Member Reviews

I look forward to Ms. Kubica's work. She never lets me down- My customers adore her, as do I!

5 stars out of 5!

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Nina and Lily are friends who teach at the same high school. They enjoy time together, even having dinner with their husbands, Jake and Christian, occasionally. They're just the nicest couples.

Then one day Nina's husband, Jake, goes missing. And Lily is the last person to have seen him. Why?

Mary Kubica is a master of domestic suspense and creepy atmosphere. This didn't disappoint.

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Jake and Nina's marriage has been on rocky ground. When Jake doesn't come home one night, Nina assumes that it's because of a nasty fight they had. But the days go by and Jake still hasn't come home. When Nina receives a call from Jake's work saying he hasn't shown up, Nina knows that something is terribly wrong. Jake is a surgeon and would never not show up to work.

Lily is Nina's close friend and coworker. It seems that Lily is the last person to see Jake alive, and the circumstances weren't exactly friendly. She tells her husband, Christian, about the encounter and he decides that he'll do anything to protect Lily. The problem is that Nina is relentless in finding out what happened to her husband. How far would you go to find the truth? How far would you go to protect the one you love the most?

Just the Nicest Couple was a quick read and told from alternating points of view. I wasn't quite sure where things were going and wanted to keep reading to find out. I've enjoyed most of Kubica's books and will continue to read her in the future.

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I love Mary Kubica and found this book to be a quick, suspenseful, fun read. Looking forward to whatever she has in the works next!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Mary Kubica and Harlequin Trade publishing for the free e-book in exchange for an honest review.

I have seen mixed reviews, but I was very into the story at the very start. It isn’t a fast paced or twisty novel in the beginning, but I couldn’t help but wonder what’s going to happen to these two couples. This is definitely a slow burn but I couldn’t help but devour it. I saw parts of the twist coming but not all of it and I loved that. It was a well done, slow burn suspenseful novel.

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Review of Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica

Another fantastic book by one of my favorite authors. She never lets me down. I flew through this one and was very satisfied. I enjoyed the pace and appreciated the ending. There is plenty of drama and mystery in this one.

Quick synopsis: This book is about two couples who are friends. Nina and Lily teach together and become fast friends. Nina’s husband Jake and Lily’s husband Christian likewise all get along. Until Jake goes missing. Lily is acting strange and confesses to Christian that she was likely the last person to see Jake alive. Christian will do anything to help Lily but Nina will do anything to find out what happened to Jake.

Thank you so much to @netgalley and @htpbooks for the advanced digital copy!

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I was too excited for this one I think-it was good, but it wasn't as thrilling as I thought it would be. I wanted something a bit more page-turney

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Lets be real, this book gave me anxiety. Like keep my up, bad dreams anxiety. I just had to know how it ended. Well done to the author for evoking this kind of emotion.

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I've always loved Mary Kubica's books. Time and time again she spins her tales in ways that keep you turning pages and never guessing what the outcome will be. This one was closer to my heart than previous ones because I, too, am a teacher. I feel like she correctly depicted that aspect as well as the turmoil and family dynamics that come with caregiving. I did not expect the ending at all. And, while I was a little sad with how it turned out because it wasn't picture perfect, it was a peaceful ending to a story wrapped in suspense and angst.

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I just finished reading "Just the Nicest Couple", by Mary Kubica and here are my thoughts. First of all, many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin trade for providing me with a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

I have to admit, I was a little hesitant to read this book because I had read some negative reviews. After getting to the end, I have to disagree with the negative views of this book. I found it to be quite entertaining and full of intrigue and mystery. The story involves two couples, although I must admit I am not sure which couple the title is regerring to. There are two couples, Lily and Christian and Jake and Nina. Lily is just as her name suggests, sweet innocent and friendly to all. Christian is her devoted husband, maybe a little too devoted. Nina is a friend of Lily's and Jake is her not so nice husband. One of the people in this quadrangle goes missing, and there is a search for this person which puts everyone on edge and wanting to protect their significant other. Right away, the reader knows someone is lying and hiding a secret but we are not sure who it is. There are some twists and turns and finally it is revealed what really happened...surprisingly good ending.

What I liked about this book: The characters had a connection to each other that seemed honest and sincere, so I could understand the need to protect and believe the best in each other. The characters were likeable and I cared about them all. There was an interesting backstory and all the characters were intertwined somehow. The resolution of the mystery was satisfying and made sense.

What I didn't like. The relationship between Nina and her male co-worker. It didn't understand the relevence. It is almost like the author threw him into the story to deliberately mislead the reader. I don't like that. I also thought the relationship between Nina and her mom was a little weird. I didn't like that the mom seemed to be somewhat manipulative.

Overall, I really liked this book and I am glad that I gave it a chance. Happy Reading everyone!

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Loved this book by Kubica, as I usually do. I thoroughly enjoyed the plot of this one, even though at times it seemed a little far fetched. Kubica kept me guessing and questioning all of the character's reliability throughout. All the love to Kubica and this excellent thriller.

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Mary Kubica's latest book was a miss for me. While the book was fast paced and quick to read I felt like it really lacked the depth of her typical novels. I have read all of her books and will still look forward to reading what she comes up with but I was just somewhat disappointed with Just the Nicest Couple.

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This was my first time reading Mary Kubica. I did enjoy this book. It was compelling and twisty. It sets you up to lean a certain way and then pulls the rug out from under you.

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While I was reading this book I went back and fourth a lot regarding my thoughts on the book. I had moments where I was really into it and then i had moments where I was kind of over it and just wanted to be done with it.

However I will say once i finished the book, I am really glad i did! It had a twist I did not see coming until the very end.

What I liked about this book was the book had you thinking one thing and then a few chapters later had you questioning that thought. Which truthfully is the only reason i kept reading!

I think all and all this was an easy read and a book i think most Thriller/Mystery readers would enjoy.

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How can you go wrong with Mary Kubica? A great title and my 'stabby' book readers will love it! Always a great one for a twist, this title did not disappoint.

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This one was a little wild. Nina’s husband Jake is missing right after they have a fight and she is forced to report it to the police when he doesn’t show up for work. Christian is the husband of one of Nina’s coworkers, Lily. Told in alternating POVs of Nina and Christian, we follow along in the search for Jake. I was pretty sure of half of the twist pretty early on, but was still blind sided at the very end. I did wish the book moved at a little quicker pace as for a lot of the book, nothing really happened. But even at the slow pace, I liked the premise and was entertained by the book.

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4 Stars
My thanks to NetGalley and Harlequinn Publishing for the ebook of Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica. I love a great thriller with an unreliable narrator. Sometimes the story would seem straightforward and then, Bam, a twist you did not see coming! I liked that the characters were able to share their side of the story by switching chapters among the main players. The chapters were short and action-packed and it seemed like each chapter ended on a cliffhanger, which is amazing when done right. I would recommend this book to any reader that enjoys a roller coaster ride with twists and turns!

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I really enjoyed this one, but then again, Mary Kubica has never disappointed me.

At the heart of Just The Nicest Couple are two couples--Nina and Jake and Lily and Christian. Nina and Lily teach at the same high school and are close friends. But one day Nina's husband Jake, an arrogant and wealthy surgeon, never comes home. Nina thinks at first that Jake has left her because of a recent fight, but then she begins to suspect the worst.

Just the Nicest Couple forces you to think about your relationships and how well you really know the people who are closest to you. Although I did guess at some of the twists, there were others that I didn't suspect and the ride was really harrowing. The story is narrated by both Nina and Christian, which is interesting as you get some one-sided insight into each couple's lives. I like that we saw Lily and Jake only through the lens of their spouse and how it made me as a reader evaluate how well Nina and Christian really knew their partners. Overall, this is another Kubica hit for me.

"But bodies are found and people get murdered all the time and most of them, you never hear about."

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This was a *HUGE* let down. It was fine but also like...incredibly predictable and boring. I wish I hadn't wasted my time.

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As a fan of Local Woman Missing I was pumped for this release. I read another one of Kubica's books, The Good Girl, shortly before this one and I noticed a trend of there being a big twist at the very end of her novels - this one was much the same.

Two couples, one missing husband, a classic domestic whodunnit. I found the story to be slow at points, and I wish we had gotten more of the couples together and happy so that I really understood why Nina was so bereft over him being missing. The tension between them before they left gave her a hefty sense of regret, but not seeing them (or really even hearing about them) being happy made it hard to buy into her grief.

None the less, a solid thriller.

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