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An easy reading with a touch of emotion.
Jordan and Miriam are pure heat and this book is full of sexual tension. I’ve loved their relationship, the easy and funny bantering, the silent love between them, their friendship. But I must confess that I couldn’t fully understand why they can’t be a couple.
Although the pace was light and it was very easy to read, the last part was a little weak to me.
But overall it was a good reading.

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Such a good book. I was hooked from the beginning.

This is one I will be purchasing and reading again .

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I love Naima’s writing. She always writes characters that feel so real with real issues. It makes connecting to them a breeze. I seriously need to read every book she has ever written. The list grows every day. I cannot wait to see what she comes out with next!

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Naima will forever be one of my one-click authors. This entire series was ::chef's kiss:: and as always her characters, writing and settings drew me in and didn't let me go!

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I loved this book . It was very very well written and the characters were amazing. I loved the whole story.

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This book is part of a series. The plot has miscommunication that feels contrived, but it was still an enjoyable book for a quick, romantic read.

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Miriam is one of the co-founders of BURNED Inc., a company that helps individuals break up, however, although she works for athletes she does not date them

Jordan is Miriam's closes friend, but also an athlete, however after the two had a one-night stand a few months he can't seem to get her out of his head. But knowing Miriam's rule the only way he can keep her close is to stay her friend.

This novel has alternating chapters between the two main characters, Jordan and Miriam. I always love how authors do this as the reader is able to see a dual point of view.

These characters had a great back story that you know they belong together, I was so excited when they got together as well as when they opened up to each other. It took a lot for Miriam to drop down her barriers and Jordan was the sexiest book boyfriend for the job.

Simone gives us sexy characters, a narrative to keep us reading and spice to make it HOT. Love this author and I look forward to reading more by them.

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Love this author and this series. I am looking forward to reading more from this author. The perfect blend of emotion and spice.

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This was my first Naima Stone book and the concept was a nice idea, but I just kept wanting something more from it... The writing style wasn't really for me sadly and I just couldn't connect with it. The drama didn't feel mature enough in parts.
Having said that, that's of course just my opinion and reading is of course subjective.

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Ravaged was so much fun! I especially enjoyed the company BURNED, because I think it's something we might all need in our lives.
The romance was hot, and I loved how reluctant the protagonists was when it came to love.

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As friends to lovers, that is full of angst and slow burn.

Miriam runs a breakup agency with her brother and sister and knows what its liked to be dumped by an athlete. Jordan is a basketball player with out the best of up bringing but has made the most of it and is hopelessly in love with his bestfriend/one night stand.

I loved the slow burn and how well Jordan knew and struggled with his feelings for Miriam, he had a good heart. While I understood Miriam setbacks for pursuing and being with Jordan, I felt like she used and leaned on him a lot with no regards for his feeling. While in the end the groveling came from Miriam side, it was much needed and helped show her in a different light!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
This is book number 2 in the Burned series. All the characters seem very real compared to other romance novels. They are all fast seemingly normal issues that people would have in real life. There were a lot of mixed reviews of this book, but I chose to read for myself before deciding based off reviews. It is mostly a typical sports romance but instead of football or hockey we have basketball. That sport I find not a lot of people write about. Would recommend if you want a sports romance.

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I don't know how Ravaged by Naima Simone only has about 500 ratings on goodreads. This book was incredibly new and fresh.

Ravaged is the 2nd book in the Burned, inc. series. It follows our main character Miriam and her best friend Jordan. Miriam and her siblings run a business called Burned, inc. that focuses on helping people breakup with their romantic interests who aren't so interesting anymore. Jordan is a star basketball player in the NBA.

Months ago, the two had a very passionate night but both swore it would never happen again. Of course, even though they've been friendly with each other since their wild night, both are still secretly pining for the other.

This story was honestly just such an honest and fresh take on the friends to lovers trope. With friends to lovers being my favorite trope, it is often hard to find one that lives up to my high expectations. But boy did this book live up and exceed those expectations. As far as the two main characters love and interest in one another, I was invested 100%.

The issue with some friends to lovers books is that there isn't a good enough reason for our two main characters to not admit their feelings for each other and be together. In Ravaged though, I was convinced with the reason. Miriam refuses to get involved with athletes romantically. She's been burned in the past before, (you see what i did there) and doesn't want anything to stand in the way of her and Jordan's relationship. This is something I can imagine stopping someone in real life from starting a relationship with their best friend.

The reason this only gets four stars from me is that the dialogue felt a little clunky and the slang that was added to the book was put in weird spots. Overall, I did enjoy the book. It is the perfect length for a romance like this and the pace was good, so it was a really fast read for me.

This book has really pushed Naima Simone further up on my TBR, now I want to read more of her backlist, especially the first in this series because it was so good!

I received a free virtual version of this book provided by Netgalley in exchange for a review. All opinions are honest and my own.

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A good friends to lovers story. Miriam and Jordan are best friends - except for one wild and amazing night. Miriam does not do athletes and of course refuses to loose her best friend so she “friend zones” Jordan. Jordan is determined to see her happy but also doesn’t want to give her up. Naima Simone writes a story with real issues and makes the characters feel so real. I will definitely be checking out her other books!

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Miriam and Jordan are best friends who slipped up in the past - as one does when you trip and fall into each other genitals - and though it was the seemingly most incredible experience, Miriam friend-zones Jordan because she doesn't want to ruin their friendship. And though Jordan is head-over heels in love with Miriam, he agrees because he would rather have her in his life any way he can get her.

I do love the premise - friends-to-lovers, a little bit unrequited love, both working from places of hurt, complicated histories of pain.... But I will admit that I hate the idea of the "friend-zone" - it's a myth!! No one is obligated to feel anything at any point! So that annoyed me, in general, However, I did enjoy Miriam's quirkiness and vibe and Jordan was sexy and I loved how much he cared for Miriam.

It was a fun, quick read - my first from this author. I am curious about Miriam's brother's story, as well as her friend Renae's.... so I might have to check those out next!

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Steamy, sweet, and everything I want in a contemporary romance, Ravaged gave me all the feels. As a black woman myself, the heroine feels so authentic and connected. I appreciated that most.

I received an ARC of this book, from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Apologies for the late notice, but I have decided not to review this title.

While I am certain it's obvious by now, I wanted to also clear this off NetGalley, so it's not showing as open for either of us.

I look forward to continuing to work with you in 2023 and beyond.


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Author Naima Simone is a master storyteller of super sweet and romantic stories. A sports romance and so much more, Ravaged writing, plot and dialogue is superb. Miriam and Jordan's journey from friendship to love was truly a roller coaster full of angst, emotion and passion. Loved this continuation of the Burned Inc. series. #Ravaged #NetGalley

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It was so good to read the HEA story of Miriam and Jordan. They had so much going on individually, but it was comforting to read them find their way (back) to each other. Waiting for a book about the brother, Levi- then each sibling’s story will be told. It’d also be nice to see Renae find love.

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Let me start off by saying that ordinarily, I love this author and her books. Normally I can get right into them and am sucked in right from the start. This one, it just didn't do it for me. The blurb made it sound so good, and I was so excited for it. And while the writing is still great-I didn't like Miriam at all. I just...I couldn't stand her!! There was just something extremely off putting about her to me, and while I finished the book-I doubt I would ever go back and reread it. It stinks, because like I said-I usually love this author's books. So I am really hoping it's just a 1 off for me with not liking the character.

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