role he plays in his family's reality TV show about surviving in the Alaskan wilderness. He also doesn't dance. Not yet, anyway. Gina Morales is a four year veteran of the show This is her fifth attempt at making it to the finale, and if her producer is to be believed, it may be her last if she doesn't make it this season.

Gina is determined to turn Stone into a dancer, but there's this pesky little problem--there's an insane chemistry between them that is making it hard to focus on anything but his beautiful eyes and bulging muscles. She's no stranger to handsome men, but she has a hard and fast rule--she doesn't sleep with her dance partners. But can she make an exception for the quiet giant who is working his way into her heart? Meanwhile, Stone is falling hard for Gina, but he's also lying to her--and the entire world--about his life in Alaska. Sure, everyone knows reality tv isn't really real, but his family has taken the lies a little further than Stone is comfortable with. Gina values honesty, and it's killing Stone that he can't tell her the truth.

This one was SO HOT and SO MUCH FUN. I loved every page. I ended up buying a physical copy for my shelf after reading my e-ARC because I wanted to be able to loan it out and spread the love! I've read a couple other books by Alexis Daria, and I can safely say she's an auto-buy author for me now.

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A fun book set in a dancing competition where opposites attract between the two dancers. Chemistry was amazing. Story was great. Writing and engaging and quick! overall a fun and enjoyable read!

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Holy spicy! Take the Lead is a fun, sexy romance set against a reality dance show… Totally fun!

Stone Nielson is a tall, gorgeous Alaskan wilderness star who is paired with pro dancer Gina in The Dance Off. When the two start dancing together, sparks fly and things soon start heating up on and off the dance floor.

This book was ridiculously fun. Stone and Gina were both likable characters who had tons of chemistry. I enjoyed reading about their flirty dances and all the drama that comes with any reality show.

Don’t be like me and try to listen to this one with your young children around. It’s too spicy!

Four stars!

A copy of this story was provided by the publisher via NetGalley for review.

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