Member Reviews

I really wanted to like to magical romance, but sadly it fell flat for me.

The world building felt stilted- some things worked, and others fell flat. I didn't connect with the main characters or their families, and the chemistry felt forced.

I love this author, but I pass on this book.

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This was the strangest book, and I mean that in a good way. It involved world building and weird creatures, but again in a good way. I enjoy this author, and I really liked the book. That being said, the story itself left a lot to be desired.

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Witcha Gonna Do? was a very cute story. It was also super funny. The characters were so different and I loved them together. The pacing was super quick and I was able to read this in an afternoon.

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This just didn't work for me. The world building was extremely confusing, which distracted from the story. The main characters lacked chemistry, which, combined with the confusing world, made it difficult for me to engage.

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Oh my, this book is steamy...and cute and fun and absolutely enjoyable. Gil and Tilda are a fun, sexy couple and I just loved them. Enemies to lovers, witches, shifters, and spells gone awry. There is insta-lust, which I don't always like, but really worked for me in this book. I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to see how the rest of the series goes.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley pub for the earc

This book was cute. That’s all I’m giving it. On one hand, it would totally okay if it was just cute and light. But the author kind of tried to make the world bigger. That was the mistake because she stopped half way through. The whole background doesn’t exist. It felt like she just kept adding magic as she wrote the story.

Gil is supposed to be this double agent but we really don’t get to see who his working for and how he gets out of all it.

The big rivalry between two families? They keep talking about it but we didn’t really see much of it.

Also, most of this books reads much younger than it wants to be. It’s basically YA that happen to be “trying really hard to be hot scenes”. They didn’t just flow together.

And the main relationship? I don’t know. Just didn’t make me heart beat faster.

This one was not for me.

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I so wanted to love this book - the cover, the premise and the setup all sounded fantastic and something I could totally get into but I didn't like or care about a single character in here. It's weird because I love when Deadpool talks to the audience but in this book when she broke the 4th wall, it felt off and out of place.

Also the magic, spellbinding and double agent details were too complicated - like in a pointless way. It didn't make sense half the time and the rest of the time it was too boring to read the explanation.

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“Witcha Gonna Do?” by Avery Flynn is a fun and quick read — nice rom-com escapism. My only complaints are that I got tired of Tilda talking about how hot she found Gil (seriously — pages devoted to it) and some of the inner dialogue was a bit frantic and adolescent but in the end it didn’t distract from my enjoyment of the book. A fun and frothy rom-com. I recommend for those wanted a quick afternoon escape.

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I tried so hard with this book. The cover and the premise sounded amazing but I just couldn't get past the voice of the story. It was told as if it were a voiceover in a film and just read very much "not like other girls"...

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I love a witchy romance! Avery Flynn has written a book that is perfect for my reading style and I enjoyed this one so much! My only complaint is that it was a little too "wordy" for me. Would I still recommend it? yes!

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Witch’s gonna do? Avery Flynn releasing December 2022. This is a very light magical romance. When a witch with no powers curses her witch family. She must work with her hot nemesis to save her family. And not only that but the world from domination. This does not come out til December. But it would be perfect read after the campy Halloween movies.

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Fabulous cover...but that's about it. There's hardly any room for romance or chemistry with all the contrived world building. The societal structure hardly makes sense, the family and community dynamics don't add up, and the plot is just a little too convenient. I really had to push myself to finish this one, and while it certainly seems like the goal was to set up for a series, I definitely won't be reading more.

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for providing an eARC for review.

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I have read some of Flynn's previous work. What she does well is banter, sex scenes, and tension. What is maybe newer to her and needs improving- world building.

In this book, we are immediately thrust into a magical world. It's hard to figure out if this is grounded in our world, a whole different world, or a combo? I didn't know where we were and why. I wish there would have been some grounding in the beginning of the world we were in.

Also, lots of breaking the fourth wall. Parenthesis that explain stuff to the reader, etc. It's weird

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A fabulous series opener that drew me in from the first page! This is an enemies-to-lovers book featuring magical outcasts Gil and Tilda and a hilarious cast of supporting characters.

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I didn’t find this book to be anything special or interesting to be honest. I thought the summary made it sound interesting but I couldn’t do more than skim this book from chapter five onwards.
The magical universe Flynn created was intriguing when you first read it. The concept was cool and I haven’t seen any other paranormal romances that has such variety with the types of creatures/shifters.

The writing style was very confusing. At multiple points the characters are talking to the audience/reader as though they are aware that they have an audience and that they are characters in a book. However, this wasn’t consistent so when it happened it was so random.
There were a lot of cheesy lines and playing into tropes in a way that wasn’t very pleasant to read and instead just felt like things that make people criticize romance books.
There were inconsistencies in the descriptions of Gilda’s physical appearance. If a female character is plus size then stick to it. Don’t make it inconsistent in a way that reads as though a decision couldn’t be made over whether to have a plus size character or not.

I’ve read some of Flynn’s other books and found them enjoyable enough and I hate doing negative reviews but I simply wasn’t impressed with this book. I gave it three stars because it was simply average for me. What I found interesting was good enough to keep this from knocking off another star. I think this is the type of book that’s worth trying because it will either be a hit or miss and it’s worth seeing if you will enjoy it or not.

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I love Avery Flynn and I love witches, so this book was perfect. It was a quick read with a super fun premise. I love all the supporting characters and am so looking forward to the rest of this series!

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Tilda comes from a long line of witches but she doesn’t seem to have any power herself. When she messes up big time the only person who can help her is Gil, her nemesis and secret crush.

There are, of course, lots of quirky characters- a grumpy unicorn who eats Lucky Charms, for instance- magic gone awry, and a very old, very magical book to be stolen. There’s also a lot of sizzle between Tilda and Gil to be enjoyed.

However, there were a few things that didn’t quite work for me. In some ways it read like a YA novel but with incongruous steamy sex scenes that don’t fit the YA model. It is told from the POV of Tilda and Gil but sometimes Tilda’s comments to the reader are overdone.

But if you like witchy romance novels with some enemies to lovers trope action going on this is probably a good read. I’ll definitely give the next book in the series a try but I can’t rate this one above a 3.

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Tilda was a fun character, and this was a light witchy romance with no dire consequences. I would recommend it to anyone wanting something easy and cute with some spice, magic, and fluff!

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I've been really into witchy romance books lately and this one did tickle my fancy but it was definitely missing something. First of all, the voice of Tilda threw me off at first. It is that kind of voice that narrates the story in a way of "Yep, that's me. I bet you are wondering how I got into this mess". Not the worst but also not unique. Tilda is a likable clumsy character that thought throughout her whole life she had no magic until this hot witch comes along to tell her otherwise.

The plot has something to be desired. I liked the premise but it was missing a villain. The villain was "The Council" but you never saw anyone from the council come after her. It was just people doing the biding for them. The problems felt too easily resolved and the characters didn't have many hardships. I mean Tilda wasn't even mad that Gil hid this big secret from her. It felt too unrealistic.

It was a cute read though and it was fast to consume. The love interests were likable characters and not very annoying. I am interested to continue this series once it releases... I am sure the next book is about her sister.

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This funny romance offers a great plot and steamy sex. The story was interesting and I loved the friends and family relationships. While the attraction between the couple was clear, I thought the author overdid the comments a little. After a while, it was like I get it, he gets her motor running, enough already.

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